Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Regarding Your Marriage…Done God's Way!

Today, I would like to speak to the husbands out there….regarding your marriage.

Now, speaking from experience let me say that my wife, Terri, and I have a wonderful marriage. I mean, after all, she is married to a pretty incredible guy….at least that’s what I keep telling her. But what works best in our marriage is the fact that Terri is an Ephesians wife, based on the scripture from Ephesians 5: 22-24. She has given herself to me in submission as an act of obedience to the Father….and I;  I am committed to her as a husband that is to love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her. In is no small wonder that so many marriages seem to be facing rocky roads in these difficult and terrifying days. We don’t read the scriptures like we should and when we do; we fail to follow their godly instructions.

In Ephesians, Paul first admonishes the wife to submit herself to her husband, “For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.”  He then goes on in the very next verses to say, “Husbands love your wives as Christ love the church and gave himself for her.”  And in verse 28-29, “In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.”

It is easy to see why Paul put the verses about a submissive wife first….she that is submissive is easier to love….but he never said that if she is not submissive this would in someway relieve the husband from his mandate to love his wife as he loves himself. If she submits, she is following biblical teaching, but if she does not, you’re to do what Christ would do for His church….love her UNCONDITIONALLY.

That’s a word that strikes fear into the heart of most men…unconditionally, without reservations. My love for Terri is not to be based on what she does for me …but rather, who she is….MY WIFE. And I am to love her, cherish her, protect her, empower her, admonish her, extol her, comfort her and be willing to give myself in any manner simply because she is my gift, my blessing from God.

Do you love your wife unconditionally and are you treating her in a way that shows how much you value her as your life-long mate? I hope that you’re not in the same boat as the examples that follow. Enjoy the levity that these provide, but if, by some remote chance, you find your self identifying with one of the husbands in these capulets…..IT’S TIME TO MAKE A CHANGE….love your wife with all your heart, body, mind and soul….YOU’LL BOTH BE GLAD YOU DID!!!

Blessed with the Best,


A Marriage Seminar

While attending a marriage seminar dealing with communication, Tom and his wife Grace listened to the instructor regarding how essential it was in a good relationship for each partner to know the others likes and dislikes. The instructor asked Tom, “Can you name your wife’s favorite flower? Tom leaned over, touched his wife’s arm and gently whispered, “It’s Pillsbury, isn’t it?”

Family Ties

A couple drove down a long country road without saying a word. An earlier argument had lead to this deadly silence, neither party willing to concede their pronounced position. As they passed a barnyard filled with mules, goats and pigs, the husband quipped sarcastically, “Relatives of yours?” Came the wife’s quick reply, “Yep, in-laws!”

Remember ….God may have created man before woman, but there’s always a rough draft before the masterpiece. So husbands..... Treat your wife as the masterpiece God created her to be and you both will be better for it…

Poem for the day:

If God has given you a mate
That loves you more each day;
Then you should ever thank Him for
The love He brought your way.

So give your wife her honors due
And always seek to find....
A life from two, now joined as one;
One heart...one love...one mind!

WPQ © 2017

Friday, August 25, 2017

Are you a Bargainer with God?

It wasn't that long ago that I sat down to view one of my favorite TV shows, NCIS, but about midway through, I became a little peeved with the writers and directors.

There was a scene where Tony Denosoe, one of the NCIS federal agents finds himself alone in the chapel on the Navy base. He starts down the aisle of the chapel carrying on a flippant conversation with the "BIG GUY” regarding his lack of staying in touch (Tony’s been SOOOOO busy) as he continues to plead his case that “he is doing the best he can down here.” Now, here’s where I  wanted to plant my size nine squarely on Tony’s posterior region. He matter-of-factly queries God to see if God still intends to hold up his end of a bargain that Tony had made with him on a previous tough occasion…..of all the unmitigated gall.

He’s made a “deal” with God and he wants to know if God can deliver …or I guess through the implication; then if not, the deal is off!

I was perturbed on so many fronts, I really don’t know where to start….first with the writers who once again have chosen to represent  God as a giant genie in a bottle…we rub it and our wish is his command,

Secondly… the only way to get something from God is to promise Him something in return….like we have anything that God wants, needs or can’t get or do for himself.

Thirdly….if you believe in God and trust in Him, you must be a moron. Besides, how can you believe that God is really going to keep his end of any bargain that you might make with Him?

