Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Cross...and the Empty Tomb!!!!

It doesn't take a genius or a person with skills to ascertain the obvious... that 2020 has been one of the worst years in human history as we have faced the Covid 19 pandemic and the aftermath of its march through time. YES THIS YEAR HAS BEEN EXHAUSTING AND WITH AN ELECTION JUST AROUND THE CORNER, WE CAN'T STOP TO TAKE A BREATH EVEN NOW....

 But if we take a moment and turn to God's Holy Word, we will find these encouraging words in 2 Corinthians 16-18, "Therefore we do not despair, for even if our physical body is wearing away, our inner person is being renewed day by day. For our momentary, light suffering is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison because we are not looking at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen. For what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal."

Now, I am not trying to downplay the toil of human suffering, grief, worry and anguish that has taken place in our lives or the lives of those we hold dear; but in the light of such suffering, death, famine, pestilence and disease that is already documented on the pages of history, our fight (and upcoming victory over a rare form of the flu) seems but a footnote to a plethora of hard times coursing through our world. Indeed, some of us have suffered more than others; however, for many of us, this battle with this pandemic pales in comparison to some of the heartache and heartbreak that we have already been through in our lives.

In fact, that is probably the reason that the apostle Paul penned these word in 2 remind us that no matter how hard life is, with it 's onslaught of pain and suffering, we can take heart in our future and what awaits us... just over the valley of death in our glorious home with our Heavenly Father.

We know that Paul suffered greatly; however, he chose very carefully to call his suffering "light"....why did this clarion of the gospel choose to downplay his sufferings?  I believe he did this to encourage us; as if to say, "If I can make it through all that has been laid upon me, I know,  if you keep your eyes fixed on the prize that awaits each of you who runs the good race, your afflictions will feel light in the moment that you steady your heart and mind on heavenly things!"

Yes, life is hard and we must bear many a cross of suffering as we journey toward our heavenly home...and that should be expected since we follow in the footsteps of the Suffering Servant of Nazareth......OHHHHH,  BUT THE GLORY THAT AWAITS US AS WE TAKE THAT STEP OF COMPLETION INTO THE PRESENCE OF OUR FATHER AND RECEIVE THE FULL MEASURE OF THE GLORY THAT WILL BE OURS AS WE REMAIN FOREVER WITH HIM!!!!  Take heart in your journey as you hold fast to this one simple truth....


I think the great man of faith, Zig Ziglar, said it best when he said, "We hear tears loudly on this side of heaven. But we don't often take the time to contemplate the cheers that are even louder on the other side of death's valley."

Today fix your eyes, heart and mind on the things unseen...those things that are eternal. Only then will you come to realize that the afflictions that seem to hold you back from being who God wants you to be are indeed light...and only temporary....because  you have an Heavenly Father who waits at Heaven's door with arms wide open, ready to welcome you HOME!!

Liberated in my light afflictions....

Forever fixated on the Father,




Poem for the day....

There are those days that weigh me down;

When my troubles seem too much to bear...

But I cast my gaze toward Heaven's door

And see my Savior standing there.

 He stands there waiting ever patiently

For me to show my love and deep affection;

Knowing that He will bear me up

As I struggle with my light afflictions.

 His listens to my heart bemoan

The things I'm going through;

But He never turns His love away

No matter what I do...

 So if I live one hundred years,

Be they in happiness or unending gloom;

I will take heart in this everlasting thought...

The Cross is overshadowed by the




WPQ  ©  October 2020



Sunday, October 18, 2020


One of my favorite Bible stories of my childhood took place in a fiery furnace. It is the story of three young Jewish men, who are captive slaves, serving over the affairs in the province of Babylon...their names were Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. And as a side note, they seem to be doing well in their roles as administrators....serving King Nebuchadnezzar.

But as evil men do, the King has made a golden image and has issued an edict that when anyone hears the harp, horn, bagpipe or any kind of music, they are to IMMEDIATELY fall down and worship the golden image....failure to do so will result in being cast into a fiery furnace. At this point in the story, our three young men are living below the radar of the king; that is until those pesky Chaldeans bring to the king's attention that those he has placed over them (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) have failed to follow the king's edict to worship the golden image.

King Nebuchadnezzar is furious when given this news and commands that these three be brought before him. The king asked the young men if this is true regarding their failure to bow down and worship his golden image; but wanting to give them the benefit of doubt, he gives them one more chance to comply with his order...when they hear the music, all they have to do is bow down and all is forgiven and life can get back to normal. If not, into the fiery furnace they which the king asks; "Who is the god who will deliver you out of my hands?" What happens next is the best part of this story....their answer to the King.

"Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” BAM!!!Take that O mighty king!  How is it that these young men can stand up to the king with such dire consequences waiting for them? It is from their stance to be F I R E walkers. This acrostic was brought to my attention a couple of days ago in my morning devotion time, while reading from my Stand Firm magazine.

You see when trials come our way (and they surely will), we need to have our minds set as to how we will respond. First, comes the "F"...Free ourselves from any thought or intention to please man or anything else that may entice us. These young men had already decided to be faithful in their followship of GOD...and with their minds made up to trust in and follow God, they would do nothing less than what they had predetermined to do. Secondly, they Intently focused on God, thus removing anything else that might hinder their vision of what lay ahead as they Relentlessly followed God. Their relentless attitude gave them the fortitude to seek God's will over any other desires, allowing them to totally commit to their walk with God, in times both good or bad. And lastly, by accomplishing the first three, they could then Express God's glory in all matter the outcome of their situation, they knew in their hearts, that God would get the GLORY that He so richly deserves.

So my question to us all today is quiet simple...ARE YOU A FIRE WALKER? Do you have the mindset, likened to these three young men; so that no matter what manner of evil, trial or tribulation may come at you...or threat of fiery furnace, you have your mind made up to follow your God regardless of how hot the flames..or whether or not you receive a reprieve from the fire?  For the rest of this wonderful Bible story, read on in Daniel 3:19-30 and see the great awakening that occurs in the heart and mind of King truly is a story of how those who follow in service to the ONE TRUE GOD, see Him work out all things for their GOOD ... so that HE WILL RECEIVE THE GLORY!!!!

Becoming a faithful FIREwalker....One step at a time,


Poem for the day....

 Waiting before the King

As harps and horns did play,

Would Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

Bow before the King that day?


To worship a golden image

Made by human hands;

The edict had been issued

And spread across the lands...


That anyone who failed to bow

And worship as required;

Would immediately be tossed

Into a raging fire....


But these young men with steadfast hearts

Knew their God would see them through;

For bowing before this manmade idol

Was something they could not do.


Yes their God delivered them;

He will do the same for you...

If your heart and mind belong to Him,

It will show in all you say and do!!!



WPQ  © October 2020