Monday, September 26, 2016

Living in Troubled Times?

All of us, at one time or another, have heard the old saying that “Bad things happen to good people” and almost all of us would agree with that statement; however, many of us take issue with the idea that “Bad things happen to God’s people.”

For some reason, too many Christians have been misinformed or have become confused by the “prosperity” preachers of this age. Those “good time” prognosticators tell us that God wants us to prosper and have all the things of this world that our heart desires. They would lead us to believe that if bad things are happening in our lives and we are not prospering, we must be at fault.

And in some regards, this might be true! God does use hardships, trials, tribulations, afflictions and suffering to get our attention….especially when our focus has been on ourselves and our selfish agenda. Sometimes, God uses the pains of this world to punish and discipline us after sin has led us astray. Our pride and our desire to be in control of our lives is a constant source of consternation and concern for our Heavenly Father….when our focus is on us, it can’t be on Him and His will.

Jonah was a perfect example of this….as he turned his back on the people of Ninevah, he disobeyed God’s instruction and he suffered the consequences of his disobedience. God reckoned with Jonah’s sin ….and the whale had a great lunch.

Then, there’s the other reason that suffering seems to afflict so many good and faithful Christians….they are good and faithful! Just like Job of the Old Testament, many Christians are held up to pain and suffering because God has allowed Satan to inflict the best of God’s people with what I like to call “fine-tuning”.  Satan thinks that his afflictions will cause us to falter and turn from our faith in our Father; but in reality, God allows these trials to fine tune us for greater service and intimacy with Jesus, the one who suffered for you and me. When we share in the suffering of our Christ, we become more like Him…..we endure the frustrations of the flesh and are drawn closer to Christ….through the comfort that He alone can offer.

And that’s the other reason that we live in such “troubled” times….to offer comfort to others because we have been where they are now. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ, our comfort overflows.”

So, if today you are suffering and facing troubles that might seem insurmountable, you are faced with three choices…is it sin and self-centeredness….is it Satan’s seduction …or is it Christ-like suffering that brings intimacy with the Savior? Only you can know for sure… and that will require some self-diagnosis that might prove to be uncomfortable and disheartening.

The comfort of Christ awaits those that suffer through the trials and troubles of the flesh because the price of discomfort is worth the intimacy that awaits each of us. So, don’t turn away from the troubles that have beset you…don’t be like the captain that steers his ship back to the safety of the harbor when the seas become rough and choppy; rather, turn into the storm and know that the Father is waiting on the distant shore to welcome you with the comfort and compassion that only He can provide….no matter what you are going through at this time, Jesus knows and He cares for you…especially in these troubled times.

Sailing the stormy seas …with Jesus at the helm,

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Patience…The Lost Virtue of Our Time!

It wasn't that long ago that patience was on everyone's "to do" list; however, in our fast-paced world of instant mashed potatoes, microwave popcorn and self-help psychology to assert ourselves if we really want to succeed; patience has been tossed on the trash pile of obsolescence….in other words, patience is not all that desirable anymore.

But God's Word still has a lot to say about patience… and Jesus was the best model of patience that the world has ever seen. 

Proverbs 19:11 says, "A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense."  In our world today, we see so many people so inflated by their own ego that they believe that what they want and when they want it is simply the most important thing in the world to them and therefore, it should be the same for everyone else.

The patient man or woman, however, knows that by their patience that all good things come to those that wait… and wait PATIENTLY! They know that to build a quality, long-lasting reputation takes time and therefore, they are slow to anger, reluctant to speak harshly or with a divisive tongue and most importantly, they do not assert their reputation…they simply earn it!

The same can be said about our Savior…He could have won all the kingdoms of the world at the Temptation; but He waited! He could have set up an earthly kingdom when He rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday; but He waited! He could have called the heavenly host to His rescue as He hung upon the cross; but He waited…and most all, He could have returned yesterday for you and me, but He waited!

Why is Jesus so eternally patient? Because the greater His patience, the greater our opportunities to be more like Him in our service and our character…and the greater our portion will be in His eternal scheme.

