Monday, January 11, 2010

Step Up to Stand Out

Have you ever caught a snowflake on your finger and looked at its intricate pattern before it dissolved? Or have you ever witnessed a rainbow or sunset that was truly ‘one of a kind” and knew that there would never be another one like it?

If so, welcome to the wondrous world that God has created where no two humans are exactly alike (even identical twins have their own uniqueness). Welcome to a world that should celebrate that individualism and be a better world for it.

God has created each of us with special talents and abilities that will allow us (and only us) to accomplish His will and prepare the coming Kingdom for its completeness. The scriptures are resplendent with examples of godly men and women who forsook it all to follow Jesus…but they seldom started out that way and all too often, they needed a gentle push to set them on their way.

Paul is an excellent example of such a Biblical character that started out to destroy Jesus and his followers; but, after his dramatic conversion and some encouragement from a new-found friend, he finally got his act together and took it on the road. Check it out!

Read Acts 11:19-26 and you will read how Barnabas was sent by the church in Jerusalem to see what was taking place in Antioch….”When he arrived and saw the grace of God, he was glad and he encouraged all of them to remain true to the Lord with a firm resolve of the heart- for he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith- and large numbers were added to the Lord.” Notice what happens next; “Then he went to Tarsus to search for Saul and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the church and taught large numbers. It was at Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians.”

Now, news was out that Saul (Paul) had become a convert…but NO ONE WANTED TO TRUST THIS NEW DISCIPLE WITH THEIR LIFE….except Barnabas. The stories were all too fresh of the horrors of Saul’s earlier past, but Barnabas, led by the Holy Spirit, knew that God’s calling was upon Paul’s life. If Paul was to become all that God wanted him to be, then he would need encouragement, direction and guidance; and above all else, he would need a friend that would stick closer than a brother in these new and trying times. Barnabas chose to be the one to effectively prepare Paul for the mission field that lay ahead. For a whole year, he poured all that was in him into this new vessel named Paul….and even though their relationship was later strained when they parted company, I am confident that Paul always knew the debt of love and gratitude that was due his good friend and mentor, Barnabas.

Are you that rising star, waiting in the wings for someone to give you a boost into the starry sky or …are you the one that God has called to do the boosting? Many times someone must step up in order to help someone else stand out. Barnabas did that for his new brother in Christ as he stepped out in faith and brought him into his ministry in Antioch…..and we only have to read the Scriptures to understand what this meant to Paul.

Right now, why not ask God if there is someone that needs a word of encouragement or perhaps, someone that you need to tuck under your wing and train for the work of His Kingdom. The cost may be great, but the reward is even GREATER.

Maybe, you’re the one that is waiting on God’s mentor and your upcoming assignment.

Either way, God is at work, raising up and preparing …ready to use your uniqueness for His Glory. You can be all that God has called you to be and you can help others do likewise…the choice is yours,

Seeking to serve….serving my Savior,

Thought for the day:

God has called each of us
To live for Him each day
So why not bring others along
And guide them in His ways.

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