I had the unfortunate opportunity to meet with a plumber the other day…not that he wasn’t a great guy, because he was. Unfortunate, because when it comes to plumbing problems, my luck is absolutely terrible. No matter how small the problem seems, it is always takes on a grander scale and is much more involved than first impression.
The other day was no different. We started out trying to take care of a small leak in the downstairs bath, but no leak could be found, even after a quick trip under the house to check for any leaks there. Since all seemed well, we decided to change out the inner workings of the toilet. That seemed to go flawlessly, so we headed upstairs to do the same. One quick check back under the house though revealed a problem. A pipe that came from the upstairs bathroom was leaking ever so slightly until we pushed against it; then, the flood came pouring down. That’s when the real work began…..as my new found friend, the plumber, did his best to locate the pipe in the wall, I tried to keep a cheery thought that all would be well. Two days later, with a hole in the garage wall, it is …but not before God taught me a valuable lesson.
You see, what we discovered was a crack in the main discharge line from the upstairs facility…a crack that had been there since the house was built, some ten years ago. The construction crew, it would seem, pushed against the pipe during their build out, cracked it and then decided to try to repair the damage rather than replace it. The repair did not work and the leak had been hidden inside the garage wall for the last ten years…out of sight, but not without the consequences a leak will produce.
In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul admonishes his young protégé with these words, “Study and be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth.”
In other words, be a worker for God who is prepared and who takes pride in what you do… whether it’s butcher or baker or candlestick maker. Just because the work you do may not be seen or may not be viewed as valuable….DON’T DO LESS THAN YOUR BEST!!!
God is watching and He expects each of us to give Him our best in everything we do. So, do it right the first time as a sweet gift to the Lord…but, if you mess up, don’t leave your mess for someone else to discover and then have to clean up. Remember, you can only hide faulty workmanship for so long. In the end, it will be revealed.
Make Colossians 3: 23-24 your motto when it comes to the work area of your life, “Whatever you do, work heartily, AS FOR THE LORD and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward.”
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Is there a precedent that is set in God’s word that calls us out of the darkness to be a glorious light….you better believe there is!
In Paul’s writing to the Philippians, he tells them to continue to work out their salvation with fear and trembling, "for it is God who works in you to do His will and to act according to His good purpose.” But, he doesn’t stop there as he continues, “Do everything without complaining or arguing so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life….” Philippians 2:13-16
Notice the admonishment here is continue to grow in our faith (working out our salvation) so that God’s good (and perfect) will is accomplished….and how do we do that? By doing everything we can to create harmony in the body of Christ (no arguing, complaining or backbiting). When that is accomplished we will be found without fault and we will become all that God intended for us to be….SHINING STARS IN THE UNIVERSE.
Now, I don’t know about you, but the thought of one star shining in the universe might seem a little bleak. Just walk out some night and look up when there’s a heavy cloud cover, fog or just a hot summer haze and there’s not much to get excited about. A few stars, twinkling WAY OFF IN THE DISTANCE. But, go out into the wilderness or a mountain lake or in the middle of a vast ocean and look up on a crystal clear night and it will take your breath away…….MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF STARS…so close it seems that you can touch them. Now that’s what God has called His church to be.
We are to be SALT & LIGHT to a dark and dying world….one shining star multiplied by the grace of God until the heavens erupt with His glorious light…..Shining with the love of our Savior for the entire world to see.
As one star, my light might not be too visible in this dark and depraved day; but when all the believers of faith seek to do God’s will, to become His people….then our lives will light up the world and His message of love and forgiveness will bring salvation to all who will bow before the Lord and proclaim him as KING. Our light will shine and HE WILL BE GLORIFIED!
What’s keeping you from becoming the star God intended you to be? There’s a place in the starry heavens that just waiting for you…..
In Paul’s writing to the Philippians, he tells them to continue to work out their salvation with fear and trembling, "for it is God who works in you to do His will and to act according to His good purpose.” But, he doesn’t stop there as he continues, “Do everything without complaining or arguing so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life….” Philippians 2:13-16
Notice the admonishment here is continue to grow in our faith (working out our salvation) so that God’s good (and perfect) will is accomplished….and how do we do that? By doing everything we can to create harmony in the body of Christ (no arguing, complaining or backbiting). When that is accomplished we will be found without fault and we will become all that God intended for us to be….SHINING STARS IN THE UNIVERSE.
Now, I don’t know about you, but the thought of one star shining in the universe might seem a little bleak. Just walk out some night and look up when there’s a heavy cloud cover, fog or just a hot summer haze and there’s not much to get excited about. A few stars, twinkling WAY OFF IN THE DISTANCE. But, go out into the wilderness or a mountain lake or in the middle of a vast ocean and look up on a crystal clear night and it will take your breath away…….MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF STARS…so close it seems that you can touch them. Now that’s what God has called His church to be.
We are to be SALT & LIGHT to a dark and dying world….one shining star multiplied by the grace of God until the heavens erupt with His glorious light…..Shining with the love of our Savior for the entire world to see.
As one star, my light might not be too visible in this dark and depraved day; but when all the believers of faith seek to do God’s will, to become His people….then our lives will light up the world and His message of love and forgiveness will bring salvation to all who will bow before the Lord and proclaim him as KING. Our light will shine and HE WILL BE GLORIFIED!
What’s keeping you from becoming the star God intended you to be? There’s a place in the starry heavens that just waiting for you…..
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Mighty Oaks
Life is full of difficulties and for some of us; we just accept that this is the way it is. Others fight and squirm and fuss and complain that life just isn’t fair. Some others make the most of difficult situations and never let others know what they are going through nor do they ask for help. But what ever you operating style, when it comes to problems….
So today, be encouraged and if you can, be encouraging….I hope this little poem helps.
Mighty Oaks
Like a giant oak that stands tall against the sky;
Roots like thirsty straws gathering nourishment when it's dry;
There is no storm or peril that can fell so grand a tree
And in this work of nature, there's a lesson for you and me.
From just a tiny acorn planted in the deepest, richest sands
Grows this towering testimony to the majesty of God's hands.
A single, little bud that comes bursting forth in spring
Filled with all God's creatures, their melodies they sing.
And with each passing season as the years may come and go,
This once small, tender sapling into a mighty oak does grow.
Its powerful, gnarling limbs arch gracefully toward the sun
Offering shade and sweet repose for those whose work is done.
As centuries come with each new age, the oak is stalwart still.
Its majesty and grandeur, the elements cannot kill.
This warrior survives all pestilence as it reaches above,
And each of us will thrive and grow when grounded in God's love.
So when life's burdens weigh you down or you're feeling all alone,
Remember little acorns into mighty oaks have grown.
Just plant your tiny seed of faith in the Master's Holy sod
And you will grow, like mighty oaks, to touch the face of God.
So today, be encouraged and if you can, be encouraging….I hope this little poem helps.
