There is one sound or phrase that you will NEVER hear coming out of our Lord’s mouth….
That is a sound that is made by man not by our God on High…for nothing has EVER caught our God by surprise. He has never had to “go with Plan B”, search for a “better alternative” or even questioned “if this was good for all concerned.”
HE IS GOD… and His ways are higher and better than ours. We can not begin to fathom the depths of His ways nor understand the “whys” of His heart; but, we can trust who he is and we can find great comfort and hope in the desires of His heart.
His word says in Hebrews that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and tomorrow.” In other words, GOD NEVER CHANGES … and in a world that is in constant flux and seemingly unending change, this knowledge should give us hope and peace in spite of our circumstances.
You may be dealing with a job change or loss…aging parents and how to care for them…teenagers that are hell bent on self destruction….facing retirement with limited funds…or a myriad of who knows what….but that’s okay, GOD KNOWS WHAT… AND HE STANDS READY WITH HIS HEAVENLY HOST TO COME TO YOUR RESCUE.
None of the calamities that may be fall us ever catch God off guard…He is prepared to deal with each one. He just needs your permission…for God will not force himself or His will on you. He said, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and eat with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20
He is waiting just outside your door. Do you hear him knocking …are you listening for his voice…are you willing to ask Him to come in and break bread with you?
Help is just on the other side of the door. If you open it and invite God in, He will make your path straight; he will guide you beside the still waters; he will restore your soul…..and he will give you the abundant life for which you were created.
God can deal with any problem, forgive any sin, cleanse the blackest heart and make new that which is dead…the choice is yours!
Why not invite the Master to be the Lord and Savior of your life…why not do it today? He will not stand at the door and knock forever…he will not continue to call your name and be ignored, shouted down by the cares of this material world. One day, you will draw your last breath and this life will be over; but, your eternity will have just begun!
Where will you spend eternity…. Forever with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…or in the lake of fire?
Changed forever by the One that never changes,
If life is filled with strife and stress
No peace for the troubled heart
Just listen for the Savior’s voice
Then your fears will soon depart.
He’s standing at your heart’s door
If you open the door you’ll find
The Father will come in to you
And bring sweet peace of mind.
W. Patrick Queen
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Here’s a new twist to an old saying:
Due to the recent financial difficulties, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off!
Now, I know that things are not as good as they could be; but, heaven knows they could be worse. So on this special day that we as Americans set aside to give thanks ….let us do just that….GIVE THANKS!
In fact, in God’s word that is an imperative, a command from the Great I AM.
Throughout the Psalms, David continually wrote to praise the Lord and to give thanks. In Chapters 106 and 118, he begins each psalm with this admonition, “Praise the Lord! Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever.” Time and time again, David reminds us to give thanks…to let our hearts overflow with thanksgiving. In fact, in over 33 passages in the Bible, we are commanded to give thanks to our Father who is the giver of every good gift.
On this Thanksgiving Day, maybe you’re bank account isn’t as fat as you would like…but if you have any spare change just lying around the house, you are already wealthier than 75% of the world’s population. If you have a roof over your head, clothes and shoes to wear and get even one meal a day, you are living above the poverty level of 85% of those in third world countries.
Yes, times are hard for many of us here in America, but that does not relieve us of our command to obedience to give thanks to our Heavenly Father. But, we should give thanks not out of duty or obedience, but rather out of love and gratitude for the immeasurable blessings of God on this great nation.
Times may be hard and they may become harder…but we, as followers of Christ, are called to a higher standard of thanksgiving…we are to praise him and give thanks in ALL things…the good and the bad…in the best of times and the worst of times.
Today, do this….set aside some time to make a list of the things for which you can give thanks and after each one, BLESS THE NAME OF JESUS….tell Him, personally, what and why you are thankful and how, even if that blessing were striped away, you would still give thanks and bless his name…..for scripture tells us, “What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, yet lose his own soul.”