Once again, those that bring us entertainment think that God or even the concept of an Almighty being is just to ludicrous for words…so they paint Him and all of those who might profess to follow Him as idiots….and then, it hit me as the words of Christ rang true in my head and then my heart…”You have heard it said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you that you may be the sons of your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:43-44

Although the above scene left me feeling anything other than loving or forgiving for the blasphemous way in which our God was portrayed, I must admit Tony’s diatribe with the Father set me to thinking…do I bargain with God in order to somehow try and influence His answers to my petitions….have I made some vows or promises that I have failed to keep in my daily walk with the Lord….do I hold back my obedience to His will waiting to see if God comes through as He has promised in His Word?

So, let me be honest and admit that this show got me to thinking about two very important issues for me as a Christian……am I loving those that persecute me because I am a follower of Christ and eager to display my heritage as one of God’s chosen…. or am I all too eager to give them a swift kick in the pants as punishment for their treatment of me?

And, when given the opportunity to petition God for an answer to my needs, do I put myself in the position as a “deal maker” or a “faithful follower”?

Two pretty serious questions that definitely bear some more self scrutiny…and prayerful consideration in the light of God’s Word.

Holding to His Truth….Loving as He Loves,

Poem for the Day:

May I faithfully follow you, O Lord;
In your service make my spirit meek…
And when others put me down, O Lord
May I turn the other cheek?

May I show your heavenly love, O Lord
And never doubt your caring ways;
May all who I encounter Lord
Be filled with joy and praise.

WPQ 2011

Thursday, August 17, 2017


Across our society today, there are people on all sides that debate the validity, accuracy and inerrancy of the Scriptures. Even the most learned of our Biblical scholars fuss and fight over translations and interpretations that will not and cannot be solved until Jesus comes again…so where does that leave us in relationship to God's Holy word?

The tortured, yet tireless apostle Paul had this to say to his young protégé, Timothy, in his second letter to him. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 reads, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof,  for correction and for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be competent, thoroughly equipped for every good work."

There are several things that we should notice in this scripture. First, the Word of God is His exhale. It is what He breathes out so that we may breathe it into our lives and be forever changed. Just as we cannot live without breathing in oxygen, the competent, committed Christian cannot go a day without breathing in the Holy Word of God….it is vital to our DNA as a Christian. The lack of God's word in our lives will lead to a slow and deathly asphyxiation of who we are as a believer and will make us totally and completely vulnerable to the lies of the Deceiver.

Secondly, there are the other attributes of God's word that Paul shares with young Timothy…the ever-present need for us to be fed and taught the attributes of God so that we may become more like Jesus. There is the need for reproof or rebuke…to be called "on the carpet" for the sin that separates us from a loving Savior and to be admonished to repent and restore that relationship with a righteous and holy God.

There is the loving hand of God at work to correct us and to remake us through ingesting His word…it truly becomes His word that nourishes our soul and makes us hunger to be more like Him as He lovingly corrects us and our interactions with those that He has placed in our path. We are to point others to Jesus, but that becomes increasingly difficult to do when all anyone can see in our lives are the mistakes we make and cannot tell us from the rest of the "loonies" that run around proclaiming to know the "truth."

And then, perhaps the most important aspect of God's word is its use as a training manual in righteousness…something that is totally foreign to us as His creations. We were born into sin and that's where we would die, except for God's grace and mercy displayed in the sacrifice of His Son for our sins. In Christ, we are declared "RIGHTEOUS" but that is just the first step in claiming our inheritance as children of the King. If we are to live as His children, we must immerse ourselves in His Word and be in constant training to run our race as believers. Our study of God's Word will equip us as God's messenger to be competent and ready to do every good work that He sets before us… and each good work propels us toward our Heavenly home and our eternal reward.

Constantly training...Living in the Word,


Poem for the day:

The Bible is God’s headlights
To light the unseen way;
We need not know the destination
But just trust Him for today.

For when we put our faith in Him
His plans for us are sure;
To live a life in Him complete
Righteous …holy…..pure!

WPQ © 2017

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Blessed or Bothered....It's All About Your Point of View!

I woke up today, after celebrating my 68th birthday yesterday; and though I had a few aches and my back felt a little stiff, I considered myself to be doing okay for a guy approaching seventy. I mean, I vividly remember at the age of 35 attending the funeral services of my dad who had just passed away at the young age of 63 (It seemed young then and even younger now). I know that his gene pool never had longevity on their side; so for me, I lived thinking that I too might experience the same fate.

But praise be to my Heavenly Father that He is not finished with me yet...and that is why I am still bumping and prodding along on this earthly sod. So, it comes down to a this very simple question...How shall I spend my remaining days on this planet...LOOKING AT THE GLASS HALF-EMPTY OR THANKFUL THAT IT IS STILL HALF FULL?

