Tuesday, February 20, 2018


In our fast-paced lifestyle of go-go-go so we can get-get-get, we often let the opportunities to do good deeds slip by us as we race from one place to another. We reason that what we have to do is of such  utmost importance that anything that would slow us down or distract us from our appointed meetings, functions and other time-consuming activities is really not our concern.

But what is concern for our fellow human brothers and sisters who walk beside us on this orb we call Earth?  It is our ability to show love and compassion coupled with our desire to meet the needs of others because that is what our God has called us to do....and that is truly what sets apart so often from the "wannabes" and the "woulda, shoulda, couldas" that do good works for others because of the reward or recognition that they might receive.

In the days that Christ spent in His ministry on Earth, the Romans enacted a law that was a real burden to the Jewish nation held in servitude to their oppressors. Simply stated, a Roman soldier could stop a man on the road, make him stop what he was doing or where he was going and compel him to carry his armor and other items for a mile. But Christ, in His Sermon on the Mount, instructed those that would follow Him to do more...TO GO A SECOND MILE WITH THAT SOLDIER AS THEY CONTINUED TO BEAR HIS LOAD FOR THE EXTRA MILE.

WHY...you may ask? Jesus knew that the battle to win back their freedom would not occur on a battlefield, but could be won...one Roman heart at a time! By this simple act of kindness, uncalled for by the soldier and totally given as an act of more than fulfilling the law of the land, Jesus wanted his followers to win the souls of these men by their good deeds, done out of grace and obedience... not obedience to the law...rather obedience to the Lord!

Now for most of us, going the second mile for someone we know, love or trust is probably not a big deal. But what about that person that crosses our path in life who is not part of our "circle of life"...What then?

Well, before we think too much on that... consider this! We first have to be willing to go the first mile before we can ever entertain the possibilities of going the "second mile." So where are you in your journey of reaching out to others that need your help?

 Like the associate at work who just lost her husband; the neighbor down the street who just suffered a devastating fire in their home; an acquaintance at church that everyone is now praying for as they deal with a terminal cancer...the list and the opportunities are endless...and if you are willing to go the first mile, there may be some things on your busy lifestyle list that go unanswered...but taking that first step allows you to consider what Christ has called each of us to do...LIVE IN THE SECOND MILE!!!!

Consider today how you can seek out and find those that may be won to Christ just because you took the time to leave your comfort zone and go that first mile...and then you may decide that one mile just won't get the job done...thus preparing to do as Christ instructed us to do...go the SECOND MILE!

Living for the opportunities to go the second mile,


Poem for the day:
Is your life filled to the brim?
Too many things you must get done;
So every day you work endlessly
From sunrise to setting sun.

But what about those lost soul you pass
As you rush from place to place.
Barely having time to speak...
With a scowl upon your face.

For Christ has commissioned each of us
To walk the first... then go the second mile;
And when you give to others unselfishly,
You make your Heavenly Father smile!


Tuesday, February 13, 2018


If you are like me, some days you swing your feet out of bed, put them on the floor and as soon as you do, your mind begins to race with all sorts of thoughts about what you have to do today; the battles that you will have to fight; the problems you will have to solve or overcome... I could go on and on.

In fact, it is just that type of thinking that will make you crawl back in bed, pull the covers up over your head and decide that this is the best way to face your life today. Your big problem here....YOU HAVE THE WRONG MINDSET! Yes, it is indeed easy for even the strongest of believers to want to behave in such a manner...it's all because they have allowed themselves to get swallowed up in what I call.... STINKIN' THINKIN'!

It is this kind of thinking that has us focus on ALL the wrong things...the bills that are due; the crabby boss that we have to answer to; the friend that has knifed us in the back...again. I think you catch my drift.

But what if we awoke with more than just a positive mental attitude...what if we stepped out of bed with the mind of Christ as we thought of all the places of service we could be today; the good that we could do at work, on the commuter train, riding in the carpool. What if rather than focusing on the bad things that may lie before us, we concentrate on the good that God has already accomplished in our lives and the promise that there is more to come.

Paul probably shared this best in his writings to the Philippians in Chapter 4: 4-9 which reads,

4Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

So let's do what Paul suggests and be joyous...since joy does not come from our circumstances  but rather it is born in our minds and hearts because of who we are in Christ Jesus...FOR HE IS THE TRUE SOURCE OF OUR JOY IN THE LORD! And if a problem does pop up, we can continue to follow Paul's teaching and just PRAY and not WORRY ABOUT THE OUTCOME...It's in the hands of the Almighty which should give us the peace that Paul writes about...one that transcends all understanding.

