Monday, January 24, 2011

K. I. S. S.

At sometime or at some point in our life, someone has told us to follow the advice of the acronym above….Keep It Simple Stupid….in fact, in more times than I like to recall that advice has been used on me. But today, I would like for us to see this acronym in a different light …I want us to KEEP IT SIMPLE SAINT.

For everyone that calls themselves a Christian, I fear that all too often we make the Christian life harder and more complicated than God ever intended….follow my thinking for just a moment and you might find yourself in agreement.

Too often, we make the Christian life about the Regiment and not the Relationship. We spend all of our time trying to go to church, attend men’s or women’s fellowships, become part of a couple’s Bible study or attend a mid-week prayer service and other church functions. This often leads to our failure to remember it’s about our relationship with our Savior and not our regiment of responsibilities.

Yes, we need to be immersed in the fellowship of a solid, Bible-believing, God-honoring Christian church; however, we should never substitute DOING for BEING….the life of a Christian is not about what we do, but who we are and who we are constantly becoming in Christ Jesus.

God (as always) said it best in Scripture through his prophet, Micah, who used the acronym, KEEP IT SIMPLE SAINT, when he wrote, “He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

God has given us the triune of truth in this simple statement of how to please and honor Him….First, we are to act JUSTLY….to provide justice in all our dealings with all those that He brings into our lives. Simply put, DO THE RIGHT THING!!!!! And you might ask….What is the right thing? It is what Jesus would do if He were standing in your shoes; so the question in any situation is always, WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?

Secondly, God tells us to love mercy….to give more mercy than we receive. Jesus said it this way, “Love your enemies and pray for those that persecute you that you may be the sons of your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:44

God, in His infinite mercy, has made a way for you to come back to a right relationship with Him through the shed blood of His Son….you are to do likewise…to offer mercy and restore broken relationships to wholeness through the love and compassion that is available in Jesus. And lastly…..

You are to walk humbly with your God….and why would you ever begin a journey of a lifetime with someone you don’t know personally? God has called each of us to sainthood….to becoming more like Jesus every step, every day…In every moment, in every way; we are to mimic Christ so that when others see us, THEY SEE JESUS!!!!!

Your life today can be made richer and fuller in Christ if you will just heed the words of Micah and learn to KEEP IT SIMPLE SAINT….Let go of the routines, the rituals and start working on the RELATIONSHIP ….Jesus is waiting for you to draw closer to him by following these three simple steps….love justice, love mercy, love Jesus.

Living for Jesus…Drawing closer to Him,


Thought for the Day:

Father, it is through your Spirit
We are filled with your love and power.
Please make us more like Jesus
Each day and every hour.

Keep us humble in our daily walk
May our journey be in this…
We long to honor Jesus
When we simply abide in K.I.S.S.

WPQ January 2011

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