That is my prayer of thanksgiving today…not for the blessing of my beautiful wife or the sweetness of my lovely daughter, although both are my joy and treasure; but, for the saving of my soul …that my name is written in capital letters in the Lamb’s Book of Life and that my eternal destiny is settled …and one day, very soon, I’m going home to be with my Savior.
If you, too, know the indescribable joy of being a child of the King….then,
Due to the recent financial difficulties, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off!
Now, I know that things are not as good as they could be; but, heaven knows they could be worse. So on this special day that we as Americans set aside to give thanks ….let us do just that….GIVE THANKS!
In fact, in God’s word that is an imperative, a command from the Great I AM.
Throughout the Psalms, David continually wrote to praise the Lord and to give thanks. In Chapters 106 and 118, he begins each psalm with this admonition, “Praise the Lord! Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever.” Time and time again, David reminds us to give thanks…to let our hearts overflow with thanksgiving. In fact, in over 33 passages in the Bible, we are commanded to give thanks to our Father who is the giver of every good gift.
On this Thanksgiving Day, maybe you’re bank account isn’t as fat as you would like…but if you have any spare change just lying around the house, you are already wealthier than 75% of the world’s population. If you have a roof over your head, clothes and shoes to wear and get even one meal a day, you are living above the poverty level of 85% of those in third world countries.
Yes, times are hard for many of us here in America, but that does not relieve us of our command to obedience to give thanks to our Heavenly Father. But, we should give thanks not out of duty or obedience, but rather out of love and gratitude for the immeasurable blessings of God on this great nation.
Times may be hard and they may become harder…but we, as followers of Christ, are called to a higher standard of thanksgiving…we are to praise him and give thanks in ALL things…the good and the bad…in the best of times and the worst of times.
Today, do this….set aside some time to make a list of the things for which you can give thanks and after each one, BLESS THE NAME OF JESUS….tell Him, personally, what and why you are thankful and how, even if that blessing were striped away, you would still give thanks and bless his name…..for scripture tells us, “What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, yet lose his own soul.”
That is my prayer of thanksgiving today…not for the blessing of my beautiful wife or the sweetness of my lovely daughter, although both are my joy and treasure; but, for the saving of my soul …that my name is written in capital letters in the Lamb’s Book of Life and that my eternal destiny is settled …and one day, very soon, I’m going home to be with my Savior.
If you, too, know the indescribable joy of being a child of the King….then,
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Have you ever wrestled with a problem or had trouble dealing with making a decision that might change the course of your life?
Well, if you’re still breathing, the answer is an emphatic YES!!!! And don’t look now, but, as you get older and, as some would deem, wiser….it still does not get any easier; especially if you are trying to walk in a Godly and forthright manner.
That’s why I love the story of Gideon.
Now, Gideon was the son of Joash the Abiezrite, one of the least of the clans in Manasseh and the weakest in his clan, when God’s angel appeared to him and proclaimed him to be a “mighty man of valor.” The angel shared how God had heard the cries of His people and was sending Gideon to “save Israel from the hand of the Midian.” After Gideon confirmed the revelation of God’s angel by having a meal he prepared for him totally consumed by fire, the plot began to thicken ….and poor Gideon was faced with some very difficult decisions.
God instructions led to the destruction of the altar to Baal and to the establishment of an altar to the God of Israel…which really riled up the locals and set the stage for battle. Gideon sent out the cry for warriors throughout Manasseh to come prepared to follow him into battle; yet, Gideon was still having second thoughts as to his role in God’s redemptive plan for Israel. So, he did the only thing he could think of …he put God to the test.
“Then Gideon said to God, “If you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said, behold I am laying a fleece of wool on the threshing floor. If there is dew on the fleece alone and it is dry on all the ground, then I shall know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said.” And it was so. When he arose early the next morning and squeezed the fleece, he wrung enough dew from the fleece to fill a bowl with water.”