Which brings me to my Scripture for today found in Matthew, the 6th chapter, where Christ says beginning with verse 31: " So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

For most of us, we spend a LOT of our energies in life chasing the things of this world...wealth, security, fame, position, prestige...the list is truly endless. And when we fall short of achieving and gaining the things we desire, we are often left embittered and disillusioned that somehow God has failed to give to us as He promised...."the desires of our heart."

So we do what is natural to man...we look for someone to blame for our miserable existence and then dump on them all our shortcomings and failures. We see life as disappointing and definitely view the glass of life as half empty...or even worse. We are bothered that God could have, should have and would have done more "if only"..... and it is the "if only" that makes our remaining years a time of bleak despair and downcast expectations.

But if we would only take Christ at His word...first seek HIM and HIS righteousness...then all the things we need and many of the things we would want would be GLADLY given from the Father of Lights from whom all blessings flow. But how do we seek HIM and how do we grasp and hold on to His righteousness?

Well, that's a question with an answer for another time... for now, concentrate on counting the blessings that you have and with each one give THANKS to a God who loves you SO MUCH that He did not even spare His own Son....rather He sent Him to pay our sin debt and give us the righteousness of Christ; so that one day we can stand unashamed in front of a HOLY GOD...now that's a glass that is filled to the top and overflowing.

So no matter your age or your position in life, look forward to this day that the Lord has given you and rejoice in the blessings of your life...changing your outlook is simple...JUST CHANGE YOUR UPLOOK AND SEEK THE FATHER AS YOU IMITATE THE SON!!!

Seeking to Serve So That Others Might Be BLESSED,


Poem for the day:

It's easy in this world of ours
To lament our place in life;
To fault our Father up above
For our toils, our pain and strife.

But when we strive to follow Jesus
And truly imitate this man;
Then  we will have a joy-filled  life
As we live according to His plan.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Are you a 007 Christian?

I don’t know about you, but I am a diehard James Bond fan. In fact, I practically grew up watching and re-watching the James Bond films… and to this day, I will gladly plunk down in front of the old boob tube and catch a Bond thriller or weekend extravaganza of Bond classics.

I guess the mystery and excitement of James dashing around the world as a servant in Her Majesty’s Secret Service was the juice that would quench the thirst of a young mind’s wanderlust and allow me to step out of the problems and tribulations of a youthful adolescent, even if just for a few hours. I seemed to always marvel that James was so adept at hiding his true identity and pretending to be so many different people with such diverse and intriguing backgrounds.

The same can be said for so many Christians in this day and age….they profess to follow Jesus as they pass down dark halls and gather in church vestibules on Sundays; but, on Mondays, they move through the corporate world incognito ….stripped of anything that may give away their secret identity ….a son or daughter of the Most High ….a member of the family of God.

But they are not the first to travel such a path of deception as they conceal their Christian identity; just look in the Scriptures in John 12:42-43: “Nevertheless many, even of the authorities believed in Him, but for fear of the Pharisees, they did not confess it so that they would not be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.”

Even in the day of Jesus, when many had seen with their own eyes the miracles he performed, they could not be persuaded to believe in Jesus….but there were many that did believe; and rather than confess Him as Lord and Savior, they kept their faith in Him a secret….they became a silent follower with a secret identity for fear of the cost.

Today, unfortunately, there are too many Christians living as 007…an agent for Jesus with a secret identity. They will profess Him to their close circle of fellow believers but they are not willing to publicly announce their allegiance and loyalty to the King of Kings for fear of the cost….the cost of ridicule, weak-mindedness or sarcasm…the cost of power or prestige or put downs….the cost of glory or praise from others that see Christ as a crutch and not as a conqueror.

How are you living in this world today…are you out in the open as a true believer that values the opinion of God over the fleeting fancies of the “in” crowd….or  are you living as a “secret agent’ that is pretending to be what the world values rather than living the values taught to us by the Savior.

As always, THE CHOICE IS YOURS ….AND YOURS ALONE!!!! God will not hold your feet to the fire until you confess Him as Lord and Savior in your life; but, He is watching …and often withholding His abundant blessings until we are stripped of our secret identity and fully functioning as a child of the King.

So go ahead and drop the pretense that you can be an 007 Christian…. Step out in faith to tell others that Jesus is INDEED the one you adore and the one to whom you answer ….and in that matter, YOU WOULDN’T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY!!

Stepping out of the Shadows….Living in His Glorious Light,


Thought for the day:

Living for Jesus in this day and age can be quite hard to do;
Especially when the pressure's on and it all depends on you…
So take a moment to confess, no matter the end of the story;
God is at work to bring you good and in that receive His glory.

