Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Getting What You Deserve?

With all the turmoil that exists in our country today, there seems to be one recurring theme that is constantly being bantered about….and it deals with the mindset of those that are bent on getting what they deserve.

Now, I don’t know about you; but for me personally, I am not the least bit interested in getting what I deserve; especially when talking about my former relationship with God.

Throughout the scriptures, we are constantly reminded of our sins, failures, shortcomings, disappointments and overall lack of worthiness to be loved by God. In fact, we are told that even our best is “filthy rags’ when presented to the Almighty. We are told that the wages of our sin is death and that we are totally cut-off and separated from God by our sin….in simple words, if we got what we deserved, it would be separation and annihilation from and by God.

But our God is a God of mercy….and God’s mercy is not getting what we deserve. We deserve to be despised and loathed by our Creator but as we read in Romans 5: 8, “but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners (MERCY), Christ died for us (GRACE).”

It is so simple to run around with our chest puffed out and demand we get the things in life we think we deserve; however, when we view our lives through the eyes of our Heavenly Father, it is easy to see how that kind of thinking brings about ruin and a life lost forever.

God has shown each of us mercy by loving us in spite of our sin and He has bestowed His grace on us by allowing His only Son to pay the price for that sin. We deserve death but God’s mercy and grace have provided a way out….and I, for one, am grateful for His mercy shown and His grace bestowed.

Do you really want God to give you what you’ve got coming to you…. or are you FOREVER GRATEFUL that God’s mercy and grace supersedes your sins ….in this season of thanksgiving, here's a great place to start praising the God of the Universe.

Why not enter this Thanksgiving day with a thankful heart....acknowledge to all of those that you interact with that you serve a God that loves you and has bestowed His grace and mercy upon you....He has purchased you with the blood of His only Son and given you not what you deserve but rather a gift of immmeasurable proportions.

My question for you this Thanksgiving.....where do you stand in this "getting what you deserve" debate?

It is a question that demands an answer….after all, one day you WILL bow before Jesus and receive all that you’ve got coming to you…..reward or retribution…..the choice is yours!!!!!

If you need to meet my Jesus, contact me…. I’ll be happy to make the introduction!

Bathed in His mercy….clothed in His grace,

Poem for the Day:

Christ love has no limits.
His grace knows no measure;
He lives forever in my heart
He alone is my greatest treasure.

WPQ 2011

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