Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Running Life’s Marathon

In most of last week’s topics, my thought process seemed to be focused on dealing with the obstacles and obsessions that seem to beset us all. We looked at the opportunities or the obstacles that God often sets in our path and we considered the life that God rewards as we continually look for ways to be faithful in our worship, service and love for our Heavenly Father….but before I leave this area of concern, I want us to consider how we deal with the trials, tribulations and tests of faith that are the markings of those who are called by the name of Christ…as we take up our cross and follow Him.

When a trial …trouble…test…or “tough break” come our way, how should we as God’s chosen deal with this “speed bump” along heaven’s highway? I believe we will respond in one of three ways.

We will seek to ENDURE the trial….often dragging many of our closest friends and family members down the road of suffering we now travel. We will lower our head, stick out our lower lip and cast our gaze downward… then, we will moan and groan about the “cross” that we must bear. We endure because we must…. and in that mindset we run the risk of becoming…BITTER.

Sometimes we will choose to ESCAPE the trial….we look around, find the closest EXIT and then, we make our move ….WE RUN TOWARD THE HILLS, never looking back at those we have left behind…never caring to help those that may be hurting and dealing with a seemingly insurmountable problem. We are free from the pain of the trial and in that mindset we try to convince ourselves that we feel….BETTER.

And then, there is the third choice of dealing with a trial…we can choose to ENLIGHTEN ourselves by seeking to know God’s will in the midst of the calamity. We can choose to let troubles or impending crises move us to a place of growth …we can use our trouble as a “stepping stone” to a higher place of commitment and trust in our relationship with our Savior and in so doing, we allow our strengthening faith to make us BRAZEN and BOLD in our walk with our Lord.

As we seek to know God’s will in the midst of tumultuous times, we must realize that life is not a sprint but a marathon…we must endure in order that we might enlist our problems and our troubles to enable us to run that “good and perfect” race that God has set before each of us.

The writer of Hebrews said it best, “You have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive what is promised.” Hebrews 10:36

We must run life’s race to endure all that God has set before us… so that we may become all He has ordained us to be…so that we may accomplish all that He has set before us…but most of all, so that we may receive ALL that He has promised….

So lace up those shoes and prepare to run where God leads….a marathon that will carry you to the very gates of Heaven into a life everlasting…

Running into the fray…Growing stronger in My Savior,


Friday, September 25, 2009

Living for Eternity...A Life God Rewards!

Living in the now is hard for a lot of God’s people …what with our world’s infatuation with gathering and storing and saving for our old age. It seems that hoarding has become part of the standard thinking of the rich and the “wanna be” rich. Now, I for one can empathize with this thought process, being one of the “baby boomers” who has been suckled with the idea that if I am going to live a long and satisfying life, I better stockpile lots of “goodies’ to see me through my senior years.

But, let’s look at this from a Biblical perspective. This life is really just a dress rehearsal for the eternity that I will spend with my Heavenly Father …at home in the New Jerusalem. In fact, my entire purpose for living is to prepare me for eternity …to have me practice on earth what I will perfect in heaven. Now eternity, that’s a LOOOONNGGGG TIME according to 2 Peter 3:8 which says, “But do not overlook this one fact, Beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." God’s calendar is different than yours and mine…I may live to be a hundred here on earth, but I’m going to spend a trillion years in eternity and that requires that I get my eye on the prize while I’m here.

Each of us was made by God…. for God. God did not put us here to make us happy, but to make us HOLY…and that’s the struggle of life. Until we get that thought at the center of our consciousness, we’re probably going to spend our time and efforts in pursuing the wrong things of this world….and those “things” lead to our destruction. Sure, we all want to be successful, fulfilled and comfortable both now and in our “retirement” years; but God is more interested in your CHARACTER than in your COMFORT.

So, where does that leave us? Do we listen attentively to the noise from the crowd that tells us to “grab all we can” since we only “go around once in life”…or do we heed the Savior’s call to “take up our cross and follow him.”

