Thursday, December 31, 2009

Prepared or Perplexed?

The New Year 2020 has begun and for many of us that is really good news….you see, many of us figure as awful as last year was,  SURELY this year will have to be better….however, I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but this may not be true.

Now, many of us are suffering from lost jobs, lost incomes, lost clients, lost savings and investments and maybe even the loss of a loved one. But our ability to function and find joy in the New Year should not be determined by our circumstances….for God may be using our problems to prepare us for greater things to come …or He may be testing our trust, faith and resilience in these difficult days…or He may be correcting, punishing and reshaping our behavior for sins or disobedience in the past….whatever the reason, the Christian walk is not without its problems and difficulties.

There are many well-intentioned orators and preachers of the highly acclaimed “success and prosperity” religion that is so popular with the masses these days; however, these men and women seem to have left out a number of biblical passages that deal with God using our problems to prepare us for greater service. One of my favorites is found in Hebrews that reads, “Let God train you, for he is doing what any loving father does for his children. Whoever heard of a son who was never corrected? Our earthly fathers trained us for a few brief years, doing the best for us that they knew how, but God’s correction is always right and for our best good, that we may share His holiness (my emphasis). Being punished isn’t enjoyable while it is happening-it hurts! But afterwards we can see the results, a quiet growth in grace and character.” Hebrews 12:7, 10-11 (The Living Bible.)

As you look back on the pitfalls, problems and perplexities of this past year, don’t fall into the mindset that says you are doomed and nothing good can come out of the situation in which you now find yourself…rather understand that even our Savior lived in and through the midst of his problems …and in all the areas of life, He was victorious. Neither the scorn or prejudice of the Pharisees nor the grumblings of the religious leaders held Him back from seeking and doing the Father’s will. He had temptations, problems, desires, and yet, He was without sin... for He knew that each moment spent in self-pity would take Him away from service to his Heavenly Father.

So, this year, look back at last years failures, problems or difficulties and see what it might have been that God was trying to teach you….TRUST….OBEDIENCE…FAITH….ACCEPTANCE; whatever it might have been, know that although each problem or disaster might have been unpleasant, difficult or even gut wrenching, God was building in you character and grace that would be sufficient for all of life’s woes.

It is true for each of us that we may not understand God’s methods and we may be perplexed in our circumstances, but know this….GOD IS WORKING ALL THINGS OUT FOR OUR GOOD!!!! He will not let you fall any further than your knees as you come to Him in complete surrender and acknowledge Him as Lord over your life. Your problems may get worse….Christ’s did, as He was led as a lamb to the slaughter; but, in His obedience, God was glorified and He was lifted up to draw all men unto himself.

Got problems? Then, rejoice that God is at work in your life….either He is punishing you and correcting your ways so that you might be of greater service and influence.. or He is preparing you and equipping you with greater character and grace for an ever-increasing role in His Kingdom; either way...

GOD IS IN CONTROL AND NOTHING HAPPENS TO YOU BY CHANCE…so go on, let go and let God have His way….the best lies just ahead in the New Year.

Looking Forward to Perfection….Enduring the Pains,

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


In my last submission to Salt & Light, I wrote about the upcoming birthday of our daughter, Alyson…and as her mother and I took a walk down memory lane, I was reminded of that age-old truth…A BABY CHANGES EVERYTHING!

I remember that during those long months of expectancy, I took a simple note card and in my rudimentary calligraphy wrote the following and placed it in Alyson’s crib….


As a father, expecting his first (and in my case, only child), I was filled with fear, trepidation and anxious moments as I anticipated this new arrival….would I be a good father? Would I know what to do and how to protect this small child? Would I, could I and should I filled my every thought, for as I have mentioned before….A BABY CHANGES EVERYTHING!

I’m sure that was true on that first Christmas night, two thousand plus years ago, as Mary and her betrothed husband unloaded the donkey and began to make a birthing bed for Mary. They probably waited in silence, huddled together to stave off the cold night air as they awaited the miracle of birth. The cattle stirred and the bleating sound of the sheep interrupted their thoughts of what had happened in days past ….and look where they were now…for we all know….


And now, almost a week ( and 2,000 plus years later) the same is true….A BABY CHANGES EVERYTHING….for that was God’s intent all along. Through His prophet Isaiah, God foretold, “For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

God came to us in a form and in a way that we could understand….He came as a baby and through His birth, His life, His death and His glorious resurrection, HE HAS CHANGED EVERYTHING. No longer is God mad at us, hell bent on our destruction because of our sin and disobedience….He has shown His great love for each of us because He sent His son…His only Son to take our place; to pay our debt; to forgive our sins; to cleanse us from all unrighteousness; to make us a new creation; to give us eternal life as a free gift from Him….and it all started with a baby.

It is my hope that you know the Christ-child of Christmas not only as the babe in the manger, but as the Christ on the cross. I pray that the babe of Bethlehem lives in your heart and is the Lord and Savior of your life. I trust that for you this baby, God’s son, is the BABY THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING FOR YOU.

If not, why not?

Don’t let another day go by without the acknowledgement that you need a savior. Accept today that the baby born to Mary and Joseph so very long ago is the baby that changes everything …and if you are willing to confess that He is Lord and that His death on the cross paid your sin debt, you will have eternal life… and that forever life in the presence of the Heavenly Father starts the moment you invite this baby into your heart.

Trust your heart to the babe, God’s Son, EMMANUEL….GOD IS WITH US!

Be Blessed and Know that He is God,

Sunday, December 20, 2009

God’s Gift is Our Heritage

Today, December 20th, is a monumental day in the life of our family…our daughter, Alyson, celebrates her 18th birthday. As I look back over the years past, thumb through the thousands of pictures taken and stroll down memory lane, I am struck by this awesome fact…..WHERE DID THE TIME GO!!!!!!??????

