Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bad Times Are Comin'

Again today, I want us to take a look at some of the advice I gleaned from Dr. David Jeremiah’s book, Then Coming Economic Armageddon. Our topic today deals with another of his axioms…..


We know from our discussion yesterday that there is little, if anything, we can do about the economic crisis that looms over our global economy; but sticking our head in the sand will only make matters worse…and though we can’t control what is going on around us, we can control what happens under our own roof. So lets talk about doing the following so that we can keep our house in order.

TAKE A PERSONAL INVENTORY of your financial situation and seek the truth no matter how painful that may be. You can’t change and do better if you don’t first admit that change is needed or even required…and how can you change if you don’t know what needs to change. No matter how bad your finances appear, God owns it all and He can make a way where there seems to be NO WAY.

MINIMIZE YOUR INDEBTEDNESS by just saying NO! The Bible does not forbid indebtedness, but it warns us time and time again regarding its misuse. Proverbs 22:7says, “The rich rule over the poor and the borrower is the servant to the lender.” Keep your spending to the minimum when it comes to things that are outside your family budget …cut up those credit cards and deal in cash only. It’s call a plasitectomy!

MANAGE YOUR MONEY and don’t let the roles be reversed. If you have funds to invest, seek godly financial counsel and spend time in God’s word asking for His direction. There are 9 principles that Dr. Jeremiah points to that help us stay focused on this important matter….

1)Desire principle- Your heart resides where your treasure lives.
2)Discernment principle-Ask God to reveal lies and to make known His truths.3)Discussion principle-Seek out godly counsel, trusted advisors and learn to talk and to listen to them as God directs.
4)Discipline principle-Seek God first for everything else follows that.
5)Depreciation principle-Place your treasure above; it all just rust and rots when left behind.
6)Due Diligence principle-Calculate ALL the cost before plunging head first into anything.
7)Diversification principle- Share some with all and all with some.
8)Descendant principle- Take care of those you love and those you leave behind.
9)Devotion principle-Be a cheerful giver of all you possess so that God will be pleased by your honor of Him.

Yes, we can count on this….Bad times are coming… so we need to make sure that we keep our house in order so that we can remain faithful in finishing the race we now run. If God is on our side…who can stand against us?

Come back tomorrow and we’ll answer that question as we come to understand how we need to keep our heart in our faith….

Blessed and Believing,


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