If your life is not facing some sort of difficulty, then maybe it’s time to check your Christian pulse and see if your really have a heartbeat for the Savior? Truly, it’s okay to want to be reasonably happy here on earth; to face a minimal amount of desperation or despair….but, remember, God is more interested in your growth in Christ than the size of your home or the value of your IRA. If you’re working for the Kingdom, then trust me; Opposition is near-at-hand….but that’s okay! 1 John 4:4 says, “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for He that is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”

So start living for the eternity that God has promised you and leave behind the cares and troubles that so easily beset us….Today is the first day of the rest of your eternity ….at home with Jesus and our Father of Love.

Letting go of today…Reaching for eternity,

Thought for Today:
God brings life’s struggles not to impair us…but to improve us;
Life’s catastrophes not to impound us…but to EMPOWER us for HIS GLORY!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Obstacle or Opportunity?

It is so wonderful to serve our mighty Lord, ruler of Heaven and Earth…one who is all-knowing and all powerful; yet, there is one thing God has never known. In fact, He would not know it if it walked up to Him and bit Him on His hand….it is a Problem!

God has never encountered a problem…never run up against something that caused Him concern or baffled Him as to what should be done. God ALWAYS has a perfect plan.

In our world, what you or I see as an obstacle, trial, tribulation or problem …God sees as an opportunity. Don’t believe me….read John 9:1-3

As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned.” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.”

Did you catch the magnitude of the lesson that Jesus was trying to teach his disciples? It was for God’s glory to be manifested in this blind man’s life that he was born without sight….what was his obstacle to overcome was God’s opportunity to exalt His Son.

The same is true today for you and me. For everything that we see as a problem in our lives, God has placed that obstacle there as His opportunity. We may not see the reason why or understand His methods ….but when we cannot see the hand of God; we can always trust His heart. He has promised us in His word that all will turn out for our good.

So, today no matter what obstacles God has placed in your path…REJOICE…and know that He is already at work to accomplish His will in your life…to make you more like His Son so that you may bring Him Glory in all things.

Jesus left his disciples and us with these words from John 16:33, “I have told you these things so that you might have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart!


Are you an overcomer today in Jesus Christ? It’s all in your viewpoint of your Heavenly Father’s plan…..OBSTACLE or OPPORTUNITY….The choice is yours!

Overcoming with the Father,



Life’s problems may weigh you down
Dark clouds may bring you rain
But when your joy is in the Lord
You’ll hardly feel the pain.

If life tests you mightily
And you think you might give in
Just place your faith in Jesus’ strength
And He’ll help you turn from sin.

He’ll under gird your actions
He’ll fortify you plan
Remember what you can’t do...
Your Heavenly Father can!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Whom Do You Serve?

Throughout the ages of history and across the battlefields of time, warriors have worn the colors and carried royal flags to show their allegiance to their King….forever marching behind a banner to let all men know whom they served.

During that dark era of American slavery, many slaves were known by the family brand seared into their flesh; a constant reminder of whom they served.

Even as Christians, we often seek to have some identifiable mark or trait that will let all who see us know that we serve the King of Kings; however, maybe we should take a step back to understand what Jesus knew regarding His relationship with the Father.

In fact, even the devil himself understood the tenuous relationship that Jesus had with his Heavenly Father…look at scripture; “Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give to you,” he said, “if you will bow down and WORSHIP me.” Jesus said to him, “Away from me Satan! For it is written, ‘Worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve.” Matthew 4:8-10

Did you catch all that?

Satan did not ask Christ to serve him, but to worship him….for even Satan understands that what or whom you worship is what or whom you will serve. He promised all the kingdoms of the world to Christ (even though they were not his to give) if he would perform one simple act of worship….just bow before him….for in that bow, Christ would perform the act of submission and take the first step toward service.

Oh, but our Savior was prepared for the taunts and trickery of the deceiver…He understood as only one sent from heaven’s glorious realm that it is our worship that our Heavenly Father desires most. He commanded the devil to be gone and once more confirmed his resolve to follow what God’s word has to say regarding our worship….

We are to worship and then to serve only God.

