Friday, September 29, 2017

Is It Time for a U-Turn?

In the last two cars I have owned, I've had this incredible onboard GPS that gives me directions to where I want to go...I just but in the destination address, listen and follow the onboard prompts and magically end up at my final destination. However, there have been times when I have not been paying attention or traffic patterns interrupted my ability to follow those directions; it's then I have heard, "In .2 miles, make a legal U-turn!"

I can relate to this command because the same thing happens in my daily walk with my Lord. I have read my Bible and understand what God would have me do; how I should live my life; the places I should go; the people I should associate with and the way I should conduct my affairs in the marketplace.

But likewise, when I am not focused on God's will or just let the ebb and flow of life get the best of me, I find that I have gotten off course and need to make a U-turn...and that U-turn usually requires that I ask for forgiveness, repent and then set a new course.

It is good to know that God is in the business of forgiveness and just like the GPS in my car, He will whisper (or shout when needed), "You are going the wrong way; you need to make a Heavenly U-turn."

We know that God send His son, Jesus, to call the world to repentance and through His shed blood to pay the debt for our sin. Knowing and believing this calls for us to repent of our sins, trust in Him for our salvation and then begin our new life in Christ; walking in a new direction with Him as our guide...and that decision is a one-time, life altering decision...once made, we are eternally His.

However, when it comes to our daily walk in His presence, well, that is a daily decision. It is a decision that prompts us to program our GPS to our final destination of Heaven and to walk in the grace, love and mercy that has been shown to us through the sacrifice of our Savior. We may begin each day with the purposeful intent to go where God leads; however, often we get off course and need to make that Heavenly directed U-turn to get back on course so that our lives reflect who we love and who we serve.

So today make the commitment to spend time in God's Holy Word; share counsel with those in need; receive instructions or corrections from a godly mentor or just listen for the still, small voice of God to whisper His instructions for the day in your GPS and know that God will take you to where He wants you to go...and if you find yourself off course, be ready to make a U-turn...being in the will of God....THERE'S NO BETTER PLACE TO BE!!!!

Trusting God's GPS....Heading toward home,


Poem for the day:

You've made your life's decision
To trust in Christ above...
To forgive you for your countless sins
And now to walk in His steadfast  love.

But with every step you take with Him
Down life's rocky, barren road
You feel the weight of all your guilt
And you buckle beneath the load.

But do not despair my child,
Though life's travels may bring duress.
Just search the Scriptures and there you'll find...
God's Word will be your GPS!!!!

WPQ © Sept 2017

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Rules, guidelines, instruction, even commandments for living the abundant life are found throughout God’s Holy word….here are a few of mine that I have labeled,


Pray often and without ceasing …the repetitious child always has his father’s ear.

Go to bed at a reasonable time…with thanksgiving on your mind and praise on your lips.

Get up on time…ready to spend time with your Father and start your day unrushed.

Do all that you can ….don’t do all that can be done; delegate to others…that’s how they learn.

More is good, but less is better. Simplify and unclutter your life …joy is in the simple things.

Don’t fret the small stuff, it will soon get bigger and then you can worry if you must.

DON’T WORRY, rather trust God in everything…He’s in control. Worry is the Devil’s tool.

Live within your means and always be ready to bless others with your material wealth…God loves a cheerful giver.

If you must criticize or find fault in others, use the K.I. S. S. theory…Keep It Short & SWEET.

Eat what makes you happy …when you look in the mirror, you’ll have no one to blame but YOU.

Every day, take time to be alone with yourself….and with your Heavenly Father.

Make friends… but always seek out those Godly friends that stick closer than a brother.

Laugh and laugh often ….God’s greatest release from the cares of this world is in our ability to laugh in the face of adversity.

Laugh some more…especially at yourself. Take your strengths at face value and your weaknesses will be diminished.

Develop a forgiving spirit ….most people you encounter in life are doing the best they can.

Be kind and loving to unkind people…they’re the ones that need loving the most.

And most of all, remember…..God did not appoint you general manager of the universe….if He needs your help in running the world, HE’LL ASK (But, I wouldn’t hold my breath!)

Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life and have it more ABUNDANTLY.”  John 10:10

Living Abundantly,

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Are You Still Asking...Why?

I just finished reading one of the poems from our little book, BENT…but not BROKEN! and I can hardly believe that it has been 20 years since that horrendous childhood cancer wrecked our daughter Alyson’s life. We are so blessed to have a beautiful, healthy and vivacious young woman who still honors and respects her parents. I also read another article recently about a family that had lost their son in a horrible accident and I found in that headline the same question that I remembering asking when cancer threatened to take the life of our little 5-year old….WHY HER …..WHY US?