Mighty Oaks
Like a giant oak that stands tall against the sky;
Roots like thirsty straws gathering nourishment when it's dry;
There is no storm or peril that can fell so grand a tree
And in this work of nature, there's a lesson for you and me.
From just a tiny acorn planted in the deepest, richest sands
Grows this towering testimony to the majesty of God's hands.
A single, little bud that comes bursting forth in spring
Filled with all God's creatures, their melodies they sing.
And with each passing season as the years may come and go,
This once small, tender sapling into a mighty oak does grow.
Its powerful, gnarling limbs arch gracefully toward the sun
Offering shade and sweet repose for those whose work is done.
As centuries come with each new age, the oak is stalwart still.
Its majesty and grandeur, the elements cannot kill.
This warrior survives all pestilence as it reaches above,
And each of us will thrive and grow when grounded in God's love.
So when life's burdens weigh you down or you're feeling all alone,
Remember little acorns into mighty oaks have grown.
Just plant your tiny seed of faith in the Master's Holy sod
And you will grow, like mighty oaks, to touch the face of God.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Someone of importance once said that to be an ardent follower of Christ one’s life must have three necessary things in evidence….prayer, consecration and temptation. Prayer is necessary for constant communication with the Father, consecration is at the root of a submissive will and temptation is there to assure that the Father can be trusted. In other words, you will never know the reality of your faith until you have been in the “trenches of life.” Unless you experience the difficulties of life, you will not know the depth of God’s love and faithfulness nor will you know at what point you will succumb to life’s many temptations….thus, life’s difficulties are there to make you stronger.
Take Peter, for example …in his mind, his faith in Christ was rock solid ( thus the name Petros); yet, in Mark 14 when Christ tells him that he will deny him three times before the cock crows twice, he adamantly retorts, “ Even though they all fall away, I WIIL NOT! Even if I must die with you, I will not deny you.” But before Christ was whisked away into the dark, Peter had given in to his fears and had denied with a curse that he ever knew the man. This great apostle with whom Christ had shared so much broke down and wept. The temptation had been too great and he had failed his Lord.
The same can be said for each of us. We want to serve our Lord …to stand fearless in the throes of adversity and to emerge victorious. But far too often, the circumstances that God allows to entangle us, they trip us up and cause us to fall flat on our faces. Yet, He still loves us and offers us other opportunities to stand firm and be counted on His side. Each trial is sent to show us His faithfulness and our weakness …each outcome, each battle, each new day is ours to become all that He wants us to be.
So, take heart, good friend….although Peter failed, when Christ saw him again, he asked him, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me more than these?” Peter’s response, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” So, Christ asked him two more times and with each response, He commanded Peter to feed his sheep….and Peter became a great man of God and a GREAT MAN FOR GOD.
Today, pray to your Father that he will direct your path, consecrate your work and keep temptation far away…or if not, that through His power, VICTORY WILL BE YOURS!
Take Peter, for example …in his mind, his faith in Christ was rock solid ( thus the name Petros); yet, in Mark 14 when Christ tells him that he will deny him three times before the cock crows twice, he adamantly retorts, “ Even though they all fall away, I WIIL NOT! Even if I must die with you, I will not deny you.” But before Christ was whisked away into the dark, Peter had given in to his fears and had denied with a curse that he ever knew the man. This great apostle with whom Christ had shared so much broke down and wept. The temptation had been too great and he had failed his Lord.
The same can be said for each of us. We want to serve our Lord …to stand fearless in the throes of adversity and to emerge victorious. But far too often, the circumstances that God allows to entangle us, they trip us up and cause us to fall flat on our faces. Yet, He still loves us and offers us other opportunities to stand firm and be counted on His side. Each trial is sent to show us His faithfulness and our weakness …each outcome, each battle, each new day is ours to become all that He wants us to be.
So, take heart, good friend….although Peter failed, when Christ saw him again, he asked him, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me more than these?” Peter’s response, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” So, Christ asked him two more times and with each response, He commanded Peter to feed his sheep….and Peter became a great man of God and a GREAT MAN FOR GOD.
Today, pray to your Father that he will direct your path, consecrate your work and keep temptation far away…or if not, that through His power, VICTORY WILL BE YOURS!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
There’s an old saying that “Practice makes perfect”, but as a former PGA golf professional, I’ve learned that is not exactly true. Through the years, what my students have taught me is that PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT!
In teaching the great game of golf, I have often used imitation to instill in my students the correct way to swing the club. They watch me …then, they try to imitate. When their imitation is correct, then I encourage them to practice, Practice, PRACTICE…to make it PERMANENT!
Paul sought to encourage the Christians at Philipi to practice humility…to model themselves after Christ. He wrote, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus….Who, being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, BUT MADE HIMSELF NOTHING, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man….HE HUMBLED HIMSELF....and became obedient to death, even death on a cross.” Philippians 2:3-8
Jesus Christ, the Creator of the Universe, became a servant who humbled himself to reach each of us and to teach each of us that we should become like him….empty of ourselves, so that we might serve. We are to imitate Christ. We are to become servants of the Most High God and a servant to every one that we encounter. What would happen in our world today if we all began to look out for the welfare of others first, even before our own needs or wants were met? How would the world view those of us that call ourselves Christians if we were not motivated by self ambition or vain conceit…if we truly modeled ourselves after our Savior?
Why not make a promise today to practice humility. First step, humble yourself before the Lord then, deny yourself and follow Christ’s example to meet the needs of others. Your practice may not be perfect…but it will take you one step closer to making it PERMANENT…..and that’s what moves the heart of God…PERFECT HUMILITY!!!
In teaching the great game of golf, I have often used imitation to instill in my students the correct way to swing the club. They watch me …then, they try to imitate. When their imitation is correct, then I encourage them to practice, Practice, PRACTICE…to make it PERMANENT!
Paul sought to encourage the Christians at Philipi to practice humility…to model themselves after Christ. He wrote, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus….Who, being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, BUT MADE HIMSELF NOTHING, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man….HE HUMBLED HIMSELF....and became obedient to death, even death on a cross.” Philippians 2:3-8
Jesus Christ, the Creator of the Universe, became a servant who humbled himself to reach each of us and to teach each of us that we should become like him….empty of ourselves, so that we might serve. We are to imitate Christ. We are to become servants of the Most High God and a servant to every one that we encounter. What would happen in our world today if we all began to look out for the welfare of others first, even before our own needs or wants were met? How would the world view those of us that call ourselves Christians if we were not motivated by self ambition or vain conceit…if we truly modeled ourselves after our Savior?
Why not make a promise today to practice humility. First step, humble yourself before the Lord then, deny yourself and follow Christ’s example to meet the needs of others. Your practice may not be perfect…but it will take you one step closer to making it PERMANENT…..and that’s what moves the heart of God…PERFECT HUMILITY!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
I’m so glad that our Heavenly Father created laughter…in fact, in Proverbs 17:22, it says, “A JOYFUL HEART IS GOOD MEDICINE.” So, today, grab a spoon and take a big dose of laughter (or at least a little chuckle) with these treasures of things I’ve learned.