But the real crux of what Paul is saying to us regarding our mindset is explained starting with verse 8 when he gives us a litany of the things that should fill our minds...NOBLE, RIGHTEOUS, PURE, LOVELY AND ADMIRABLE THOUGHTS...if it is worthy of excellence or praise, then we are to fill our minds from the start of each day to the very end with those thoughts. And when we do, there is no room for STINKIN' THINKIN'!

Living with a mindset that lets others know that I belong to Christ....


Poem for the day:

If you seek to follow Christ
But questions fill your mind;
Just trust the Father up above
For the answers in due time.

For He has called each of us
To be willing to step out;
To declare our faith and love for Him,
Forever… and without doubt.

To live each day with our thoughts in tow
And show others His great love;
To keep our minds ever focused on
The thoughts of things Above.


Sunday, February 11, 2018

R U a Roadblock?

I live in an area of South Carolina know as Murrells Inlet, about 14 miles south of Myrtle Beach...we are the Seafood Capital of South Carolina (at least that's what the sign reads).

We are probably the fastest growing area in SC due to the warm climate, affordable housing and laid back lifestyle...oh yeah, we have that beach thing going for us too; however, with all this growth and the influx of vacationers we see between Memorial Day and Labor day, our traffic can be HORRENDOUS...especially since we have fewer than the needed roads and they are smaller in traffic configuration to handle such large numbers of automobiles. So now, at this time in the area in which I live, we have 6 road-widening projects under construction and traffic is worse than ever....especially when they put up the roadblocks to do construction.  Often, you can end up waiting 45 minutes or more before traffic starts moving again.

I am not complaining because I know we need the new roads, but I was struck by the idea of the roadblocks as a hindrance when I was reading Acts 11 today, especially when Peter is telling the Jews back at home how he came to preach the gospel to the unclean Gentiles and how they were baptized by the Holy Spirit...verse 17 says, "If then God gave the same gift to them as he gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could stand in God's way?"

And that got me thinking; how many times do you and I take it upon ourselves and become a hindrance, a roadblock to the workings of God. He has called us to be His servants, but often , we think we know better and decide that the situation really calls for us to be in control.  We want to do things our way so the outcome will be something we can live with or even better, something we can be proud of! How misguided are we that we should stand in the way of what God is doing...blocking His heavenly plans with one of our own.

How often have you and I failed to step out in faith to do or give or go to a place or person that God has laid on our heart. When we do this, we become the roadblock of God's love and grace that He so longingly wants to bestow on someone or some situation. We throttle back God's love by our lack of obedience and we stand in opposition to the works that He would do and accomplish if only we were willing and available and not stuck in our selfish ways.

So the next time God pulls on your heartstrings to share His love with a friend, a co-worker, an employee or even a total stranger, ask yourself as Peter did, "Who am I to stand in God's way?" Rather instruct yourself to say, "Lord, help me be obedient and not become a roadblock, but rather a conduit of your love for everyone you place in my path today!"

Living in these times a life that directs others to Jesus....


Poem for the day:
In our worldly travels as we go from place to place
Let our love for Jesus show by the smile upon our face.
May we always seek to serve Him, doing as He has done;
Serving the Father from morning to setting sun.

Let no one every point a finger at the works that you do
But rather praise our Father for the good they see in you.
Yes living in this fallen world certainly has it's knocks
But that's never been a reason to be a roadblock...

To thwart the will of the Father and do what you think best
Is NEVER a good idea and will never pass the test...
That shows Him how deep your love and your desire to obey;
And that is why He gave to you another precious day...

Use it all for the GLORY of God and
He will give you the desires of your Heart!


Check out today's blog at

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Regarding Your Marriage…Done God's Way!

Today, I would like to speak to the husbands out there….regarding your marriage.

Now, speaking from experience let me say that my wife, Terri, and I have a wonderful marriage. In fact, on the 24th of this month we will be celebrating 28 years of devotion and undying love that just continues to grow more and more each day. And why shouldn't it since, after all, she is married to a pretty incredible guy….at least that’s what I keep telling her. But what works best in our marriage is the fact that Terri is an Ephesians wife, based on the scripture from Ephesians 5: 22-24. She has given herself to me in submission as an act of obedience to the Father….and I;  I am committed to her as a husband that is to love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her. In is no small wonder that so many marriages seem to be facing rocky roads in these difficult and terrifying days. We don’t read the scriptures like we should and when we do; we fail to follow their godly instructions.