Yes, Jesus is our example of patience, love and so much more…but do not be deceived! He will not always wait for us to "come around" to Him and to His eternal plan for our lives …or for us to make that simple decision to trust Him with our salvation through His sacrifice on the cross.

His love may know no bounds…but I'm not sure the same thing can be said about His patience…don't test the Father another day…make today the day you come to Jesus!

Living patiently…awaiting His glorious return,


Saturday, September 10, 2016

Just Like Me...

I don’t know about you, but I often get the hankering for the world to be a better place; in fact, A PERFECT PLACE. I have given this a considerable amount of thought and have come to the conclusion that this could best be accomplished if every one was just like me.

Now, I am not always right, but I am seldom wrong. I always have the best intentions, although, things don’t always turn out the way I intended. I am generous to a fault as long as the sacrifice doesn’t hit to close to home….and I have been known to pay others a sincere compliment with no thought of what’s in it for me. That’s about as close to perfect as it gets….RIGHT?

I’m sure that by now, you know that all this is tongue-in-cheek….but isn’t it interesting to note that there are those who think, act and live as if this scenario above would make the world a perfect place. There is no hope that this will happen, yet many are living a life of strife and turmoil because they have not come to that conclusion….for those living in despair and hopelessness because the world will NOT conform to your ways, this poem is for you….


Oh, how I wish the world to be
A perfect place for you and me.
A world where all is total bliss
‘Cause nothing ever is amiss.
For this to happen, we must all agree
Everyone has to be just like me.

Then I would control what you wear
How you style and cut your hair;
What you eat and what you bake
And how you treat a stomach ache.
All debates would quickly end
And everyone would be my friend.

I’d gladly mandate your movie picks
And give you advice on your politics.
No loud music with boisterous beat,
No double parking on one-way streets.
I’d pick the songs that you could hum 
And even choose your bubble gum.

All this I’d do and all for free
So everyone would be like me.

At church we’d sing my favorite songs
The pastor would preach on my favorite wrongs.
We’d start the service right on time
And I could leave and not spend a dime.
Yes, church would be the perfect dream
 And I get back home to cheer my team.

Yes, all would share my point of view
And nothing would ever seem askew.
There’s not a problem that I can see
If everyone were just like me …..
Just one small thing that dwells within
My ugly faults….God calls them sin.

So what’s a perfect world to do
When I’m a sinner and you are too;
To make this world what is should be
No one should ever be just like me.
A higher standard we must find
If we’re to be pure in heart and mind.

God’s plan is clear for us to know
He sent His Son, His love to show.
If we trust in Jesus, then we’ll see
Our sins were borne at Calvary;
With His perfect life He did atone
And now He reigns on heaven’s throne.

A perfect place one day we’ll see;
He’s coming back for you and me.

How sweet the song on that day we’ll sing
In praise and honor for our King;
Then you and I will know true bliss
Upon our cheek, our Savior’s kiss;
For there in glory, we shall see His face
At last…at home…in His Perfect Place.

Copyright August 2008

Monday, September 5, 2016

...Or a Roof Repairer?

When we left our story yesterday, we stood in the crowd and parted a way for the lame man, as he rolled up his mat and walked home to an elated family. We clapped and exclaimed that never had we seen such a miracle as we shook our heads in amazement and then, we went back to our busy lives…unsettled but not unchanged!

Maybe, before we departed, we paused and looked up into that gaping hole in the roof and wondered, “Who’s going to fix that hole that’s left behind? I’m sure glad this isn’t my house.”

Now, we can be sure it would not be the learned scholars and scribes….they were too busy criticizing Jesus for His methods; for surely, they would never have told such a man that his sins were forgiven and Jesus had no right to do that either. This was not the way things were to be done in the religious realm in Capernaum.

It was not going to be the four men that had brought their lame friend to Jesus. They had already gone above and beyond their call to duty…used up their concern and compassion and had seen the glorious outcome wrought by their unselfish deed. Surely, the work of patching the roof should be done by someone else?