I’ve learned that life is like a roll of toilet paper…the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.
I’ve learned that bananas are great food for the elderly ….they taste the same going either way.
I’ve learned that love…not time, heals all wounds.
I’ve learned that my memory is not as good as it once was…but sometimes, it’s as good once as it ever was.
I’ve learned that my Dad was smarter than I ever gave him credit for…and I’m so thankful I got to tell him that before he went home to be with the Lord.
I’ve learned that you should always keep your words soft and tender…they’re a lot easier to swallow that way.
I’ve learned that in every missed opportunity….someone was just waiting for theirs to come along.
I’ve learned to smile and smile often….it always increases my face value.
I’ve learned that no one is perfect…until they become the love of your life.
I’ve learned that memories are like my hair….fleeting, but worth holding on to all that I can.
I’ve learned that to ignore the facts….doesn’t change the facts.
I’ve learned that when you harbor resentment or anger….happiness never makes your heart its port-of-call.
I’ve learned that it’s better to be a lover than a fighter…..the boxers are shorter and easier to get in and out of.
But most of all, I’ve learned to be thankful that God doesn’t give us everything we ask for…..what would we have to look forward to if we got everything now.
Make this a weekend of love, laughter and leisure with the ones you love….
Blessed and Believing,
I’ve learned that life is like a roll of toilet paper…the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.
I’ve learned that bananas are great food for the elderly ….they taste the same going either way.
I’ve learned that love…not time, heals all wounds.
I’ve learned that my memory is not as good as it once was…but sometimes, it’s as good once as it ever was.
I’ve learned that my Dad was smarter than I ever gave him credit for…and I’m so thankful I got to tell him that before he went home to be with the Lord.
I’ve learned that you should always keep your words soft and tender…they’re a lot easier to swallow that way.
I’ve learned that in every missed opportunity….someone was just waiting for theirs to come along.
I’ve learned to smile and smile often….it always increases my face value.
I’ve learned that no one is perfect…until they become the love of your life.
I’ve learned that memories are like my hair….fleeting, but worth holding on to all that I can.
I’ve learned that to ignore the facts….doesn’t change the facts.
I’ve learned that when you harbor resentment or anger….happiness never makes your heart its port-of-call.
I’ve learned that it’s better to be a lover than a fighter…..the boxers are shorter and easier to get in and out of.
But most of all, I’ve learned to be thankful that God doesn’t give us everything we ask for…..what would we have to look forward to if we got everything now.
Make this a weekend of love, laughter and leisure with the ones you love….
Blessed and Believing,
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Running All Alone
There’s the story of the small business owner that took a walk through his factory and was well pleased… until he happened upon a younger chap standing idly on the loading dock. He huffed up to the young man and opening his wallet, handed him a hundred dollar bill and said, “Here, go spend your time some where else.” Somewhat puzzled, the young man stared at the owner,then took the money and left. Turning to the shop foreman, the owner asked, “How long has that guy been working for us?” Came the reply, “He doesn’t work for us; he was Joe’s ride home.”
Things are not always as they seem. Even the mirror on the passenger side of our car warns us that objects may be closer than they appear. Perception is not always reality. In fact, it is often far from it.....
Take Noah…..his neighbors perceived that he was a nut….building an ark when there was no visible sign of water; however, their perception changed when the raindrops got big. Likewise, the children of Israel believed that all was lost as they stood on the banks of the Red Sea with the entire Egyptian army bearing down on them; however, their perception of doom changed to joy as the Lord parted the sea and they made their way across on dry land.
But my favorite change in perception was in the mighty prophet, Elijah, who had just defeated the prophets of Baal and was now in hot retreat from Jezebel and her oath to see him killed. In 1 Kings 9:14, we read, “I have been very jealous for the Lord, the God of hosts. For the people of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and killed your prophets with the sword, and I, EVEN I ONLY, am left and they seek my life, to take it away.” Elijah, this great man of God, was the ONLY ONE LEFT to stand up for God in all of Israel...at least that was his perception. But, in verse 18 we hear God say, “Yet I will leave seven thousand in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed down to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him.”
What seemed to be was not….God was already at work to protect Elijah from death, but moreover, He was raising up a multitude of others ready, willing and able to worship the Lord of Israel. He was not alone. His perception was NOT reality.
Next time it seems that everything and everyone seems to be against you, remember this story of Elijah…your God is already at work, often behind the scenes, changing the circumstances, altering the status quo.... working to change the outcome for your good and His Glory.
Walking His Way,
Things are not always as they seem. Even the mirror on the passenger side of our car warns us that objects may be closer than they appear. Perception is not always reality. In fact, it is often far from it.....
Take Noah…..his neighbors perceived that he was a nut….building an ark when there was no visible sign of water; however, their perception changed when the raindrops got big. Likewise, the children of Israel believed that all was lost as they stood on the banks of the Red Sea with the entire Egyptian army bearing down on them; however, their perception of doom changed to joy as the Lord parted the sea and they made their way across on dry land.
But my favorite change in perception was in the mighty prophet, Elijah, who had just defeated the prophets of Baal and was now in hot retreat from Jezebel and her oath to see him killed. In 1 Kings 9:14, we read, “I have been very jealous for the Lord, the God of hosts. For the people of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and killed your prophets with the sword, and I, EVEN I ONLY, am left and they seek my life, to take it away.” Elijah, this great man of God, was the ONLY ONE LEFT to stand up for God in all of Israel...at least that was his perception. But, in verse 18 we hear God say, “Yet I will leave seven thousand in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed down to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him.”
What seemed to be was not….God was already at work to protect Elijah from death, but moreover, He was raising up a multitude of others ready, willing and able to worship the Lord of Israel. He was not alone. His perception was NOT reality.
Next time it seems that everything and everyone seems to be against you, remember this story of Elijah…your God is already at work, often behind the scenes, changing the circumstances, altering the status quo.... working to change the outcome for your good and His Glory.
Walking His Way,
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Praying in Joy
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I encounter some people that really try my patience. In fact, in all honesty, they make me lose it completely. Now, I’m not one to name names…you know who you are, but in my studies the other night, Paul admonished me in Philippians 1 verse 3 to pray with joy. He said” I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” Do I always pray with joy? Not on your life…but there it is, from one of the pillars of the early church….PRAY WITH JOY!!!!
Paul is telling us to begin our experience with others by remembering them and then, in our remembrance, to pray with joy. Unfortunately, it seems that I don’t always remember the good things of others …only the things that seem to make me lose my patience and too, too often, disrupt my walk with my Lord. What if I started using “spiritual eyes’ to view those that God brings into my life and as we unite in the partnership of the gospel, I won’t have to overlook their faults? Instead, I will be focused on the good work that God has begun in them and in our relationship.
Philippians 1:6 says, “Being confident of this very thing, that He that has begun a good work in you will continue it until the day of Jesus Christ.” That should be my focus…if I must be myopic, let my focus be on the good work that God is accomplishing in each of us. I can revel in the misery of the injustice of the moment, past or present…..or I can look at those around me and see them as God does….A WORK IN PROGRESS!!!!