Now, I don’t know about you, but that would have been all the confirmation I needed to move out to accomplish the goals that God had set before me….at least, I hope that would get me moving. But, I am probably more like Gideon than I would care to admit.
“Then Gideon said to God, “Let not your anger burn against me; let me speak just once more. Please let me test just once more with the fleece. Please let it be dry on the fleece only and on all the ground let there be dew. And God did so that night; and it was dry on the fleece only, and on all the ground there was dew.” Judges6:36-40
Gideon had his answer because he was not afraid to ask. Too often, we come to some cross road in our life and we need heavenly guidance to assure that we are making the right choice …that God is going with us or that it is He that has called us to this time of decision….but, we freeze and in fear, we simply don’t put God’s will to the test.
There have been many times in my life that I have used Gideon’s approach to come to a major decision and in each circumstance, God has been FAITHFUL!
You see, God wants us to ask for his guidance, direction, confirmation and especially, His blessings on the activities and choices that make up our life. After all, we are here for His purpose and though we are not robots, we are made to be happy when we do the Father’s will and accomplish the tasks He has ordained.
So, the next time you come to a time of consternation regarding a life choice or there looms on the horizon a battle that God has called you to fight…pull a Gideon and fleece the Lord.
Go ahead ….God’s up for the challenge …He won’t hold your anxiety against you… only the fear of failing to ask will keep your paralyzed from making a godly decision.
It worked for Gideon…it will work for you!!!
Moving forward in faith…thankful for His answers,
Well, if you’re still breathing, the answer is an emphatic YES!!!! And don’t look now, but, as you get older and, as some would deem, wiser….it still does not get any easier; especially if you are trying to walk in a Godly and forthright manner.
That’s why I love the story of Gideon.
Now, Gideon was the son of Joash the Abiezrite, one of the least of the clans in Manasseh and the weakest in his clan, when God’s angel appeared to him and proclaimed him to be a “mighty man of valor.” The angel shared how God had heard the cries of His people and was sending Gideon to “save Israel from the hand of the Midian.” After Gideon confirmed the revelation of God’s angel by having a meal he prepared for him totally consumed by fire, the plot began to thicken ….and poor Gideon was faced with some very difficult decisions.
God instructions led to the destruction of the altar to Baal and to the establishment of an altar to the God of Israel…which really riled up the locals and set the stage for battle. Gideon sent out the cry for warriors throughout Manasseh to come prepared to follow him into battle; yet, Gideon was still having second thoughts as to his role in God’s redemptive plan for Israel. So, he did the only thing he could think of …he put God to the test.
“Then Gideon said to God, “If you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said, behold I am laying a fleece of wool on the threshing floor. If there is dew on the fleece alone and it is dry on all the ground, then I shall know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said.” And it was so. When he arose early the next morning and squeezed the fleece, he wrung enough dew from the fleece to fill a bowl with water.”
Now, I don’t know about you, but that would have been all the confirmation I needed to move out to accomplish the goals that God had set before me….at least, I hope that would get me moving. But, I am probably more like Gideon than I would care to admit.
“Then Gideon said to God, “Let not your anger burn against me; let me speak just once more. Please let me test just once more with the fleece. Please let it be dry on the fleece only and on all the ground let there be dew. And God did so that night; and it was dry on the fleece only, and on all the ground there was dew.” Judges6:36-40
Gideon had his answer because he was not afraid to ask. Too often, we come to some cross road in our life and we need heavenly guidance to assure that we are making the right choice …that God is going with us or that it is He that has called us to this time of decision….but, we freeze and in fear, we simply don’t put God’s will to the test.
There have been many times in my life that I have used Gideon’s approach to come to a major decision and in each circumstance, God has been FAITHFUL!
You see, God wants us to ask for his guidance, direction, confirmation and especially, His blessings on the activities and choices that make up our life. After all, we are here for His purpose and though we are not robots, we are made to be happy when we do the Father’s will and accomplish the tasks He has ordained.
