Friday, March 11, 2011

A Higher Standard

Good timing is what the world relies upon when it comes to making important decisions; but we, as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, are held to a higher standard. All we have to do is look into the scriptures…there’s plenty of Godly instructions just waiting for us there.

For instance, check out Proverbs (especially the 16th chapter) and read,

“The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord”
“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”
“There is a way that seems right to man, but its end is the way of death.”
“Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established.”

I trust you can see a pattern developing in the teaching of the Word….God ordains the works of man and He has purposed a time, a place and an outcome. Surely,in many instances, man often does his best to thwart the will and purpose of God …but even at his best, he can only delay what God has set in motion…whether we like it or not…


In Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, God gives us His timetable, starting with this thought, “There is a time for everything…a season for every activity under heaven”…. And the list continues. Time to be born, to die, to reap, to sow, to weep, to laugh….to love and to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. But then, the writer continues to tell us that he has seen the business of God given to his children and he confesses that God has made it all… and He has made EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL IN ITS TIME.

Is this your time to be made beautiful in the Lord? Has he called you out and set you aside for a special task, an unforgettable mission or a time of reconciliation with others?

We are not called to wait on good timing…. but rather on GOD’S TIMING. So, if you’ve been making great plans, FANTASTIC! Just be sure that you are seeking God’s will and His perfect timing….. Anything less will prove to be hazardous to your spiritual health and can lead to a path of destruction.

One of my personal mantras that I wrote during our daughter’s battle with cancer at age 5 said this; “Waiting on God takes faith…Trusting in God takes patience….Persevering in God takes Life…one step at a time!!!

If you’re waiting on God…be patient and then, be persistent in your walk and He will provide all that you need …..AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME!

Good timing or God’s timing….the results will be determined by you choice…so choose wisely….like your future depends on it.

Walking the walk ….patiently waiting on Him,

Waiting on the Father
Is the perfect way;
To seek to do His will
Each and every day.

To walk where He would lead
Takes faith and so much more;
For at the proper time
God will open the right door.

WPQ @ March 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Testing the Father's Will....

Have you ever wrestled with a problem or had trouble dealing with making a decision that might change the course of your life? Well, if you’re still breathing, the answer is an emphatic YES!!!! And don’t look now, but, as you get older and, as some would deem, wiser….it still does not get any easier; especially if you are trying to walk in a Godly and forthright manner.

That’s why I love the story of Gideon.

Now, Gideon was the son of Joash the Abiezrite, one of the least of the clans in Manasseh and the weakest in his clan, when God’s angel appeared to him and proclaimed him to be a “mighty man of valor.” The angel shared how God had heard the cries of His people and was sending Gideon to “save Israel from the hand of the Midian.” After Gideon confirmed the revelation of God’s angel by having a meal he prepared for him totally consumed by fire, the plot began to thicken ….and poor Gideon was faced with some very difficult decisions.

God instructions led to the destruction of the altar to Baal and to the establishment of an altar to the God of Israel…which really riled up the locals and set the stage for battle. Gideon sent out the cry for warriors throughout Manasseh to come prepared to follow him into battle; yet, Gideon was still having second thoughts as to his role in God’s redemptive plan for Israel. So, he did the only thing he could think of …he put God to the test.

Then Gideon said to God, “If you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said, behold I am laying a fleece of wool on the threshing floor. If there is dew on the fleece alone and it is dry on all the ground, then I shall know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said.” And it was so. When he arose early the next morning and squeezed the fleece, he wrung enough dew from the fleece to fill a bowl with water.”

Now, I don’t know about you, but that would have been all the confirmation I needed to move out to accomplish the goals that God had set before me….at least, I hope that would get me moving. But, I am probably more like Gideon than I would care to admit.

“Then Gideon said to God, “Let not your anger burn against me; let me speak just once more. Please let me test just once more with the fleece. Please let it be dry on the fleece only and on all the ground let there be dew. And God did so that night; and it was dry on the fleece only, and on all the ground there was dew.” Judges6:36-40

Gideon had his answer because he was not afraid to ask. Too often, we come to some cross road in our life and we need heavenly guidance to assure that we are making the right choice … we want to confirm that God is going with us or that He has called us to this time of decision….but, we freeze and in fear, we simply don’t put God’s will to the test.