It seems like only yesterday that Terri and I were married….and after that first wonderful year as newlyweds, the joyous news that we were expecting a daughter….a daughter that far exceeded any and all of our expectations.

Now, I could spend a volume of paper citing and reciting all of the amazing accomplishments of our daughter, but rather than toot too loudly on her horn, I want to thank the person that should receive high praise for who she is and who she is becoming …..THANK YOU, LORD JESUS.

Beyond any shadow of a doubt, as Alyson’s parents, we want to thank Jesus for giving us this wonderful child; His child, who has blessed us beyond measure and has brought joy, laughter, heartache and sorrow…and who has surrendered her life to seeking and doing His will. I am always reminded of the scripture in Psalms 127:3 that reads, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.”

I am so thankful for my daughter and for the heritage that has been instilled in her as a young woman. I have been reminded of the awesome responsibility of raising a child, especially in turbulent times like these, as in the past few weeks as I have been teaching from Dr. Wilkerson’s book, A Life God Rewards. In the chapter that deals with being a steward of all that God has entrusted to us, I focused on the asset of the world in which we have been commissioned to go, tell, baptize and teach. I had us look closely at the asset that is each of us…the uniqueness of who we are and the talents and abilities that God has blessed us with. But, as a parent, the greatest asset that God has entrusted to my care is the growth, wealth, health, happiness and well-being of my daughter….and most importantly ….that she be raised in the likeness of her Lord.

God is looking at the way I am taking care of His world and how I am interacting with those that need to come to know Christ….that is my duty and my obligation to obedience to Him as I seek to become a faithful steward of His bounty. As a steward of my personal talents and abilities, God is constantly encouraging me to take an inventory of who I am and who I am becoming as I empty myself of selfish desires and refill myself with the love of His Son…this is my personal edification, done for His glory. But, my role as a steward of my greatest asset, my wonderful daughter, Alyson, is a lasting legacy of the one of the most treasured portions in my life.

My prayer today, for me and for every parent, is quite simple…..GOD MAKE ME A BETTER STEWARD OF THE CHILDREN YOU HAVE ENTRUSTED TO ME!!!!!

Make me a better father as I listen, instruct, encourage, teach, discipline and love my child…just as you do for me as my Heavenly Father. May I stand before you at the Bema Seat and have you judge me and the stewardship of my daughter with a smile on your face and may I hear those gentle, life-affirming words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

Today, I bless your name for the gift of my daughter, ALYSON TAYLOR QUEEN, and for the heritage that I leave behind in this wonderful child of yours…..May she be the joy for you that she has been for her mother and I.

Celebrating today…rejoicing forever more,


Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Final Curtain

The stage was set…all the cast members and their understudies, past and present, were in their proper places. The director of the universe stood motionless as all creation waited for that one word…. “ACTION!”

And the spotlight of heaven shone…center stage…on the main character of this heavenly production. In fact, scripture says the following in Luke 2:6-7, “And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.”

All creation had been waiting for this time...the perfect time in history for God’s plan of salvation to be set in motion.

Now, surely, Mary was ready, after nine long months of waiting, to give birth to her son that night; but that’s not exactly the entire meaning when the scripture says “the time came for her to give birth.” God is telling us in this passage that He alone had set the stage, informed the cast and prepared the audience for His plan to unfold. His timing is always impeccable….and He would not be rushed into bringing His Son into a world that was lost and without hope.

And so, our focus each Christmas is simple….God directs the world to receive His Son whether we are ready or not. He didn’t ask for permission or consult the stars or hope this was the right thing to do …He brought His plan to fruition…and sent His Son in a form that we would understand and embrace….a baby born just like each one of us. Ten fingers, ten toes, two eyes and heart that beat within his chest….wrapped in cloth strips and laid next to his mother in a cattle’s feeding manger. The timing was God’s timing and IT WAS PERFECT!!!

God sent His Son to a world that was not prepared for Him….there was no place in the inn; but, that’s where the last member of our cast of Christmas characters comes in….cue you and me!!!!

You see, we have the same opportunity as the old innkeeper …we can decide if there is a place for the Savior in our life. We can tell him that we are just too busy; too many things to do, places to go and people to see to be bothered with all this Christmas pageantry …or we can surrender our will and our desires at Christmas to celebrate the perfect timing of our Father who gave His only Son at Christmas.

Christ left his throne, laid down His crown, stripped off His royal robes and came to earth so He could remove, once and forevermore, the great chasm of sin that separates us from our Heavenly Father.

This was the first step in the story of the cradle, the cross and the crown. It was the reason that God prepared Mary and Joseph, established the connection between Elizabeth and Mary and sent Gabriel and the multitude of the heavenly host to a lowly band of shepherds. Even the wise men were ordained in God’s great salvation story to present this little babe with presents fit for royalty.

And now, the final act is on stage….how will you respond as the last character in this Christmas story? Will you accept this free gift of a little babe who came to give his life to restore a right relationship with God….or will you pull the curtains closed and walk away with out professing that Jesus Christ is Lord indeed?

The question is simple….do you know this baby Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If not, why not invite Him into your heart this Christmas and for the first time ever…you will be able to celebrate the real, true and everlasting meaning of Christmas.

My prayer is simple this Christmas…May all those we know and love celebrate the TRUE meaning of our Savior’s birth this Christmas.