So, the next time you come to a time of consternation regarding a life choice or there looms on the horizon a battle that God has called you to fight…pull a Gideon and fleece the Lord.
Go ahead ….God’s up for the challenge …He won’t hold your anxiety against you… only the fear of failing to ask will keep your paralyzed from making a godly decision.
It worked for Gideon…it will work for you!!!
Moving forward in faith…thankful for His answers,
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Change...Is It A Good Thing?
I don’t know about you; but, if you’re anything like me….change does not come easy and it is hardly ever welcomed. Oh, I know there is that rare bird that lives for change, but, let’s face it, they’re probably a few feathers short when it comes to their wingspan.
No! Change is Hard! That’s why I am so proud of me. Yesterday, I instituted a change for me and I did it all on my own volition. Now, it’s not a big change, but it is still change. I now get up each morning at 5:50 to begin my day with the Lord.
My old routine had me rising at about 6:50 or so, helping my wife with any morning activities that would help her and our daughter make the departure for work and school on time, then a brisk walk around the neighborhood, followed by breakfast. Then, I would make the trek upstairs to my “writing chair” and settle in to have my Quiet Time with the Lord. I began by reading a devotional, spent time in the Word and then closed the time with prayer. Now, I always promised myself that I would stay and spend as much time as God wanted me to spend with him before plowing into the rest of my daily activities….but, in my mind, time was always constraining me to “get moving to make hay while the sun shine.” So, God got some of me….not the best of me!
That’s why my change is so significant….now I meet Him first thing in the morning. I begin my day drawing close to the Lord. I read His Word and listen for Him to speak. I pray and thank Him for the challenges that await me in the day that He has blessed and set before me…and I promise, by His grace, to meet Him again tomorrow at the same time. I must admit, change is good.
In fact, God’s word says so in Lamentations 3:22-25, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in Him.” The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.”
Is God good to you? Do you know and experience His new mercies each morning? Do you give God the best part of you or do you ration him a portion of the leftovers? Maybe, it’s time for some radical thinking….maybe; IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE.
Why not give it a try? Give God the start of each new day. Covenant to meet Him first thing each morning, even if only for a week…just to see how it goes! I can speak from experience that I am already seeing a difference in me and in my walk with the Lord.
The poem that follows is my gift to God from our meeting yesterday….may you be blessed as you consider any change that brings you in closer communion with our Lord.
Rising early….Seeking His Face,
When I meet you in the morning, I begin the day anew
And morning’s light is filtered through the mist of morning dew.
When I meet you in the morning and take the time to stop and pray;
I know that you will walk with me…. every step throughout my day.
When I meet you in the morning, I take your word and there I read;
A message you’ve meant just for me…. or a lesson I should heed.
When I meet you in the morning and I listen to hear your voice;
My spirit is encouraged, Lord, and my soul seeks to rejoice….
My thoughts are set on you dear, Lord, at dawn’s first early light;
And heaven’s gates are flung open wide as my spirit soars in flight.
I’m gathered at the Throne Room’s door and there I’m ushered in
To a quiet time with the one I love…My Savior and My Friend.
Oh, how I love our quiet time when morning breaks anew;
For you are there to hold me close in this special time with you….
May I never take for granted, Lord, this blessed time you spend with me;
For the glimpse of heaven’s glory….for the wonders revealed to me.
As I meet you every morning, Lord, and open your Holy word;
I ask that you will help me hear the message you want heard…..
I ask that you will grant me, Lord, a willing heart, each day anew;
So others who may see my life will know I belong to you.
For when I meet you every morning, Lord, on this promise I shall depend;
One day you’ll call me home to glory…to where the mornings never end.
W. Patrick Queen
November 2008
No! Change is Hard! That’s why I am so proud of me. Yesterday, I instituted a change for me and I did it all on my own volition. Now, it’s not a big change, but it is still change. I now get up each morning at 5:50 to begin my day with the Lord.