The Bible tells us that God inhabits the praise of his people. Now, I don’t know about you, but I know in my own life, I have felt closest to and desired to serve God most when I have been in an emotional and heart-felt time of worship. Whether singing, praising, praying or crying out for God’s Spirit to “have His way in my life”…it has been in these times of immersed and immense WORSHIP that God has given me a spirit of service.

Worship causes the presence of God to be felt and experienced by His people …to be drawn to a time of a closer walk and greater commitment to serve …to be still and know that He alone is God…..that is real, authentic worship.

So today, I trust you will follow your Savior’s example and put service in the correct order …don’t just seek to serve God bigger or better…covenant to worship deeper and more diligently…and when you do, the devil will flee.

Walking in Worship…Seeking to Serve,


Poem of the Day:

You may seek to serve the Lord
In all you do and say;
But what He really wants from you
Is the start of each new day.

Just meet Him at his Heavenly throne;
Spend time in worship at His feet.
Invite the Lord to go with you
Down every busy street.

For you may seek to serve Him,
Some glorious gift to him you’ll bring;
But nothing says “I’ll serve you Lord”
Like worship of the KING!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Defending the Faith?

Here lately I’ve been working out…nothing to strenuous, just lifting a few dumbbells and stretching on the exercise ball. It’s important at my advancing age to keep fit and flexible. You never know when these “old muscles” might be involved in a “flight or fight” scenario.

Now, I’m not bulking up to fight, but it is always a smart move to be prepared to face “the enemy”….especially as it pertains to our walk with our Lord. Scripture tells us that we are to be prepared ….in I Peter 3:15-16, “But in your hearts regard Christ as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.”(English standard version)

It is easy to see that Christians in our world today are being attacked from every side…the public and private media, the government and its supporting agencies; even our culture is in direct opposition to our faith and our beliefs. Unfortunately, too many of us who call ourselves Christian have run from the line that has been drawn in the sand. We have sounded the retreat and have fled the battlefield.

But all that comes to an end TODAY….Today is the day that the Lord hath made ….and it’s time to put on our armor and prepare for battle. We are to be prepared to defend our faith, our beliefs, our values and most of all, our hope in the world to come….the world where every knee will bow and every tongue proclaim that Christ is Lord indeed. We are to fight not with bullets and bombs, but with love, gentleness and respect for those whose opinions and faith differs from ours. We are to toss aside name-calling and hold fast to loving the sinner as Christ loves us. We are to open our hands to accept and to encourage others to come to know personally our Lord and Savior…even though we condemn their past transgressions; we forgive even as Christ forgave each of us.

We are being called out in these latter days as a lost and dying world seeks redemption in all the wrong places. We are TO DEFEND OUR FAITH by living as obedient soldiers, following orders and going where God leads….always giving the answer to all of life’s turmoil ….our hope is in our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Are you prepared to defend your faith today…in gentleness and respect …with the love and hope of Jesus Christ in your heart…if you fight the good fight and do as our Lord instructs, then there is a wonderful benefit waiting for you tonight when you lay your head on your pillow….A GOOD CONSCIENCE.

I don’t know about you, but that seems like something worth fighting to have ….after all, Christ gave himself so that we might forever belong with Him…surely, defending our faith is not too much for Him to ask of you and me.

Standing on His Promise…Defending My Faith,

Poem for the Day:

Whatever task God has given you
Be filled with holy zest;
For when you’re working for the Lord
He expects your very best.

All of you, our Lord requires
It’s what He asks of you;
For He gave all that He could give
Nothing less from you will do.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Christian Signposts …from the Lighter Side!

Don’t let your worries get the best of you…remember Moses started out as a basket case.

Many people want to serve God….but only as advisors.

If God is your co-pilot …switch seats and give Him the controls.

When you come to the end of your rope, you’ll find God waiting with a life line.

People are funny… they want the front of the bus; middle of the road and the back pew of the church.

Quit griping about your church…if it was perfect, you and I couldn’t get in!

Some people are kind, sweet and gentle-spirited…until you try to sit in their pew.

If you want your church to have a better pastor….pray diligently for the one you’ve have.

A lot of church members continue to sing “Standing on the Promises” even though they’re just Sitting on the Premises.