And then, I can pray for them and with them in a spirit of joy and thanksgiving, knowing that God is at work, bringing to completion this person of faith …my brother or sister in Christ. And that’s the eternal partnership that is available to each of us….we belong to Christ and we belong to each other. So, let the praise and prayer begin and let the JOY of Heaven rain down.
Paul is telling us to begin our experience with others by remembering them and then, in our remembrance, to pray with joy. Unfortunately, it seems that I don’t always remember the good things of others …only the things that seem to make me lose my patience and too, too often, disrupt my walk with my Lord. What if I started using “spiritual eyes’ to view those that God brings into my life and as we unite in the partnership of the gospel, I won’t have to overlook their faults? Instead, I will be focused on the good work that God has begun in them and in our relationship.
Philippians 1:6 says, “Being confident of this very thing, that He that has begun a good work in you will continue it until the day of Jesus Christ.” That should be my focus…if I must be myopic, let my focus be on the good work that God is accomplishing in each of us. I can revel in the misery of the injustice of the moment, past or present…..or I can look at those around me and see them as God does….A WORK IN PROGRESS!!!!
And then, I can pray for them and with them in a spirit of joy and thanksgiving, knowing that God is at work, bringing to completion this person of faith …my brother or sister in Christ. And that’s the eternal partnership that is available to each of us….we belong to Christ and we belong to each other. So, let the praise and prayer begin and let the JOY of Heaven rain down.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
This past Sunday, our pastor preached a very stirring sermon revolving around John 5:39 …he said, “Search the Scriptures.” Now, those three simple words led me to believe that we might be in for an early dismissal, but I was sorely wrong. It was during the next 35 minutes or so (I truly lost track of the time) that he went on to explain that we should not go to the Bible just to find solutions, but rather to find the Savior…and there to daily, moment by moment, grow in our walk with the Lord. He asked for a show of hands of those who might be somewhat overwhelmed with the daunting task of reading, interpreting and understanding the Scriptures. I must admit, I did NOT raise my hand…not that I am any kind of spiritual giant, but rather, I relish the time that I spend searching, discovering, exploring and uncovering some “gem” or “nugget” of truth that God has left sprinkled within the pages of His Holy Word. Left there with one singular intent; one eternal purpose …. For me to find and thus, be changed!
My wife, however, was one of the many that raised their hands and when we got home, she asked me to agree to take at least one evening each week to sit down and study the Bible with her. Now, we have studied our Bibles together in the past; had many stirring conversations regarding scripture and its interpretation and often conferred regarding the Sunday school lesson that I teach each week. This, however, was different…and last night, we began in the book of Philippians, one of my favorite books of the New Testament, chocked full of those ‘nuggets” that God has left in our way. So, let me say that for the unforeseeable future, I know that God will be working in me as I take a closer look at His infallible truth and share those insights with you, my brothers and sisters in Christ.
And there is something else that I am sure will occur…my wife and I will be drawn even closer together as we make this journey through God’s word. Let me encourage you to do likewise. Affirm with your mate that a time of concentrated, consecrated Bible study is necessary in this world’s atmosphere of unrest and disbelief that engulfs us at every turn. God wants His people to stand out and to stand firm….and we can only accomplish this if we are GROUNDED IN HIS WORD!!!
So, join us …commit to take one night a week, turn off the TV and get off the couch, then…. open God’s word, together. The rewards will be immeasurable…you’ll get to know each other better and more importantly, you’ll be drawn closer to the Creator of the Universe…Your Heavenly Father.
Keep me posted on your Journey….
Blessed and Believing,
My wife, however, was one of the many that raised their hands and when we got home, she asked me to agree to take at least one evening each week to sit down and study the Bible with her. Now, we have studied our Bibles together in the past; had many stirring conversations regarding scripture and its interpretation and often conferred regarding the Sunday school lesson that I teach each week. This, however, was different…and last night, we began in the book of Philippians, one of my favorite books of the New Testament, chocked full of those ‘nuggets” that God has left in our way. So, let me say that for the unforeseeable future, I know that God will be working in me as I take a closer look at His infallible truth and share those insights with you, my brothers and sisters in Christ.
And there is something else that I am sure will occur…my wife and I will be drawn even closer together as we make this journey through God’s word. Let me encourage you to do likewise. Affirm with your mate that a time of concentrated, consecrated Bible study is necessary in this world’s atmosphere of unrest and disbelief that engulfs us at every turn. God wants His people to stand out and to stand firm….and we can only accomplish this if we are GROUNDED IN HIS WORD!!!
So, join us …commit to take one night a week, turn off the TV and get off the couch, then…. open God’s word, together. The rewards will be immeasurable…you’ll get to know each other better and more importantly, you’ll be drawn closer to the Creator of the Universe…Your Heavenly Father.
Keep me posted on your Journey….
Blessed and Believing,
Monday, July 14, 2008
It bothered me last night, after watching part of a telecast of Hannity’s America, that many of our service men and women are returning from the battle fields of Iraq and Afghanistan to be harassed, bullied and even killed by Americans here at home. The story of one brave, young Marine that was mugged, then shot in the neck and left for dead on the streets of Cleveland particularly got my ire up!!!!
It seems that two young men (thugs in training) accosted this Marine while he was waiting on a bus; tried to rob him and when they found that he had no money, told him he didn’t deserve to live and shot him. He was wearing his fatigues at the time …and after 5 months in the hospital, unable to move, he died. Shot because he fought to protect the liberties that will ensure that these worthless reprobates receive a fair trail (the prosecutor is seeking the death penalty in the case). I, like many of you, wonder what this world is coming to …and my only conclusion is THE END!!!
In the meantime, it is our jobs as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ to be diligent in our witness and to continue to salute the valiant effort of our military. Whether you agree with the war or not, these brave men and women deserve…no, they command your RESPECT AND ADMIRATION for a job well done in service to our country and to the defense of liberty that we all hold so dear.
It is for them and all those who will be returning to this great land that the following poem was written and is dedicated …..GOD BLESS THE ARMED FORCES OF THE USA AND THOSE WHO COMMAND AND SEEK THE WILL OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER.
Welcome home, soldiers proud
Together, strong we stand
Defending freedom around the world
From this bright and promised land
Called to do your duty
To sacrifice for all
You proudly wear the uniform
For freedom, you stand tall.
You gave upon the battlefield
Your blood, your sweat and tears
And stood against the Evil ones
Who filled our lives with fear.
And now though spent, the battle won
Your respite is close at hand
As you return to freedom’s breast
To this great and glorious land;
We applaud you…we shout with joy
We immortalize this day
Welcome Home… Dear Patriots
To the good old U.S.A.
With Heartfelt Thanks We Salute Those Who Gave Their Best…
May God Bless You Every Day And Grant You His Sweet Rest!!!!!
