Wednesday, August 19, 2020


 We, as Americans, are in for some rough and rocking roads in the days ahead...and I think that it has a lot to do with today's Quote for the day...

“Tolerance is the last virtue of a depraved society. When you have an immoral society that has blatantly, proudly, violated all of the commandments of God, there is one last virtue they insist upon: tolerance for their immorality.” Dr. D. James Kennedy

It is my prayer that we can come together and reclaim our fear of the Lord, turn from our wicked ways so that God might heal our divisive land and bring us back together as "ONE NATION UNDER GOD" is our only hope; for tolerance is a fool's quest that only leads to abandonment and separation from our Creator.


In the Precious Name of Jesus, we pray....AMEN!

Friday, August 7, 2020

What the Lord Requires...Day 2

We left our printed page yesterday, confirming that GOD IS GOOD and we, left to our own designs, ARE NOT!!!! And since our God is holy and righteous, only those who are perfect in His sight may stand before him...and I am sure that we can all agree that NO ONE can stand as perfect, on their own merit, before a holy God...WE ALL SIN AND FAIL TO MEET THE PERFECT STANDARD OF GOD....and since God requires that JUSTICE be metered out to each of us based on what we have done (sinned), we stand accused and condemned before Him.

UNLESS, we have accepted His free gift of the sacrifice of His one and only PERFECT SON who bore our sins and paid the price of justice on the cross. Then, what Christ has done for us, as He stood in our place and paid our sin debt, has satisfied the justice that God demands. But it is more than that....because justice demands that the punishment fit the crime and that we get what we deserve...which in the eyes of God would be eternal separation from Him.

And that is where God gives us mercy; rather than getting what we deserve as punishment for our sin, God shows us His mercy and we get not punishment but rather His great love and his free gift of a righteous and holy Son to take our place and take our, rather than death, He gives us an eternal love and a dwelling place with Him if we accept His gift and the substitution of His Son in our place.

So in the first two requirements, we are to conduct ourselves as God would in the living of our lives...we are to seek to live fairly and to do what we He would do which is good and right. We are always to seek to be at peace with others...and when that is not possible or we have been wronged or taken advantage of, we are to show His love as we demonstrate His mercy and give what is not expected rather than meter out punishment for the person who has done us harm. To be sure there is action involved here...and before we can do, we must be! We must be like Him in order to walk in a right relationship with Christ and we must have a loving and forgiving heart like his if we are to truly show mercy to others.

So to do what God requires, we must have a relationship with our Father that starts with a soft and loving heart. We won’t act justly if we harbor resentment or hate. We won’t show kindness and mercy if we seek to serve ourselves...and a prideful heart will always walk ahead of God.

Could these three requirements still apply to you and me today and not just to the fallen tribes of Israel?  Maybe all God is asking of us is that we continually stand for what is right and just in our society and in the world that begins at our doorstep. No more let it be said of us as believers that "social justice is someone else's problem". After all, we've got our hands full just trying to follow Christ day to day. But...if we really are trying to follow in His footsteps, don't you think those footsteps will let us into situations that need some heavenly direction...the kind that comes from a loving and merciful heart. For a merciful heart will always choose kindness over contempt, loving action over willful obstinence and ministry over inaction....though it is not our nature, IT IS WHAT GOD REQUIRES.

And the last of His walk closely to Him, submitting our will daily to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. God has set each of us apart to do GOOD WORKS so that others may see that HE IS GOOD and GLORIFY OUR FATHER....and we cannot accomplish this when we put our agenda ahead of Christ ....we cannot follow when we walk ahead, trying to do what we want rather that what God requires...and WHAT DOES HE REQUIRE of you and me?

Maybe today you are facing a choice that’s kept you frozen in indecision, I hope that God’s Word encourages you and removes that doubt as to what He wants and requires of you.

Maybe it really is this simple....Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly with your God. Now it's all up to you to choose to do as the Lord me, He will be there to lean on every step of the way!!!

Walking as the Lord requires....Seeking to bring Him the Glory,


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

What the Lord Requires.....Day 1

As I have watched the TV news in the last few weeks, I have seen our nation in its most ugly presentation of who we should NOT be as a people...and all in the name of social justice as we seek to "fix" the social and racial ills that have long since plagued us as a country.  Many people have waved the banner of Micah 6:8 as a rallying cry. So I took some time to research the Old Testament Scripture and some of its various translations. Like these>>>>>>>>
1)  New International Version
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
2)  Contemporary English Version
The LORD God has told us what is right and what he demands: "See that justice is done, let mercy be your first concern, and humbly obey your God."
3)  Good News Translation
No, the LORD has told us what is good. What he requires of us is this: to do what is just, to show constant love, and to live in humble fellowship with our God.
4)  NET Bible
He has told you, O man, what is good, and what the LORD really wants from you: He wants you to promote justice, to be faithful, and to live obediently before your God.
5)  GOD'S WORD® Translation
You mortals, the LORD has told you what is good. This is what the LORD requires from you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to live humbly with your God.
6)  Holman Christian Standard Bible
Mankind, He has told you what is good and what it is the LORD requires of you: to act justly, to love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with your God.