There have been many times in my life that I have used Gideon’s approach to come to a major decision and in each circumstance, God has been FAITHFUL!

You see, God wants us to ask for his guidance, direction, confirmation and especially, His blessings on the activities and choices that make up our life. After all, we are here for His purpose and though we are not robots, we are made to be happy when we do the Father’s will and accomplish the tasks He has ordained.

So, the next time you come to a time of consternation regarding a life choice or there looms on the horizon a battle that God has called you to fight…pull a Gideon and fleece the Lord.

Go ahead ….God’s up for the challenge …He won’t hold your anxiety against you… only the fear of failing to ask will keep you paralyzed from making a godly decision.

It worked for Gideon…it will work for you!!!

Moving forward in faith…thankful for His answers,


Times of questions, seasons of doubt;
We bow in prayer to figure out.
Where He leads and how to follow;
Lingering doubts, leave us hollow.

But God requires if we want to receive
We trust in Him and truly believe;
He shall supply for every task
If we are willing to seek and to ask.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Learnings of A Lifetime

I’m so glad that our Heavenly Father created laughter…in fact, in Proverbs 17:22, it says, “A JOYFUL HEART IS GOOD MEDICINE.” So, today, grab a spoon and take a big dose of laughter (or at least a little chuckle) with these treasures of things I’ve learned

I’ve learned that life is like a roll of toilet paper…the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.

I’ve learned that bananas are great food for the elderly ….they taste the same going either way.

I’ve learned that love…not time, heals all wounds.

I’ve learned that my memory is not as good as it once was…but sometimes, it’s as good once as it ever was.

I’ve learned that my Dad was smarter than I ever gave him credit for…and I’m so thankful I got to tell him that before he went home to be with the Lord.

I’ve learned that you should always keep your words soft and tender…they’re a lot easier to swallow that way.

I’ve learned that in every missed opportunity….someone else was just waiting for theirs to come along.

I’ve learned to smile and smile often….it always increases my face value.

I’ve learned that no one is perfect…until they become the love of your life.

I’ve learned that memories are like my hair….fleeting, but worth holding on to as many as I can.

I’ve learned that to ignore the facts….doesn’t change the facts.

I’ve learned that when you harbor resentment or anger….happiness never makes your heart its port-of-call.

I’ve learned that it’s better to be a lover than a fighter…..the boxers are shorter and easier to get in and out of.

But most of all, I’ve learned to be thankful that God doesn’t give us everything we ask for…..after all, we are not really as smart as we think we are; and besides, waiting gives us something to hope for ….and HOPE and LAUGHTER are two of our greatest weapon in our arsenal as we battle the Evil One.

Make today a day filled with LOVE…. LAUGHTER….and HOPE for and with the ones you love….

Blessed and Believing,

A life that’s filled with laughter
And smiles throughout the day
Is a life that God will honor
And bless along life’s way

For a heart that always rejoices
Is one filled with His love
And it’s filled to overflowing
From God’s abundant storehouse above

March 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

From Meager Means

I am sure that if you are anything like me, you often get caught up in stories of those that started from meager means and made a fortune. I mean, it’s only natural that we are attracted to those that have done well; besides, who doesn’t like the real-life drama of a true rags to riches story.

But life is more than riches ….life is about using all that God has gifted you with so that you can make an eternal difference. The one truth that no one escapes is that death comes to us all…so we need to make the most of the time that we have been given and the talents that have been entrusted to each of us.

Now, if you are like me, it is easy to look around and find others that have so much to offer, all the while, discounting the talents given to you. But from meager means much can be accomplished when placed in the Savior’s hands. Case in point, the feeding of the five thousand….John 6: 5-9 reads, “When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do. Philip answered him, “It would take more than half a year’s wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!” Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”

Jesus was faced with meager means and the perplexed disposition of his disciples, but He already knew the outcome of what would happen next. He had the disciples seat the multitude and then he took the small lunch of this young boy; he blessed it and gave thanks; them he began to break it and distribute to the hungry crowd…. EVERYONE WAS FEED AND THERE WAS TWELVE BASKETS OF LEFTOVERS TAKEN UP FROM THE FRAGMENTS REMAINING.