W. Patrick Queen
February 14, 2005
It seems that two young men (thugs in training) accosted this Marine while he was waiting on a bus; tried to rob him and when they found that he had no money, told him he didn’t deserve to live and shot him. He was wearing his fatigues at the time …and after 5 months in the hospital, unable to move, he died. Shot because he fought to protect the liberties that will ensure that these worthless reprobates receive a fair trail (the prosecutor is seeking the death penalty in the case). I, like many of you, wonder what this world is coming to …and my only conclusion is THE END!!!
In the meantime, it is our jobs as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ to be diligent in our witness and to continue to salute the valiant effort of our military. Whether you agree with the war or not, these brave men and women deserve…no, they command your RESPECT AND ADMIRATION for a job well done in service to our country and to the defense of liberty that we all hold so dear.
It is for them and all those who will be returning to this great land that the following poem was written and is dedicated …..GOD BLESS THE ARMED FORCES OF THE USA AND THOSE WHO COMMAND AND SEEK THE WILL OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER.
Welcome home, soldiers proud
Together, strong we stand
Defending freedom around the world
From this bright and promised land
Called to do your duty
To sacrifice for all
You proudly wear the uniform
For freedom, you stand tall.
You gave upon the battlefield
Your blood, your sweat and tears
And stood against the Evil ones
Who filled our lives with fear.
And now though spent, the battle won
Your respite is close at hand
As you return to freedom’s breast
To this great and glorious land;
We applaud you…we shout with joy
We immortalize this day
Welcome Home… Dear Patriots
To the good old U.S.A.
With Heartfelt Thanks We Salute Those Who Gave Their Best…
May God Bless You Every Day And Grant You His Sweet Rest!!!!!
W. Patrick Queen
February 14, 2005
Friday, July 11, 2008
A few days ago, I was sitting in the waiting room while having my car serviced, when I struck up a conversation with an elderly lady that was quite concerned with the problems she was having with her car. She shared with me that she had just recently had to start dealing with these kinds of problems….her husband had just passed away after 50+ years of marriage and now, she was having to do all the things that he once took care of for her. I told her how much I empathized with her because I had seen my mother struggle with getting back on her feet when my father passed away suddenly. I assured her that God would see her through these difficult days and we began to share how dependent we must be on our Heavenly Father to take care of us, even when it seems to take longer than we would like for an answer to our prayers. You see, she was praying that God would provide her with another godly man with which to share the remaining years of her life….she was so lonely and she wanted God to answer her pray quickly; but, she knew that God’s timing is very often quite different from our own.
We later parted company with thanks for our time of sharing and I promised to be praying for the many needs in her life. As I began my drive home, I thought of the story of the prodigal son and the three things that we must glean from that parable in Luke….we must GIVE UP…GET UP …AND GO UP ….before God can have his way in our lives.
When I say GIVE UP, I am referring to the miserable situation in which the prodigal found himself once he had squandered all his worldly possessions. In verse 14 of Luke 15, it reads, “When he had spent everything, a severe famine arose in that country and he began to be in great need (dire straits). SO, he went and hired himself out”…in other words, he kept trying to make it under his own steam; to turn things around with his might and his strength; to make up for his mistakes and restore himself to his glory days.... ALL ON HIS OWN. The best he could do on his own….feeding the pigs of another farmer and eating the pods that he feed to the swine. It wasn’t until he was ready to give up control of his miserable life that he could GET UP from this horrible situation and realize that a better life was just waiting for him, at home with his father. Scripture says, “But when he came to himself”….in other words, when he got up, dusted himself off and looked at his situation, it came to him. I don’t have to live like this; why even my father’s servants are far better off than I am. I’ll go home and beg my father to take me back …not as his son, but as one of his hired servants. And that’s when the GO UP took over, “I will arise and go to my father and I will say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you and I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” (Luke 15:18) When he decided to include God and to leave the outcome in His hands, the decision became obvious …so, he headed for home.
Yes, when life seems to beat you down, you can keep trying to “make it on your own”…or you can GIVE UP the pride that keeps you from surrendering to the power of the Father … then GET UP from the despair and misery that engulfs your life ….and then, do what is required in all of life’s dilemmas …. GO UP in surrender to the will of the Father ….for He is standing on the road, peering down that dusty highway, waiting to catch a glimpse of His long, lost son….turning toward home ….and a Father’s eternal love.
A Prodigal No More,
We later parted company with thanks for our time of sharing and I promised to be praying for the many needs in her life. As I began my drive home, I thought of the story of the prodigal son and the three things that we must glean from that parable in Luke….we must GIVE UP…GET UP …AND GO UP ….before God can have his way in our lives.
When I say GIVE UP, I am referring to the miserable situation in which the prodigal found himself once he had squandered all his worldly possessions. In verse 14 of Luke 15, it reads, “When he had spent everything, a severe famine arose in that country and he began to be in great need (dire straits). SO, he went and hired himself out”…in other words, he kept trying to make it under his own steam; to turn things around with his might and his strength; to make up for his mistakes and restore himself to his glory days.... ALL ON HIS OWN. The best he could do on his own….feeding the pigs of another farmer and eating the pods that he feed to the swine. It wasn’t until he was ready to give up control of his miserable life that he could GET UP from this horrible situation and realize that a better life was just waiting for him, at home with his father. Scripture says, “But when he came to himself”….in other words, when he got up, dusted himself off and looked at his situation, it came to him. I don’t have to live like this; why even my father’s servants are far better off than I am. I’ll go home and beg my father to take me back …not as his son, but as one of his hired servants. And that’s when the GO UP took over, “I will arise and go to my father and I will say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you and I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” (Luke 15:18) When he decided to include God and to leave the outcome in His hands, the decision became obvious …so, he headed for home.
Yes, when life seems to beat you down, you can keep trying to “make it on your own”…or you can GIVE UP the pride that keeps you from surrendering to the power of the Father … then GET UP from the despair and misery that engulfs your life ….and then, do what is required in all of life’s dilemmas …. GO UP in surrender to the will of the Father ….for He is standing on the road, peering down that dusty highway, waiting to catch a glimpse of His long, lost son….turning toward home ….and a Father’s eternal love.
A Prodigal No More,
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Last summer, at about this time, I was sitting in a conference room in Atlanta, listening to a story from our executive director. He was recounting a particular time when he was in route to a special sales call during the early years of his sales career. He was a relatively new Christian at this time and he was working hard at “walking with the Lord” through all the ups and downs of life. As we all know, its times like this that the Devil seeks fertile ground in which to plant a stronghold. As he recounted his story, he told of how he was traveling down the highway, in the middle of absolutely nowhere, when his car broke down. He was already running on a tight schedule to get to his next business appointment and this was the last thing he needed in what had already been a very hectic and challenging day. He told of how he got out of the car and began to walk around and around and around and around the car while he prayed. He said he must have walked around that car more than a hundred times….and at that moment this little thought popped into my head that I shared with the group, “Just imagine how far you could have gone if you’d have walked in a straight line.” We all lost it…including the story teller.