My old routine had me rising at about 6:50 or so, helping my wife with any morning activities that would help her and our daughter make the departure for work and school on time, then a brisk walk around the neighborhood, followed by breakfast. Then, I would make the trek upstairs to my “writing chair” and settle in to have my Quiet Time with the Lord. I began by reading a devotional, spent time in the Word and then closed the time with prayer. Now, I always promised myself that I would stay and spend as much time as God wanted me to spend with him before plowing into the rest of my daily activities….but, in my mind, time was always constraining me to “get moving to make hay while the sun shine.” So, God got some of me….not the best of me!
That’s why my change is so significant….now I meet Him first thing in the morning. I begin my day drawing close to the Lord. I read His Word and listen for Him to speak. I pray and thank Him for the challenges that await me in the day that He has blessed and set before me…and I promise, by His grace, to meet Him again tomorrow at the same time. I must admit, change is good.
In fact, God’s word says so in Lamentations 3:22-25, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in Him.” The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.”
Is God good to you? Do you know and experience His new mercies each morning? Do you give God the best part of you or do you ration him a portion of the leftovers? Maybe, it’s time for some radical thinking….maybe; IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE.
Why not give it a try? Give God the start of each new day. Covenant to meet Him first thing each morning, even if only for a week…just to see how it goes! I can speak from experience that I am already seeing a difference in me and in my walk with the Lord.
The poem that follows is my gift to God from our meeting yesterday….may you be blessed as you consider any change that brings you in closer communion with our Lord.
Rising early….Seeking His Face,
When I meet you in the morning, I begin the day anew
And morning’s light is filtered through the mist of morning dew.
When I meet you in the morning and take the time to stop and pray;
I know that you will walk with me…. every step throughout my day.
When I meet you in the morning, I take your word and there I read;
A message you’ve meant just for me…. or a lesson I should heed.
When I meet you in the morning and I listen to hear your voice;
My spirit is encouraged, Lord, and my soul seeks to rejoice….
My thoughts are set on you dear, Lord, at dawn’s first early light;
And heaven’s gates are flung open wide as my spirit soars in flight.
I’m gathered at the Throne Room’s door and there I’m ushered in
To a quiet time with the one I love…My Savior and My Friend.
Oh, how I love our quiet time when morning breaks anew;
For you are there to hold me close in this special time with you….
May I never take for granted, Lord, this blessed time you spend with me;
For the glimpse of heaven’s glory….for the wonders revealed to me.
As I meet you every morning, Lord, and open your Holy word;
I ask that you will help me hear the message you want heard…..
I ask that you will grant me, Lord, a willing heart, each day anew;
So others who may see my life will know I belong to you.
For when I meet you every morning, Lord, on this promise I shall depend;
One day you’ll call me home to glory…to where the mornings never end.
W. Patrick Queen
November 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Succesful Living in Today's World
During the last couple of weeks, my Sunday school class has been studying the biblical character, Timothy. I have been constantly amazed at the maturity and level-headedness of this young man. Now that could be due to the time and energy that the great apostle Paul poured into this young man as his friend, confidant and mentor; but, I believe it was in large part due to the willing heart and love of service to the Lord Jesus Christ that made Timothy a real man of God.
Paul was constantly sending Timothy into some of the most impossible situations as he traveled from church to church….often, the bearer of reproach, correction and discipline for a flock gone astray….but, always we read of Timothy’s cool head and diplomacy as he delivered his message from Paul. How could one so young with little formal training become such a great pastor? Let’s look at Paul admonition to his young protégé and see what he took to heart.
In 1 Timothy 4: 7, Paul tells Timothy to “Train yourself in godliness….for godliness is beneficial in every way since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” He continues in verses 12-13 by saying, “No one should despise your youth; instead, you should be an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith and in purity. Until I come, give your attention to public reading, exhortation and teaching”….and in verse 15, “Practice these things; be committed to them so that your progress may be evident to all. Be conscientious about yourself and your teaching; persevere in these things, for by doing this your will save both yourself and your hearers.”