What about the enamored people that stood outside the house….clapping and cheering; caught up in the excitement of this unforgettable moment? These onsite onlookers were just there for the show and they hung around to see if anything else was about to happen; if not, they would move on looking for the next thrill, for they were curiosity seekers…not Christ seekers. For them it was all about the miracle…not the Master!

Then, there were the fortunate few that had actually been up close and personal with Jesus…they had a front-row seat to the action and this wonderful miracle had occurred right before their eyes. But, they could not be bothered to accomplish such a menial task as fixing a hole in the roof. In fact, in their arrogance of proximity, they had not been willing to make a hole through the crowd that would allow the men to come through the front door, but rather forced them to resort to digging a hole in the roof. If they were so unwilling to step aside and allow the men to enter the house in the first place, then they would certainly be unwilling to fix the roof.

So my question for you…..into which group do you fall…the religious naysayers; the “diggers” of the hole; the thrill-seeking onlookers or the front-row followers….all willing participants in the moment of the miracle but not the restitution of the roof. So who would be a roof repairer you ask….someone that serves Jesus because of who He is rather than what He has done or will do.

The person that dons the work clothes and climbs up on the roof after all the crowds are gone is the one who is the embodiment of faithfulness, loyalty and duty to the task. When the cheers have subsided, this person picks up the tools of the trade and gets their hands dirty doing the work that no one else wants to do….keeping the church parking lot clean or driving the church bus every Sunday; working in the soup kitchen, peeling onions or preparing the next meal; taking a home-cooked meal to a shut-in or tending to the toddlers every Sunday in Sunday School….the list goes on and so do the people that have learned that the cross comes before the crown. They have learned there are no small jobs for God…only small people with a big God…and with Him, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

Christ told us that “whoever loses his life for me will find it.”(Matthew 16:25) and Paul taught us, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Jesus Christ” (Colossians 3:23-24

Across this country and around the globe, there are people with little talent doing little jobs to advance the kingdom of God ….how about you? Are you a Hole Maker or a Roof Repairer …are you working to bring God’s kingdom to those around you?

I pray that with an open and honest heart you can say, “Lord, here am I. Send me to do the job that you need done, today!’



Thought for the Day:

Whatever task God has given you
Be filled with holy zest;
For when you’re working for the Lord
He expects your very best!
All of you, our Lord requires.
It’s what He asks of you;
For He gave all that He could give…
Nothing less from you will do.


Sunday, September 4, 2016

Are You a Hole-Maker…

One of my favorite stories in the New Testament is found in the second chapter of Mark in the first twelve verses…the story of the paralytic and his four friends.

Now, these men all heard that Jesus had returned to Capernaum and could be found in a nearby home; they were eager to see him for they had heard the stories that were circulating regarding his healings in the region of Galilee. But, their eagerness was not for themselves but for their friend who laid confined in his paralyzed condition. So, in a spirit of love and compassion for their stricken friend and in a unified body of cooperation, each of the four grabbed a corner of his pallet and they took off to see Jesus. They believed if they could just get in front of Jesus, He would heal their friend.

When they got to their destination, the house was filled to overflowing and they could not get in to see Jesus; but rather than return home, rejected and disappointed, they devised a plan that would bring the house down…or at least the roof. Climbing up the steps on the side of the home, they laid their friend aside and began digging through the roof until they had a hole big enough to lower their friend down in front of Jesus. Scripture says, “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”  Mark 2: 5 and then in Mark 2:11-12, “He said to the paralytic, “I tell you, get up, take up your mat and go home.” He got up, took up his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this!” NIV Translation.

So what are some of the poignant precepts we can glean from this wonderful story?

Well, first and foremost, it took cooperation and sacrifice to get the paralytic man to Jesus. Each friend had to do his part; set aside petty differences and preferences; cooperate for the welfare of another and lay aside any selfish motive or desire to see Jesus for their own gain. Next, when confronted with the large crowd, each man determined not to be deterred from their original mission…to see Jesus heal their friend. This took thinking outside the box and the will and determination to get their hands dirty.  And last, but certainly not least, was the resolute belief that Jesus was the only answer for their friend…only Jesus could restore their friend’s health. Even though the throng held them back, their priority was to get their friend to Jesus.

