Friday, March 4, 2011

Seek Him to Find Favor

My question for each of us today is quite simple….have you found favor in the eyes of the Lord?

In Genesis, the sixth chapter, we find 10 little words that set the entire tone of this great and mighty chapter regarding his servant, Noah; however, to get all of the “goodness’ that God wants us to glean, we have to begin at verse 5…

The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth and His heart was filled with pain. So, the Lord said, “I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth- men and animals, creatures that move along the ground and the birds of the air-for I am grieved that I made them.” But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.”

The Lord’s heart was broken! His wonderful, majestic and awesome creation was totally and devastatingly broken …and God’s only recourse was to start over by destroying all He had made. In the beginning, all that God had created He pronounced as” GOOD;” but now, it was all rubbish, set to be destroyed by the Great Flood….except for one man, NOAH.

For Noah had found favor in the eyes of the Lord, but just what does that mean… To find FAVOR?

Our dictionary would define favor as approval, esteem, preferentiality or preference….to hold someone in a special place of honor …and when God looked upon Noah, His heart was blessed because of what he saw in the life of Noah. Let’s read on…

“Noah was a righteous man, BLAMELESS AMONG THE PEOPLE of his time, AND HE WALKED WITH GOD.” (MY EMPHASIS) Genesis 6:9

As the eyes of the Lord had watched the life of Noah, God was pleased with what He saw and He bestowed His favor on this man and his family. Why? Because Noah lived to please God, not men….he walked daily upon the continuous path of commitment to God in worship and obedience.

How do we know this? Well, just read the rest of the story and you will see that at every turn, Noah followed the commands of the Lord and did exactly what was required of him. Thus, God established His covenant with Noah and his family to keep them safe and to be the seed to replenish His earth.

How about you ….have you found favor in the eyes of the Lord?

God’s eyes are searching and seeking to find those that will be blameless among the people of their time…those who will walk steadfastly with their God….seeking those upon whom He might bestow His favor. His eyes are upon you and the only question that remains….will you find favor this day in the eyes of the Lord or will His eyes turn away because of the sin and disobedience He sees?

Copy the life of this great man of God ….Be obedient and walk in the path of daily communion with the Father and you too will know the favor of the Lord…; bless the heart of God as He sees the beauty in a life that is committed to Him.

Seeking His Face….Under His Watchful Eye,


The eyes of the Lord travel to and fro
Seeking to find someone;
Upon whom he might bestow
Blessings for a life well done.

So give Him your love and obedience
And each morning when you arise;
Plan to live this day for Him
To find favor in His eyes.

March 2011

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