Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Currency of Heaven

It was some years ago now, while living in the Upstate of South Carolina, I drove over to our  local WalMart to pick up a few things. I parked the car at the far end of the parking lot as is my ritual (helps cut down on the number of dings in the car door) and began the long trek in from what seems like the outskirts of Travelers Rest.

Upon arriving at the front door, I realized that I had left home without my money clip. So, there I stood with shopping list in hand and NO MONEY.  Now, being an intelligent man, I was faced with two choices….try and purchase my items with my handsome, rugged good looks or return home and get my money…. So I did the prudent and rational thing; I turned and started the arduous journey back to my car.

You see, I know, as do you that WalMart deals in the currency of our country…the good old U.S. dollar; therefore, if I planned to leave the store with the items on my list, I would have to give them the required amount of currency for my purchases.

Heaven works a lot like this…if we want our loving and gracious Heavenly Father to provide us with our needs; answer the longings and pleadings of our heart; keep us safe and in the center of His will, we must use the currency of heaven to approach the throne of our Savior and Redeemer…the currency of FAITH.

God’s Holy word gives us instruction in this matter in Hebrews as we read, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. For without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Hebrews 11:1-2, 6

We may think we know exactly what we need and we may approach God with all sincerity and reverence; but if we come to Him without faith, it’s like showing up at Wal-Mart without your money….and the results will probably be the same….NO FAITH….NO ANSWERED PRAYER.

Faith tells us that what we can not see is about to happen…and through the eyes of faith; we can see the evidence of God at work in His universe. By this, we can know that He is also at work in the life of anyone who believes and puts their faith in Him. Our conviction and assurance is manifested in our belief that God honors those who honor and adore Him. The accompanying scripture in Hebrews 11 tells us that God honored Noah… who though he lived in an arid desert and had probably never seen rain, in holy fear and empowered faith; he built an ark to save his family from the coming flood. By his faith, Noah condemned the world and he became an heir of righteousness that comes by faith.

To please God we need one critical element….FAITH…. it is a two-fold faith that tells us in our heart of hearts that He exists and if we diligently seek Him and His will, He is a God who rewards. Without such faith, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE GOD….and it is impossible to receive the blessings and loving care that God so graciously seeks to bestow on His children.

How’s the balance of your heavenly checkbook ….is it filled to overflowing in the currency of heaven, FAITH…or is the balance in the red? How much faith do you need to bring your account balance back into “good standing”?  That's a question that bears asking every day....

Seeking to Please Him…..Faithfully Serving,


On God's Way…

The Bible is God’s headlights
To light the unseen way;
We need not know the destination
But just trust Him for today.

For when we put our faith in Him
His plans for us are sure;
To live a life in Him complete
Righteous …holy…..pure.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Is It Time for a U-Turn?

In the last two cars I have owned, I've had this incredible onboard GPS that gives me directions to where I want to go...I just but in the destination address, listen and follow the onboard prompts and magically end up at my final destination. However, there have been times when I have not been paying attention  or traffic patterns interrupted my ability to follow those directions; it's then I have heard, "In .2 miles, make a legal U-turn!"

I can relate to this command because the same thing happens in my daily walk with my Lord. I have read my Bible and understand what God would have me do; how I should live my life; the places I should go; the people I should associate with and the way I should conduct my affairs in the marketplace.

But likewise, when I am not focused on God's will or just let the ebb and flow of life get the best of me, I find that I have gotten off course and need to make a U-turn...and that U-turn usually requires that I ask for forgiveness, repent and then set a new course.

It is good to know that God is in the business of forgiveness and just like the GPS in my car, He will whisper (or shout when needed), "You are going the wrong way; you need to make a Heavenly U-turn."

We know that God send His son, Jesus, to call the world to repentance and through His shed blood to pay the debt for our sin. Knowing and believing this calls for us to repent of our sins, trust in Him for our salvation and then begin our new life in Christ, walking in a new direction with Him as our guide...and that decision is a one-time, life altering decision...once made, we are eternally His.

But when it comes to our daily walk in His presence, well, that is a daily decision that prompts us to program our GPS to our final destination of Heaven and to walk in the grace, love and mercy that has been shown to us through the sacrifice of our Savior. We may begin each day with the purposeful intent to go where God leads; however, often we get off course and need to make that Heavenly directed U-turn to get back on course so that our lives reflect who we love and who we serve.

So today make the commitment to spend time in God's Holy Word; share counsel with those in need; receive instructions or corrections from a godly mentor or just listen for the still, small voice of God to whisper His instructions for the day ahead...trust in your GPS and know that God will take you to where He wants you to go...and if you find yourself off course, be ready to make a U-turn...being in the will of God....THERE'S NO BETTER PLACE TO BE!!!!