Happy Birthday, Jesus …Merry Christmas to all,


Friday, December 18, 2009


The story of the Wise Men really takes place some time AFTER the birth of Christ…but, for all of us, the Nativity scene would not be the same without the figures of the wise men kneeling at the manger. In scripture we read, “Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose in the East and have come to worship Him.” Matthew 2:1-2

The first thing we learn regarding these men of wisdom…. they were searching for answers….that’s why they were constantly viewing the night sky. They were looking to the stars in the heavens to divulge the secrets of the universe. They were able to predict the changing of the seasons, the coming of storms or other weather conditions; perhaps, even the fortunes of men and countries…all from charting the movement of the constellations.

But now, they had witnessed a phenomenon of great magnitude …a star in the Eastern sky that ancient manuscripts foretold would acknowledge the birth of a king. It was their constant and consistent search of the skies that led them to leave hearth and home to find this king. So, they packed up their camels and with caravan in tow, they set out to find this emperor that would rule the Jews. Unfortunately, their first encounter was Herod….a real buzz kill to be sure!

After hearing the story of the wise men’s journey, Herod was greatly troubled and sought to dupe the wise men into telling him when and where he could find this child-king. “Go and search diligently for this child and when you have found him, bring me word, that I too may come and worship him. After listening to the king, they went on their way.” Matthew 2:8-9a

But the best part of the story occurs next; “And behold, the star that they had seen rose and went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshipped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” Matthew 2:9b-11

The journey had been long; the path fraught with danger and disappointment….even a surly and ill-mannered king who offered little help; but, they would not be deterred for they had come too far to go home empty-handed.

So, they did what had gotten them to this point…they sought answers in the heavens and behold, the star went before them. It was that same single, bright, illuminating star that held their focus from the beginning of their journey that was still leading them to their final destination…an opportunity to worship the King…and they would not be denied.

When the star stopped, they stopped ….and their search for the king was rewarded. And so they entered his presence with presents….and falling before this child, they worshipped the Savior of all mankind.

Are you wise enough to seek the child of Bethlehem….are you willing to go the distance to lay your gifts at the feet of this King of the Jews…are you searching the heavens looking for answers only God can provide?

This Christmas seek the Christ-child …diligently follow the star to the place where Jesus awaits your worship…open you heart and give him the gift greater than gold or frankincense or myrrh…Give Him Your Heart, yielded and still. Give him your obedience …give him the love and adoration of one who belongs to Him.

For on that first Christmas, He came to us so that we could come to Him….and forever belong to Him. Jesus came as a baby; fully human and fully divine….and even though our small, earth-bound minds can never fully understand the how or the why of our Creator, know this….He came into the muck and the mire of this world as a man….so if we would let Him in, He would pull us out….into glorious union with Him.

Be wise this Christmas….seek the Child, God’s Only Son. Then you, too, can rejoice with exceeding great joy…just like the three wise men of old.

Wiser in worship of the newborn king….Merry Christmas,


Poem for the day:

Sailing across the desert, riding upon their camels back
Carrying all their riches, nothing did they lack;
In search of the king foretold, born in a land afar
Following the heavenly path of the bright and shining star.

It led them to Bethlehem and in that small Judean town
They came into His presence; each fell prostrate on the ground.
They worshipped the Christ-child and felt their hearts astir
They offered Him their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

The journey had been arduous; they never would get there
Every step had been treacherous and fraught with despair….
But they had come to seek the King, born of royal birth;
The Son of God…the King of Kings…God Incarnate come to earth.

WPQ December 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Have you ever played that game where you sit in a circle (or a straight line, sitting arrangements are optional) and one person whispers a statement to the next person in line? This continues until the secret is passed from one to another and has completed the entire circle …then the one who originated the secret tells what was last conveyed to them and it is compared to the original statement. The two are very seldom the same; in fact, they often have little in common.

Thank the Lord this didn’t happen on that glorious night over two thousand years ago. I can just see the multitude of the Heavenly Host getting ready for their trip to earth to proclaim the birth of the King. One by one, wings were checked, halos were straightened and the word was spread, “Glory to God in the highest. Peace on earth, good will to men.” Got it? Got it!

And then they were off to share the glorious news that God had come to earth…not as a great warrior or majestic ruler, but as a baby…and it all began in the surrounding hills of Bethlehem. For in the fields were shepherds, watching their flocks, when suddenly, out of nowhere, the sky was filled with a brilliant light as the messenger of God spoke, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy that will be for ALL PEOPLE (my emphasis). For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manager.” Luke 2:10-12

And now the plot thickens according to Scripture: “And suddenly there was with the angel, a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST; PEACE ON EARTH, GOOD WILL TO MEN!” Luke 2:14

A multitude of the heavenly host….how big is a multitude anyway?

Yet, here they were, in one accord, singing and praising the Lord with the same words. No distractions; no fumbling for just the right words to express their joy; no lack of unity but perfect harmony in praising the Lord Most High that first Christmas night. Yes, they sang out so that all would know to whom praise belonged…..they sang to inspire the shepherds, but more than that, they sang in praise and adoration to their Creator for His unspeakable gift of the Holy One come to earth as a babe….sent to die for you and me.

How about you this Christmas season….are you part of the maddening throng of Christmas pretenders or are you a member of the multitude of the heavenly host? Are you praising the Lord and giving glory to God in the highest or are you just going through the motions of wishing others a Happy Holiday?

This Christmas why not join the cast of the multitude of the heavenly host… or better yet, be the angel that first appeared to the shepherds. Let the glory of God fill your heart and mind as you share with others God’s most precious gift….His son, a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. It is a gift that keeps on giving…a gift of eternal life for all who believe on the name of Jesus Christ.

This Christmas, may we all be angels that have been heard on high, sweetly proclaiming He is born …He is born….Hallelujah…A SAVIOR IS BORN !!!!!