Jesus instructed us to be fishers of men…You catch ‘em….He’ll clean ‘em!

I am always puzzled why some people change churches so often…what difference does it make which one you stay home from?

Coincidence is when God chooses to remain Anonymous.

I am a firm believer that you should never wait for 6 strong men to carry you to church.

We have all heard it said that forbidden fruits create terrific jams.

God doesn’t always call the qualified…but He ALWAYS qualifies the called.

God loves all His children….but He probably prefers the “fruits of the spirit” over the “religious nuts.”

Some people treat prayer as a time to give God instructions…no wonder their prayers keep bouncing off the ceiling!

Remember, we don’t change the message ….THE MESSAGE CHANGES US!!!!!

I hope this time of reflection into the lighter side of our faith will cause us to stop and think of who we are as believers in Christ and of the call that has been placed upon each of our lives….we were made to worship and praise the Father and to hold up His Son so that ALL men may come to know Him.

Remember, Satan is out to get you…if not today or tomorrow, then soon…as soon as your life and the way you live begin to affect those around you, the roaring lion will move in for the kill….so be prepared!

Arm your self with the word of God ….and think of these little sayings to solidify your position as a warrior, serving proudly in the armies of God. In each instance of attack, be reminded of Christ words to His disciples, “Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me. I have said these things to you, that in me, you may have peace. In this world, you will have tribulation…But take heart, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD!” John 16:32b-33

So take my advice, don’t wait for the storms of life to pass…rather learn to dance in the rain…then, you will be able to praise Him from whom all blessings flow…

Preparing for battle …confident in my King,

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Christian Signposts

In yesterday’s blog, I examined a life without perils, problems and persecutions as a life that might be void of a true, loving and growing relationship with our Savior. In our daily walk with our Heavenly Father, we should encounter our adversary, the devil, whose main function is to draw us away from our walk with the Lord and to make our witness null and void, or at the very least, ineffective ….like salt that has lost its flavor.

It is at those times of peril and persecution that we should seek comfort, strength and reinforcements through God’s Holy Word and the example and encouragement of others; however, I know that in my life, sometimes when I encounter the devil and am easily flustered, my mind will not always bring with clarity the verse of scripture that I need at that particular moment. So, over the years, I have written and acquired a library of special thoughts…one liners of Christian faith and encouragement, if you will….each of them targeted to help me resist and to cause the devil to flee….I have called them my “signposts” to a better and closer walk with my Lord…and I will be seeking to share them with you over the next several days.

Should you have any that have been helpful to you, please contact me with your “signposts” or with any thoughts or sayings that have encouraged you to have a closer and more meaningful relationship with Jesus. After all, until He returns, we are ALL in this together …..

Walking together in the Master’s footsteps,


Our strength rest in our ability to cast all our burdens on Him….for He cares for us.

The mountaintop of God is reserved for those who have been led through the wilderness of suffering and DID NOT GIVE UP!!!!!

Burdens too heavy; suffering too intense…welcome to the Christian life….Following in the Master’s footsteps.

God grants His peace in the midst of pain and suffering ….just follow the Master’s footsteps, walk where He leads…for His love is eternal and He cares for you.

Waiting on God takes faith…Trusting in God takes patience….Persevering in God takes Life…one step at a time!!!

A diamond is the end result of perseverance.

Keeping an open mind can be hazardous to one’s faith!!!

Even the smallest trickle of adversity will bring down a house built on a shoddy foundation.

What rules the heart…rules the tongue!

You are known by the company you keep, so keep God’s company and work with the integrity of the boss.

Love you enemies…. It makes them wonder what you’re up to.

If loving your enemies were easy, everybody would do it!

GOD grades on the CROSS….NOT ON THE CURVE!

When dark clouds approach, God should be my first thought…not my last resort.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Are you an Authentic Christian?

Let me ask you a rather poignant question…..How’s life treating you…..Things going well, running smoothly, no problems? Are you a Christian and not being hounded on all sides? Well, could it be time to take your spiritual pulse?

