This is a reprint of a former post...may you be blessed!
In today's
fast pace world, the practice and pause for kindness seems to be a lost and
dying art. In fact, it is a trait that was once almost ingrained in us as share toys with friends; help someone who was having a bad day or
even go the "extra mile" for a driver of an automobile seeking to
enter a busy road lined with traffic...BE KIND, sit still and let them enter
the roadway.
I am easily
reminded of that because yesterday, traveling the roads that I normally
frequent, I came upon a busy T-bone intersection and was waiting to make a left
turn. As the traffic passed, rather than let a couple of cars pull out onto the
highway before I made my left turn, I whipped my car into the side street and hurried
on my busy way; however, the stare that I got from the lady in the second car
in line at the intersection was like a dagger...and it pierced my conscience
with this thought..."What's the big
hurry that you could not take a moment and do a kind deed?"
The answer
is quite simple...I had made my life more important than those I encountered.
Paul did his best to remind us in his letter to the Ephesians, where in chapter
4, verse 32, he writes, "And be kind
to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in
Christ forgave you." It is a simple message, but one that seems to
have fallen on deaf ears these days.
My mother
was a woman that made doing kind acts a vital part of her fact, one
might say that it was in her DNA to do selfless acts of kindness on a daily
basis. I can still remember the thousands of cookies she would bake during the
Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays all for one reason....TO GIVE THEM AWAY TO
ANY AND EVERYONE THAT CROSSED HER PATH. She was constantly on the lookout for
anyone that needed help and she always sought to meet their need, even if it
took her out of her comfort zone.
But of
course, the greatest example we have of someone doing simple acts of kindness
was Jesus himself. He lived his life from beginning until the very end, giving
of himself without thought of what he might gain...or even what he might lose.
His kindness showed his true character and I believe that is true for each of
It is hard
to be kind in today's culture. The very essence of the mindset of our culture
tells you to look out for #1; take care of yourself and don't let anyone get
the best of you; however, that should not be the mindset of one who declares
that Jesus is their Savior.
Our mindset
Whether it's
your spouse, your children, your friends at work or at church or a total
stranger that has crossed your life's path, KINDNESS IS OF THE LORD and all
those who practice acts of kindness will receive a reward....not just in the
next life, but here on this earth as well. Jesus promised that even when we
reach out to the "least" of those in our culture, we will make a
difference in them and we will see a difference in ourselves as well.
Now, I know
that I messed up yesterday; but today is a brand new day....and if I am blessed
with the opportunity to show, do or demonstrate an act of kindness, my prayer
will be simple....HERE AM I, LORD....USE ME!!!!
Praying for
God's Grace...Living a Life in Kindness,
for the day:
It only takes a moment
To do a selfless deed;
To reach out in loving kindness
To someone who is in need.
To follow our Blessed Savior;
To seek to lend a hand...
To be used by the Father
In Heaven's glorious plan.
So let His Spirit walk before you,
Just follow where He will lead...
And blessings will surround you
When you meet another's needs.
WPQ © October 2017