God works the same way in the lives of each of us…consider the Sunday school teacher from Boston, Edward Kimball, who went to visit a young man from his class to be sure that he was a Christian…that young man who he led to the Lord that day was Dwight L. Moody, the great evangelist of the 19th century. Moody had a direct impact on Wilbur Chapman, a prominent evangelist that recruited Billy Sunday to join him in his evangelistic ministry. In a short time, Billy Sunday was led by God to start a national campaign that had great results in cities like Charlotte. It was there in Charlotte that an organization was formed in direct results of Sunday’s revival. This group invited Mordecai Ham to speak at one of their revival services and in that crowd that evening was a young teenage boy named Billy Graham. Billy Graham accepted Christ that evening; and since that evening, God has used this man to lead millions to the life-saving knowledge of Jesus.

Meager means when placed in the Lord’s hands equals INCALCUABLE RESULTS.

So, remember in those times that you seem to think that you have little to offer the Lord …God honors the faithfulness of his children ….give Him the “small things” that you consider insignificant and be prepared to see Him manifest His glory and accomplish His purpose through you.

Living For Him in Meager Means,


Friday, March 4, 2011

Seek Him to Find Favor

My question for each of us today is quite simple….have you found favor in the eyes of the Lord?

In Genesis, the sixth chapter, we find 10 little words that set the entire tone of this great and mighty chapter regarding his servant, Noah; however, to get all of the “goodness’ that God wants us to glean, we have to begin at verse 5…

The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth and His heart was filled with pain. So, the Lord said, “I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth- men and animals, creatures that move along the ground and the birds of the air-for I am grieved that I made them.” But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.”

The Lord’s heart was broken! His wonderful, majestic and awesome creation was totally and devastatingly broken …and God’s only recourse was to start over by destroying all He had made. In the beginning, all that God had created He pronounced as” GOOD;” but now, it was all rubbish, set to be destroyed by the Great Flood….except for one man, NOAH.

For Noah had found favor in the eyes of the Lord, but just what does that mean… To find FAVOR?

Our dictionary would define favor as approval, esteem, preferentiality or preference….to hold someone in a special place of honor …and when God looked upon Noah, His heart was blessed because of what he saw in the life of Noah. Let’s read on…

“Noah was a righteous man, BLAMELESS AMONG THE PEOPLE of his time, AND HE WALKED WITH GOD.” (MY EMPHASIS) Genesis 6:9

As the eyes of the Lord had watched the life of Noah, God was pleased with what He saw and He bestowed His favor on this man and his family. Why? Because Noah lived to please God, not men….he walked daily upon the continuous path of commitment to God in worship and obedience.

How do we know this? Well, just read the rest of the story and you will see that at every turn, Noah followed the commands of the Lord and did exactly what was required of him. Thus, God established His covenant with Noah and his family to keep them safe and to be the seed to replenish His earth.

How about you ….have you found favor in the eyes of the Lord?

God’s eyes are searching and seeking to find those that will be blameless among the people of their time…those who will walk steadfastly with their God….seeking those upon whom He might bestow His favor. His eyes are upon you and the only question that remains….will you find favor this day in the eyes of the Lord or will His eyes turn away because of the sin and disobedience He sees?

Copy the life of this great man of God ….Be obedient and walk in the path of daily communion with the Father and you too will know the favor of the Lord…; bless the heart of God as He sees the beauty in a life that is committed to Him.

Seeking His Face….Under His Watchful Eye,


The eyes of the Lord travel to and fro
Seeking to find someone;
Upon whom he might bestow
Blessings for a life well done.

So give Him your love and obedience
And each morning when you arise;
Plan to live this day for Him
To find favor in His eyes.

March 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Asking Why?

I just finished reading one of the poems from our little book, BENT…but not BROKEN! and I can hardly believe that it has been 14 years since that horrendous childhood cancer wrecked our daughter Alyson’s life. We are so blessed to have a beautiful, healthy and happy teenager (I know that seems like an oxymoron). I also read another article today about a family that had lost their son in a horrible accident and I found in that headline the same question that I remembering asking when cancer threatened to take the life of our little 5-year old….WHY HER …..WHY US?