Monday, August 14, 2017


I wrote yesterday regarding humility and the lack of it in our world today….yet, it is still at the heart of service to our Lord and the very essence of who Christ was. In Philippians 2: 6-8 we read, “who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”

Being a servant is not an easy profession; and one that very few would aspire to. But, our Lord came to earth with that express mission…to humble himself and serve. From the earliest days of his ministry on earth, he served the lowly and down-trodden. He healed their infirmities, restored their sight, cured their diseases and raised their children from the dead. He even went so far as to wash the feet of His disciples when no one else would stoop so low. He, the Maker of Heaven and earth, with a towel girded about His waist, washed the dusty, dirty feet of those He loved…just to demonstrate how we are to serve. Humbly, quietly, without flash or fanfare, giving unselfishly, he lowered himself to us so that in our faith and trust, we could be raised to Him.

He, Gloriously…Magnificently…Seated on high...and we in a servant’s rightful place, next to our Master. Do we consider ourselves better than our Savior or are we just making excuses when we fail to serve? Is the example that our Savior gave us to hard to follow or are we just too proud and haughty? If we are to call ourselves Christians, then we must be Christ-like and that means…. we must be a servant!

Humble yourself to the position of “faithful servant” and see how God is exalted in your life…you’ll enjoy the view from on high, seated next to your Savior in glory.

Salt & Light Quote:

Never is a man so exalted as when he has humbled himself before the Lord…. nor can he bend so low that God will not raise him on high.

Serving my Savior…Humbled by His Grace,


Thought for the day:
If you want to be like Jesus,
The very best place to start
Is to do for other's unselfishly
With a servant's humble heart.

Just serve the Lord with a humble heart
And in all you say and do;
When you bless others in service for Him
They will see our Lord in You!

WPQ @2008

Sunday, August 13, 2017


There was a time before the “you can do anything” promoters in this world that humility was actually considered a desirable characteristic. A time before the heavyweight fighter, Muhammad Ali, proclaimed that he was the greatest and we all began to make similar claims. We were told and taught to believe that there was nothing that we could not accomplish if we just set our minds to the task before us ….and that it was okay; no, it was mandatory that we tell everyone just how great we were and how we deserve the very best of everything. That thinking has corrupted our younger generation and has left them gasping for breath as they race around in life trying to have it all.

The Bible speaks at great length to extol the virtues of humility …and it’s a word that is timely for all of us today. From the wisdom of Solomon in Proverbs 15:33, we read, “The fear of the Lord is instruction in wisdom, and humility comes before honor.” And in just the next chapter, Solomon continues to instruct us in verse 18, when he says, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Haughty is a word we don’t hear very much anymore because it defames our character. When we take a closer look at what it means, words like proud, arrogant, conceited, snooty, stuck-up, overconfident and high and mighty come to mind ….and those are words that no one likes to have associated with them and their character.
No, no one wants to think of themselves as haughty or as Paul admonishes in Romans 12:3, “I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith God has assigned.”

So that brings us back to humility….how do we get it and how can we hang on to it? In James 4: 6, we read that God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble and then in verse 10, he tells us to “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you.”

Humble ourselves before the Lord…. the Creator of the Universe, the GREAT I AM, the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the BEGINNING and the END, the Name above EVERY Name. How could we NOT humble ourselves before our Maker?

Haughty or Humble…..the choice is yours? More tomorrow on how to be humble!
Seeking to be humble…Bold for my Savior,


Thought for the day:

Lord, make my life a guiding light
So that my neighbors might see;
May they be lead to seek your face
Because of what they’ve seen in me.

May my life be an open book
And on each page this story....
I'm living a godly life
So that God gets the GLORY!!!!


Friday, August 11, 2017

R U Living for Christ?

If you have ever been a parent, you have probably heard the old saying that "More is caught than taught" when it comes to raising our kids.  Simply put, it means they are watching your every move!

I was reminded of that today as I read my devotion and the Scripture passage from Titus 2:6-7 that reads, "Likewise, urge the younger men to be self-controlled.  Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity,  dignity, and sound speech that cannot be condemned."

I recall a moment with our daughter that taught me this lesson so well. Alyson was not quiet two years old when we took a vacation in North Carolina along the Outer Banks and stopped in the small fishing village of Oriental to spend the night. We checked in to a cute little motel and as we preceded to carry in our luggage my wife and I keep saying , "This is Nice; this is really Nice!!!" After unpacking our bags, we put Alyson in her stroller and proceeded to walk around the town to stretch our legs and see the sights. About a hour later, when we re-entered our room with Alyson securely held in her Dad's arms, she  glowingly announced, "This is nice; this is really nice!"  My wife and I both burst into laughter, but in that moment, I knew that she would be watching her Mom and Dad and that she would learn what we lived in front of her each day of her young life...and now that she is  25, the same is still true.

