Sunday, December 20, 2009

God’s Gift is Our Heritage

Today, December 20th, is a monumental day in the life of our family…our daughter, Alyson, celebrates her 18th birthday. As I look back over the years past, thumb through the thousands of pictures taken and stroll down memory lane, I am struck by this awesome fact…..WHERE DID THE TIME GO!!!!!!??????

It seems like only yesterday that Terri and I were married….and after that first wonderful year as newlyweds, the joyous news that we were expecting a daughter….a daughter that far exceeded any and all of our expectations.

Now, I could spend a volume of paper citing and reciting all of the amazing accomplishments of our daughter, but rather than toot too loudly on her horn, I want to thank the person that should receive high praise for who she is and who she is becoming …..THANK YOU, LORD JESUS.

Beyond any shadow of a doubt, as Alyson’s parents, we want to thank Jesus for giving us this wonderful child; His child, who has blessed us beyond measure and has brought joy, laughter, heartache and sorrow…and who has surrendered her life to seeking and doing His will. I am always reminded of the scripture in Psalms 127:3 that reads, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.”

I am so thankful for my daughter and for the heritage that has been instilled in her as a young woman. I have been reminded of the awesome responsibility of raising a child, especially in turbulent times like these, as in the past few weeks as I have been teaching from Dr. Wilkerson’s book, A Life God Rewards. In the chapter that deals with being a steward of all that God has entrusted to us, I focused on the asset of the world in which we have been commissioned to go, tell, baptize and teach. I had us look closely at the asset that is each of us…the uniqueness of who we are and the talents and abilities that God has blessed us with. But, as a parent, the greatest asset that God has entrusted to my care is the growth, wealth, health, happiness and well-being of my daughter….and most importantly ….that she be raised in the likeness of her Lord.

God is looking at the way I am taking care of His world and how I am interacting with those that need to come to know Christ….that is my duty and my obligation to obedience to Him as I seek to become a faithful steward of His bounty. As a steward of my personal talents and abilities, God is constantly encouraging me to take an inventory of who I am and who I am becoming as I empty myself of selfish desires and refill myself with the love of His Son…this is my personal edification, done for His glory. But, my role as a steward of my greatest asset, my wonderful daughter, Alyson, is a lasting legacy of the one of the most treasured portions in my life.

My prayer today, for me and for every parent, is quite simple…..GOD MAKE ME A BETTER STEWARD OF THE CHILDREN YOU HAVE ENTRUSTED TO ME!!!!!

Make me a better father as I listen, instruct, encourage, teach, discipline and love my child…just as you do for me as my Heavenly Father. May I stand before you at the Bema Seat and have you judge me and the stewardship of my daughter with a smile on your face and may I hear those gentle, life-affirming words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

Today, I bless your name for the gift of my daughter, ALYSON TAYLOR QUEEN, and for the heritage that I leave behind in this wonderful child of yours…..May she be the joy for you that she has been for her mother and I.

Celebrating today…rejoicing forever more,


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