If you read these different interpretations, it might make your head start to spin; I know it did mine; however, I think there are some common denominators that we should explore. Of course, this may take a couple of blogs to sort stick with me for the next couple of days and let's see if we can TRULY uncover the truths that are at the core of this passage.

Today,  let's begin with what the first line has to say about "good" or "right"...the first line reads as, " You mortals, the LORD has told you what is good. This is what the LORD requires from you:" Notice that 5 of the 6 Scriptures cited here use the word "good" while one uses the word "right"  ...and for me, I think there is a big difference in the use of these words.

Doing what is right, unfortunately, is too often held to be true in the eye of the beholder; therefore, it often varies from one person to another. The right thing to do is too often the most expedient thing to do. All you have to do is turn on your TV and there are hundreds of pundits clamoring for us as Americans "to do the right thing" and fix the ills of our country. Problem is...none of us can come to any consensus on what the problems are, much less agree on what is right and how to fix them.

But to do what is "good" has a scriptural basis for the Word of God tells us in no uncertain words that GOD IS GOOD!  In Psalm 34, David encourages the reader "to taste and see that the Lord is good."
When the rich young ruler calls Jesus good, Jesus responds to say, "Why do you call me good? There is NO ONE GOOD BUT GOD ALONE."  Luke 18:19 (my emphasis) In fact, most of the Book of Psalms is written to extol the goodness of God, to allow us to know Him, to teach us how to worship Him and how to be thankful for His goodness.

Each of the Scriptures listed above tell us that God has made it a point to tell us what is good...and He has given us a living example in the life of His Son, Jesus Christ. We do not have to look for the good of or in this world. As believers, we have an eternal example of what goodness is and how we are to implement goodness in our world...WE ARE TO BE LIKE JESUS!!!! We are to demonstrate that God is indeed GOOD, shown in our good works that reflect the goodness of God...for in simple truth, if we were left to our devices to do good, nothing  really good would ever be done.

Here's what I mean.....Goodness done for reward, repayment or recognition is not doing's giving to get and that is not goodness.  God is good because He gave sacrificially!  He gave His most precious gift, His only Son,  without any thought of gain or repayment....He gave because HE LOVED....and the only thing He asked in return is that we accept His great gift so that we might be reborn as a child of and for eternity.

GOD IS GOOD BECAUSE THAT IS HIS NATURE....But that is not the only nature of our true, righteous and holy come back tomorrow and let's continue to see exactly what God requires of each of us from this so often misunderstood verse.

Seeking to be Good ...To Be Like Jesus,


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

SEVENTEEN INCHES.....How do you Measure Up?

This is a reprint of a article that was sent to me some time ago...perhaps it's even been years; however, it's message still resonates with me EVERY TIME I READ IT... and I pray that it always will! It will take you several minutes to read it in its entirety; but don't miss a word so you will not miss the poignant message it has for everyone of us that mentor young people...or believe that our country is in sorry shape and we want to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.