What a great mission statement for young Timothy… and for us. If you are seeking a roadmap that leads to successful Christian living in a wicked and despicable world, follow these words to young Timothy….be an example in what you say, what you do, how and what you love, in your demeanor and in what you put into your mind and body.
Sound simple? Of course….it’s the execution of such a life style that is the true test of who we are and to whom we have committed our lives. Are you committed to live for Jesus today? Are you willing to train yourself in godliness and to practice a lifestyle that honors God?
As a former PGA professional, I have had the opportunity to give many a golf lesson to beginning and aspiring golfers and my advice has always been the same to each of my students, “PRACTICE DOESN’T MAKE PERFECT…PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT.”
Now, if you want to have a good golf swing, you do need to practice; but you need to practice the RIGHT things to accomplish your goals and become a better golfer. Same holds true in living the Christian life….YOU MUST PRACTICE THE RIGHT THINGS…THE “GODLY” THINGS if you want to stand at the Bema seat of Christ and hear those words we all long to hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant; enter now into the joy of the Lord.”
How will you stand before your Creator…..trembling because you know that you let Him down or in anxious anticipation for the joy of the Lord?
The choice is up to you ….it’s all in how and what you
Practicing the Basics…..Living for the Reward,
Paul was constantly sending Timothy into some of the most impossible situations as he traveled from church to church….often, the bearer of reproach, correction and discipline for a flock gone astray….but, always we read of Timothy’s cool head and diplomacy as he delivered his message from Paul. How could one so young with little formal training become such a great pastor? Let’s look at Paul admonition to his young protégé and see what he took to heart.
In 1 Timothy 4: 7, Paul tells Timothy to “Train yourself in godliness….for godliness is beneficial in every way since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” He continues in verses 12-13 by saying, “No one should despise your youth; instead, you should be an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith and in purity. Until I come, give your attention to public reading, exhortation and teaching”….and in verse 15, “Practice these things; be committed to them so that your progress may be evident to all. Be conscientious about yourself and your teaching; persevere in these things, for by doing this your will save both yourself and your hearers.”
What a great mission statement for young Timothy… and for us. If you are seeking a roadmap that leads to successful Christian living in a wicked and despicable world, follow these words to young Timothy….be an example in what you say, what you do, how and what you love, in your demeanor and in what you put into your mind and body.
Sound simple? Of course….it’s the execution of such a life style that is the true test of who we are and to whom we have committed our lives. Are you committed to live for Jesus today? Are you willing to train yourself in godliness and to practice a lifestyle that honors God?
As a former PGA professional, I have had the opportunity to give many a golf lesson to beginning and aspiring golfers and my advice has always been the same to each of my students, “PRACTICE DOESN’T MAKE PERFECT…PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT.”
Now, if you want to have a good golf swing, you do need to practice; but you need to practice the RIGHT things to accomplish your goals and become a better golfer. Same holds true in living the Christian life….YOU MUST PRACTICE THE RIGHT THINGS…THE “GODLY” THINGS if you want to stand at the Bema seat of Christ and hear those words we all long to hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant; enter now into the joy of the Lord.”
How will you stand before your Creator…..trembling because you know that you let Him down or in anxious anticipation for the joy of the Lord?
The choice is up to you ….it’s all in how and what you
Practicing the Basics…..Living for the Reward,
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
There is a story concerning David in I Samuel that we should all take to heart …it goes like this….
David was still on the run from his adversary, Saul, when he and his band of 400 misfits took shelter in the cave of Adullam. David went from there to Mizpeh, to the King of Moab and asked the king to let his mother and father reside with him …at least, as scripture says, “till I know what God will do for me.” He hurried back to the cave and there remained…hunkered down in his stronghold.
