Tuesday, April 4, 2023


GOD IS IN THE MIRACLE BUSINESS....and all you have to know to believe that statement can be found when you stop and take a look around.... and see the beauty and intricate timing of His creation. And because our Father is a loving God, who acts in accordance with His will, He listens to, reacts to and acts upon the requests of His children.

 I could fill up a book of all the "miracles" God has performed in my life; those I requested and those miracles that other believers prayed into existence at the hand of our Father. Now, GOD DOES NOT NEED OUR HELP IN THE FULFILLMENT OF HIS MIRACLES! In fact, if you have ever read the first few chapters of Genesis in the Bible, you know that God only had to speak this world and all its glory into existence...GOD SPOKE; IT WAS; AND IT WAS GOOD!

 HOWEVER....through the annals of time, God has used His angels to carry out His work among us...and that includes miracles. But the reason I am sharing my thoughts on this, all came to me during my time teaching this past Sunday morning. My class and I were looking at the many "what if's" in the life of Paul the apostle in his ministry...and in his later days, when the Jews sought to kill him (and many took an oath to not eat or drink until they had accomplished that mission). But standing nearby those oath takers, Paul's nephew overheard their plan and told his uncle; who then instructed him to tell the commander of the guard. The commander then quickly arranged an elaborate escape plan that kept the apostle out of the hands of his would-be murders and sent Paul on to Caesarea and safety from those assassins. Another MIRACLE of God at work in the life of his servant Paul...and all because of the FIRST DOMINO in this sequence of events.

 You see, it is my belief that God uses each of us in His miracle "workings"; not because He needs us to accomplish His plan (remember creation, 'AND GOD SPOKE'); rather because God loves to involve us in His "miracles" for the good of the person in need and for the need of ours to be involved in bringing His kingdom on earth in accordance with the kingdom of Heaven. When the disciples of Jesus asked Him, "Lord, teach us to pray," He responded by saying,

"OUR FATHER,WHO ART IN HEAVEN (who dwells in Heaven), HALLOWED BE THY NAME (may honor and praise be showered upon your name). THY WILL BE DONE, ON EARTH, AS THEY ARE IN HEAVEN!" (may the commands of your kingdom be fulfilled on earth as they are now accomplished in the heavenly realm).  ( )= my interpretation

I believe Jesus taught his disciples to pray in such a manner as to invite their Heavenly Father to include them in the workings of having His will brought to fruition on earth as the hearts and minds of sinful men would be turned to Him. AND THAT IS STILL THE WISH AND THE WILL OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER TODAY....and thus I believe in , THE FIRST DOMINO EFFECT! So, what is that effect?

A few years back, there was a TV program that involved contestants using dominoes to create elaborate, intricate designs on a BIG, flat table (or in some cases the floor). Once the design was complete and the designers were ready to reveal their masterpiece, one of them would touch the first domino, pushing it over to start the cascading effect of "when one domino falls" ... while millions of  viewers watched breathlessly to the unfolding phenomenon before them. It took only seconds, but it was truly a sight to behold.....and for many of us that make ourselves available to our Heavenly Father, WE ARE OFTEN THE FIRST DOMINO THAT GOD USES TO UNLEASH HIS POWER AND PERFORM HIS MIRACLES! 

So, my question to you, fellow believer....do you believe God is a MIRACLE MAKER and if so, are you willing to be the First Domino that starts the chain reaction of love, hope, healing, and whatever else God wants to accomplish in the lives of those around you? I pray that you will look closely at the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples and see yourself as one that is intent on bringing about the will of God and His kingdom here on earth....and if that is your intention, then you must be one of God's children who looks for opportunities to be...THE FIRST DOMINO!

Seeking to be....ready to react,


Poem for the day...


I believe God works in mysterious ways,

His wonders, His will to perform.

And I am called to work where He leads

In calm seas or in storms.


For each of us are called to be

The hands of God as well as His feet;

So we must go where 'ere He sends

To those in trouble, their needs to meet.


For God has placed in each of us

A servant's heart to hear the call;

To be ready to answer that faintest plea;

To be a sacrifice in all.


For when God works His will and His way,

Tho' the outcome  we may wish to know....

We must strive to follow the Spirit's lead

So we might become the First Domino.


The one God uses to start the chain

As His hand of mercy begins the flow...

Because we were willing and wanted to be;

Involved as His....the very First Domino!


WPQ © April 2023