Friday, June 27, 2008

Called Back From Glory

Recently, while teaching my Sunday school class regarding the resurrection of Lazarus, I came across that verse from John; you know the shortest verse in the Bible, “Jesus wept.” (John 11:35). We talked fervently about how this demonstrated the humanity of Jesus, how He had lost one of his closest friends, suddenly and tragically. We read how He put off going to see Lazarus and healing him prior to death, just so God the Heavenly Father might receive greater glory through the obedience of His Son. We felt the pain and loss that Jesus felt as he talked with the sisters, Martha and Mary. We understood the feelings of remorse and loss for words that often are prevalent in this type of situation….could He have done more; what could He say to ease their suffering; how could He make this better? All these emotions, struggling to break free and express the deep sorrow and anguish that welled up in this carpenter from Galilee ….. It’s no wonder that Jesus wept.

But upon closer examination, maybe there’s more to this little verse that reveals the divinity of our Lord. Scripture says. “When Jesus saw her weeping, and those with her, he was deeply moved in His spirit and greatly troubled. And he said, Where have you laid him? They said to him, Lord, come and see. JESUS WEPT!” (John 11:33-35)

Jesus was in route to the tomb when He began to weep, his spirit was deeply troubled because He knew what was about to happen. He was going to pray to the Father to return Lazarus to earth ….his friend, who at that very moment had been in the very bosom of the Father for four days, was about to be called back from glory. Jesus knew exactly what that meant. Lazarus had come to know His Savior as his closest, most personal friend and in his death, he had gone home to glory…..and Jesus knew GLORY!!!!! He was the Creator and He, himself, had taken on the garment of mankind and had come to earth from His Heavenly Father. Now, His prayer would petition the Father to return Lazarus to this sinful, wretched world …to give up what we each long so desperately to acquire…our home in heaven. To me, it is no small wonder that Jesus wept….He alone knew what Lazarus was about to forfeit when God answered His prayer. Those tears that fell from the face of God wanted to leave Lazarus at peace; fulfilled and save in the arms of God; but, Jesus knew that this miracle would lead many to faith in Him. And so He did what was required ….He called Lazarus back from GLORY…..and He wept!

Blessed and Believing,

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sign of the Times

Signs are every where these days and you can’t always believe what you read. Check out the following examples:




Notice in a health food shop window: CLOSED DUE TO ILLNESS!

Spotted in a Safari park: ELEPHANTS PLEASE STAY IN YOUR CAR!


On a repair shop window: WE CAN REPAIR ANYTHING!!! (Please knock hard on the door- the bell doesn’t work).

Signs, signs and more signs ….they are everywhere; cluttering up the roadsides with their messages to eat here, buy this or that and go here or there for a better deal. We are bombarded with signs that too often are set before us just to lead us down the wrong path; a path that leads to destruction. Yes, our adversary, the Devil, wants us to heed the signs and to do what they request, even if they don’t seem to make perfect sense. He tells us that just a little of this will be okay or we can compromise our values in this particular situation since its not really going to harm anyone or lie after lie after lie. And before we know it, we have lost our way because we paid attention to the wrong signs.

God’s word has something to say about signs. In Deuteronomy 6:5-9, God says to love Him with all our heart, body mind and soul and to take this command to heart. Then He says, “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets before your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” So whether we are coming or going, there should be a sign for all to see that we belong to HIM.

Do you have his word written on your heart? What sign hangs on your doorpost or your gate that reminds you and tells others that you serve a risen Lord? What signs are you heeding in your daily walk with Jesus…and maybe even more importantly, is your life a sign of what God can and will do when someone surrenders completely to Him? I just thought we should think about this today and determine to be a sign of the times…..that Jesus died to set men free and one day…very, very soon, He’s coming back to take us home before the Great Tribulation. Now, that’s one sign I can’t wait to see!

Signing off ….Blessed Beyond Measure,

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Writer's Tools

Each artist has different mediums or venues in which they like to work. For some, it's the acrylics and oils that bring out their true talents; while others prefer watercolors or charcoal etchings to best diplay their eye for the visual side of life. Whatever their choice, they are most comfortable and complete when they are using their talents and expressing themselves with the medium that best allows them to share their vision with the world.