Joining the multitude….proclaiming His birth,

Poem for the Day:

Starry, starry night, the flock milled around;
We were keeping watch, seated on the ground...
When suddenly the darkness was replaced by Holy light
As angels filled the heavens and sang their praise that night;

Glory to God, May peace and joy now fill the earth,
For we bring glad tidings of a Savior’s lowly birth….
Hosannas, Hosannas, O’ join the multitude and sing
Praise forevermore to Jesus Christ the King!

WPQ December 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


That night began like any other of a thousand nights…the blazing sun sinking majestically behind the rolling Judean hills. The air became thicker, so we built a big fire and began to huddle the sheep in circles of ten. A glance to the south revealed the flicker of lights as, one by one, families began their evening prayers and gathered round the table to break bread and share the events of the day. It is a lonely and very thankless job…being a shepherd… having all who know you look down on you and your filthy occupation. But, someone had to care for the sheep; to tend to these tender lambs, so there might be meat in the village and spotless lambs for our sacrificial offerings. Besides, I was simply following in my father’s and his father’s footsteps…I had little choice in what I had become….despised by the religious rulers and tolerated by the villagers.

I was patrolling the northern perimeter of the encampment as the wind whipped around me, chilling me to the bone; I listened intently for the sound of movement through the brush… the sounds of predators on the prowl. I cinched my belt tighter and drew my cloak around me, hoping to stave off the winter night’s chill.

And then, IT HAPPENED!!! The sky was like midday as a bright light inflamed the blackness of the night …for there hovering above us all was an angel. I fell to the ground, shaking, not from the cold but from fear…who was this and what did he want with us. He spoke quietly; softly, as he told us not to be afraid, for he came bearing Good News that was for all mankind. A savior was born and just miles away in the sleepy, little town of Bethlehem, we would find him…wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. Then, to our utter amazement, the entire heavens were filled with an angelic host who sang and proclaimed the Glory of God and his desire for peace on earth.

And as suddenly as they had appeared, they vanished ….gone in an instant. At first, we were all too stunned to even speak…but as we regained our wits, we knew what we had to do…WE HAD TO SEE THIS FOR OURSELVES. So gathering our staffs and entrusting the sheep to two of our own, we quickly set out for the stable of Bethlehem.

We arrived to find everything just as the angel had described…mother Mary, her husband Joseph and their little baby, Jesus. We could not contain our joy as we told them all that had just happened to us …out in the fields, tending our flocks, doing what we were called to do.

And yet, I could not help but ponder, why us, O God? Why come to the lowliest of mankind with the greatest, most wonderful news …EVER? Why entrust us to tell others this Good News….that a Savior was born who is Christ the Lord! I could not answer that question, but neither could I constrain myself….so I did the only thing I could think to do….I set out to tell others!

Before I returned to the flock that night, I knocked on EVERY door in Bethlehem and told them the exciting news; in fact, we all did. Traveling in what could only be described as an uproarious caravan, we told everyone we knew that in a stable, just yards away, lay the Christ child…the Savior come to earth. Some believed what was told to them, though many just slammed the door, cursing that they had been disturbed by a drunken mob of shepherds. But, it did not matter to us….WE KNEW WHAT WE HAD SEEN AND WHAT WE HAD BEEN TOLD….and we glorified God for including us in telling others of what He had done that night ….that GLORIOUS night in Bethlehem.

Are you a shepherd this Christmas…busy tending to the affairs of family, friends, jobs, careers, even life itself? Are you out in the fields without a clue of what God has in store for you this Christmas? Maybe, He wants to shake-up your world…like He shook the world of those shepherds that first Christmas. Maybe, He wants you to know the excitement of the Good News that a Savior has been born; but, more importantly…..

He wants you to know the Savior; personally, intimately and without reservation.

Then, just like the shepherds, the excitement of that Good News will permeate everything you do as you knock on the doors of others to share what God did that very first Christmas night ….for a band of shepherds tending to their flocks in the hills near Bethlehem.

Oh, to be a shepherd this Christmas and share the wonder of it all…..


Poem of the Day:

While shepherds in the fields kept watch,
The sleeping town stood still;
Until the Heavenly Host came down
And glory filled the hills.

The angels sang hosannas
Of peace to all the earth;
And heralded their good tidings
Of a Savior’s lowly birth.

So quickly went the shepherds
Into that sleeping town
And gladly told everyone they met;
The Messiah had come down.

So be a lowly shepherd
And tell this great Good News…
The Savior born in Bethlehem
Is the one who died for you!

W. Patrick Queen December ‘09

Monday, December 14, 2009

No Room in the Inn

One of the great joys of each Christmas season is spending time with friends and family…being close to the ones you love. But, often that joy is pushed to the limits due to the hassle of getting to their separate and often distant locations….on time and in good spirits.

What if you traveled for days and when you finally reached your destination, you were told there was no place for you to stay…not a single room to be found….ANYWHERE! You would be highly bummed out and probably a little on the cranky side…but what if you were the bearer of those bad tidings …and what if the couple you turned away were expecting a child and were in desperate need of shelter and warmth….how would you feel? Just think for a moment of that very first trip of the very first Christmas family …

Our next character of Christmas is not officially listed in the program, but in every child-like play of the Christmas story, he has the toughest part, even though he speaks but one line….”I’m sorry but I have no room in the inn.”

Here’s the rest of his story…and please, if you identify with the innkeeper….

May God Bless You this Christmas as You Open Your Heart to the Babe in the Straw…..


I was tired, weary; it had been a long, long day
When came the knock at the door; I turned to walk away,
But peering out the window, there on the dusty street
A young man, his pregnant wife…stood shuffling their feet.

