Monday, June 14, 2010

What’s in Your Wallet- 2?

In my last writing, I posed the question listed above and asked what it would mean to each of us to have the first picture in our wallet portfolio be a snapshot of Jesus?

Today, I would like to continue that thought and ask the following….How would we spend our money, if every time we opened our wallet, the first thing we saw was the picture of our Savior?????

Think on this scenario….you’re standing at the counter of your favorite store with loads of “goodies” piled high at the checkout register and you open your wallet to take out your cash or another credit card and you see the picture of Jesus…how do you proceed?

Scripture helps us in this situation as we read in Matthew 6:19-21, 24, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break through and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. For no one can serve two masters, for he either will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”

Now God is not in the business of “ raining on our parade” but He has laid out certain guidelines that contribute to our overall health and well-being …and one of those is to live simply, so we can simply live and fulfill the plans that He has laid before us.

If every tine we reached for our credit cards, we had to go pass the picture of Jesus in our wallets, we might take the moment to ask ourselves, “Is this something I really need …Would Jesus be pleased with my purchase…in the advancement of God’s agenda on earth, will this be beneficial to me, to others and most importantly, will it advance the kingdom of God?”

Of course, this seems like a lot to go through just to purchase a new pair of shoes or a better riding lawn mower…and surely God doesn’t begrudge our fulfillment of our needs and our wants; but, the questions still remains….are we seeking to serve God or worshipping at the alter of WalMart with our buy now, pay later mentality.

Each of us needs to take stock of our relationship with Jesus and our relationship with money and the things it can buy….only an honest assessment of our willingness to be obedient and to follow the commands of our Heavenly Father will allow us to live with less as we seek to serve the Lord of heaven and earth …and to lay up for ourselves, treasures in heaven.

So I offer this challenge for the next several months…take a look at your check register or your credit card statement and see where you are spending the resources that God has freely given you….then, adjust accordingly! You will be surprised as you seek to obey the Father and serve Him in all things how He will open the floodgates of heaven with His supernatural outpouring of blessings.

Then you too will exclaim as I do each and every day…I am



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