So what's the point of this story for each of us on an individual level? Simply put...someone is ALWAYS  watching what you do; what you say; how you treat others. And if you profess to be a believer in Jesus Christ, they are judging Him by who you are in front of them. None of us have the luxury of living life in a dark room where all our secrets can remain hidden. Instead, our lives are on display to all those we encounter...at home, at church, in the boardroom or in the checkout line at the supermarket.

If we truly want to make a difference in the lives of those we love and those we have some influence over, then we must do everything within our power to live a life of self control that is a model of good works done in the name of our Lord and Savior. When we live like this we can be sure that God receives the glory and we receive the peace that passes all understanding.

Ralph Waldo Emerson penned this thought from a more secular perspective but it bears repeating... 
"What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say."

What is your life saying today about your Savior and how much you love him? I trust it screams at the top of your lungs, "I LOVE JESUS WITH ALL MY HEART AND I SERVE HIM WITH ALL THAT I AM OR HOPE TO BE!"

Living Center Stage....Bringing Glory to the Father,


Poem for the Day:

We should follow Christ’s example
With everyone we meet…
We should seek to show compassion
For we are His hands and feet.

For Christ would have us working
To care for those distraught;
To give ourselves unselfishly
Is what our Savior taught.

WPQ@ October 2010

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Take Dead Aim....

If you happen to be a golf fan such as I, then you love to see the "pros" working on their games on the driving range...and the one thing they ALL work on consistently is their aim, their direction ...their "towards" as I like to call it when working with my students.

As a former PGA club professional, I have given a multitude of golf lessons to all sizes, shapes and swings of men, women, boys and girls...and one thing evident in EVERYONE'S swing is that they are not lined up to their target like they think they are...in simple terms, THEIR AIM IS OFF!!!

Often, that is what has lead them to take a lesson in the first place; they seem to be swinging the club well, but the ball is not going where they are aimed...and as I mentioned, their problem is usually their aim and not their swing.

The same can often be said for the way things are going in our Christian walk. We are doing all the right things...reading our Bible, praying when we can and making it a point to show up for church functions and Sunday services...but life just doesn't seem to be falling into place like we think it should. If that's the case for you, then your problem is probably the same as my golf students...YOUR AIM IS OFF!!!!

The apostle Paul addressed this problem for the Philippians who were struggling to find joy and harmony in their new Christian walk as they left behind the sin and shame of their former lives and began this new journey....their walk with Christ. So Paul pinned the following, “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 3:13-14

Paul knew all too well the high cost of following Christ. He knew it was not an easy road that led to the Kingdom; and he knew that he had not yet attained the full measure of the life he sought in Christ Jesus...so he did what he needed to do to make sure he was on the right path to living for God as God willed for his life....HE TOOK DEAD AIM AT THE TARGET...THE HIGH CALLING OF GOD FOR HIS LIFE.

You see, if your life is not going the way you think it should, it may have to do with where your aim is focused. If you are trying to live a "good life" rather than a "godly" life...YOUR AIM IS OFF! If what matters to God doesn't matter to you, YOUR AIM IS OFF! If your more interested in your comfort over godly conviction, YOUR AIM IS OFF! If you're living to impress others rather than hear the words from the Father, "Well done, my good and faithful servant"...then you need an aiming lesson....You need to take to heart the words of Paul and aim for the mark...the true calling that God has placed on your life...and mine!

In this time in our culture, God has called each of us into the battlefield to stand up and be counted as faithful followers of the one true God...to take dead aim at sin, evil and the folly of mankind and to call it what it is...and then to live a Godly life in front of our family, our friends and our neighbors so that they may see a difference in us and how we live in this corrupt and lost world. But that can only happen when we zero in on our target to be the man or woman God has called out for such a time as this.

Are you ready for such a challenge or are you content to just maintain the status quo and limp along in your Christian walk; always hoping for something better but not willing to make the sacrifices needed to be the person God has called you to be?

It is your decision...so decide to TAKE DEAD AIM at the mark...and be all that God wants you to be and then life will be sweeter...you have my guarantee; but more than that, you have God's promise of an abundant life far greater than you could possible imagine.

Taking aim...hitting the mark for Him,


Thought for the day...

You may attempt to persuade another
 to change their point of view...

But nothing speaks more plainly than
what Christ has done in you.

So if another’s lifestyle
you are hoping to rearrange,

Just testify how the Father’s love
can make an everlasting change.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Rude Awakening…Are you a Soldier of the Cross?