He knocked again upon my door and pleaded to let him in.
I opened the door just a crack to say, “There’s no room in this Inn.”
“Please, dear sir,” I heard him beg, “don’t turn us away,
We’ve been traveling for so long; my wife needs a place to lay.”

“Be gone,” was my curt reply, “there’s no room in this place;
You should have made better plans; your steps you should retrace.
Go back to your home, for this small town is filled to its brim.
There’s not a room to be found in this little village of Bethlehem.”

“I can’t go back” came the reply, “I must follow Caesar’s decree,
I’ve returned to my ancestral home…my wife and our child to be.”
I closed the door and turned to go; there was much that must be done,
With guests to feed and beds to make before the setting of the sun.

But walking down the hallway of my busy, bustling inn
I thought of that young family and how I spoken then;
Sorrow filled my heavy heart …Oh, how I wish that I was able
To give them shelter for the night. Wait! What about the stable?

So turning on my heel, I raced to open the closed door
To catch a fleeting glimpse of this young family once more
“Come my son,” I said to him, “I think I have some room
Out of the dust and dirt; away from the despair and gloom.”

“It isn’t what I would want for you; but, maybe it will meet your need.
It’s warm, dry and quiet…it’s where the cattle feed.”
So there Joseph and sweet Mary, safe from the city’s danger
Began to prepare their baby’s bed …a lowly cattle’s manger.

The time came late that night that she would deliver
In swaddling clothes she wrapped her son so he wouldn’t shiver.
The sky had such a wondrous glow…darkness gave way to light
I knew not why, but my heart was warmed on that special, glorious night.

For in my haste and weariness, I almost missed His birth
The night the Holy Son of God came down to live on earth
My life was full; my heart was cold…there was no room for Him then
I turned away God’s most precious gift for there was no room in the Inn.

Oh, don’t be too busy…too filled with life’s chores
To turn away the Savior from behind a closed door
Just let his love envelop you and know beyond all reason
To celebrate His birth each year is the greatest gift of this season.

W. Patrick Queen
December 2007

Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Surprise….

Christmas is all about ….SURPRISE!!!!! From the moment we begin the Christmas shopping season, we are all looking to buy our loved ones something that will surprise them…something that catches them totally off-guard. So, on Christmas morning, when they tear away the ribbons, bows and wrapping paper and look inside the box….they will be surprised…. Then, our heart will be filled with joy when we see that look of surprise on the face that we love.

There is one member of the cast of Christmas who is the poster boy for SURPRISE…and his name is Joseph. A young man; born in the family lineage of King David and a carpenter by trade, he has been engaged to a lovely young maiden for probably about a year. The wedding day is drawing near when Joseph finds out that his betrothed is with child …SURPRISE… And he knows that he is not the father for the marriage has not been consummated. But, he is a fair and just young man and does not wish to cause Mary any additional embarrassment….

So he resolves to divorce her in a quiet manner. But as he is considering his options, scriptures says, “behold an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream saying, “ Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:20-21


Joseph was going to be a father and his son was the Son of God. I don’t know about you, but that would have taken my breath away ….permanently. But not Joseph; he dealt with this monumental surprise in a clear and concise manner. “When Joseph awoke from his sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded; he took Mary his wife, but knew her not until she had given birth to a son. And he called his name Jesus.” Matthew 1:24-25

What can one learn from this young man of Galilee? Well, on the surface, we might discern that Joseph is a minor character in the life and story of Jesus; but, a closer inspection reveals that Joseph was a man of deep convictions and integrity. He could have done the “right thing” and simply divorced Mary and started over in his search for the perfect wife…or he could have ignored the dream as just a bad case of indigestion.

But He did neither; rather he did as commanded….and in spite of the ridicule and public shame that would be his…He loved and nurtured this heavenly surprise that was Jesus. He took what many of us would consider lemons and made lemonade!

What about you this Christmas? Is there some “surprise” just lurking around the corner that will upset the delicate balance of your life? Will you let a “surprise” rob you of your joy this Christmas or will you do as Joseph did and step up and step out in faith to answer God’s call.

To do so might require a trip to a homeless shelter or soup kitchen ….a night of vigilance and prayer in the emergency room …a visit to a bereaved friend or someone in the throes of a deep depression…..for not every SURPRISE is a pleasant one!

God may be waiting to see how you handle surprises….both good and bad. Why not be like Joseph and accept the challenge to serve the Lord this Christmas season…as well as all year through?

Remember, Joseph took Mary and the child and it changed his life FOREVER!

May your surprises bless you and yours this Christmas,

Poem for the Day:

Joseph was a carpenter, a skilled, hardworking man
Who sought in life’s surprises to fit into God’s plan.
May we be like Joseph as we love God more each day
As we seek to be obedient in all we do and say.

WPQ @December 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mary’s Plea….

Imagine, if you will, a young woman, probably fifteen or sixteen, who lives with her parents in a small Judean town in the area of Galilee. Her mother and father are well-respected in their small town of Nazareth and they have chosen wisely for her …for she is the betrothed of a carpenter; a young man named Joseph, of the house and lineage of David. The appointed date of her marriage is quickly approaching when one day, shortly after her morning prayers, she is startled to see an angel standing before her….

He came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you! But, she was greatly troubled at the saying and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be. And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with the God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” Luke 1:28-33

Imagine the shock…the surprise…the sheer magnitude of what is unfolding right before her eyes. She should have been completely and totally overwhelmed: but her reaction is one of wonder and youthful curiosity when she says, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” Now, she did not question the angel’s authority or the possibility that such a feat was beyond the power of her Lord…her question was one of inquisitive thought ….and so Gabriel responded, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy- the Son of God. And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke1:35-37

Then Mary did the unthinkable as she responded, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” Luke 1:38 (my emphasis added)

She simply took God’s messenger at his word and pronounced her obedience to serve her Lord God as He saw fit. For Mary the choice was simple…. no rumblings…no arguing…no excuses as to why she could not do what the Lord ask….SHE SIMPLY SOUGHT TO BE OBEDIENT…to be a vessel to be used by the God she loved and served.