They didn’t stop to make excuses that the crowd was too big…it just wasn’t in the cards for their friend to be healed …or that opening a hole in the roof would certainly break up the service and have the whole town talking about how rude they were to disturb the Teacher….they had but one priority…to see Jesus heal their friend….and looking down from the lofty rooftop, that’s exactly what they got to see…. as their long-time paralytic friend rolled up his mat and then made his way through the parting crowd.

Are you a hole-make when it comes to Jesus? Are you looking for ways to bring your sin-crippled friends to Jesus so that they may be forever healed and made holy by His shed blood? Are you willing to set aside your agenda and think and do whatever necessary to bring others to Christ? Are you willing to be laughed at or thought to be different or foolish because you will make a way to lead others to the Savior, even when others tell you there is no way… that those you seek to win to Christ are hopelessly lost?

You just have to have a willing heart ….God will take care of the rest….as you trust in Him and follow the leading of His Spirit…. And that only leaves one problem;

WHO’S GOING TO FIX THAT HOLE IN THE ROOF…..Come back tomorrow and hear the rest of the story.

Dirty Hands Mean a Helping Heart,

Thought for the Day:
It only takes a moment to proclaim a word of truth;
You just have to be willing to dig through the roof.
To lay before the Master the one that needs His touch..
Then He will heal them... for He loves them that much.

Friday, September 2, 2016

R U a Lone Ranger Christian?

If you are like me, sometimes you just want to be on your own. No one to answer to or for; no place or person that begs you to stop and spend "quality time;" no one to satisfy or apologize to for you actions or lack thereof. To some people, this type of lifestyles sounds almost "heavenly."

But our Heavenly Father never created us to be alone. We just have to look at the creation of Adam, the first man, living in that perfect Garden of Eden, to realize that even God knew that it was not "good for man to be alone"...and so He created Eve....and God has never intended since that time for us to be a "Lone Ranger."

Unfortunately, that is the way a growing number of those who call themselves "believers" or "followers" of Christ are living their lives...separated from the fold, the community of worshippers and trying to make life work out on their terms without the help, hope or encouragement of fellow believers...THIS IS NOT WHAT GOD WANTS FOR HIS CHILDREN!

In fact, the writer of Hebrews tells us how it out to be in the 10th chapter, verse 24-25 when he says, " And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,  not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

Bad days are coming...or they may already be upon us as Christians as our world becomes increasingly hostile to our faith and our stand on moral issues....NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO STAND ALONE...RATHER IT IS A TIME TO COME TOGETHER WITH A UNITED be ready to share our faith ; tell of God's incredible love and forgiveness; and be a source of encouragement to each other.

It always amazes me of the number of people that come into the church, profess their faith in Jesus Christ and then just disappear like steam from a boiling kettle...where did they go? Did they really not commit themselves to the Savior...or are they just being foolish to believe they can make it in this world, living out their faith all on their own?

Don't kid yourselves into believing that you can be the exception...THE LONE RANGER for GOD...even the Lone Ranger had a trusty sidekick by the name of Tonto who was always beside the masked man, watching his back and keeping him moving forward, free from the snares and entanglements of his foes...and each of us need the same.

Now the Holy Spirit is our Tonto; however, we need all the other "Tontos" that the Holy Spirit may place in our path to be our confidant, encourager and often our spiritual advisor or sounding board as we live among those who do not share our beliefs or our core values as believers...and where can you find such the body of believers that Christ called, His Church.

So don't forsake those folks...the ones that shook your hand when you walked the aisle and joined the church; rather, throw in with them and see what wonderful and marvelous things the Lord will accomplish in and through you as you become an integral part of the body of Christ...stop living like the Lone Ranger and become all that God wants you to be as you give unselfishly to the work of the Kingdom as you join forces with God's people...called out to reach out to be sold out for the one who gave His all for you and me.

Living in community ...forsaking the Silver Bullet,