Few of us, if any, knew that when we accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, we were automatically enlisting in the Army of God. In fact, most of us probably expected a somewhat passive life of meekness with a few bumps along the road of life thrown in to keep us humble.

Boy! Were we ever in for a rude awakening? Now, I don't know about you, but my life has been anything but pastoral. In all truth, it has been one skirmish and engagement with our enemy, the devil, on a daily basis. It seems as if I am constantly under attack by the demonic forces of this world as they seek to disrupt my witness for my Lord. I find that they use any means necessary to rout my energies as I seek to live and to walk consistently with Jesus as my Commander-in-Chief; however, God's Word tells us in Joshua 23:9-11, "The Lord has driven out before you great and powerful nations; to this day no one has been able to withstand you.  One of you routs a thousand, because the Lord your God fights for you, just as he promised.  So be very careful to love the Lord your God."

God has richly promised that we are not in this war alone…He is not only in the fight with us, but He is fighting for us and through us and no matter how the battle may be raging, we will be victorious. We may not feel that way as the bullets of temptation or the bombs of despair explode around us…our eyes and our circumstances will deceive us…all those on all sides may look at our situation and tell us that God has deserted His post and we are in this thing called life all alone…BUT NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!!!

God is right next to you in the trenches of your battle with cancer; He is standing guard as you suffer through those lonely nights after the loss of a loved and cherished family member; He is battling those feelings of hopelessness and helplessness as you put your faith in Him and trust His hand to lead you to safety and a newness of life.

God promised that if He is for us, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE CAN STAND AGAINST US…so take courage as you get set for battle today. You are a highly decorated solider in the Army of the Most High and He is SOVEREIGN LORD…YOU ARE THE VICTOR IN ALL….BECAUSE HE IS WITH YOU FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT!

Soldiering on for the Savior….Victorious in All,


Poem for the day:

We are fighting in a battle, 
A battle known as LIFE, 
And though we are surrounded 
By turmoil, despair and strife.

We cannot be defeated 
For our enemy's fate is sealed.
By His nail-scarred hand, the battle's won 
And God's eternal glory revealed.

WPQ @ 2017

Saturday, August 5, 2017

You Gotta Rock the Boat Before You Walk on Water…

Now, I’m something of an expert when it comes to the title of today’s topic…not that I have ever walked on water; but, I sure have rocked the boat on more than one occasion.

It all goes back to my days in the Navy when I served as a helmsman for the motor whaleboat….a small, motorized craft about 20 feet or so that was used to carry the crew and more importantly, our commanding officer, from ship to shore. I worked along side a good friend of mine by the name of Tiny, a rather robust young man at 6’ 6” and 285 pounds.  Tiny was a Boatswain Mate Third Class and in charge of the motor whaleboat and the crew that ferried our shipmates to our port-of-call. I had the good fortune of being assigned to his detail and I learned a great deal from him, especially when it came to getting in and out of the boat.

The first time I was assigned duty on the launch, I proceeded to climb in the boat with little knowledge of where I should place my feet or how to move forward from the aft to the bow of this small vessel. Unfortunately, that lack of knowledge deposited me into the harbor and ruined my freshly-starched uniform…Tiny had a big laugh and I had to go back aboard the ship and change into another uniform. I never forgot what Tiny taught me regarding the boarding and unboarding of our craft…..and although, I often rocked the boat coming and going, I never fell in again.

I share this story because of the kinship it provides me with my favorite disciple, Peter and his story in Matthew 14:26-32 ….it is here, where Peter sees the Lord, walking on the water in the midst of a terrible storm.

We all know this story and too often, each of us may have chided Peter because of his failure to successfully navigate the stormy waters. It seems that after climbing out of the boat, as he begins to walk toward the Master, he is overcome by the wind and the swirling seas and he begins to sink. Jesus, in His loving spirit, takes hold of his hand and lifts him out of the raging seas and says, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

It seems that Peter has failed…but, let’s examine this from a different vantage point. All the disciples where present…they all thought they had seen a ghost…they all feared for their collective lives …and they all had the same opportunity to rock the boat….that is, anyone of them could have called out to Jesus and said as Peter, “Lord, if it is you, command me to leave the boat (my addition) and to come to you on the water.”

But Peter was the only one that was willing to risk the savage sea and the wild winds and heed the Master's command…only Peter was willing to rock the boat and step out in faith to meet his Lord in the storm. He was willing to leave what little security this tiny vessel offered and walk forward, climb over the bow and lower himself into the cold, dark sea.  No one offered a helping hand or even an encouraging word but our Lord….and He simply said, “COME!”