But that thought caused me to reflect on just that question…How far could we go if we didn’t let the circumstances of life get the best of us? Some catastrophe or setback or minor inconvenience is all that is required to set us off into some “tizzy fit” and we begin to wring our hands and walk in circles, questioning what to do and forsaking the path that the Lord has laid before us. We have made plans to do what is required to walk with our Lord, yet, when we encounter obstacles to that walk, we too often forsake it. The writer of Proverbs tells us in chapter 16, verse 9 “that the heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”
So, don’t let the speed bumps of life deter you from following the path that the Lord has set before you….He has established each step and He is just waiting for you to “step out” in faith and walk the walk that He has ordained for your life. You will never have to walk by yourself for He promises to always walk beside you. (Psalm 23) When you’ve made the commitment and have given yourself to Him, there’s ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that can befall you that can remove you from the protection of your Heavenly Father ….. And there’s no circles to walk….unless there’s a Jericho in you future…but, that’s a story for another day.
Blessed and Believing,
But that thought caused me to reflect on just that question…How far could we go if we didn’t let the circumstances of life get the best of us? Some catastrophe or setback or minor inconvenience is all that is required to set us off into some “tizzy fit” and we begin to wring our hands and walk in circles, questioning what to do and forsaking the path that the Lord has laid before us. We have made plans to do what is required to walk with our Lord, yet, when we encounter obstacles to that walk, we too often forsake it. The writer of Proverbs tells us in chapter 16, verse 9 “that the heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”
So, don’t let the speed bumps of life deter you from following the path that the Lord has set before you….He has established each step and He is just waiting for you to “step out” in faith and walk the walk that He has ordained for your life. You will never have to walk by yourself for He promises to always walk beside you. (Psalm 23) When you’ve made the commitment and have given yourself to Him, there’s ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that can befall you that can remove you from the protection of your Heavenly Father ….. And there’s no circles to walk….unless there’s a Jericho in you future…but, that’s a story for another day.
Blessed and Believing,
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Celebrating a Special Day
Today is a Very Special Day in my life…..no, it’s not my birthday or Christmas in July or any national holiday. It’s a day that holds significance for just a handful of people, but it is a day that I celebrate with great joy. It is my beautiful wife’s birthday. Now, being the gentlemen that I am precludes me from telling you what number it is or when she was born or any other tell tale information that might leak that protected number….let me just say that she is as young and even more beautiful than when we met some nineteen years ago.
Now I know that for a lot of people, there is much significance in the number of birthdays you celebrate. For me, I always reasoned that your birthday was just the first date on your tombstone, followed by a dash (-) and then the date you departed this earth. I have always believed that it didn’t really matter if you celebrated a birthday, but rather, you should celebrate what you do during the dash (-)….the life that you live is what really matters most. And when I consider that, my lovely wife is making the most of her dash (-)!!!!!!!!
In Proverbs 31, Solomon shares the marvelous attributes of a godly wife and each time I read those verses, I see my wife and all that she has become in the nineteen years in which she has enriched my life. In verse 10, she is an excellent wife who is far more precious than jewels, who has my complete trust and admiration. In verse 15, he speaks to how wonderful she is in managing our household while ever excelling in her business as resale specialist at The Cliffs. In verse 17, he extols her great fashion sense and modest attire that is always impeccable and stylish. In verse 20, I see her as she works diligently for those less fortunate and how she uses her God-given talents to inspire others to be all that God desires for them to be. She is never lazy, idle or immobile, but ALWAYS ready to lend a helping hand and ask nothing in return. Strength and dignity are girded about her and those who are touched by her laughter can only be encouraged for a brighter day. Her daughter is blessed beyond measure to have such a loving and thoughtful mother and I, too, am the richest man I know; simply because she belongs to me. Many women have done excellently, but she outshines them ALL….at least that is my humble opinion.
Yes and with all that we have been through in our years as husband and wife, I have learned to NEVER underestimate the abilities, the passion or the love of this woman and to know that as Solomon concluded at the end of this chapter….
If you are blessed like I am, don’t wait for a birthday to let you wife know how fortunate you are that she belongs to you….make a difference in her dash that we call …LIFE.
Blessed and believing,
Now I know that for a lot of people, there is much significance in the number of birthdays you celebrate. For me, I always reasoned that your birthday was just the first date on your tombstone, followed by a dash (-) and then the date you departed this earth. I have always believed that it didn’t really matter if you celebrated a birthday, but rather, you should celebrate what you do during the dash (-)….the life that you live is what really matters most. And when I consider that, my lovely wife is making the most of her dash (-)!!!!!!!!
In Proverbs 31, Solomon shares the marvelous attributes of a godly wife and each time I read those verses, I see my wife and all that she has become in the nineteen years in which she has enriched my life. In verse 10, she is an excellent wife who is far more precious than jewels, who has my complete trust and admiration. In verse 15, he speaks to how wonderful she is in managing our household while ever excelling in her business as resale specialist at The Cliffs. In verse 17, he extols her great fashion sense and modest attire that is always impeccable and stylish. In verse 20, I see her as she works diligently for those less fortunate and how she uses her God-given talents to inspire others to be all that God desires for them to be. She is never lazy, idle or immobile, but ALWAYS ready to lend a helping hand and ask nothing in return. Strength and dignity are girded about her and those who are touched by her laughter can only be encouraged for a brighter day. Her daughter is blessed beyond measure to have such a loving and thoughtful mother and I, too, am the richest man I know; simply because she belongs to me. Many women have done excellently, but she outshines them ALL….at least that is my humble opinion.
Yes and with all that we have been through in our years as husband and wife, I have learned to NEVER underestimate the abilities, the passion or the love of this woman and to know that as Solomon concluded at the end of this chapter….
If you are blessed like I am, don’t wait for a birthday to let you wife know how fortunate you are that she belongs to you….make a difference in her dash that we call …LIFE.
Blessed and believing,
Monday, July 7, 2008
It’s the start of a new week after a LOOONNNGGG HOLIDAY WEEKEND and usually, for most of us, there seems to be something of an emotional let down after our feasting and festivities. It may be the return to the same old humdrum, boring job or just the passing of the endorphin rush that got us to such a natural high ….either way, we too often forget what we were celebrating and why. Let’s not do that this time…let’s thank God for the men and women in American military uniform that are standing guard around the world to protect the liberties that we just celebrated during Independence Day.
These freedoms came at a great cost…..both in peacetime and in war…let us NOT take them for granted; rather let us pledge our support to our troops and their families and continually thank them for their devotion to duty, to this republic and for all the freedoms that they so gallantly protect.
To follow you will find two poems that I wrote in October 2001…just after that horrific day of September 11. The first was written to honor each of us who proudly calls ourselves an American and wears proudly the mantle of Patriot and the second, a salute to our soldiers who were about to encounter an enemy like we have never faced before. Please take pride in each of these and share them with your family, friends and those you love who are serving in our Armed Forces.