Now, the stronghold was indeed a refuge from his enemies and a place where he and his men could take rest, eat and keep out of the elements; however, after some time in this stronghold, I am quite confident this place became a bastion of disappointment and despair. After all, David had been anointed to be the next King of Israel; he had defeated Goliath and the Philistines and had won many other battles under the flag of the king. This was NO PLACE for a man of his reputation and promise…that’s why the prophet Gad arrived with this edict from the Lord, “Do not remain in the stronghold; depart and go into the land of Judah.” I Samuel 22: 5
So, David, ever the obedient man of God, departed to the forest of Hereth. Now, I’m not sure what was waiting for David in the forest…but this I do know…. Judah means “praise”…. and God was calling David to leave the safety and despair of his stronghold and step out in praise to the Lord of Hosts. He was called by the prophet to leave behind the old ways…to move out and…MOVE UP TO THE HIGH CALLING OF GOD!!!!
Maybe that’s where you find yourself today…..You’ve been, or are being, pursued by your enemies. You’ve found a stronghold that gives you a moment’s peace from the worried and hectic pace of life. You feel safe, but you know it is only temporary. You feel disheartened and you’re sure that no one understands …or even cares!
Well, think again my friend…GOD CARES and he is calling you to move out and make your way to your land of Judah (PRAISE)…to move up to the life that is waiting for you as you seek God’s will and walk in His ways. He is calling you out of the cave of constraint into the forest of fulfillment….He is calling you to cast aside the discouragement that keeps you shackled from living in fullness and to breathe deeply the clean air of praise that will fill your life to overflowing abundance.
Yes, our God is calling you to MOVE OUT AND MOVE UP….to see life from a mountaintop view of obedience and to know that HE THAT IS FOR US IS FAR GREATER THAN He that stands against us.
Live like a King…or at least follow in his footsteps and depart from you stronghold to the high calling that God has before you…enter today into your land of Praise…you’ll find God is waiting there to meet you …for He cares for you!!!!
Breaking down strongholds…living in obedience,
Discouraged, down-hearted,
Filled with despair and doubt;
Until I broke down the stronghold….
I’m Movin” up by Movin’ out!!!!
David was still on the run from his adversary, Saul, when he and his band of 400 misfits took shelter in the cave of Adullam. David went from there to Mizpeh, to the King of Moab and asked the king to let his mother and father reside with him …at least, as scripture says, “till I know what God will do for me.” He hurried back to the cave and there remained…hunkered down in his stronghold.
Now, the stronghold was indeed a refuge from his enemies and a place where he and his men could take rest, eat and keep out of the elements; however, after some time in this stronghold, I am quite confident this place became a bastion of disappointment and despair. After all, David had been anointed to be the next King of Israel; he had defeated Goliath and the Philistines and had won many other battles under the flag of the king. This was NO PLACE for a man of his reputation and promise…that’s why the prophet Gad arrived with this edict from the Lord, “Do not remain in the stronghold; depart and go into the land of Judah.” I Samuel 22: 5
So, David, ever the obedient man of God, departed to the forest of Hereth. Now, I’m not sure what was waiting for David in the forest…but this I do know…. Judah means “praise”…. and God was calling David to leave the safety and despair of his stronghold and step out in praise to the Lord of Hosts. He was called by the prophet to leave behind the old ways…to move out and…MOVE UP TO THE HIGH CALLING OF GOD!!!!
Maybe that’s where you find yourself today…..You’ve been, or are being, pursued by your enemies. You’ve found a stronghold that gives you a moment’s peace from the worried and hectic pace of life. You feel safe, but you know it is only temporary. You feel disheartened and you’re sure that no one understands …or even cares!
Well, think again my friend…GOD CARES and he is calling you to move out and make your way to your land of Judah (PRAISE)…to move up to the life that is waiting for you as you seek God’s will and walk in His ways. He is calling you out of the cave of constraint into the forest of fulfillment….He is calling you to cast aside the discouragement that keeps you shackled from living in fullness and to breathe deeply the clean air of praise that will fill your life to overflowing abundance.