What do we learn from this young woman; surely, a central character in the cast of the Christmas story…. The lessons are twofold, I think.

First, we see her simple faith and child-like inquisitiveness….she did not question what God could do…she simply ask how he would accomplish such a miracle. We need to view this Christmas with the same spirit as Mary…and ask not if God can; but rather will He be so inclined to use us as we share the glorious message of a babe born in a manger. Are we willing to ask others if they know the Christ of Christmas or do we simply wish each of them Happy Holidays and motor on our way? Our curiosity should lead others to Christ this Christmas!

Secondly, we need to be obedient in our service to the Christ of Christmas. We are his feet and his hands and we are to go, tell, give, love, share and care for those that God puts in our path this Christmas. Don’t leave it to someone else to care for others this year….be obedient to share the reason for this season…and give as God gave to you…without holding anything back. In His unselfish giving, He gave His only begotten Son so that you could belong to Him.

May your Christmas plea be the same as Mary’s as you seek His will for you and your loved ones this Christmas….LET IT BE ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD.

Sharing Christ this Christmas….in word and deed,


Poem for the day:

A fair young maiden rises from her morning prayers
Alarmed to see an angel from glory standing there.
She listens with an open heart to this messenger from above
And bows in humble reverence to the message of God’s love.

She asks not why, but how can this be; for I have known no man.
The angel tells her sweetly, “It is all part of God’s plan.”
So Mary believed, deep in her heart, exactly what she’d heard
And replied to the angel, “Let it be according to your word.”

WPQ @ December 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Gabriel...God's Divine Messenger

Heavenly sunlight streamed through my window, cascading across the mountains of messages still waiting to be assigned ….I was having a hard time getting it together this morning when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Arturo standing behind me; long-faced and solemn…something totally out of character for this delightful cherub.

“He wants to see you….RIGHT NOW!” he exclaimed … “In the Throne Room, alone.” I smiled and hurried him on his way. I adjusted my robe, fluffed my wings, straightened my halo and started the hike through the halls of Heaven to stand before God Almighty. You see, my name is Gabriel and I am God’s Holy Messenger. For as long as time immortal, I have been communicating with God’s creation to notify them of His Love and His care for them. But, this must be something REALLY important since I was summoned to the Throne Room. The last time I was there, he sent me to deliver a message of answered prayer to Zechariah, husband of Elizabeth, the Barren One. God had heard their prayers and acknowledged their faithfulness …they were having a son that would prepare the way for the Messiah of God’s chosen people.

Could this be THE MESSAGE I wondered as I pushed open the massive doors to God’s inner sanctum? I bowed lowly and was summoned to come closer…then, in what was probably a whisper that reverberated throughout that great hall like a thousand symphonies, God said, “Gabriel, my most valued one, IT IS TIME! Go to the town of Nazareth in Galilee and there you will find my hand maiden, Mary. Tell her …SHE IS THE CHOSEN ONE. SHE WILL BEAR A SON AND HIS NAME SHALL BE CALLED JESUS….for He shall save my people from their sins. And, Gabriel, easy on the bright light of you aura…we don’t want to frighten her, now do we?”

“Yes, O Holy One….I will be gentle that she may receive this message from you.” And, in a twinkling of an eye, I was gone to deliver the most important message for all of mankind.

Now, what you’ve just read is probably the results of an overactive imagination or a dramatization, if you will; however, the message is true. God gave Gabriel the task of telling Mary that Jesus was to be born of a virgin …that she was to be the earthly vessel to bring forth God’s Son. His part in the cast of Christmas is forever fixed as a messenger of Good News…and that’s what God imparts to each of us each Christmas.

We are to be the messengers of Good News. We are to proclaim, unashamedly, that God came to earth as a little child to save all people from their sins. We are to tell everyone that God loved us so much that He did not even spare His own Son; rather He sent him to a young maiden and her betrothed so that His life’s blood would be shed for the remission of our sins.

That is the real message of Christmas….that God made a way for us to be made RIGHT with Him….so that one day, like His beloved and trusted messenger, Gabriel….we could stand before Him in the very Throne Room of Heaven and there see our Savior, seated at His right hand.


What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see.
When I look upon His face, the one who saved me by His grace.
Then He’ll take me by the hand,lead me into His promised land;

And that, my dear friend, is our message for Christmas… so, go and share the Good News ....go be a Gabriel!!!!!

Telling others about My Savior,

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Last year, about this time, I started a series of writings that encouraged us all to take a closer look at the cast of Christmas. Over the next few days, I want us to examine each of these biblical characters again….and with open hearts and searching minds, may we find in each of them a spiritual quality that will make us more like the person God wants us to be.

Our first member of the cast is Elizabeth….Mary’s barren relative that is now pregnant with child. I know many would question how we would include Elizabeth in the Christmas story; but, let’s examine closely and I think it will become quite clear that she is the beginning of the celebration of Christmas.

Now, after Mary is visited by the angel, she makes a bee line to the hill country to visit her relative, Elizabeth. She had been told by the angel that Elizabeth, although barren for years, was now 6 months pregnant. This was great and exciting news for this young hand maiden of the Lord and I’m sure she wanted to share with Elizabeth her glad tidings.

Scripture recounts their meeting in Luke 1:40-45, “and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb! And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. And blessed is she who believed that there would be fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.”