In Ephesians, Paul first admonishes the wife to submit herself to her husband, “For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.”  He then goes on in the very next verses to say, “Husbands love your wives as Christ love the church and gave himself for her.”  And in verse 28-29, “In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.”

It is easy to see why Paul put the verses about a submissive wife first….she that is submissive is easier to love….but he never said that if she is not submissive this would in someway relieve the husband from his mandate to love his wife as he loves himself. If she submits, she is following biblical teaching, but if she does not, you’re to do what Christ would do for His church….love her UNCONDITIONALLY.

That’s a word that strikes fear into the heart of most men…unconditionally, without reservations. My love for Terri is not to be based on what she does for me …but rather, who she is….MY WIFE. And I am to love her, cherish her, protect her, empower her, admonish her, extol her, comfort her and be willing to give myself in any manner simply because she is my gift, my blessing from God.

Do you love your wife unconditionally and are you treating her in a way that shows how much you value her as your life-long mate? I hope that you’re not in the same boat as the examples that follow. Enjoy the levity that these provide, but if, by some remote chance, you find your self identifying with one of the husbands in these capulets…..IT’S TIME TO MAKE A CHANGE….love your wife with all your heart, body, mind and soul….YOU’LL BOTH BE GLAD YOU DID!!!

Blessed with the Best,


A Marriage Seminar

While attending a marriage seminar dealing with communication, Tom and his wife Grace listened to the instructor regarding how essential it was in a good relationship for each partner to know the others likes and dislikes. The instructor asked Tom, “Can you name your wife’s favorite flower? Tom leaned over, touched his wife’s arm and gently whispered, “It’s Pillsbury, isn’t it?”

Family Ties

A couple drove down a long country road without saying a word. An earlier argument had lead to this deadly silence, neither party willing to concede their pronounced position. As they passed a barnyard filled with mules, goats and pigs, the husband quipped sarcastically, “Relatives of yours?” Came the wife’s quick reply, “Yep, in-laws!”

Remember ….God may have created man before woman, but there’s always a rough draft before the masterpiece.

 SO, husbands..... Treat your wife as the masterpiece God created her to be and you both will be better for it…

Poem for the day:

If God has given you a mate
That loves you more each day;
Then you should ever thank Him for
The love He brought your way.

So give your wife her honors due
And always seek to find....
A life from two, now joined as one;
One heart...one love...one mind!

WPQ © 2017

Check out today's inspirational blog at
www.thankfulpraiseministries.com and
click on the blog icon

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Survive or Thrive...You Choose!

In my many years of bachelorhood, before I married my beautiful wife of 28 years, I did what most guys of my generation did to make the "bachelor pad" look "cool"....I had lots and lots of plants. Unfortunately at that time, I was a traveling salesman that usually left home on Monday mornings, and if all went well was back home by late Friday afternoon. So, in order to take care of my many plants,  I more than sufficiently watered them and placed them in or near the windows so they could get their required sun. In most cases, this was a recipe for disaster and dead plants. If a plant stayed alive at my place for more than 2 weeks, it was a real survivor!

When I look back at my survival rate with my plants, there was only one that did well to live. In fact, you might say it was even able to thrive under the extreme conditions I placed on my chlorophyll colored roommates. It was my schefflera tree. It did not need that much water, so usually watering it once a week was sufficient and as for sunlight, medium light that was bright but indirect was the perfect amount...it truly lived in spite of my care.

As I think of that plant, it reminds me of the way some of us go about our Christian walk sometimes.  We don't want to be in the bright spotlight with a lot of attention coming our way because if others are looking at us and our actions, we may wilt and lose our witness. We are much more comfortable being near the bright light and getting the benefits of the indirect light of others who have chosen to serve as a deacon or a Sunday school teacher; or give their time and talents and sing in the choir; or volunteer a few Sundays a year to take care of those little children in the nursery. Yes, the bright light of service scares us, so we seek the dimmer light further from the real battles that are being waged in the name of the Lord.