Blessed & Believing,
It’s the start of a new week after a LOOONNNGGG HOLIDAY WEEKEND and usually, for most of us, there seems to be something of an emotional let down after our feasting and festivities. It may be the return to the same old humdrum, boring job or just the passing of the endorphin rush that got us to such a natural high ….either way, we too often forget what we were celebrating and why. Let’s not do that this time…let’s thank God for the men and women in American military uniform that are standing guard around the world to protect the liberties that we just celebrated during Independence Day.
These freedoms came at a great cost…..both in peacetime and in war…let us NOT take them for granted; rather let us pledge our support to our troops and their families and continually thank them for their devotion to duty, to this republic and for all the freedoms that they so gallantly protect.
To follow you will find two poems that I wrote in October 2001…just after that horrific day of September 11. The first was written to honor each of us who proudly calls ourselves an American and wears proudly the mantle of Patriot and the second, a salute to our soldiers who were about to encounter an enemy like we have never faced before. Please take pride in each of these and share them with your family, friends and those you love who are serving in our Armed Forces.
Blessed & Believing,
I signed a piece of paper,
I took an oath as well.
I promised to protect My Country,
Tis’ a mission I can’t fail.
I’ve banded with my comrades
So together strong we stand;
In defense of this Great Nation,
Of this bright and promised land.
So, I will gladly do my duty
And if I must give my all,
My prayer will be…those left behind
Will continue to stand tall…
To fight for Peace and Freedom
To protect Sweet Liberty
I pray, Dear Father
That you grant this humble
Copyright October 2001
I took an oath as well.
I promised to protect My Country,
Tis’ a mission I can’t fail.
I’ve banded with my comrades
So together strong we stand;
In defense of this Great Nation,
Of this bright and promised land.
So, I will gladly do my duty
And if I must give my all,
My prayer will be…those left behind
Will continue to stand tall…
To fight for Peace and Freedom
To protect Sweet Liberty
I pray, Dear Father
That you grant this humble
Copyright October 2001
Our Father, we would lift this prayer
In the midst of these troubled days.
We plead now for your guidance,
Your protection and caring ways.
EVIL has befallen us….
Fear and horror grip our souls.
We pray that as your Nation
You will heal us…make us whole.
Grant us faith and courage, Lord
Prepare us to fight the fight.
Restore us once again to be
Freedom’s bright and shining light.
Draw close to us and shelter us,
Keep us safe in your tender care,
May all we do be in gratitude
For your answer to this
W. Patrick Queen
Copyright October 2008
Our Father, we would lift this prayer
In the midst of these troubled days.
We plead now for your guidance,
Your protection and caring ways.
EVIL has befallen us….
Fear and horror grip our souls.
We pray that as your Nation
You will heal us…make us whole.
Grant us faith and courage, Lord
Prepare us to fight the fight.
Restore us once again to be
Freedom’s bright and shining light.
Draw close to us and shelter us,
Keep us safe in your tender care,
May all we do be in gratitude
For your answer to this
W. Patrick Queen
Copyright October 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
It seems that each year, this day of celebration gets here just a little bit quicker and leaves me a little wearier and a little less hopeful for what lies ahead. We all run hither and yon, wishing all those we know a “Happy 4th”, singing patriotic songs, eating BBQ and watching fireworks. We collectively ask for God to Bless America and then, somehow seem perplexed when gas prices keep rising, crime escalates and our leaders debate in open forum the merits of partial birth abortions, gay marriages and legalized gambling known as state lotteries. How can a righteous and holy God bless this mess that we now call America?
In fact, after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, Anne Graham Lotz was queried on the Early show, the host asking, “How could God let something like this happen? Her response was quite profound. She said, “I believe that God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we’ve been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And, being the gentlemen that He is, I believe He has quietly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand that He leave us alone?”
And that my friend, unfortunately, is the sad state of affairs that we find ourselves facing in this year 2008. God has slowly and surely left us to our own demise and I am sure that it is breaking His heart to see how far we have fallen away from our roots as a Christian nation. A country that He ordained, that began with such great and magnificent promise is sinking fast and unless, God Himself, orchestrates some cataclysmic jolt to all of us….this nation that still prints “In God We Trust” on our money, is doomed to a bitter end. There is one bright and shining star though ….His CHURCH that He ordained to be both salt and light for such a time as this. Let us not shrink from the battles that lie before us, but rather put on the whole armor of God and wage war. We serve the Great Commander-in-Chief who has never been defeated ….and HE NEVER WILL BE!!!!
Proclaim this July 4th as our day of Dependence on the Creator of the Universe….and fight the good fight…..we know the outcome, WE WIN!
In fact, after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, Anne Graham Lotz was queried on the Early show, the host asking, “How could God let something like this happen? Her response was quite profound. She said, “I believe that God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we’ve been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And, being the gentlemen that He is, I believe He has quietly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand that He leave us alone?”
And that my friend, unfortunately, is the sad state of affairs that we find ourselves facing in this year 2008. God has slowly and surely left us to our own demise and I am sure that it is breaking His heart to see how far we have fallen away from our roots as a Christian nation. A country that He ordained, that began with such great and magnificent promise is sinking fast and unless, God Himself, orchestrates some cataclysmic jolt to all of us….this nation that still prints “In God We Trust” on our money, is doomed to a bitter end. There is one bright and shining star though ….His CHURCH that He ordained to be both salt and light for such a time as this. Let us not shrink from the battles that lie before us, but rather put on the whole armor of God and wage war. We serve the Great Commander-in-Chief who has never been defeated ….and HE NEVER WILL BE!!!!
Proclaim this July 4th as our day of Dependence on the Creator of the Universe….and fight the good fight…..we know the outcome, WE WIN!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
It was just recently that one of the young women in my wife’s office announced that she was expecting her first born and thus, the ever challenging quest had begun to come up with just the “perfect name.” After all, a name captures all the hopes, dreams and wishes that we, as parents, hold for our precious bundles of joy. Each name brings with it the expectation of the uniqueness of that individual ….even if its one that has been passed down from generation to generation.
The same can be said for our Heavenly Father….for God goes by many names; each with a special meaning. “Yahweh” means Almighty God, “Abba” means Father God, “Jesua” or “Jesus” means Jesus saves; and in each name that describes the almighty, omnipotent, omnipresent God of the universe, there is one quality of that name that has the most meaning for each of us…it is all that is needed to be saved. The Scriptures are resplendent with direction to call on, to trust in, to abide in, to worship, to glorify, to comfort in the name of the Lord. All things in heaven and earth point to one inescapable fact…the name of the Lord has the power to save. In Romans 10:13 ESV scriptures says, “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” It is this very verse that separates us as Christians from all other faiths and reminds us of the power that is in the name of Yahweh.