Trusting God's GPS....Heading toward home,


Monday, March 13, 2017

Running All Alone

There’s the story of the small business owner that took a walk through his factory and was well pleased… until he happened upon a younger chap standing idly on the loading dock. He huffed up to the young man and opening his wallet, handed him a hundred dollar bill and said, “Here, go spend your time some where else.” Somewhat puzzled,
the young man stared at the owner, then took the money and left. Turning to the shop foreman, the owner asked, “How long has that guy been working for us?” Came the reply, “He doesn’t work for us; he was Joe’s ride home.”

Things are not always as they seem. Even the mirror on the passenger side of our car warns us that objects may be closer than they appear. Perception is not always reality. In fact, it is often far from it.....

Take Noah…..his neighbors perceived that he was a nut….building an ark when there was no visible sign of water; however, their perception changed when the raindrops got big. Likewise, the children of Israel believed that all was lost as they stood on the banks of the Red Sea with the entire Egyptian army bearing down on them; however, their perception of doom changed to joy as the Lord parted the sea and they made their way across on dry land.

But my favorite change in perception was in the mighty prophet, Elijah, who had just defeated the prophets of Baal and was now in hot retreat from Jezebel and her oath to see him killed. In 1 Kings 9:14, we read, “I have been very jealous for the Lord, the God of hosts. For the people of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and killed your prophets with the sword, and I, EVEN I ONLY, am left and they seek my life, to take it away.” Elijah, this great man of God, was the ONLY ONE LEFT to stand up for God in all of Israel...at least that was his perception. But, in verse 18 we hear God say, “Yet I will leave seven thousand in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed down to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him.”

What seemed to be was not….God was already at work to protect Elijah from death, but moreover, He was raising up a multitude of others ready, willing and able to worship the Lord of Israel. He was not alone. His perception was NOT reality.

Next time it seems that everything and everyone seems to be against you, remember this story of Elijah…your God is already at work, often behind the scenes, changing the circumstances, altering the status quo.... working to change the outcome for your good and His Glory.

Remember, you are never alone, for God is your Rock and your Salvation. Why not live that way today, so that there might be NO misconception of those that see you serving a Risen Savior….after all, the perception of the Father will be seen through the eyes of the world by what they see in YOU!

Be strong and serve well…others are watching,


Saturday, March 4, 2017

Learning to Abide in Him...
In my church, I am proud and humbled to lead a fantastic group of people each Sunday morning in Bible study. We gather together to see what God has in store as we open His Word and share what we glean as we pour over the Scriptures and our other printed materials. In the past few months we have been studying the book entitled, The Secrets of the Vine, by Dr. Bruce Wilkerson.

What we have studied cannot be condensed in a few short sentences, but as promised in yesterday's blog, I wanted you to return to find the "secret" for trusting in God...and it comes from the 15th chapter of John, verse 5 which reads, " I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me."  And there you have it....the secret to trusting God is to abide in Him; in other words, truly get to know Him; what He is and is not; what He can and will or will not do; truly get to know the awesome God you serve.

Getting to know God has several principles that we must adhere to if we are serious about trusting  Him with our heart and our life. The first principle is really quite simple; it is one that we can and do apply in our other life relationships that have meaning and are important to us...

To break through to abiding,  you must deepen the quality of the devoted time you spend with God. If you are married, think about the time you spent courting your spouse; getting ready to go on a date; talking into the wee hours of the night....all for one purpose....to get to know more intimately the one with whom you were falling in love. The same is true for our "love affair" with Jesus...we need to spend quality as well as quantity time with our Lord...and to do that we must adopt principle #2....

Set apart the kind of time that will build relationship. I know a number of folks like to read their Bible right before bedtime, then slip under the covers and fall asleep; however, I don't know of anyone who has deepened their relationship with their Heavenly Father by reading a few verses of Scriptures, mumbling a few words in prayer and then going to sleep. To really get to know God, you must set aside a significant time and a private place where you and God can commune without interruption. When you courted your spouse, you set aside time to be alone together, away from the cares and distractions of the world so that you could get to know each other and deepen the love that was growing in your heart...the same is true if you really want to abide in Him that gave His life to demonstrate His love for you.

The 3rd principle is really pretty simple...Savor God's words to you. When you read God's word, pour over what you have read and give the Holy Spirit time to do his work with you and in you as you ingest the Holy Scriptures...treat it like food for your soul that without it, you would perish and die...for most of us that is a new way to think of reading our Bibles.

Principle 4 tells us to....Talk and listen to a Person....Yes, God is HOLY, MAGNIFICENT, OMNIPRESENT and a host of other superlatives that we could use to describe HIM....but He is more than all those things. He is your FATHER and He cares for you...so talk to him as you would your earthly father and tell him your hopes, your fears, your cares, your disappointments and then be prepared to be still and listen for His answers. He is willing and able to share His insights; so if you plan to seek Him, don't stop until you find Him.

The last principle is one that many of us(including myself) struggle with...Keep a written record of what God is doing in your life. This should be a spiritual journal of your journey with God, not a daily list of the highs or lows that you may have encountered. Be as intimate in sharing your feelings with your Heavenly Father as you can be; after all, He knows your every thought anyway!