It seems that whenever life’s trials and tribulations confront us, whether we are faithful Christians or not, the first question we ask is “Why me, Lord, why me?” It’s almost like we are expecting that all the bad, terrible, horrendous outcomes in the world should somehow happen to someone else…particularly those “sinners” that are lost and without hope. I know when the cancer hit, I felt that way. But then, I remember a scripture that God lead me to in the first days of our year long ordeal; one that deals with our suffering in Philippians 1:29 that read, “For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for His sake.”

I must admit, I reeaaallly struggled with this...that somehow the thought that it had been granted to me and my family that we should suffer. But, the Lord taught me daily the lesson that to believe in Him made it necessary that I be prepared to suffer for His sake….and suffer we did; but God was ever at our side. His daily provision and care kept us focused on getting beyond the pain and the suffering that we were enduring. As we watched our brave little girl battle an enemy that was determined to win, we held tightly to this one thought…. OUR GOD WAS GREATER THAN WHAT LAY BEFORE US….

And our God always is……

Greater than the disease you have; greater than the bills you owe; greater than the loss of a precious loved one; greater than ANYTHING that Satan may bring against you. For you have been granted to suffer for Christ …FOR HE SUFFERED FOR YOU!!!!! So when the trials of life seem insurmountable, don’t try to run and hide or dodge this time of suffering for...GOD IS AT WORK IN AND THROUGH YOU...and although the outlook may not be good, the UPLOOK is always perfect!

So, believe in Christ today and let His love be sufficient for all the pain and suffering that you are enduring. I know that you will still ask WHY?  I did; but that’s okay…..GOD KNOWS WHY….and He’s only got your VERY BEST outcome at the heart of His heart.

Remember, when you can't see the hand of God at work, that's okay...for you can ALWAYS TRUST HIS HEART....He is working everything out for you good!!!!!!

Suffering together...Honoring Jesus in all of life's trials,


Poem for the day:

How Can This Be?
As I sit by her bedside, I try hard not to cry.
I fight he urge inside me to scream and ask God, "WHY"?
Why, oh God chose my little girl, the apple of my eye?
What purpose could this misery serve...
Oh, why not pass her by?

What could she have possibly done? Or, Father was it me?
That brought this dreadful cancer, this unending misery.
She's such a perfect can this truly be?
So, if you really love us Lord, remove this malady.

For we know you have the power, Lord;
It is well within your might...To prove us victorious;
To help us win this fight!

We'll try hard not to doubt You; we'll try hard to understand.
We'll try to believe that through all of this,
It's part of your Master Plan.

So, hear our prayer, dear Father; grant us your peace today.
Heal our darling baby girl; please wipe our tears away.
Grant us your strength and power, Lord;
Sufficient for our needs today.
Enfold us in your loving arms...
Draw us close to You....and stay.

(excerpt from Bent..but not Broken!)

WPQ © Bent...but not Broken!

October 1997

Friday, September 22, 2017

Praying in Joy…

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I encounter some people that really try my patience. In fact, in all honesty, they make me lose it completely. Now, I’m not one to name names…you know who you are, but in my studies the other night, Paul admonished me in Philippians 1 verse 3 to pray with joy. He said, "I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.”  Do I always pray with joy? Not on your life…but there it is, from one of the pillars of the early church….PRAY WITH JOY!!!!

Paul is telling us to begin our experience with others by remembering them and then, in our remembrance, to pray with joy. Unfortunately, it seems that I don’t always remember the good things of others …only the things that seem to make me lose my patience. Then I am faced, too often, with my shortcomings which are able to disrupt my walk with my Lord. What if I started using “spiritual eyes’ to view those that God brings into my life; then, as we unite in the partnership of the gospel, I won’t have to overlook their faults…rather, I will be focus on the good work that God has begun in them and in our relationship.

Philippians 1:6 says, “Being confident of this very thing, that He that began a good work in you will continue it until the day of Jesus Christ.” That should be my focus…if I must be myopic, let my focus be on the good work that God is accomplishing in each of us. I can revel in the misery of the injustice of the moment, past or present…..or I can look at those around me and see them as God does….A WORK IN PROGRESS!!!!

And then, I can pray for them and with them in a spirit of joy and thanksgiving, knowing that God is at work, bringing to completion this person of faith …my brother or sister in Christ. And that’s the eternal partnership that is available to each of us….we belong to Christ and we belong to each other. So, let the praise and prayer begin and let the JOY of Heaven rain down.



Poem of the Day…

We are called to work with others;
To serve our Lord both day and night…
And when we share in that great task
We are filled with heaven’s delight.

We join with others joyfully
To share what He has done.
To tell the world of His great love
For He sacrificed His Son.

So that all may come to worship Him
To bow before His throne;
To proclaim to all that He is Lord
So in us His joy is shown.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Living in Troubled Times?