King David learned this as a lowly shepherd boy and wrote continually about his deliverance from his enemies by trusting and calling on the name of the Lord. In Psalms
20:7 ESV, he wrote, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Throughout Scripture we see how God saved and restored his people when they turned from their wicked ways and called on the name of the Lord. And Jesus, the precious Son of God, whose name is above every other name, continues to instruct us through his Holy Word to trust in and to ask all things in his precious name.
“So that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:10-11
What’s in a name…….in the name of Jesus...EVERYTHING!!!!!!
Blessed and Believing,
The same can be said for our Heavenly Father….for God goes by many names; each with a special meaning. “Yahweh” means Almighty God, “Abba” means Father God, “Jesua” or “Jesus” means Jesus saves; and in each name that describes the almighty, omnipotent, omnipresent God of the universe, there is one quality of that name that has the most meaning for each of us…it is all that is needed to be saved. The Scriptures are resplendent with direction to call on, to trust in, to abide in, to worship, to glorify, to comfort in the name of the Lord. All things in heaven and earth point to one inescapable fact…the name of the Lord has the power to save. In Romans 10:13 ESV scriptures says, “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” It is this very verse that separates us as Christians from all other faiths and reminds us of the power that is in the name of Yahweh.
King David learned this as a lowly shepherd boy and wrote continually about his deliverance from his enemies by trusting and calling on the name of the Lord. In Psalms
20:7 ESV, he wrote, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Throughout Scripture we see how God saved and restored his people when they turned from their wicked ways and called on the name of the Lord. And Jesus, the precious Son of God, whose name is above every other name, continues to instruct us through his Holy Word to trust in and to ask all things in his precious name.
“So that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:10-11
What’s in a name…….in the name of Jesus...EVERYTHING!!!!!!
Blessed and Believing,
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I wrote yesterday regarding humility and the lack of it in our world today….yet, it is still at the heart of service to our Lord and the very essence of who Christ was. In Philippians 2: 6-8 we read, “who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”
Being a servant is not an easy profession; and one that very few would aspire to. But, our Lord came to earth with that express mission…to humble himself and serve. From the earliest days of his ministry on earth, he served the lowly and down-trodden. He healed their infirmities, restored their sight, cured their diseases and raised their children from the dead. He even went so far as to wash the feet of His disciples when no one else would stoop so low. He, the maker of Heaven and earth, with a towel girded about His waist, washed the dusty, dirty feet of those He loved…just to demonstrate how we are to serve. Humbly, quietly, without flash or fanfare, giving unselfishly, he lowered himself to us so that in our faith and trust, we could be raised to Him.
He, Gloriously…Magnificently…Seated on high...and we in a servant’s rightful place, next to our Master. Do we consider ourselves better than our Savior or are we just making excuses when we fail to serve? Is the example that our Savior gave us to hard to follow or are we just too proud and haughty? If we are to call ourselves Christians, then we must be Christ-like and that means…. we must be a servant!
Humble yourself to the position of “faithful servant” and see how God is exalted in your life…you’ll enjoy the view from on high, seated next to your Savior in glory.
Salt & Light Quote:
Never is a man so exalted as when he has humbled himself before the Lord…. nor can he bend so low that God will not raise him on high.
Blessed and Believing,
Being a servant is not an easy profession; and one that very few would aspire to. But, our Lord came to earth with that express mission…to humble himself and serve. From the earliest days of his ministry on earth, he served the lowly and down-trodden. He healed their infirmities, restored their sight, cured their diseases and raised their children from the dead. He even went so far as to wash the feet of His disciples when no one else would stoop so low. He, the maker of Heaven and earth, with a towel girded about His waist, washed the dusty, dirty feet of those He loved…just to demonstrate how we are to serve. Humbly, quietly, without flash or fanfare, giving unselfishly, he lowered himself to us so that in our faith and trust, we could be raised to Him.
He, Gloriously…Magnificently…Seated on high...and we in a servant’s rightful place, next to our Master. Do we consider ourselves better than our Savior or are we just making excuses when we fail to serve? Is the example that our Savior gave us to hard to follow or are we just too proud and haughty? If we are to call ourselves Christians, then we must be Christ-like and that means…. we must be a servant!
Humble yourself to the position of “faithful servant” and see how God is exalted in your life…you’ll enjoy the view from on high, seated next to your Savior in glory.
Salt & Light Quote:
Never is a man so exalted as when he has humbled himself before the Lord…. nor can he bend so low that God will not raise him on high.
Blessed and Believing,
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
There was a time before the “you can do anything” promoters in this world that humility was actually considered a desirable characteristic. A time before the heavyweight fighter, Muhammad Ali, proclaimed that he was the greatest and we all began to make similar claims. We were told and taught to believe that there was nothing that we could not accomplish if we just set our minds to the task before us ….and that it was okay; no, it was mandatory that we tell everyone just how great we were and how we deserve the very best of everything. That thinking has corrupted our younger generation and has left them gasping for breath as they race around in life trying to have it all.
The Bible speaks at great length to extol the virtues of humility …and it’s a word that is timely for all of us today. From the wisdom of Solomon in Proverbs 15:33, we read, “The fear of the Lord is instruction in wisdom, and humility comes before honor.” And in just the next chapter, Solomon continues to instruct us in verse 18, when he says, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Haughty is a word we don’t hear very much anymore because it defames our character. When we take a closer look at what it means, words like proud, arrogant, conceited, snooty, stuck-up, overconfident and high and mighty come to mind ….and those are words that no one likes to have associated with them and their character. No, no one wants to think of themselves as haughty or as Paul admonishes in Romans 12:3, “I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith God has assigned.”
So that brings us back to humility….how do we get it and how can we hang on to it? In James 4: 6, we read that God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble and then in verse 10, he tells us to “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you.”
Humble ourselves before the Lord…. the Creator of the Universe, the GREAT I AM, the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the BEGINNING and the END, the Name above EVERY Name. How could we NOT humble ourselves before our Maker?
Haughty or Humble…..the choice is yours? More tomorrow on how to be humble!
Blessed and Believing,
The Bible speaks at great length to extol the virtues of humility …and it’s a word that is timely for all of us today. From the wisdom of Solomon in Proverbs 15:33, we read, “The fear of the Lord is instruction in wisdom, and humility comes before honor.” And in just the next chapter, Solomon continues to instruct us in verse 18, when he says, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Haughty is a word we don’t hear very much anymore because it defames our character. When we take a closer look at what it means, words like proud, arrogant, conceited, snooty, stuck-up, overconfident and high and mighty come to mind ….and those are words that no one likes to have associated with them and their character. No, no one wants to think of themselves as haughty or as Paul admonishes in Romans 12:3, “I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith God has assigned.”
So that brings us back to humility….how do we get it and how can we hang on to it? In James 4: 6, we read that God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble and then in verse 10, he tells us to “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you.”
Humble ourselves before the Lord…. the Creator of the Universe, the GREAT I AM, the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the BEGINNING and the END, the Name above EVERY Name. How could we NOT humble ourselves before our Maker?
Haughty or Humble…..the choice is yours? More tomorrow on how to be humble!
Blessed and Believing,
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