Thursday, January 30, 2020

R U Becoming Who God Says YOU ARE?

People put a lot of thought into naming their least most of us do. You will always find those odd names that seem to have you asking; "WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE THEIR PARENTS THINKING? 

For instance, who names a son, Wrigley Fields or a daughter given the name of Charman Toilette...or what about the young girl named Rainbow, daughter of Brook and Steel Traut. Yes, for most of us, there is a lot to be said for the name we choose for our children and the meaning that is inherent in that name. And in that vein of thought, God treats naming His children the same way...He looks to capture in their name who they are or who they can become.

Take one of my favorite Bible characters, Gideon, son of Joash from the Abiezrite tribe of the clan of Manasseh. His name means Hewer or Mighty Warrior. But, when the angel of the Lord found Gideon, he was in hiding from the Midianites, while threshing wheat in the wine vat that belonged to his father. The angel addressed Gideon by calling out,


If you read Judges 6: 11-24, you will see that this greeting caught Gideon completely off guard and his basic response was to question this messenger about why God had abandoned the Israelites?  The answer was quick and to the point as the Angel of the Lord turned to him and said:  " Go in the strength you have and deliver Israel from the power of Midian. Am I not sending YOU?"(my emphasis) And the answer that followed was typical of us all as Gideon began to explain to the Lord's messenger why he was not the right man for the job...but God knew otherwise!

You see, God had already sewn into the fabric of his name, Gideon, and had addressed him in His greeting (Mighty Warrior) of who Gideon was and who he was to become as he committed himself to the task at hand....he simply needed to do one thing; trust that the angel spoke the truth when He said, "But, I will be with you and YOU will strike Midian down as if it were ONE man." (capitalized my emphasis)

Yes, God knew that He had properly named this child to be a mighty warrior and that the only thing holding him back from living up to his name was his own deep-seeded Gideon ask for a assurance that this was not all just a figment of his imagination.

And as always, God stands ready to prove himself to us so that we can move forward, with our fear in check and the power of the Lord at our disposal. So Gideon prepared a meal for the messenger and then did as the Angel of the Lord told him to...he set the meal on a rock, poured the broth over the meat and unleavened bread and then stepped back to watch. And that's when the fireworks began!

The Angel of the Lord touched the meal that Gideon had prepared for him, using just the tip of his staff; and instantaneously, fire from the rock engulfed and consumed the meal...and in the same instant, the Angel of the Lord vanished from sight. Poor Gideon thought this would be the end of him since he had seen the Angel of the Lord face to face...BUT GOD (one of my favorite biblical terms)  said to him, "Peace to you. DON'T BE AFRAID, for you will not die."
So what can we ascertain from our brother, Gideon?  We can come to know that there truly can be a heavenly connection in our name and who we are..or who God wants us to become.. we just have to be ready to step out when the hand of God moves in our lives...ready to go where God will lead and cast off the heavy weight of fear, pain, anxiety or any other malady that holds us back from becoming what God wants us to be. We are shackled only when we try to move forward in our own strength without the undergirding power of our Savior and the swift sure power of His Holy go ahead and make today a day to live out who your name says you name is Patrick, which means, nobleman. My prayer today is that I might be a noble man for my Lord...what's yours????

Striving to live up to my God the Glory,


Poem for the day...

Sometimes I stop and wonder
What's in a name?
Does our name truly define us
Or are we really all the same?

There's Bill and Bob
And Ann and Sue...
And what's the name that
Says one is "True"?

But this I know from what I've read
That in our name God has said...
If you go where I will lead
I will provide all you will need.

To make this world a better place
And fill it up with my love and grace...
The world will know you are not the same
If you lean on me and live up to your name!!!

WPQ© January 2020

Friday, January 24, 2020

How's Your Plan Working?

I had one of those milestone birthdays last year and was reminded of that yesterday when my beautiful wife of 30 years told me that I would not have to begin taking withdrawals from my IRA account at age 70.5....a date that is just a few short weeks away. There's some kind of new law that was enacted so that the withdrawal age is now 72.

I say all that to say this got me thinking...what is the summation of my life and the plans that I made as a younger man? You see, at the tender age of twelve, I heard the call from God to become a Baptist pastor. In fact, from that time until age 19, my plan was set...go to college, then seminary and then become a pastor and preacher of my faith; however, that summer of my 19th birthday, I was working in the Youth For Christ ministry in Charlotte. We set about to develop a ministry outreach to troubled youth in our community and I was placed in charge. I went about Charlotte, talking to wealthy  "believers", raised $1000 and took 10 young boys, ages 12-15 to a two week summer camp. It was there, we poured ourselves into these young men with activity and the daily presentation of the Gospel; by the end of camp, 7 of these boys had accepted Christ as their personal Savior. Since that was just their first step into the "faith", I continued to spend time with them on a weekly basis throughout the summer, playing sports and studying the Bible together. During this special time with these young men,  I began to realize that I had a tender heart for these "troubled lads" and my commitment to becoming a pastor began to wane. So,  I looked for opportunities to study child psychology and prepare myself to work with troubled teens. I changed my major and dived headlong into what I believed was my "new and improved" calling; but before I could travel very far on this path, I had dropped out of college; got re-classified 1-A in the military draft and then joined the Navy as Reservist with a 6 year commitment. My how life and my PLANS had changed!