And as for the watering, ONCE A WEEK IS GOOD FOR US! Yes, we will be there just about every Sunday morning for the church service. We will sit where we always sit; shake hands with the same people each week; give the same $10 or $20 tip to the collection plate and most of all, stay awake through the entire sermon. If we do all this, we will survive and be good to go until the same time next week when we repeat the process.

But God has called us NOT to SURVIVE...BUT TO THRIVE. In Psalm 92:12-13, it reads,
"The righteous thrive like a palm tree and grow like a cedar tree in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, they thrive in the courts of our God."

And that should be each of us...living our life, walking with our Lord in committed service so that we are not just survivors...but we are OVERCOMERS WHO THRIVE in this world as we prepare for the one to come. We need to spend time DAILY in His word, seeking His truth and pursuing His righteousness so that when the spotlight is aimed in our direction, WE WILL NOT WILT BUT STAND IN GLORIOUS TESTIMONY OF OUR GOD AND HIS FAITHFULNESS.

So the choice is simple, my friend...are you only surviving in your journey through this life or are you one of God's chosen elect who has decided that you will THRIVE.

Choosing to Live a Life that Thrives in Him,


Poem for the day:

If you decided to follow Jesus
And to live a life that thrives;
You must do the work each day
That tells others you're alive.

So keep your heart from evil
In all you say and do.
For the bright light of this world
Will be shining down on you.

To see if your measure up
And really walk the Walk.
Or are you just giving lip service
When you try to talk the Talk.

For the Father's love will see you thru
Those dark nights and days to come
Until He comes to take you to

WPQ©February 2018

Friday, February 2, 2018

Homecoming ...Finally at Rest!

It was just three weeks ago today that my wife, her sister and her mother were at the funeral home making final arrangements for the memorial service for her father, Jeter Leroy Lee, Jr. It was a time that was truly bittersweet for Jeter's loved ones.

You see, he had been battling dementia and the onslaught of Alzheimer's disease for the better part of two years and the battle came to an end on Thursday, January 11, 2018. Jeter, a devoted husband for 67 years and a kind and loving father to his two girls for over 65 years had fought the good fight...but he was tired and his worn out body and mind could take no more. So, His loving and Heavenly Father did what needed to be done...He brought Jeter home to be forever with Him.

It is indeed a sad time when we experience the death of someone we have loved and who has loved us in return for a long time; however, if we know that they have a personal relationship with the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, it is a parting of "see you later" and not a "forever good-bye". And it was always evident to see in the life of Jeter Lee that he loved his Lord and lived to let others know that they too could experience such love. You saw that love displayed in the way Jeto (the nickname given to him by his grand kids) always treated and interacted with people; whether a stranger or life-long friend, Jeter Lee treated EVERYONE with the kindness and attention that you deserved if you had entered his sphere of influence...and that sphere was big enough to include anyone who would strike up a conversation with this gentle and loving man.

Over the 28 years of being part of my wife's family, I learned even more about loving your wife from watching this man love and nurture the woman that God had chosen for him...he was a great role model to anyone that took the time to get to know this wonderful, funny and engaging man. I know that there were many people over many years that had their day brightened or their load of cares lifted  just by receiving a kind word; hearing a funny story or joke or just hanging out with Jeter. I know because I was one of those people...and only the good Lord knows how many more he was able to touch in his life, a life well lived by a well-loved man of God.

I have added to this writing  a poem which I wrote many years ago for someone who asked me to write a poem for them in the loss of their mother...My hope is that it will touch your heart and get you to take the time to reach out to those you love while they are still nearby ...before it is time for their homecoming....or quite possible even yours. Don't miss the opportunity to let them know that you will see them on the other side of this world in a place called HEAVEN.

Living my life ...touching others for Him,


God only takes the very best
Whose labors are now done;
And brings them home to quiet rest
At the setting of life’s sun.

He saw your loved one was growing tired
Each step, how it took its toll;
So He brought them to His heavenly place
To make them well and completely whole.

A golden heart no longer beating….
Tireless hands have now found rest
And in this, we find our comfort….

He only takes the ones He loves
And though they had to part;
We know that they have left behind
Special memories in your heart.

For your loved one is not truly gone,
They  have only slipped away;
On a far and different journey….
Alas, you’ll meet again someday.

And on that wondrous, glorious morn
Oh, how you will be blest….
Home at last in your Father’s arms …

God only takes the VERY BEST!

W. Patrick Queen
August 2007