In Nashville, Tennessee, during the first week of January, 1996, more than 4,000 baseball coaches descended upon the Opryland Hotel for the 52nd annual ABCA convention.
While I waited in line to register with the hotel staff, I heard other more veteran coaches rumbling about the lineup of speakers scheduled to present during the weekend. One name, in particular, kept resurfacing, always with the same sentiment — “John Scolinos is here? Oh man, worth every penny of my airfare.”
Who the heck is John Scolinos, I wondered. Well, in 1996 Coach Scolinos was 78 years old and five years retired from a college coaching career that began in 1948. No matter, I was just happy to be there.
He shuffled to the stage to an impressive standing ovation, wearing dark polyester pants, a light blue shirt, and a string around his neck from which home plate hung — a full-sized, stark-white home plate. Pointed side down.
Seriously, I wondered, who in the world is this guy?
After speaking for twenty-five minutes, not once mentioning the prop hanging around his neck, Coach Scolinos appeared to notice the snickering among some of the coaches. Even those who knew Coach Scolinos had to wonder exactly where he was going with this, or if he had simply forgotten about home plate since he’d gotten on stage. Then, finally …
“You’re probably all wondering why I’m wearing home plate around my neck. Or maybe you think I escaped from Camarillo State Hospital,” he said, his voice growing irascible. I laughed along with the others, acknowledging the possibility.
“No,” he continued, “I may be old, but I’m not crazy. The reason I stand before you today is to share with you baseball people what I’ve learned in my life, what I’ve learned about home plate in my 78 years.”
Several hands went up when Scolinos asked how many Little League coaches were in the room. “Do you know how wide home plate is in Little League?” After a pause, someone offered, “Seventeen inches,” more question than answer.
“That’s right,” he said. “How about in Babe Ruth? Any Babe Ruth coaches in the house?”
Another long pause.
“Seventeen inches?”came a guess from another reluctant coach.
“That’s right,” said Scolinos. “Now, how many high school coaches do we have in the room?” Hundreds of hands shot up, as the pattern began to appear. “How wide is home plate in high school baseball?”
“Seventeen inches,” they said, sounding more confident.
“You’re right!” Scolinos barked. “And you college coaches, how wide is home plate in college?”
“Seventeen inches!” we said, in unison.
“Any Minor League coaches here? How wide is home plate in pro ball?”
“Seventeen inches!”
“RIGHT! And in the Major Leagues, how wide home plate is in the Major Leagues?”
“Seventeen inches!”
“SEV-EN-TEEN INCHES!” he confirmed, his voice bellowing off the walls.
“And what do they do with a a Big League pitcher who can’t throw the ball over these seventeen inches?” Pause. “They send him to Pocatello!” he hollered, drawing raucous laughter.
“What they don’t do is this: they don’t say, ‘Ah, that’s okay, Bobby. You can’t hit a seventeen-inch target? We’ll make it eighteen inches, or nineteen inches. We’ll make it twenty inches so you have a better chance of throwing the ball over it. If you can’t hit that, let us know so we can make it wider still, say twenty-five inches.’”
“Coaches, let me ask each of you.… what do we do when our best player shows up late to practice? What do we do if he violates curfew? What if he uses drugs? Do we hold him accountable? Or do we change the rules to fit him? Do we widen home plate?
The chuckles gradually faded as four thousand coaches grew quiet, the fog lifting as the old coach’s message began to unfold.
Then he turned the plate toward himself and, using a Sharpie, began to draw something. When he turned it toward the crowd, point up, a house was revealed, complete with a freshly drawn door and two windows. “This is the problem in our homes today. With our marriages, with the way we parent our kids. With our discipline. We don’t teach accountability to our kids, and there is no consequence for failing to meet standards. We widen the plate!”
Pause. Then, to the point at the top of the house he added a small American flag.
“This is the problem in our schools today. The quality of our education is going downhill fast and teachers have been stripped of the tools they need to be successful….to educate and discipline our young people. We are allowing others to widen home plate! Where is that getting us?”
“And this is the problem in the Church, where powerful people in positions of authority have taken advantage of young children, only to have such an atrocity swept under the rug for years. Our church leaders are widening home plate!”
I was amazed. At a baseball convention where I expected to learn something about curveballs and bunting and how to run better practices, I had learned something far more valuable. From an old man with home plate strung around his neck, I had learned something about life, about myself, about my own weaknesses and about my responsibilities as a leader. I had to hold myself and others accountable to that which I knew to be right, lest our families, our faith, and our society continue down an undesirable path.
“If I am lucky,” Coach Scolinos concluded, “you will remember one thing from this old coach today. It is this: if we fail to hold ourselves to a higher standard, a standard of what we know to be right; if we fail to hold our spouses and our children to the same standards, if we are unwilling or unable to provide a consequence when they do not meet the standard; and if our schools and churches and our government fail to hold themselves accountable to those they serve, there is but one thing to look forward to …”
With that, he held home plate in front of his chest, turned it around, and revealed its dark black backside.
“… dark days ahead.”
Coach Scolinos died in 2009 at the age of 91, but not before touching the lives of hundreds of players and coaches, including mine. Meeting him at my first ABCA convention kept me returning year after year, looking for similar wisdom and inspiration from other coaches. He is the best clinic speaker the ABCA has ever known because he was so much more than a baseball coach. His message was clear:
Coaches, keep your players — no matter how good they are — your own children, and most of all, keep yourself at seventeen inches. It a measurement that is good for everyone of us!

Monday, August 3, 2020

It's Time to Answer the Call

During these troubled times, here's a poem from last August 5th that I believe we all need to take to heart..let's each do our best to live out the message of this poem. If we do, God will do AMAZING things in our world because we were true to our calling to be peacemakers.

Poem for the day...
The pride of self has always been
A stumbling stone for man;
A weapon for the devil's use
To disrupt the Master's plan.
So he'll bring pain and turmoil
When human spiritts collide with pride;
Each one believing that they are right;
No thought for the other's "side".

But those who are called by the Savior
Follow a different way....
They seek to be a peacemaker;
To let another have their way.

To live with a selfless spirit
That brings peace and love to all;
Ready to live a life of service
In answer to the Master's call.

So hold back that poison tongue,
Push down that selfish pride;
For when you are a peacemaker for Him,
You'll get a warm feeling deep inside!!!!

WPQ © August 2019