What do I mean by such a preposterous question? Aren’t we all supposed to be working to have a better, smoother running, more fulfilling life? Besides, who wants trouble?

We all should….Why? Simply put…because Scripture says that’s the way it is to be. When we read 2 Timothy 2: 12 we have a better understanding of this Biblical truth,

“Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”

Since the beginning of time, it has been the mission of Satan to blind sinners and to beguile and undermine Christians…to inflict pain, suffering and discouragement to those who belong to God. He will do anything to disturb our minds, disrupt our lives and discourage our witness for our Lord and Savior. He is the one who led Lot to Sodom, instilled the anger in Joseph’s brothers so they would sell him into slavery and lead Peter, the Rock, to deny Christ three times. He even called out the Son of God and attacked Him…challenging Him to deny His Father to gain worldly fame and fortune.

In 1 Peter5: 8, we are reminded by Peter to be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”

If you are a Christian and seeking to live for the Lord in a godly and forthright way, you should be on the menu for our adversary, the devil. You will (a promise from God’s word) be pressed and stressed and messed with from all sides…that’s the way the devil likes to operate. He comes at you will all sorts of problems; some large, small, even life-changing …each designed to move your further from God’s perfect will for your life…each with the intent to separate you from the witness of God’s love in your life.

So if life has been treating you too good lately, you might want to ask yourself if you are truly living a godly life in Christ Jesus. If your life is truly making a difference in the lives of those you encounter, you can bet the devil is sniffing around to see if he smells “fresh meat”; however, if not; then, even a lion will not eat a dead, decaying corpse.

Is Jesus alive in you today…are you striving to live a life that is pleasing to Him….are you beset with trials, problems and persecutions of an earthly and heavenly nature? Then, PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!!!!!!

Remember….the way you handle the trials, tribulations, test and temptations in your life can be a great beacon that shines the light of God’s love, support and encouragement to others that are watching you. You are living in Him and He lives in you …and it should show!!!!!

Today, count your blessings …but also count your persecutions as blessings….for in each one is an opportunity to draw closer and closer to your Heavenly Father…and as you lean upon Him, you will feel your pulse race, your heart pound and your faith grow as you win the war against your adversary….and when all is said and done, the VICTORY IS IN THE LIFE WELL-LIVED IN JESUS!!!!!

Living in persecutions ….counting each a blessing,

Poem of the Day:

Father, in Heaven, please grant me
When faced by earthly foes;
A spirit that will not tremble
And be undone by earthly woes.

Let me place my trust in Jesus
And not shrink from the battle near;
May my battle cry be sweet music
In my Savior’s tender ear.

May the victory be ours, dear Lord
As I place my will in thine;
Then all who see will acknowledge
My Savior is indeed…. DIVINE.


Friday, September 11, 2009

The Pain of Remembering

Today is a day that is held in deep remorse, even reverence, by all true Americans…


Ask anyone what they were doing on this date in 2001 and they can tell you with vivid detail where they were and what they were thinking when they first saw or heard of the planes crashing into the World Trade Center buildings.

Our world came to an abrupt halt as we all stared at our TV’s, unable to believe or conceive that such an event was taking place in the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” We watched in horror as the planes crashed into the buildings, as the fire and smoke billowed from these giant skyscrapers, as some leapt to their death and then, without warning the buildings imploded and collapsed trapping and killing thousands of our fellow Americans.

And why…..because some militant radicals of the Islamic religion believe they are earning their way into heaven for killing a bunch of “infidels”? Or is this a deeper, more fundamental difference that separates and alienates two distinct and different cultures?

We believe in a God of love, who rather than demand our lives in sacrifice to earn his love, would rather sacrifice His only Son so that He may gain our love, devotion, service, worship and praise. And to make things even tougher on us as believers, our God, through the life and words of His Son, would teach us in Scripture; “You have heard it said, “You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those whose persecute you, so that you may be the sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes the sun rise and fall on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Matthew 5:43-46, 48

Today, will be a tough day as we remember the lives lost, the sacrifices made and the indelible scar that remains forever on our hearts….BUT WE MUST REMAIN STRONG and meet this evil with force when necessary…. and with love to change the hearts and minds of those who want to destroy us. By doing this, we reap coals upon their heads and our Father’s love upon their hearts.