It is true that Peter’s step of faith left him soaked to the bone and maybe, somehow, his lack of faith diminished him in the eyes of the other disciples; but in the eyes of the Lord, though disappointed in the overall outcome, I’m sure Jesus was once again encouraged that Peter was on his way to becoming the man that He knew he could be….a man for all seasons.

And the same can be said for you and me, if we are willing to rock the boat and heed the Master’s call to come….to step out of our comfort zone….to dare to be all that He has called us to be.

We may falter and fall short of God’s desire for our lives….we may disappoint Him as doubts and fears creep into the fabric of our faith….but He will lovingly extend His nail-scarred hand and lift us out of the tempest-tossed seas of our lives and but us back into the boat ….and then the storms will cease….for He alone is the Son of God.

I encourage you today with this….

Don’t fear the storms of life as you sail through them….rather trust the Son of God, Jesus Christ and know that you will arrive safely home to spend eternity with Him. Until then keep,

Rocking the Boat…Expecting to walk on water,


Poem for the day:

Life's stormy seas may gather
And the winds may howl and blow;
But if we seek to sail with Jesus
There's one thing we should know.

He is the Master of the seas
And all the heavenly realm...And
We shall reach our harbor safe
When He is at the helm.

WPQ @ 2017

Friday, August 4, 2017


There’s an old saying that “Practice makes perfect," but as a former PGA golf professional, I’ve learned that is not exactly true. Through the years, what my students have taught me is that PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT!

In teaching the great game of golf, I have often used imitation to instill in my students the correct way to swing the club. They watch me …then, they try to imitate. When their imitation is correct, then I encourage them to practice, Practice, PRACTICE…to make it PERMANENT!

Paul sought to encourage the Christians at Philippi to practice humility…to model themselves after Christ. He wrote, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus….Who, being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, BUT MADE HIMSELF NOTHING, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man….HE HUMBLED HIMSELF....and became obedient to death, even death on a cross.” Philippians 2:3-8

Jesus Christ, the Creator of the Universe, became a servant who humbled himself to reach each of us and to teach each of us that we should become like him….empty of ourselves, so that we might serve. We are to imitate Christ. We are to become servants of the Most High God and a servant to every one that we encounter. What would happen in our world today if we all began to look out for the welfare of others first, even before our own needs or wants were met? How would the world view those of us that call ourselves Christians if we were not motivated by self ambition or vain conceit…if we truly modeled ourselves after our Savior?

Why not make a promise today to practice humility. First step, humble yourself before the Lord then, deny yourself and follow Christ’s example to meet the needs of others. Your practice may not be perfect…but it will take you one step closer to making it PERMANENT…..and that’s what moves the heart of God…PERFECT HUMILITY!!!

Serving My Savior….Humbly with Purpose,


Thought for the day:

If you want to follow Christ,
In everything you do;
Just seek to humbly serve Him…
Let His love come shining through.

Don't seek the praise that comes from men
But honor your Father above..
Do all you can in obedience
To show the Father's love.

WPQ @2010

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Grumbling or Gratitude...It's Up to You!

Have you ever spent an afternoon in the kitchen, dicing and slicing, peeling and pounding, grating and grinding...all in preparation of a wonderful family meal for the upcoming evening dinner. After all the hard work and slaving in the kitchen, you call your family into the dining room with that familiar greeting, "Come on everybody, supper's ready. Let's eat!" Slowly, but surely everyone takes their seat and you announce the bill of fare for the evening meal. But rather than hearing a plethora of "ooohhhs" and "aaahhs" about the wonderful meal you've prepared, you are met with moans and groans about "why are we having that, we wanted hot dogs."  It's enough to make you want to scream at the top of your lungs and send everybody to bed without any dinner.

But a closer look at this little microcosm of life shows us that we treat God the same way. Just look at the Scriptures starting with His chosen people, the Israelites. God has miraculously delivered them from their years of bondage, drowned Pharaoh's army in the Red Sea and has their leader Moses ready and willing to lead them into the Promised land. But in Exodus 16:2-3, we read, "The entire Israelite community grumbled against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness. The Israelites said to them, 'If only we had died by the Lord's hand in the land of Egypt."

After all that God had done for His people, they chose to grumble about their plight rather than show gratitude for their provision...and the whole of the journey that lasted 40 years in the wilderness is one grumble and complaint after another. If not for the great love of God, surely He would have washed His hands of this whole relationship with the Israelites and left them to survive on their own.

Fortunately for you and me, our God is a God of compassion and does not measure His love for us on how much gratitude and love we show Him...if He did, we would ALWAYS end up with a HUGE debt that we could never repay. But I believe, personally, that God does restrain His hand of blessing when we fail to show the appropriate gratitude.