Mary came to Elizabeth to share her Good News but Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, already knew that the Lord was with her and she began to encourage her and to ask for her blessing in the days ahead ….asking that all that God had promised this young woman would come true.

Elizabeth was Mary’s encourager. I can just see the two of them sitting side by side, holding hands, hugging each other…basking in the warmth of the love of family, great news and God’s providence. Elizabeth was humbled that Mary would come to share such great news with her and she blessed Mary for her faith that God would accomplish his will in her life. Elizabeth was outspoken in her joy for Mary and for the bond that would now exist between them as expectant mothers.

Elizabeth was the beginning of the Christmas story because she exuded the joy of knowing that the Savior of the world would soon be born ….and it was her privilege to share that joy and encourage her young relative.

Maybe today, God is calling you to exude that joy and to encourage someone else with the knowledge that in just a few short weeks, we will celebrate the birth of our Savior. We know that Jesus came to earth to live and die that we might know Him and have everlasting life….that alone should fill your heart with joy this Christmas season…and it should give you great cause to be an encourager to all you meet….

Be an Elizabeth today…be the first in your sphere of influence to be an encourager of Christmas …share the joy and the blessing of knowing the babe in the manager.

Let your heart leap for joy and let it over flow to all you encounter today….they will be blessed and so will you!!!!!

Counting the days to His Birth,

Poem for the Day:

Christmas sharing,loved ones caring;
Giving out of love...
Angels speaking, wise men seeking,
The baby from above.

May this Holy Season with love and joy abound...
For the announcement of the Christ-Child
Means that Heaven has come down.


Monday, December 7, 2009

O Tannenbaum, O Perfect Tree…

This past Friday was one of the best days of the entire Christmas season at the home of the was the day we get our Christmas tree. Now, typically, it used to be that our entire family of three piled into the car and took off to a nearby tree lot…or in our days of living in the Georgia Mountains, we would drive up to Franklin, NC to a tree farm and there cut down the tree of our choice.

But times, they are a changing. This past Friday, our daughter headed for school and though my wife had the day off, she had a “to-do” list a mile long; so that left me to make the trip to the nearby feed and seed store to pick out the “perfect” Christmas tree. I guess, after 20 years of instruction, my wife was confident that I could do this on my own.

So, there I stood, overwhelmed with the selection of over a hundred trees of all sizes, species and prices. I made my way up and down the rows of trees and when I finally got into the area that fit our budget, I began the painstaking process of standing up each tree, shaking it so the limbs would fall out and turning it around to see its good and bad side.

As I spent time alone in the tree yard, I began to hum that old Christmas song, O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum as I carefully surveyed each potential candidate for service in our living room. I remembered my childhood and the times I spent with my Dad as we diligently sought to find the “perfect tree” that would make our Christmas a true holiday celebration of love and joy. I thought of the words in the last verse of the song that says,

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, in plainness you were growing
Until we came and brought you here and set your branches glowing.
Your living beauty helps us see how clothed in Christ our lives should be.
O Christmas, O Christmas tree; you lift our eyes toward heaven.

As I paid the attendant and loaded the tree in the back of my wife’s SUV, I thought how my work was almost done….I would get the tree home, cut the lower branches and set it into the tree stand and then bring it inside our home to its final resting place. Then, sometime, later in the day, my lovely wife and beautiful daughter would begin to adorn this tree with all the memories and treasured ornaments that have become an integral part of our holiday traditions and celebrations…..and with a little help from the foremen of decorating (that’s me), our tree would come to life …it would become the PERFECT TREE. But, for some reason, I could not shake the tune that kept running around in my mind….O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree. How lovely are thy branches? This has been a tough year in our home, as I am sure it has been for many of you…but don’t get caught up in the mentality that everything has to be perfect or Christmas will somehow be diminished….rather,

This year, as you prepare to buy and decorate your Christmas tree; take a moment to see this symbol of Christmas as a gift from the Father of lights that reminds us of the perfect gift from heaven….JESUS CHRIST….THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.

HE CAME AS A BABE ….TO DIE ON A TREE…. SO THAT WE WOULD FOREVER BE WITH HIM… O Tannenbaum, O Perfect Tree …..The one Christ bore to Calvary. This Christmas keep…..

Looking toward heaven….remembering Christ and His great gift,


The Perfect Tree

High upon a lonely hill, above the town below
Wintry winds begin to swirl...the snow began to blow.
Trudging through the wintry mix, each step measured like the other,
Walking with my Mom and Dad, my two sisters and my brother.

Off on our yearly conquest to find the perfect tree,
To decorate for one week, it would be.
A time of excitement, of laughter and jubilation,
A special time that makes Christmas such a joyous celebration.

'Twas there upon that precipice stood a tree so small
That everyone overlooked it; because it was not tall.
Its branches looked like matchsticks; its tiny, barren limbs
Barely felt the winter's cold that encircled them.

Standing so straight like a sentry stands his guard
All alone to keep his watch upon this vacant yard.
My family, they marched onward; but I...I stopped to see
This tiny miracle of God...this sparse unproven tree.

I pleaded with my Mom and Dad, '"Let's take this little tree!
I know it doesn't look like much, but imagine its possibilities...""
A row of lights, some shiny balls; the tinsel placed just right.
It would be the center of attention on that very special night.

For I'm sure that the shepherds, and quite possibly the wise men too
Wondered about a tiny child and what he would someday do;
To set God's people free from sin; to fill those he met with grace...
For those who gazed on the manger's babe had seen the Father's face.

So, in each Christmas season, remember that the perfect tree
Is the one they made into the Cross of Christ…
The one He bore to Calvary.
For the real story of each Christmas Season
Has special meaning for you and me
When we understand our Father's Love and remember
The Perfect Tree!