And as life seems to do to a lot of us, by the time I finished my Naval service and returned home to Charlotte to re-engage myself in pursuit of a college education, my plans did not include becoming a pastor, working with troubled teens or anything else that would resemble a "higher" calling...I had made my plans all about...ME!!!!

FAST FORWARD ALMOST FIFTY YEARS....and I can tell you the Bible tells us in Jeremiah 29: 11, " For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." I can also affirm that every time I read this passage, I am reminded that God has a better plan....always has and always will! I know that though I missed the path that God had planned for me as a young boy, no matter where I went or how far I might have strayed, God was always at work directing and guiding me back to a place of impact in the lives I have encountered in my journey of life.

Did I ever become that pastor that I was called to be? No...but I have had so many countless opportunities to share my faith over these many years... from the pulpit in many churches to the podium at my Rotary Club; from a stage with 5000 teenagers in attendance at a YFC Rally in Winona Lake, Indiana to a music hall in Hiawassee, Georgia (with over 2000 Relay for Life attendees)  as my beautiful 7 year old daughter sang the song by Mark Schultz, He's My Son.

But the best part of my reflection of how God took a broken set of plans and made something that He could use for my good and His Glory is found in another verse in our Jeremiah passage, where God says to all who seek to know Him and fit into His will....

"  You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart."

So, how are your plans working out? Did you start on a journey to be something or someone that God called you to be? Did life knock you off course or just plain blow up all the things that you were going to accomplish....and now, when you look across the landscape of who you are and what you have done, does it look like a battlefield that contains no survivors...scared, scorched and desolate?  Or perhaps, it's not all that bad, considering you gave it your best shot?

Here's the good news....GOD'S NOT DONE WITH YOU YET....HE STILL HAS A PLAN AND HE CAN AND WILL BRING IT TO FRUITION....He just needs one thing;


So, my final question....Are you ready to let go and LET GOD?  If so, the rocket is on the launch pad, the countdown has begun and lift off is imminent....God promises you two things from today's passage...

Plans for a future that is filled with peace and hope ....and...
You will find Him when you search for Him with your whole heart.

Wait! One more question...WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

Failed in my plans...holding tight to God's Plan,


Poem for the day....

When we're small as children
And asked what we will be
If we only had a crystal ball
To see what we shall see;

We might become a fireman
Or a singer in a band;
But I have found it's best to wait
And see what God holds in His hand.

For with our small and puny minds
We simply cannot comprehend...
That God has sent for us a plan;
A life that never ends!

So seek the Father's will today
And in His bosom rest;
He'll give you peace, hope and love
Because His plans are the BEST!!!!

WPQ © January 2020

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


If you have turned on your TV set anytime in the last week or so, you have surely seen the incredible photos of the fires that are still raging across the continent of Australia. To date, they have burned over 14 million acres; killed over half-a-billion animals and displaced and left homeless thousands upon thousands of people with literally nowhere to go. It truly seems to be a disaster of end-of-the-world proportions....which got me to thinking;


The Bible clearly tells when Jesus said, “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Matthew 24:36)...that means NO ONE; not the angels nor Jesus know the time when Christ will return to earth in His Second Coming...that piece of information is held solidly in the heart and mind of our Heavenly Father, GOD ALMIGHTY. But, that does not stop mankind, in our puny attempt to know God's plans, from taking a look at such catastrophes as these fires, or terrific storms or hurricanes, or earth-shattering earthquakes to get the prognosticators fired up with their predictions. If you hear any such nonsense regarding a date and time of Christ's return, do the simple and prudent thing; IGNORE IT!!!

HOWEVER, what the Bible does tell us in no uncertain terms is that we are to live, to be vigilant and prepared for the return of Christ and the end of this age...all other so-called signs are just that...signs of the coming and nothing more. In Matthew, Jesus says, "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." Matthew 24:42-44

You see, for each of us, there is an appointed time that we will stand before our might be at the end of the age or perhaps, at the end of today?  In fact, everyone across the world stands just one heartbeat away from standing before the one and only TRUE God; so it matters not so much as when you stand before Him as HOW YOU STAND BEFORE HIM!

You can stand as a sinner, redeemed by the shed blood of Jesus who paid your sin debt and now waits for the command of the Father to come and receive His Children...of which you are;

Or as a SINNER, condemned to eternal separation from a Loving Father that paid the price for your redemption which you failed to receive because you did not accept this FREE GIFT...but you WILL stand, either forever a Child of the King or forever as one cast into darkness and the weeping and gnashing of teeth....THIS IS THE CHOICE THAT DETERMINES YOUR ETERNAL DESTINY...SO CHOOSE WISELY...THERE ARE NO "DO-OVERS"!