Yes, our God is calling you to MOVE OUT AND MOVE UP….to see life from a mountaintop view of obedience and to know that HE THAT IS FOR US IS FAR GREATER THAN He that stands against us.
Live like a King…or at least follow in his footsteps and depart from you stronghold to the high calling that God has before you…enter today into your land of Praise…you’ll find God is waiting there to meet you …for He cares for you!!!!
Breaking down strongholds…living in obedience,
Discouraged, down-hearted,
Filled with despair and doubt;
Until I broke down the stronghold….
I’m Movin” up by Movin’ out!!!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Paralysis by Analysis….
Have you ever wondered if God has given you a special calling…yet, you weren’t quite sure if you were getting the “right vibes” to pursue His calling? Or maybe, you’ve had great and wonderful plans to do some magnificent work for the Lord, yet, you’ve never gotten out of the starting blocks.
Whatever your current situation, you may find you’ve become a prisoner of the mindset of PARALYSIS BY ANALYSIS…a common trap our adversary uses to keep us frozen in our tracks, sitting on the sidelines of life.
Now granted, we do have to be careful not to do too much boasting about our plans, as James advises in chapter 4, verses 13-15 as he writes, “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”; yet, you do not know what tomorrow will bring? WHAT IS YOUR LIFE (my emphasis)? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes; instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”
If the Lord wills ….that’s the starting block that gets you off and running to accomplish great and wonderful things in the name of the Savior. But, if you’re like me, you’re often wondering if the project you wish to accomplish is really the Lord’s will? Well, here are 4 questions that I have used for quite some time that might help you decide… the answers to these questions will help you determine if God will bless the fruits of your labor.
1- What is the foundation this project is based on?
2- What experiences in my life demonstrate God’s involvement in this endeavor?
3- What is my motivation for entering into this activity or project?
4- Do I have the skills, abilities and commitment to accomplish this task?
If after prayer and supplication, you can answer these questions with a clear mind and an honest heart, I think you will see if God is truly leading you to accomplish the task you desire. We have all heard the old saying that “God does not guide where He does not provide”….. So, truly, the answers you receive will make your pathway abundantly clear and you can get off the bench and into the game.
Don’t stay frozen by fear, stuck in a stupor or paralyzed in a panic….trust your Heavenly Father to lead you to accomplish all that He desires for you to do …you will gain the victory and the GLORY WILL BE HIS…..
Living in victory….one day at a time,
Whatever your current situation, you may find you’ve become a prisoner of the mindset of PARALYSIS BY ANALYSIS…a common trap our adversary uses to keep us frozen in our tracks, sitting on the sidelines of life.
Now granted, we do have to be careful not to do too much boasting about our plans, as James advises in chapter 4, verses 13-15 as he writes, “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”; yet, you do not know what tomorrow will bring? WHAT IS YOUR LIFE (my emphasis)? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes; instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”
If the Lord wills ….that’s the starting block that gets you off and running to accomplish great and wonderful things in the name of the Savior. But, if you’re like me, you’re often wondering if the project you wish to accomplish is really the Lord’s will? Well, here are 4 questions that I have used for quite some time that might help you decide… the answers to these questions will help you determine if God will bless the fruits of your labor.
1- What is the foundation this project is based on?
2- What experiences in my life demonstrate God’s involvement in this endeavor?
3- What is my motivation for entering into this activity or project?
4- Do I have the skills, abilities and commitment to accomplish this task?
If after prayer and supplication, you can answer these questions with a clear mind and an honest heart, I think you will see if God is truly leading you to accomplish the task you desire. We have all heard the old saying that “God does not guide where He does not provide”….. So, truly, the answers you receive will make your pathway abundantly clear and you can get off the bench and into the game.
Don’t stay frozen by fear, stuck in a stupor or paralyzed in a panic….trust your Heavenly Father to lead you to accomplish all that He desires for you to do …you will gain the victory and the GLORY WILL BE HIS…..
Living in victory….one day at a time,
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