W. Patrick Queen @ Christmas 2000

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Chore of Giving

Well, it’s that time again as we begin the dash to the malls and we rush to the outlets to buy the latest thingamajig or whatchamicallit. In fact, it all started this past Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, in what has become known as BLACK FRIDAY.

Now, I don’t about you, but that seems to be a rather ominous name with which to begin what is suppose to be the most joyous season of the year…..Black Friday…as if something, terrible and sinister is about to happen….and if you don’t check out the motivation of your heart, well, that could very well be the case.

Let’s take just a moment and examine what this season is all about….it's all about GIVING!

We have, as the perfect example, the gift of God’s beloved Son; who laid down His crown and came as a baby, giving himself as a ransom for us all. Jesus taught us all, “that it is more blessed to give than to receive,” but somewhere in our self-centered culture, we have replaced the spirit of giving with the hunger lust for getting.

For many of us today, giving has become just another chore…something that we put on our “to-do” list as just another one of the many activities that fill up our holiday calendar. As for me, I think it is time to get back to giving as a hilarious way of living. What do I mean by such a statement?

In the second letter to the Corinthians, Paul says, "Each one must give as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times; you may abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:7-8

In the original manuscript, the word cheerful is from the root word we translate as hilarious….defined as very funny, entertaining, uproarious and riotous. What if each of us, this Christmas season, determined to give from a mind-set that would bless the one who receives our gift in an uproarious fashion….they would be so overcome with emotion that they would not be able to contain themselves because of the love and gratefulness that would fill their hearts. What if we gave with no thought as to what or how big or how much we were giving and without wondering or worrying if our loved ones were going to reciprocate in like manner…in short, without expecting anything in return!!!!! How hilarious would that be?

Giving for the sheer thrill of giving….not tuned into counting the cost or expecting a gift of like kind….giving cheerfully, as unto the Lord. Wow, just the thought of such giving is indeed liberating and would promote uproarious living of a great and powerful nature.

For many years, my wife and I have always ask our daughter for her Christmas and birthday list, since the two dates are separated by only five days; but, this year, I’m going to ask her for her “giving” list. It’s time that she, as well as her father, starts thinking of how to give and bless others during this Christmas season.

This Christmas, rather than making a list of the things that we hope to get, let’s make a list of things we hope to give and know without a doubt…..GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER…..especially at Christmas.

Make it your Christmas mission to find someone that needs to know they are loved this Christmas and give ‘til it makes you hilarious from the excitement of giving….you will be blessed beyond measure.

Giving all…Counting on God to multiply,

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Come Home For Christmas

For many years, probably dating back to my late twenties, I have tried each year to write a Christmas poem that embraces the reason for the season. The poems have been short, long, epic, comical, serious, whimsical but most of all, celebratory in nature. After all, the Christmas season is about celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I have written about this holy season from almost every vantage point…from the donkey that Mary rode upon to the little angel in charge of the Heavenly Host, announcing to the shepherds the birth of Jesus….but this year, in light of all that is taking place in our country and around the world, my vantage point is a little different.

So many of our families have their loved ones spread across the globe, standing in harm’s way as they defend the sacred values and ideals that we as Americans hold so dear. It is to these brave, courageous men (and women) that I would like to dedicate the following poem …it is my prayer that God will watch over, protect and defend and under His great mercy, provide safe passage home to many of our military men and women this Christmas season. I ask that each of us do something measured and on purpose that will signify to our armed forces the value and dignity we bestow upon them….MAY THE GOD OF AMERICA PROTECT EACH OF YOU AND ANSWER THE PRAYER OF YOUR HEART ….TO BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS WITH THE ONES YOU LOVE,


Come Home for Christmas

It seems like many years ago that you went away
I was just a tiny tot that loved to run and play
But, Mom says that it was only about a year ago
When you were called to go to war…my, but time is slow.

I can’t believe that its time for Christmas once again
And you’re not here to celebrate with our family and friends;
To lift me on your shoulders; to place the star upon the tree;
To bounce me up and down on a bronco-buckin’ knee.

Today, we climbed into the attic with all the spiders, bugs and such
And Mom said I was really brave for helping out so much.
We gathered all the boxes of lights and Christmas stuff …
And that floppy-eared old hound dog that you and I named, “Ruff.”

Grandpop carried down the tree in that dusty old trash bag
And Mom started cleaning with her trusty dusting rag…
But, I was very quiet as I fought back all my tears
‘Cause Mom said you’re not coming home for Christmas this year.

Now, I know that you told me that I must try hard to be brave
‘Cause there were other kids just like me you had to go and save;
You had to go and fight in a war where men would die
You told me to be “a brave soldier” and do my best not to cry.

Daddy, I’ve been trying to do just as you ask;
So I could kneel at my bedside with one simple task.
To pray that Jesus would keep you out of harm’s way
So He could send you home to us before Christmas Day.

Yes, I made this promise that I’m trying to keep;
That’s to pray for you every night until I fall asleep.
So I’ll obey all the grownups and do just what they say,
If Jesus will bring you back to us before Christmas Day.

I promise that I will be brave and not cry at all
If God will help my daddy and his men to stand tall;
To fight for all our freedoms and our American way
And let Daddy come home and celebrate this Christmas day.

I won’t ask Santa for anything even though I’ve been great,
If you’ll bring Daddy home to us not one minute late…
And so, dear God, if it’s okay to make one more request of you
Could you let all the other daddies come home for Christmas, too?

W. Patrick Queen
November 2009

Please feel free to share this with others you know….especially if they have a loved one in the military this Christmas season…May God Bless each of you as you reach out for Him….