It seems that whenever life’s trials and tribulations confront us, whether we are faithful Christians or not, the first question we ask is “Why me, Lord, why me?” It’s almost like we are expecting that all the bad, terrible, horrendous outcomes in the world should somehow happen to someone else…particularly those “sinners” that are lost and without hope. I know when the cancer hit, I felt that way. But then, I remember a scripture that God lead me to in the first days of our year long ordeal; one that deals with our suffering in Philippians 1:29 that read, “For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for His sake.”

I must admit, I reeaaallly struggled with this; the thought that it had been granted to me and my family that we should suffer. But, the Lord taught me daily the lesson that to believe in Him made it necessary that I be prepared to suffer for His sake….and suffer we did; but God was ever at our side. His daily provision and care kept us focused on getting beyond the pain and the suffering that we were enduring. As we watched our brave little girl battle an enemy that was determined to win, we held tightly to this one thought…. OUR GOD WAS GREATER THAN WHAT LAY BEFORE US….

And our God always is……

Greater than the disease you have; greater than the bills you owe; greater than the loss of a precious loved one; greater than ANYTHING that Satan may bring against you. For you have been granted to suffer for Christ …FOR HE SUFFERED FOR YOU!!!!! Don’t try to run and hide or dodge this time of suffering. God is at work and although the outlook may not be good…..the UPLOOK is always perfect!

So, believe in Christ today and let His love be sufficient for all the pains and suffering that you are enduring. I know that you will still ask WHY, I did; but that’s okay…..GOD KNOWS WHY….and He’s only got your VERY BEST at the heart of His heart.

Remember, when you can't see the hand of God at work, that's okay...for you can ALWAYS TRUST HIS HEART....He is working everything out for you good!!!!!!

Suffering together...Honoring Jesus,

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Few Good Words

A couple of nights ago, I was watching a rerun of Frasier, a popular TV show of a decade ago. In this particular episode, Frasier had been to the emergency room, but left before being seen. As soon as he left, his name was called….when no one spoke up, another man said that he was Frasier and stepped in to take his place in the ER system. The man died and it was recorded that the eminent radio personality, Frasier Crane had died.

Frasier saw his death announced on TV and before he could make the necessary calls to squash this horrid story, the morning newspaper had printed his obituary. He sat down at the breakfast table and with his morning coffee; he read what seemed to be his life’s story in a few simple lines on page 14 E….buried deep in the part of the paper that no one reads. He was TOTALLY devastated that his years of seeming accomplishments had been reduced to a few run on sentences. He vowed then to begin to do ALL those things that he had promised himself in his days of youth he would accomplish….

Well, the whole thing got me thinking about a scripture that I had read just a few days before during my QT…..when I, too, began to question what others might have to say about the life that I have lived.

Paul, in his stirring letter to the Galatians, is sharing his testimony with the church at Galatia. He is telling them of his call to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, about his visit to Jerusalem to meet with Peter and the others and of his evangelism in the regions of Syria and Cilicia; however, it is the last three verses in chapter one that struck my heartstrings, “And I was still unknown in person to the churches in Judea that are in Christ. They only were hearing it said, “He who used to persecute us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.” AND THEY GLORIFIED GOD BECAUSE OF ME!”(My emphasis)

That is what I want to have printed in the paper…written on a headstone …spoken from the pulpit at my funeral….They glorified the Father because of me!

Now, there may not be a line of folks waiting to say “a few good words” or there may not be a packed house when I’ve gone home to meet my Lord…but my prayer will be that those that knew me well will give glory to God for the life I lived before them.

What about you? What will your obituary say about the life that you’ve lived? How will those that loved you remember the days you spent among them? What will your epitaph be….Glad that He’s gone…or….Heaven’s a richer place now that He’s home?

The choice really is yours….you decide how you want to live for Jesus? Quietly in the shadows or in the forefront of ministry to those in need….Live today for Jesus…have no regrets tomorrow!!!!

Blessed beyond measure…living for the glory of the Father,