The same is true for the written word, although the different "mediums" may not be as numerous. As one who likes to paint his version of the world as he sees it ....using the written word.... I have always felt most comfortable and complete when writing poetry. It must be something in the rhythm and rhyme that moves me and releases my inner self in expression. Whatever it is, I have found little reason to question it, but prefer to get lost in the thoughts that have been laid on my heart and in letting those thoughts take flight. I have probably written over 2,000 poems of all types, versions, kinds, subjects and sizes in my lifetime and I hope and pray that I still have something to say through this "medium". It is for that reason that I have penned this introduction to what will quite often be my thought for the day....A POEM TO DWELL UPON.

I trust that you will be Blessed and in believing,you will know Him better, you will seek His face and you will walk in His way.

A Poem To Dwell Upon

The Master was seeking a vessel to use
With so many before Him, which would He choose?
Tall ones and short ones, thin ones and stout
Shiny and polished ….gleaming without.

“Take me” cried the gold one, “I’m sure you can see;
Of all of the vessels, the best one is me.”
“My luster is gorgeous; I outshine all the rest;
Surely, dear Master, for you gold is best!”

But, the Master passed on, spoke no word at all
To look at a vessel that was slender and tall.
The lines were so graceful, yet simple and true;
But this vessel of silver just wouldn’t do.

He came to a vessel that was made out of brass.
It was well made, but shallow and though polished like glass;
It was clearly quite evident that for all of its luster
This gleaming vessel would never pass muster.

Then, He came to where a great vessel stood,
Solid, majestic and hand carved from fine wood;
“Oh, give me a try” was this vessel’s request,
But the Master knew it would not pass the test.

Then, there before the Master, it lay on the floor
A broken clay pot of value no more
“Oh, this is the vessel I want to make mine,
One I can mend and thus make it divine.”

“For I don’t need a vessel with pride in itself
Or one made of silver to sit on my shelf;
Nor one that is polished, nor one that is fine,
I need a vessel that I can call mine!”

So gently He lifted that vessel so broken
And with His kind words, so tenderly spoken;
He mended and cleansed that broken vessel of clay
And lovingly filled it with His Spirit that day.

Then He said to the vessel, “There’s so much to do,”
“Just pour out to others as I pour into you.”
“For though you were broken, you’re the vessel I choose”
“Now and forever …..You’ll be the vessel I use.”


Tuesday, June 24, 2008


These past two summers, here across the South, have been brutal when it comes to the drought conditions that have beset us. In fact, it’s made me do something I have never done before in my adult life…..water the grass and surrounding plants in my yard. Why just the other morning, I was out at the crack of dawn to perform my new ritual, when this great BIG BLACK BUG (or wasp or mutant bumblebee) altered its flight plan and made a straight beeline (no pun intended) for me. Well, I did the only manly thing I could do…I switched the nozzle on the water hose to JET and shot that sucker right out of the air before it collided with my forehead ( I’m sure it would have left a mark). It plummeted to the grass, but I could tell it was only deterred, stunned or dazed, but definitely not ready to give up the fight; so, I sprayed even more water on it to make sure it would stay down. After about 40 seconds of watering the grass in that “special” spot, I once again turned my attention to the rest of the yard. After several minutes, I made my way back to that area of conflict and found that bug struggling to climb out of that wet grass and get airborne. Well, you just got to admire that kind of perseverance!

And I do….in fact, one of my favorite scriptures in James 1:2-4 says” Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know the testing of your faith develops PERSEVERANCE. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete….not lacking anything.”

Yep, that big black bug reminded me that I never know from day to day or moment to moment what trial or problem or persecution is headed my way. I may be off to do my thing, minding my own business, when trouble rears its ugly head; but God’s word tells me to count it all joy when those trials come my way so that I can persevere and be COMPLETE….LACKING NOTHING!!!!

I trust that today you are ready to be tested and to be found complete in the grace and love that our Heavenly Father bestows on each of us. Be like that BIG BLACK BUG and don’t let a little water (or heartbreak or disappointment or catastrophe) keep you from getting airborne and becoming all that God has ordained for you to be.

