A Lifetime of Learning…
I am so thankful that learning is a lifetime experience. Some very knowledgeable psychologists tell us that we learn almost 90 % of what we will learn in a lifetime by the ripe old age of 5….that leaves most of us, 70 plus years to work on the other 10%. Some folks work diligently, others give little effort at all.
Some things I learned as a child:
No matter how hard you try…you can’t baptize a cat!
You can’t trust your dog to watch your food!
You can’t hide broccoli in a glass of milk!
Some things I learned as an adult:
Raising teenagers is like nailing Jello to a tree!
Wrinkles don’t hurt, thankfully, anything but your pride!
Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut that stood its ground!
As I continue to mature: (that means I have my AARP card)
Forget the health food stuff…I need all the preservatives I can get!
If I fall down, what else can I do while I’m down here!
Did I remember to put the cat out and kiss my wife Goodnight and not vice versa!
Growing up is mandatory…growing OLD is OPTIONAL!
And most important of all……there are only two days that matter on any calendar; TODAY and “THAT DAY”! TODAY is the day to decide where I will spend eternity and once that decision has been made (as it has been for each of us as ambassadors for Christ) then I will spend today deciding how I will spend eternity. In Matthew 6:19-21, Christ tells us not to lay up treasure here on earth where all sorts of malady and calamity await, but to store up our treasures in heaven where the King of Kings and His heavenly host watch over our treasures as He says: “For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.” On “THAT DAY” scripture foretells “that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD!” I’m so thankful that I am living for “THAT DAY” when I will hear my Savior say, “Well done, my Good and Faithful servant, enter now into the Joy of thy Lord.”
I trust that this week your work for the kingdom, done in the name of Jesus Christ, is stockpiling your treasure chest in God’s heavenly throne room and He is waiting with words of encouragement….
God grant us your peace and keep us in your will as we seek to lay up treasures in heaven that demonstrate our love for you and our desire to please you alone. AMEN