Please pray today for a forgiving heart and a loving spirit toward anyone who professes to be a follower of Islam as the one true faith. Let your love and compassion to see them come to know the love and saving grace of Jesus override any and all hostilities….let this be a day of remembrance and healing …..AND MAY JESUS CHRIST BE LIFTED UP SO THAT HE MAY DRAW ALL MEN UNTO HIMSELF.

May God Bless and comfort all those affected by the tragedy of this day…

September 11, 2001

POEM FOR TODAY: (written shortly after 9/11/2001)


Our Father, we would lift this prayer
In the midst of these troubled days.
We plead now for your guidance,
Your protection and caring ways.

EVIL has befallen us….
Fear and horror grip our souls.
We pray that as your Nation
You will heal us…make us whole.

Grant us faith and courage, Lord
Prepare us to fight the fight.
Restore us once again to be
Freedom’s bright and shining light.

Draw close to us and shelter us,
Keep us safe in your tender care,
May all we do be in gratitude
For your answer to this


W. Patrick Queen
Copyright October 2001

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Are you a BMG?

Our pastor preached a wonderful sermon this past Sunday that dealt with the “ministers of the devil” that exist within the body of Christ, His Church. The first one he brought to our attention was the BIG MOUTH GOSSIP.

It is so sad that the people of God have nothing better to do with their time than to talk about anything and everyone. Of course, we often dress our gossip up in the pretense of “prayer requests” when we spout off titillating information regarding someone’s situation or precarious position in life. We tell others what someone else told us and pass it along “so that everyone will know how to pray intelligently for our dear brother or sister.”


Let’s be real….we talk and talk and talk about others with little regard for fact or fiction…and we often do it to make ourselves seem more righteous or better off than the person we denigrate. James, the brother of Christ, said it best in the third chapter of his book, “but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and our Father, and with it we curse people made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so!” James 3:6, 8-9

I believe James got it right….these things ought not to happen, especially within the church and the body of believers. We should speak the truth, the whole truth …but not all the time. Where is it written that we have to spill our guts every time we know something about someone else? (I need chapter and verse if you disagree.)

When you know or have heard that someone is struggling with a problem or an addiction, by all means pray for them. You may even want to solicit others to pray…but before you do, talk with the person with the problem and share your heartfelt concerns. Ask them if they would like to have others involved in prayer. Then do as they ask….share if they request; keep your mouth closed and your tongue bridled, if not.

We alone cannot tame our tongue; but as the Holy Spirit indwells within us, He will give us the desire and the ability to monitor what we say and to whom we say it.

I picked up a great philosophy regarding the spreading of gossip many years ago while watching the Disney animation of Bambi with my then 3 year-old daughter, Alyson. Thumper’s mom asked him to remember what his Dad said….” IF YOU CAN’T SAY ANYTHING NICE, DON’T SAY NOTHING AT ALL! Though the grammar might have been incorrect, the message was dead on the money.

So, today, make it a point to guard your heart, keep a clear head and when necessary, bite your tongue. Your heart will keep you from wrecking someone else’s reputation when you think of the irreparable harm gossip causes….a clear head will allow you to “see, hear and paint a visual picture” of what your words will do to that person…and if all else fails, BITE YOUR TONGUE….better you suffer harm than inflict another because you have little self-control.

Taming the tongue requires a constant vigil on our thoughts and emotions….and a heart that seeks to do the Father’s will. Why not be a Thumper today rather than a BMG….the world and those in it will thank you ….and your Heavenly Father will be well pleased.

Taming the tongue one thought at a time,

Poem for the day:

The planted seeds of gossip
Will soon begin to sprout
And flowery words of encouragement
Will wither and die out.

So plant your seeds so carefully
With God’s instruction from above;
Then your garden will be a canopy
Of praise for those you love.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My Epitaph….