If your not sure how to get that done, read the rest of James 1…..there’s a lot of God’s instruction just waiting for you….Have a Blessed Day as you persevere for the Father.

Blessed and Believing,

Saturday, June 21, 2008


David, the great King of Israel and a man after God’s own heart, knew the secret to a lasting and fulfilling relationship with our Creator. His life was filled with action and adventure, wars and conquest, money and fame; in fact, this list could go on for days on end and I could not describe all the turmoil and tumultuous activity that characterized the life of this great Biblical hero. In his book of Psalms, we find that so many of David’s songs of praise center on the theme of coming to a quiet place to spend time with the great and mighty Jehovah God.

In Psalm 46:10, in eight simple life-changing, life giving words, David gives each of us the secret to a life fulfilled in relationship with our Heavenly Father….” BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.” I have read and quoted this verse literally thousands of times in my Christian walk, but it wasn’t until recently that I noticed the comma (,). Be still ,!
But, there it is ….we are to be still, to pause, to think, to contemplate, to meditate… come to the stark realization that GOD is GOD. He is sovereign, in charge, in complete control and nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAS EVER CAUGHT HIM BY SURPRISE!!!!!

And yet, if we are to know Him, we MUST be still. We must cast out all the cares and concerns of this world, the things that drag us now and keep our focus from thinking about Him. Until we learn to do that;: to be still and to think about Him, what He wants and what pleases Him, we can not get to the best part of the scripture….what comes after the comma.

God wants to impart the knowledge of Him to each of us …to have that personal, first-name basis that we each desire. And He’s waiting for us to do just one thing, BE STILL!!!!! If we will take the time to do as David did and “lie down in green pastures, beside the still waters” and in those quiet moments, be still…we will know the one true God who has manifested himself in His Son, Jesus Christ... We will know Him and we will be known by Him.

I trust that today you know him as confidant, Savior and friend…if not, just be still! He’s waiting for you to know Him…intimately and eternally.

If you don’t know Him, I’ll be happy to make the introduction.

Blessed and Believing,
W. Patrick Queen

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


As I begin to think about a thought to share today, I was reminded of the little boy that was skipping merrily across the open meadow when he came face to face with a great, big black bull. He took one look at the size of that bull and he turned to run as fast as his tiny legs would carry him….and of course, the bull began to give chase. The faster he tried to run, the closer the bull seemed to get, gaining ground with every step. He saw that the fence was still a considerable way off….and then he remembered something his dear sweet grandma told him to do if he was ever in a tight spot…..PRAY AND PRAY HARD! So with that bull just inches from solid contact on the seat of his britches, he prayed the only prayer he knew….”Dear Heavenly Father, please make me thankful for the blessing I’m about to receive.”

Just recently, we set aside a special day in our great land to celebrate the first Thursday in May as the NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER….a day to remember to pray and pray earnestly for this great nation and the tight spot we are in today. So I want each of us to heed the words of this wonderful grandma and PRAY! Pray for your family, your country, your president. Pray for the homeless and the immigrants that wish to make this great land their new home. Pray for our churches and pastors, our children and teenagers, their schools and their teachers. Pray for our universities, professors and the men and women in military uniform that protect our right to pray……and NEVER, NEVER, take this privilege for granted; too many have and their country has paid the ultimate price.

In 2 Chronicles 7:14, God appeared to Solomon in the night and told him, “ if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.”
We need God’s healing on this troubled land and we, those called by His name, need to lead by example. No more lip service, no more playing church, no more hypocrisy….honest humility before our Lord God ….seekers of the divine and infallible truth that is in Christ Jesus …repentant hearts that seek to do God’s will….and never-ceasing PRAYER….. IF WE DO OUR PART, HE IS ALWAYS FAITHFUL TO DO HIS PART.

We are blessed beyond measure, even with all that is wrong in our country; yet, how much longer will God withhold his judgment and spare us the fruits of our labor. As a nation that prints his name on our money, we have little regard for the holy name of Jehovah. It is time that we take back America and give God the honor due him. Let’s not wait …let’s start today…let’s lead the way.
Please take a moment, after you finish this, to lift a prayer on behalf of our great nation. When Jesus is lifted up, He will draw all men unto himself. Praise, glory and adoration to Him and Him alone!!!!

