Wednesday, June 30, 2021

You Are What You Eat

In my quiet time this morning, I read a devotional about our bodies being the temple of God and it made me realize how much I love and adore my wife, Terri, for keeping me trim and fit after almost 32 years of marriage. There is no doubt in my mind that I would be the size of a barn, or perhaps not even be here, if not for her investment in making sure that we eat healthy, balanced meals; so lovingly prepared in her own special ways. When we met some 32 years ago, my diet consisted of anything fast food with an occasional salad thrown in for good measure....being athletic and playing softball helped; but it is the wholesome, nutritional meals that we eat as a family that keeps me in good health as I approach my 72nd birthday in August. So, to all you fellows out there that has a wife that looks after your health by watching what you eat and preparing good food for you and your family, why not do what I did this morning...

Wrap your arms around that wife of yours... hug her and give her a great big kiss and tell her, THANK YOU...because we all know we are what we eat!  If not, the poem that follows is for YOU!



 It has often been said, "you are what you eat."

'Tis an old adage that most always rings true...

Just take a look at your friends over time;

But don't forget to view....YOU!!!!


You'll see short ones and small ones;

 Some thin as a one-lane bridge...

Some tall like a high-rise building,

Some wide as a commercial fridge.


But no matter the shape of the bodies you see

There's one thing they all have in common...

It had a lot to do with the things they ate;

And I don't mean noodles and ramen!


My doctor told me I should watch what I eat,

Since these "extra" thirty pounds are killing my feet;

So I've laid off the potatoes and the mounds of red meat,

So I eat like a bird....chew; swallow; repeat!


Yes, I miss those days of pizzas and beers

When I called up my friends to come over here;

For so many are gone to that feast in the sky

Because they ate too much ice cream and pie.


So if you want to live a life filled with joy

Then skip the fries and the shrimp po' boy.

Just leafy greens and some carrots too,

And others will smile when you come into view.






Monday, June 14, 2021

Celebrating One of Life's Greatest Gifts...A GODLY FATHER!

This week is Father's Day....a special day set aside to remember, reflect and in many cases, reverence the man in our life we called, DAD. For me this is a bitter sweet day since my father passed away at the young age of 63(shortly before I turned 35). He has been gone longer than I knew him. He did not get to meet my wife, Terri, or hold in his arms, his granddaughter, Alyson. I know he would have been EXTREMELY PROUD OF THEM...just as I am.

My dad was the sweetest, kindest, most humble man I have ever known; and many of you who may read this, know exactly what I am saying because you had the good fortune to know him an uncle, Sunday School teacher, choir member...the list goes on. I took the time, in June 1977, to write the poem that is part of this post. It was originally entitled, EULOGY TO A FATER, because I wanted my father to know how much he meant to me before his call to heaven. In fact, at his funeral, I placed a copy of the poem in his inner, jacket pocket and sent him home to be with his Heavenly Father who he loved with all his heart. My wife and I changed the title to the poem when we began our business, Thankful Praise Prints, so that we might share it with those who felt compelled to tell their fathers how much they loved and honored was always one of our best selling poems.

I am sharing it once again because I believe we can NEVER tell our dads, too many times, how much they mean to us and the great influence a godly father has on his children. My hope and prayer is that I have been as good and a faithful dad as my father, WINFORD W. QUEEN was to me. I think about him every day and miss the times we would have shared as we both aged. I try to emulate the man he was and I hope that this poem always let him know how important he was in my life.

If you have a dad like mine, YOU HAVE BEEN TRULY BLESSED!!! Let him know, in no uncertain terms, the difference he has made in your life. If you father was not a great dad, but he is still living, it is never too late to start to improve that relationship. God bless ...and if you have the wonderfully blessed   responsibility of being a's never too late to be a good, no, make that GREAT ONE!!!!



Often, I have stopped to think

of times both good and bad;

And in each fleeting memory,

I reverence my Dad.

He stood both tall and straight,

Colossal in my mind.

He spoke in tones both harsh and firm,

Yet so gentle and so kind.


An unquenchable desire for life;

A zest for Life and living;

He fought and scraped to provide for me

Through his unselfish giving.

A guiding hand who led my steps

Down paths I dared not tread,

A steady mind, a sturdy back were the

Essence of my Dad.

 A willful man, his beliefs ran deep;

He taught me to be good;

Yet, when times got rough

Or I failed my Dad....He always understood

So surely on the day he passes,

I truly will be sad,

But never will I forget the man,

I loved and called...My Dad!


W. Patrick Queen  © June 1977