A couple of nights ago, I was watching a rerun of Frasier, a popular TV show of a decade ago. In this particular episode, Frasier had been to the emergency room, but left before being seen. As soon as he left, his name was called….when no one spoke up, another man said that he was Frasier and stepped in to take his place in the ER system. The man died and it was recorded that the eminent radio personality, Frasier Crane had died.

Frasier saw his death announced on TV and before he could make the necessary calls to squash this horrid story, the morning newspaper had printed his obituary. He sat down at the breakfast table and with his morning coffee; he read what seemed to be his life’s story in a few simple lines on page 14 E….buried deep in the part of the paper that no one reads. He was TOTALLY devastated that his years of seeming accomplishments had been reduced to a few run on sentences. He vowed then to begin to do ALL those things that he had promised himself in his days of youth he would accomplish….

Well, the whole thing got me thinking about a scripture that I had read just a few days before during my QT…..when I, too, began to question what others might have to say about the life that I have lived.

Paul, in his stirring letter to the Galatians, is sharing his testimony with the church at Galatia. He is telling them of his call to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, about his visit to Jerusalem to meet with Peter and the others and of his evangelism in the regions of Syria and Cilicia; however, it is the last three verses in chapter one that struck my heartstrings, “And I was still unknown in person to the churches in Judea that are in Christ. They only were hearing it said, “He who used to persecute us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.” AND THEY GLORIFIED GOD BECAUSE OF ME!”(My emphasis)

That is what I want to have printed in the paper…written on a headstone …spoken from the pulpit at my funeral….They glorified the Father because of me!

Now, there may not be a line of folks waiting to say “a few good words” or there may not be a packed house when I’ve gone home to meet my Lord…but my prayer will be that those that knew me well will give glory to God for the life I lived before them.

What about you? What will your obituary say about the life that you’ve lived? How will those that loved you remember the days you spent among them? What will your epitaph be….Glad that He’s gone…or….Heaven’s a richer place now that He’s home?

The choice really is yours….you decide how you want to live for Jesus? Quietly in the shadows or in the forefront of ministry to those in need….Live today for Jesus…have no regrets tomorrow!!!!

Blessed beyond measure…living for the glory of the Father,

Thursday, September 3, 2009


If you’ve read the newspaper, watched the TV or listened to the radio lately, you’ve probably come away with the same conclusion that many of us in our society hold to…


It seems that a lot of people have that point of view. Me? Well, I’m not a pessimist, but rather a realist and I would have to concur with that kind of thinking; however, I am a child of God, so I’m looking forward to the days that lie ahead.

You see each day that passes brings me one day closer to my Lord’s return….and as a Christian, I am told in the Scriptures “to long for the day of the Lord’s return.”

So I may beset with bad news, rising prices, shrinking dollars and the like; but my destiny is not tied to the stock market or a job or the ebb and flow of good or bad times….My future is tied to an event…even greater, it is tied to someone who has promised He’s coming back for me.

All through the Old and New Testament, we are told to look up. David announced in his Psalms that he would “look unto the hills from whence cometh our help” and the gospel writer Luke tells us to “Look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”

The best example of misdirected vision is the apostle Peter and his ill-fated attempt to walk to Jesus on the angry waves. His faith spurred him to step out of the boat …and for the moments that he kept his eyes on Jesus, ALL WAS WELL! It was only when he began to look down at the waves and the circumstances that surrounded him that he began to sink.

The same is true for each of us in these dark and tumultuous times….we can wring our hands and worry that things are only going to get worse …or we can lift up our heads and focus our gaze on the one who gave His all to redeem us and has promised He is coming again.

As Christians we are not just looking forward to something happening …rather we are looking for Someone to come…the blessed Son of God.

So today, put on your spiritual specs and restore your perfect vision of who you are and to whom you belong. Forget the circumstances that surround you and lift your head and look up to see the Savior’s face. Remember, when the outlook is bad …the uplook is always PERFECT!!!!

Looking and Longing for Him,

Poem for today:
When life’s full of disappointments
And no one seems to care;
Just life your eyes toward heaven …
See the Savior waiting there.

For in life’s travels you might see
Just one pair of footprints in the sand.
Remember then, He carried you
In the palm of His nail-scarred hand.

WPQ @1999