Excerpt from the poem “Power of Prayer” from the book entitled “Bent..but Not Broken”

So when life’s storm clouds gather and your heart is full of pain,
Just pray to the Father and like a gentle rain.
He’ll wash away your anguish, He’ll vanish every care;
He’ll grant your every heart’s desire ….through the power of your prayer.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Learning for a Lifetime

I am so thankful that learning is a lifetime experience. Some very knowledgeable psychologists tell us that we learn almost 90 % of what we will learn in a lifetime by the age of 5….that leaves most of us 70 plus years to work on the other 10%. Some folks work diligently, others give little effort at all.

Some things I learned as a child:
No matter how hard you try…you can’t baptize a cat!
You can’t trust your dog to watch your food!
You can’t hide broccoli in a glass of milk!

Some things I learned as an adult:
Raising teenagers is like nailing Jello to a tree!
Wrinkles don’t hurt, thankfully, anything but your pride!
Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut that stood its ground!

As I continue to mature: (that means I have my AARP card)
Forget the health food stuff…I need all the preservatives I can get!
If I fall down, what else can I do while I’m down here!
Did I remember to put the cat out and kiss my wife Goodnight and not vice versa!
Growing up is mandatory…growing OLD is OPTIONAL!

And most important of all……there are only two days that matter on any calendar; TODAY and “THAT DAY”! TODAY is the day to decide where I will spend eternity and once that decision has been made (as it has been for each of us as ambassadors for Christ) then I will spend today deciding how I will spend eternity. In Matthew 6:19-21, Christ tells us not to lay up treasure here on earth where all sorts of malady and calamity await, but to store up our treasures in heaven where the King of Kings and His heavenly host watch over our treasures as He says: “For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.” On “THAT DAY” scripture foretells “that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD!” I’m so thankful that I am living for “THAT DAY” when I will hear my Savior say, “Well done, my Good and Faithful servant, enter now into the Joy of thy Lord.”

I trust that this week your work for the kingdom, done in the name of Jesus, is stockpiling your treasure chest in God’s heavenly throne room and He is waiting with words of encouragement…....


God grant us your peace and keep us in your will as we seek to lay up treasures in heaven that demonstrate our love for you and our desire to please you alone. AMEN


Friday, June 13, 2008


Well, it's that time again; the fifth leading card sales day of the year....FATHER'S DAY! A day set aside to honor that guy that takes out the trash, looks under the bed to chase away the monsters and tells the best bedtime stories ever. He works hard to support his family and hardly ever complains....and when no one else will give you a lift, he's always there to pick you up or lend a shoulder to cry hoist you high in the air in victory or take you for a "consolation" ice cream to ease the pain of defeat. He's your DAD....and if you were blessed as I was, this Sunday make sure that you let your Dad know how much you love, honor and respect him.

In high school and my first year in college, I had a morning paper route that involved delivering over 600 daily papers to the door of each of my customers. Every morning for over three years, my dad got up with me and helped me with my route. He never took a penny for it...and we used his car and gas; and during two summers that I was on tour with the Campus Americans, he hired a kid from the neighborhood to help him carry the route in my absence....that was the essence of my DAD. Tireless, selfless, humble....and always willing to do or go or help in any way that made a difference for the good of all. I know that not everyone had or has a Dad like mine, and even though he has been home in heaven for the past 26 years, there is not a day that I don't miss him and thank God for the influence he had on shaping me into the father I am today. I know that I have not been all that I could have been, but I know that my Dad would be proud of the man he raised me to be. I was fortunate that in 1977, I took the time to write a special poem for my Dad that I framed and gave to him for Father's Day that expressed my love and admiration for him. It was only 6 years later that he passed away. I will never forget that night at the funeral home when I tucked a copy of this poem in his breast pocket and sent him home to our Heavenly Father. I know he's been keeping tabs on me since then and I hope and pray that every now and then, he turns to one of the angels and says, "Did ya see that...THAT'S MY BOY ...I'M SO PROUD OF HIM!!!!"