After all, would you keep showering your own children with more and more of the things they want or need if they NEVER showed gratitude but continually grumbled about what they did not have or how someone else has something better...I DON'T THINK SO!!!!

So why shouldn't our Heavenly Father treat us the same! Now, He has promised that He will always see that all our NEEDS ARE MET; however, giving us the desires of our heart comes from showing our gratitude ...and gratitude leads to obedience and through our obedience, God's storehouse of blessings is open for business.

A wise man of faith once said, "If you are on this side of the dirt and you have trusted in God's redemptive plan and your place in Heaven is secure, what could you possibly have to complain about?"

Dwell on that thought for a moment....how bad is your life, really? No matter what you are facing, the God of the universe cares and HE WILL PROVIDE...SO LIKE SO MANY OTHER THINGS IN LIFE, IT IS YOUR DECISION....

GRUMBLE    OR    GRATITUDE....what you decide will not affect God's love for you but it may very well affect how He provides!

Praising Him for His Provisions....Showing Gratitude with every Breath,


Poem for the day:

Life can have its ups and downs
And make us want to fuss;
About the things we think we need
Or how others are treating us.

But God, He knows our every need
So when we choose to grumble;
Life's sky may darken, the rain comes down
And we heard God's Holy rumble.

By reminding us who's in control
As the dark clouds are swept away;
When we show Him our gratitude
His blessings are new each day!

WPQ @2017

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Called to Serve

Everyone is called to serve,
No task too great or small;
For if you hear the Savior’s voice
You’re called to give your all.

You’re called to be a shining light
And drive darkness from the lands.
You’re called to be His workers
With rough and calloused hands.

You’re called to give your very best
No matter the toil or task;
To come with willing heart and mind
To do what He would ask.

You’re called to be a helping hand
To those who’ve lost their way.
You’re called to show the love of Christ
In all you do and say.

So give the Lord what is His due,
Your best in everything;
For you, my child, must heed the call…..
The call to serve the KING!!!

W. Patrick Queen
June 2008

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


For years, we lived in a quiet neighborhood, right across the street from the community pool and playground. This area was meticulously groomed each week and was always in the best shape when it came to the caliber of care that it received. I guess that is why I was so surprised to see one of my favorite willow trees cut down and carted off one week. Now, to be sure it was dead, but what struck me as odd was its demise.

Now, there where two willow trees planted not fifteen feet apart and for the last five years, I have watched them grow and mature, ever spreading their lovely branches and providing a great place for young children to take shade from the hot summer sun….and that’s my point of consternation. One lived and one died; each, seemingly, planted in the same soil, given the same care and exposed to the same elements. But, upon closer examination, I found the difference ….one had been struck down by some insects while in a weakened condition from the drought…the other willow tree’s roots had found a greater source of water. You see, about six feet away, the sprinkler head had malfunctioned and had built a small pond in a low lying area. In fact, every time we got any rain, the water puddled there….so, the tree near the puddle got more water and nutrients and was able to remain strong while its next door neighbor succumbed to the drought, insects and other natural causes and eventually died.

The lesson for us in all of this is found in Jeremiah 17:7-8, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is in the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green and is not anxious in the year of the drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”

How’s your root system today? Are you trusting in the Lord …is your trust in the Lord and not in what you can do? Are you firmly planted in His Word so that the barbs and darts and arrows from the Devil have no effect on your life? God has promised in His Son, Jesus Christ, to NEVER leave us or forsake us. No matter what you are facing today, God is here to see you through. Let you roots sink deep into the well of everlasting water and be refreshed. Know the joy of your salvation is something that is yours now and eternally. Don’t let the devil or circumstances or others rob you of the joy and peace that is yours as you continually grow in the Lord. Remember, WE BELONG TO HIM ….and we are to produce much fruit.

Today, give up the dry, barren way of following Christ…giving lip service and little else. Instead, look for a way to serve, offer a word of encouragement, do more than is required of you….Smile, tell someone you love them and back it up with your actions. God is the great gardener and He is watching to see if you are growing or if your roots have died and you should be cut down.

I pray that today you will be firmly planted, growing exponentially with roots that reach to the very soul of the Master and that your fruit will be bountiful for the Lord…."He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.” Psalm 1:3

Planted together…prospering for the Kingdom,


Poem for the day:

The troubles that we face each day
May surely drag us down;
But when we’re planted in our Lord
Then we’re on solid ground.

So let the seasons of life roll on
Bringing pain or drought or blight...
For we are watered by the hand of God
And bathed in the Son of Light.

So let your roots sink deep into
The Father's perfect, holy sod;
As we all shall await the day
To kiss the face of God.

WPQ @ 2017