All of us, at one time or another, have heard the old saying that “Bad things happen to good people” and almost all of us would agree with that statement; however, many of us take issue with the idea that “Bad things happen to God’s people.”

For some reason, too many Christians have been misinformed or have become confused by the “prosperity” preachers of this age. Those “good time” prognosticators tell us that God wants us to prosper and have all the things of this world that our heart desires. They would lead us to believe that if bad things are happening in our lives and we are not prospering, we must be at fault.

And in some regards, this might be true! God does use hardships, trials, tribulations, afflictions and suffering to get our attention….especially when our focus has been on ourselves and our selfish agenda. Sometimes, God uses the pains of this world to punish and discipline us after sin has led us astray. Our pride and our desire to be in control of our lives is a constant source of consternation and concern for our Heavenly Father….when our focus is on us, it can’t be on Him and His will.

Jonah was a perfect example of this….as he turned his back on the people of Ninevah, he disobeyed God’s instruction and he suffered the consequences of his disobedience. God reckoned with Jonah’s sin ….and the whale had a great lunch.

Then, there’s the other reason that suffering seems to afflict so many good and faithful Christians….they are good and faithful! Just like Job of the Old Testament, many Christians are held up to pain and suffering because God has allowed Satan to inflict the best of God’s people with what I like to call “fine-tuning”.  Satan thinks that his afflictions will cause us to falter and turn from our faith in our Father; but in reality, God allows these trials to fine tune us for greater service and intimacy with Jesus, the one who suffered for you and me. When we share in the suffering of our Christ, we become more like Him…..we endure the frustrations of the flesh and are drawn closer to Christ….through the comfort that He alone can offer.

And that’s the other reason that we live in such “troubled” times….to offer comfort to others because we have been where they are now. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ, our comfort overflows.”

So, if today you are suffering and facing troubles that might seem insurmountable, you are faced with three choices…is it sin and self-centeredness….is it Satan’s seduction …or is it Christ-like suffering that brings intimacy with the Savior? Only you can know for sure… and that will require some self-diagnosis that might prove to be uncomfortable and disheartening.

The comfort of Christ awaits those that suffer through the trials and troubles of the flesh because the price of discomfort is worth the intimacy that awaits each of us. So, don’t turn away from the troubles that have beset you…don’t be like the captain that steers his ship back to the safety of the harbor when the seas become rough and choppy; rather, turn into the storm and know that the Father is waiting on the distant shore to welcome you with the comfort and compassion that only He can provide….no matter what you are going through at this time, Jesus knows and He cares for you…especially in these troubled times.

Sailing the stormy seas …with Jesus at the helm,


Poem for the day

When the storms of life beset you
And the gale winds begin to blow
Just turn your ship into the storm
And trust in the ONE you know....

With Jesus at your helm of life
No matter the stormy sea;
He will steer you safely home
To His peace and harmony.

And once again on solid ground
His praise your lips will sing;
In wondrous hallelujahs
To Christ, your Lord and King!

September ©2017

Monday, September 18, 2017


When we see a problem...God sees a plan;
When we see a trial...God sees a triumph;
When we are faced with heartache...
God gives us a glimpse of Heaven.

For when life beats us down and 
we seem broken beyond repair...



Over there life is wonderful as we sit at Jesus' feet
And we'll see those saints we longed to know, but never got to meet.
We'll see the angels in full array, their halos glowing as the sun
And we'll know that life is over, but our journey has just begun.

For now we're home with Jesus and in the mansion with many rooms
He has banished all pain and misery and life's overwhelming gloom.
And as we walk the streets of gold with each step our hearts will sing
Our praises of adoration and hallelujahs to Christ our King.

For on that cross He bore the sins and paid the price for all
This King of Kings who came to earth, born in a cattle stall.
Of lowly birth the angels sang, this Christ-child born to save;
To lift the curse on all mankind...His triumph o'er the grave.

For death could not shackle Him; O' death where is thy sting?
No tomb could hold the Son of God...Creator, Lord and King!
Now we shall reign forevermore and eternity we'll share
With Jesus Christ, the King of Kings...who's just waiting over there.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017


This is a reprint from a previous post in September 2009...

Here lately I’ve been working out…nothing to strenuous, just lifting a few dumbbells and stretching on the exercise ball. It’s important at my advancing age to keep fit and flexible. You never know when these “old muscles” might be involved in a “flight or fight” scenario.

Now, I’m not bulking up to fight, but it is always a smart move to be prepared to face “the enemy”….especially as it pertains to our walk with our Lord. Scripture tells us that we are to be prepared ….in I Peter 3:15-16, “But in your hearts regard Christ as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.”(English standard version)

It is easy to see that Christians in our world today are being attacked from every side…the public and private media, the government and its supporting agencies; even our culture is in direct opposition to our faith and our beliefs. Unfortunately, too many of us who call ourselves Christian have run from the line that has been drawn in the sand. We have sounded the retreat and have fled the battlefield.

