This post is a reprint from several years ago; however, in dealing with the passing of kinfolk of some of my close friends, I realized once again how truly IMPORTANT it is to answer the question that follows. For my friends, many of them could not say how their loved ones answered the question....WHERE WILL YOU SPEND ETERNITY?
Today's post has a little bit of a twist to it...because I hope it makes you take time to focus on this question...WHERE WILL I SPEND ETERNITY? It is a question that has been asked of everyone who has ever been born and it is one you can only ignore for so long. Why? Because to ignore this question and not come to the correct answer will commit your eternity to a place you will never want to be; spent with people you never want to know; doing things you never thought you would; for a time that has no measure and has no end. In my mind, this is THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION YOU WILL EVER BE ASKED...AND IT DEMANDS AN ANSWER ASAP!!! PLEASE READ ON....
It seems that a couple, enduring another harsh and bitter-cold winter in Minnesota had decided to take a trip down South to warm themselves on the sandy beaches in Key West. Unfortunately, the wife had a few things that needed her personal attention at work, so the husband flew down a day early to make preparations for her arrival.
Upon arriving at his hotel, he hurriedly unpacked his bags and was ready to make a mad dash to the beach, when he decided to send off a quick email to his wife. It was in that rush that he mistakenly transposed two letters in his wife's email address...and hitting SEND, off it went!It seems that at about the same time, a wife who had been married to her minister husband for over 45 years, had just returned from his funeral. She was so distraught and sorrowful from losing him in such a sudden fashion that her grief was overwhelming. At that moment, she noticed the light flickering on her computer, meaning she had mail. Hoping that the incoming mail might be messages of hope and encouragement to soothe her shattered spirit, she opened the first email. And without bothering to look at the address of the sender, she read the message.....AND THEN FAINTED!
The daughter, who was in the next room, heard the THUD and rushed in to find her mother, passed out on the floor. After reviving her, she read the message, which said,
My Darling Wife....I'm sure you are surprised to hear from me. I've just arrived and checked in, and wanted to send you a quick note saying I can't wait until you get here. The staff has everything ready for your arrival tomorrow and I am so excited we will be together. If everything goes as planned, you should get here as quickly as I did!
PS: It sure is hot down here; but I know you're gonna love it!!!!
I hope this little story makes you laugh...or at least, tickles your funny bone...But more than that, I hope it reminds you that the question that looms over every human EVER BORN is one that must be answered before your last breath. After that moment, your eternity is sealed and your destination confirmed....HEAVEN OR HELL....THE CHOICE IS ALWAYS YOURS...For me, I have chosen Heaven and Jesus is my GUIDE! My prayer today...that you have or will make the same choice. If you need to know more about my Jesus, I am ALWAYS READY TO TALK!!!!