So for our friends of humanity that are dealing with these atrocious fires, pray diligently for the expeditious expulsion of this calamity. Pray that our great and mighty God will raise up a world to help in this tragedy and if so led, give money and resources to aid in this healing; but more than that; be sure, even today, that you are not banking on someone or something to predict when Christ will come again so that you can get ready to meet Him face-to-face...settle that decision and that meeting today, before it is too late...Meet Jesus and ask Him to come into your life as your Savior and then make Him, Lord over all!

After all, it has HEAVENLY CONSEQUENCES that will last, FOREVER as you celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords...Come Lord Jesus, COME!

Ready for His coming should it be TODAY,

Poem for the day...

Christ is coming back real soon
Or so the signs would say?
And if I am to meet my Lord
Could this be that day?

The day of His return to earth
When He comes in strength and power;
The day He comes to claim His own;
Could this be the hour?

So I will be ready
If today should be the day...
As I stand before my Creator
May I hear Him say,

"Well done My good and faithful One
Through hardships you have past;
And now at home, you will find rest...
And forever it will last!"

WPQ © Jan 2020

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Heavenly Directions...Time for a NEW Thing!

This is an UPDATED reprint of a former post....May  God's Direction and Provision be your sufficiency in this new decade and beyond...HAVE A BLESSED AND PROSPEROUS 2020 ...and remember to trust in the Lord, FOR HE IS GOOD AND HIS MERCIES ARE NEVER ENDING!!!!

I don’t know about you, but even after all these years as a Christian; even after seeing the hand of God work in ways that defy human understanding; even after my faith has seemed to disappear as the morning dew….I am still blown away by the awesomeness and the grace that is imparted to me in God’s heavenly direction.

What do I mean?

Well, I have been jobless (and virtually hopeless) for the past five months as I have diligently and methodically scoured the internet job sites and career boards looking for my next great job (not that my last ones were anything to brag about). I have prayed ferociously for God to direct my steps…to lead me to the place or person or position that He would have me fill ….and I have not so much as sniffed a possibility. I really was getting quite despondent yet trying to remain faithful and patient for God’s direction.

It came last week….in the form of an email and then a phone call from an old friend with whom I once again became re-acquainted. I had forwarded an inspiring email to many of my friends and this dear brother-in- Christ, read that forward.  He then went to my blog and began to read some of the daily inspirations posted there….he called and left me a voice mail that gushed with praise and thanksgiving for God’s hand upon my life.. He closed by saying to give him a call; he had an opportunity that he wanted to discuss with me.

I did …and now, starting today, my wife and I are embarking on a new adventure that we believe without a shadow of doubt, God has prepared.

However, there’s little more to the story that I need to share. Three years ago, when God led me to go to work with a Christian company named SEED AMERICA; He laid upon the heart of one of the directors the scripture from Isaiah 43:18-19 that reads, “Remember not the former things nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”  

Now, I was laid off from SEED AMERICA in July of 2008. In fact, I had not heard or thought of that scripture in the last three years until last Sunday when one of my good friends and his wife shared this scripture with our Sunday school class and remarked that God had begun a new work in their family. I came home and read it several times and knew that God was speaking regarding the new opportunity that He had laid before me.

Yes, the answer to all my prayers and concerns was to trust that God was about to begin a new thing in my life….that if I would follow his leading that He would make a new way for me out of the wilderness of unemployment and despair…. into the light of His mercy and grace. My responsibility was to forget the past, filled with failures and pitiful shortcomings…and TO LET GO AND LET GOD make that new way.

 As I read and re-read this Scripture, it became clear to me that my chief concern was to understand that my Heavenly Father wanted to bless me and to make rivers of abundance spring forth where once there was only the desolation of broken dreams and unfulfilled promises.

GOD HAS BEGUN A NEW THING IN MY LIFE….He has set my feet upon a new path that will lead to fulfillment, prosperity, joy and above all else, a closer and more dedicated walk with Him….How do I know?  Because God never breaks a promise…He never goes back on His word….He never gives bad directions.

How’s your heavenly GPS working these days? Are your plugged into the one true power source? Is God waiting to begin a new thing in your life but being held up because you are still clinging to your old ways and your former life? Why not claim these two verses and the heavenly promise they hold and let God begin a new thing in you TODAY?

Let God do His "thing" in your life and don't hold on to past glories and success nor be dragged down by past failures and unsurmountable obstacles. If God has a new thing planned for you in 2020, then the ONLY thing holding you back is YOU! I promise you will never miss the things of old when you take hold of and claim the NEW THING God is waiting to do in you and for you!!!!!

Forgetting the old ways….living in His new thing,


Poem for the day:

A new year has begun 
With possibilites anew...
The only thing that keeps them back
Could quite possibly be ...YOU!!

So let go of past failures
Or dreams that slipped away.
Just place you faith and trust in Him
And the new thing He begins today.

Give the Father your whole heart
And cast your fears aside;
For you have no need of a GPS,
When the Heavenly Father is your Guide.

Just trust in all that He knows best
And once again your heart will sing; 
Forgetting the past and pressing on
Living in His NEW thing!!!!

WPQ @ January 2020

May you receive many showers in 2020...
Showers of blessings and love
Raining down on your from
Your Father above....