Remember this, principles or disciplines are only as good as the amount of practice one puts in to them...so if you truly want to know God more and be able to trust Him in ALL THINGS, these principles take devotion and work...but the rewards far outweigh the effort!

Get to know the ONE that gave His life for you and as you grow in grace and devotion, you will see God do incredible things in your life and in the lives that you come in contact with on a daily basis...stay in Him...ABIDE IN HIM TO BE MORE LIKE HIM and see the world change right before your eyes.

Blessed Beyond Measure....Abiding in Him,


Friday, March 3, 2017

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms....

One of my favorite people that I got to hang out with as a young teenager was my Minister of Education at my church. His name was Jack Robinson and he made a "forever" impression on my young soul that shaped me as a man that would pursue God and hear the call to become a preacher. In fact, when I was ordained to preach at the tender age of 16, Jack gave me a Bible with a note that said, "If you want to live and work for God, always follow the teaching and admonishment found in Proverbs 3: 5-7...make this your lifeline and God will never let you down." That verse reads as follows: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight."

This verse has been an anchor for me throughout my life. Whenever I have faced a problem that seemed insurmountable; struggled with a decision that had life changing implications or been tossed back and forth between doing "my" thing over "God's" thing, I have called to mind this verse and been reminded that I am not in this life alone. I have a Heavenly Father that loves me, redeemed me and is acutely aware of all that may be coming against me...and if I will but acknowledge His Lordship over me, I will not have to face life and its many and various challenges alone.

But the first step on that road to letting God have His way with me is to TRUST IN HIM WITH ALL MY HEART. I fear that for too many of us, we have forgotten, or perhaps have never truly learned to trust in God...and that is often fueled because we have lost the ability to trust those around us.
Our politicians tell us one thing, then do another; a husband cheats on his wife with another woman; a employee embezzles from their employer and hides this grievous wrong for years...and the list goes on and on. It is often no wonder we find ourselves reluctant to trust others around us and we transfer those feelings of mistrust to our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

But here's the good, no make that GREAT NEWS... GOD is TOTALLY TRUSTWORTY...so much so that you can trust Him with your most precious possession...YOUR HEART.

Here's what I have learned over my years as a follower of Jesus Christ....The life I want for me falls infinitely short of the wonderfully abundant life that God wants me to have. The problem arises when I believe that I know better than my Heavenly Father. The great evangelist and orator, Dwight L. Moody said it best; "Let God have your life; He can do more with it than you ever can."

So how do we surrender to our Heavenly Father so that He can use us as He sees fit and provide us with the abundant life that we all want to live? Well, come back tomorrow and lets discover the "secret" for trusting in God so that His will may be done in our lives and we can be joyful in all things.

Trusting in the One who is FOREVER TRUSTWORTHY...Leaning on the Everlasting Arms,


Poem for the day:

Don’t spend your life in grumbling
Seeing everything as grim…
Just place your trust in Jesus
Spend your life in praise to Him.

For when you trust in Jesus
Every day right from the start.
He will direct your every step
And will always guard your heart!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


It wasn't too long ago that one of the young women in my wife’s office announced that she was expecting her first born and thus, the ever challenging quest to come up with just the “perfect name" had begun.  After all, a name captures all the hopes, dreams and wishes that we, as parents, hold for our precious bundles of joy. Each name brings with it the expectation of the uniqueness of that individual ….even if its one that has been passed down from generation to generation.

The same can be said for our Heavenly Father….for God goes by many names; each with a special meaning. “Yahweh” means Almighty God, “Abba” means Father God, “Jesua” or “Jesus” means Jesus saves; and in each name that describes the almighty, omnipotent, omnipresent God of the universe, there is one quality of that name that has the most meaning for each of us…it is all that is needed to be saved. The Scriptures are resplendent with direction to call on, to trust in, to abide in, to worship, to glorify, to comfort in the name of the Lord.
All things in heaven and earth point to one inescapable fact…the name of the Lord has the power to save. In Romans 10:13 ESV scriptures says, “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” It is this very verse that separates us as Christians from all other faiths and reminds us of the power that is in the name of Yahweh.

King David learned this as a lowly shepherd boy and wrote continually about his deliverance from his enemies by trusting and calling on the name of the Lord. In Psalms 20:7 ESV, he wrote, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Throughout Scripture we see how God saved and restored his people when they turned from their wicked ways and called on the name of the Lord. And Jesus, the precious Son of God, whose name is above every other name, continues to instruct us through his Holy Word to trust in and to ask all things in his precious name.

So that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:10-11

What’s in a name…….in the name of Jesus...EVERYTHING!!!!!!
Speaking the name of Jesus…Boldly and in Love,
Thought for the day:
Living in this world make bring you great acclaim,
But what really matters most is what's done in Jesus name.
So plant your tiny seed of faith in the Father's Holy sod
And your name will be remembered  for your service to your God.