I hope and pray that this weekend you'll take the time to tell your DAD just how much he means to you .....because there are no guarantees for tomorrow. In fact, here's the poem I wrote for my Dad....enjoy; and let it get the "ole grey matter" bubbling with the things that you need to say to your'll both be glad you did!



Often, I have stopped
to think of times both good and bad;
And in each fleeting memory,
I reverence my Dad.

He stood both tall and straight, colossal in my mind.
He spoke in tones both harsh and firm,
Yet so gentle and so kind.

An unquenchable desire for life; a zest for its living;
He fought and scraped to provide for me
Through his unselfish giving.

A guiding hand he led my steps down paths I dared not tread,
A steady mind, a sturdy back were the
Essence of my Dad.

A willful man, his beliefs ran deep; he taught me to be good;
Yet, when times got rough or I failed my Dad,
He always understood.

So surely on the day he passes, I truly will be sad,
And never will I forget the man,
I loved and called...
My Dad

W. Patrick Queen @ 1977

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I am reminded of the story of the mother skunk and her little skunkletts that had gone for their morning stroll just downstream from the paper plant. The air was crisp and filled with the pungent odor that only a paper mill can produce. One little skunk raised his head; nostrils flared and exclaimed, “Mommy, do you smell THAT?” The mother, likewise, took in a long, deep breath and said,’ Yes, I do honey child. I don’t know what it is……but we’ve got to get us some of that!!!!!”

The scriptures tell us that we are the aroma of Christ. In 2 Corinthians 2:14-16, we read:

“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life.”

What do you smell like today? Is what you are and who you are becoming in Christ a sweet smell to our Savior or do you reek of this world? Others that come in contact with you, hear your words, examine your actions and test your motives …..they are really just getting a scent of who you are. Does that scent point them to your Heavenly Father or keep them trapped in this world of eternal death. The smell of Christ is life everlasting, but the stench of this world is eternal damnation. I hate the thought that what I am or what I do may condemn someone that I may hardly even know to a life apart from God. I want the aroma of Christ to encircle my every thought, action and reaction as I encounter those set before my path. I pray that the sweet smell that is my life points them to a live-saving, life giving relationship with the one whose fragrance permeates my life…..Jesus Christ.

How about you…..are you willing to trust God to make you smell good for His glory or are you just going to use a little more of the world’s deodorant to mask who you really are? The world is watching and smelling…..fill the air with the aroma of Christ by telling those you meet what a wonderful Savior is ours. AHHHHH…….I JUST LOVE THE SMELL OF JESUS IN THE MORNING…..THE EVENING …..AND ALL DAY LONG!

When others take a deep breath of who you are …will they say, “I don’t know what that is, but I’ve got to get me some of that!”


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Called to Serve

Everyone is called to serve,
No task too great or small;
For if you hear the Savior’s voice
You’re called to give your all.

You’re called to be a shining light
And drive darkness from the lands.
You’re called to be His workers
With rough and calloused hands.

You’re called to give your very best
No matter the toil or task;
To come with willing heart and mind
To do what He would ask.

You’re called to be a helping hand
To those who’ve lost their way.
You’re called to show the love of Christ
In all you do and say.

So give the Lord what is His due,
Your best in everything;
For you, my child, must heed the call…..
The call to serve the KING!!!

W. Patrick Queen
June 2008

A Time for Every Season

May Blessings of Peace overflow this week as God grants each of you the desires of your heart? As I reflected on the scriptures during my quiet time this morning, I was reminded that for each of us God has set an appointed season… sow, to reap, to replenish….and in each season He has called us to serve. I am so thankful that I have had this opportunity to serve here at Seed America and to see the many things that God is doing and all that He is going to do. I trust that as the week unfolds you will sense the hand of God at work……going before you, furrowing the ground so that it is fertile and ready for planting. His word tells us that for everything there is a season …a time to plant and a time to pluck up, to reap that which has been planted. This may be your week to plant, to sow wisely, to water, to fertilize…to reap ,but in all things as in all seasons, it is the time under heaven that God has ordained and HE WILL BRING IT TO PASS!!!!!

YOU HAVE HIS GUARANTEE ……In my favorite scripture in Galatians 6:9, His Word empowers us by saying “Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, we WILL reap a harvest, if we DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!” So hang in there, this is your season and God is you God….you will not fail for you have been called to serve.