But all that comes to an end TODAY….Today is the day that the Lord hath made ….and it’s time to put on our armor and prepare for battle. We are to be prepared to defend our faith, our beliefs, our values and most of all, our hope in the world to come….the world where every knee will bow and every tongue proclaim that Christ is Lord indeed. We are to fight not with bullets and bombs, but with love, gentleness and respect for those whose opinions and faith differs from ours. We are to toss aside name-calling and hold fast to loving the sinner as Christ loves us. We are to open our hands to accept and to encourage others to come to know personally our Lord and Savior…even though we condemn their past transgressions; we forgive even as Christ forgave each of us.

We are being called out in these latter days as a lost and dying world seeks redemption in all the wrong places. We are TO DEFEND OUR FAITH by living as obedient soldiers, following orders and going where God leads….always giving the answer to all of life’s turmoil ….our hope is in our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Are you prepared to defend your faith today…in gentleness and respect …with the love and hope of Jesus Christ in your heart…if you fight the good fight and do as our Lord instructs, then there is a wonderful benefit waiting for you tonight when you lay your head on your pillow….A GOOD CONSCIENCE.

I don’t know about you, but that seems like something worth fighting to have ….after all, Christ gave himself so that we might forever belong with Him…surely, defending our faith is not too much for Him to ask of you and me.

Standing on His Promise…Defending My Faith,


Poem for the Day:

Whatever task God has given you
Be filled with holy zest;
For when you’re working for the Lord
He expects your very best.

All of you, our Lord requires
It’s what He asks of you;
For He gave all that He could give
Nothing less from you will do.


Friday, September 1, 2017

I Miss the Man I Called Dad....

I spent last weekend in Charlotte, reliving the "good old days" with my classmates of the Garinger High School class of 1967...and if the math is too hard for you...that is 50 years since I graduated from high school to make my mark in this world. There were many of my classmates that also attended and grew up with me in our small church on Mecklenburg Ave, MIDWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH...and many of my friends had my dad as their Sunday School teacher. As we reminisced and I listened to my friends share their memories of my dad, it brought back to me so many wonderful memories of the man and the life he lived before me.

 It has been 33 years since my father passed away. It was a bright and beautiful day in February when my dad went out to play a round of golf with one of my uncles. On a long par 5 on the course I grew up on, my father was having some pains in his arms and decided to sit down on the wheel of his pull cart; but before he could reach a safe place to rest, he was gone from this world and resting in the arms of Jesus. In fact, I was only 35 when my dad passed and now he has been gone longer than I knew him...but his memory and the character traits that my Dad instilled in me from watching a man of faith , love and shower blessings of compassion on his family is those moments of being with my Dad that have made me the man I am today...a man that I believe my Dad would be proud of.

Yes, not a day goes by that I don't remember my Dad or lean into the things that he taught me as we shared hours and years together delivering papers every morning for more than three years. I was 16 when I got a BIG morning paper route and my dad and I spent that time together getting to really know each other and to forge that bond of love and admiration that we had for each other.
In a world where we all are searching for heroes or someone to model our life after, there is no one better to model than Jesus Christ. It is fact that Jesus became like us so that He could come to earth, live a perfect life, void of sin, so that through our belief in Him...WE COULD BECOME MORE LIKE HIM. Jesus told his disciples that He had come to give them life ...a life more abundant and free, but that life could only become a reality as they learned to surrender their will to the will of their Heavenly Father.

Do you have someone that you have loved and admired; someone who like my dad may have been taken away far too soon? My biggest regret for my dad was that he was not here to meet the wonderful woman who has been my wife for 28 years and the adorable daughter of ours that he never got to hold...but he lived before me the life that lead me to Jesus and for that I am eternally grateful...and I know that in my future, I will see him again.

Who do you miss that is gone on before you; but more importantly, who do you need to tell how much they mean to you NOW and how they have impacted your life; maybe even been your hero but have no clue that you feel that way.

The one thing I learned in the passing of my father at such a young age(he was only 63) was time and LIFE are short and there are no "do overs" don't waste a moment of each new day to reach out to someone you love and let them know how important they are to you...and how much you admire, love and respect will feel better for doing that and so will they!!!!

Missing My Dad....Waiting for the Call to go Home,


Poem for the day:
Losing one you love so much
Now memories must do...
To remind you of the love they gave
As they showered it on you.

So take every opportunity
To share with those you love;
The grace you've found that gives you life
Comes from the Throne above.

So let them know by love and deed
How much they mean to you;
And by following in their footsteps
You've lived a life that is good and true!
