Wednesday, July 28, 2010

To Be Like Christ....Practice!

There’s an old saying that “Practice makes perfect”, but as a former PGA golf professional, I’ve learned that is not exactly true. What my students have taught me through my many years of instruction is that PRACTICE, however, DOES MAKES PERMANENT!

In teaching the great game of golf, I have often used imitation to instill in my students the correct way to swing the club. They watch me …then, they try to imitate what they have seen me do. When their imitation is right, I encourage them to practice, Practice, PRACTICE…to make it PERMANENT!

Paul sought to encourage the Christians at Philipi to practice humility…to model themselves after Christ. He wrote, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus….Who, being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, BUT MADE HIMSELF NOTHING, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man….HE HUMBLED HIMSELF....and became obedient to death, even death on a cross.” Philippians 2:3-8

Jesus Christ, the Creator of the Universe, became a servant who humbled himself to reach each of us and to teach each of us that we should become like him….empty of ourselves, in order that we might serve. We are to imitate Christ!

We are to become servants of the Most High God and a servant to every one that we encounter. What would happen in our world today if we all began to look out for the welfare of others first; even before our own needs or wants were met? How would the world view those of us that call ourselves Christians if we were not motivated by self ambition or vain conceit…but rather, we truly modeled ourselves after our Savior?

Why not make a promise today to practice humility. First step, humble yourself before the Lord; then, deny yourself and follow Christ’s example to meet the needs of others. Your practice may not be perfect…but it will take you one step closer to making it PERMANENT…..and that’s what moves the heart of God…. HUMILITY!!!


Monday, July 26, 2010

Focused on His Own

Have you ever caught yourself looking at something so beautiful…so inspiring... so awesome that in a mater of seconds you knew you were staring, yet you could not contain yourself….like the first moment you saw your bride as she walked down the aisle on your wedding day or the ten fingers, ten toes and the beautiful face of your first child. What about the smile on your son or daughter’s face as they received their diploma or that look on your husband’s handsome face as you both gazed at that spectacular sunset on your 20th anniversary….each and every moment you stared intently at the focus of your affection, hoping to capture that vision in your mind’s eye for all eternity.

Our Heavenly Father looks at each of us, His children, with that same look of love and intense focus. Scripture tells us in I Peter 3:12, “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ear is attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” Yes, God is watching….intently, with purpose and with love.

He is looking not only at us, but after us….He is not waiting to catch us doing something wrong; rather, He is watching to see us doing His will and accomplishing His “good.” God’s vision is NEVER obstructed or obscure nor does He sleep nor slumber. His gaze is focused on His own…those called by His name, set apart to be humble and holy. He is writing your life’s story, moment by moment, keeping track of your good works and your short comings….for all these things will be judged at the Bema seat.

But, thanks be to God that He forgives our mistakes and continually smiles upon us. His loving eyes are intently focused on us and His ear is turned toward us so that He might hear the prayers of His people….and lovingly respond.

Even in the midst of Job’s great journey of faith, he was reminded by his friend, Elihu, in Job 36:7, “He does NOT take his eyes off the righteous, but He enthrones them with kings and exalts them forever.” Job had reason to doubt, to cast aside his faith, to renounce his God…but he knew that God’s eyes were upon him and he would not break the continual gaze of the Most High by forsaking him. He remained a righteous man and God’s favor returned to him twice his losses.

Where are you today in your righteous walk with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ? Have you turned the focus of God’s eyes away …is His face set against you as you seek the foolish riches of a sinful and sick world? Have you abandoned the joy of your first love and lost His loving gaze….then, be restored by seeking His righteousness!

Commit today to seek the Lord and all His righteousness…let His focus be your focus! See others as God sees them…love unconditionally and without repayment….practice random acts of kindness ….give until it hurts, either your pride or your pocketbook.

But most of all, remember…..God loves you with an EVERLASTING LOVE ….and He is focused on you.

In the gaze of my Father,