Blessings Abound,
W. Patrick Queen

Friday, June 6, 2008

A Broken Heart

When my daughter, Alyson, was just a toddler, I picked her up from daycare to find her covered elbow to elbow with magic marker, generously lavished on her by a young friend. I took her home and as I cleaned up the mess, I gently convinced her never to let anyone mark on her with a magic marker again. Unfortunately, just two years later at age 5, she began to battle a rare childhood cancer. Her doctor (that was to perform the radiation portion of her treatment) brought her into the room and placed her on the exam table. He told her to lie perfectly still while he made his marks across her abdomen and chest where the protective plate would lie during her radiation treatments. Alyson, ever the obedient child, lay perfectly still while tears streamed from her eyes. When the doctor asked what was wrong, she simply replied, “My Daddy doesn’t want me to let anybody write on me!!!!”
My daughter’s act of disobedience (at least in her mind) broke her little heart. She wanted to please me in every way and the thought of disobeying me was more than her heart could bear. As I have reflected on this scene and played it over and over in my mind over the last ten years, I have often asked myself, “Do I feel such pain and heart break when I disobey my Heavenly Father?” Where are the tears, the evident signs of remorse, the simple child-like desire to please my Father in every way ….and the disappointment when I fail?
I John 5:2-3 says: “By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments.”
God has really made life quite simple for us….we are to love Him with all our heart, mind, body and soul and we are to obey…… Simple …Pure …. Life-changing. And when we fail, and we all do, it should break our heart ….. for a moment , for a day, but not forever. For we serve a glorious Savior that has paid the price for our disobedience and who grants us chance after chance after chance… Not because of who we are…but because of whose we are!!!!!
I trust that today you are living obediently for the Father and that He is well pleased in your love of others and your desire to do his will. If so, you are keeping his commandments and I am sure that a broad smile spreads across His face as He sees a child that so desperately wants to obey. If not, I pray that for just a moment , tears will fill your eyes as you remember all that Christ has done for you and that your little heart will be broken.... and in love for your Father, you will seek His will and walk His way.

Blessings Abound,

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Above the Fray

Remember that old saying that everyone always uses…”Sometimes, you can’t see the forest for the trees.” I feel sure that this saying was almost a life’s motto for one of my favorite bible stories involving a tax collector by the name of Zacchaeus. Poor old Zack was always the shortest guy in the place and I can just picture him when he heard that Jesus was coming through the city of Jericho. He certainly wanted to see this man who was doing such great and might works throughout the region, but he knew it would be like any other time that a crowd was involved….he would have to push and shove and crawl and climb…..Wait a minute, that was it. He needed to climb…..he needed to climb above the fray and frustration of the maddening throng if he wanted to see Jesus. If he couldn’t shove his way to the front of the crowd, he would just climb above them. So he ran ahead on the road that would surely bring Jesus his way, found just the right sycamore tree and climbed up its branches to a spot that assured him the best view of the Master. And then, something great and wonderful and totally unexpected happened…Jesus looked up, saw him and told him to hurry and come down since they were going to be spending the day together…..and before that day ended, Zacchaeus was a CHANGED MAN!!!!
You and I, often, find ourselves in the same predicament as old Zack…we want to see Jesus, but the toils and cares, the frustrations and frantic pace of today’s world, the “to do” list that never seems to shrink but only grows longer…..all these “things” and so much more keep us from seeing the one that means more than anything to us. We want to spend time with the Master and just like Zacchaeus, the Lord of Hosts wants to spend time with us. So the solution is really quite simple…..find your sycamore tree and just climb. Climb above the fray, climb to a new height so you can see Jesus. Leave behind all those “giants” that are blocking your view, find the branch that gives you the best vantage point and just spend time with the Master. He will look up and see you waiting for him and He will invite you to come down and meet Him ….to share a quiet meal as you feast on the Bread of Life and devour His word. When you do this, you will have left behind the maddening crowd, your worldly problems and all that hinders you from seeing the Master ….and there in your sycamore tree, you will meet Jesus.
Have a great climb…..the Master’s waiting!

W. Patrick Queen