Thursday, January 29, 2015

Obstacle or Opportunity?

It is so wonderful to serve our mighty God…one who is all-knowing and all powerful; yet, there is one thing God has never known…it is a Problem! God has never encountered a problem; never run up against something that caused Him concern or baffled Him as to what should be done. God ALWAYS has a perfect plan He wants to share with you.

In our world, what you may see as an obstacle, trial, tribulation or problem …God sees as an opportunity. Don’t believe me….read John 9:1-3 “As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind? And Jesus replied, Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.”

Did you catch the magnitude of the lesson that Jesus was trying to teach his disciples? It was for God’s glory to be manifested in this blind man’s life that he was born without sight….what was his obstacle to overcome was God’s opportunity to exalt His Son. We can search the Old Testament and there read the story of Joseph and how his own brothers sold him into slavery. Once in his new country, his hard work and winning ways soon had his employer put him in a position of authority over his household; but when Joseph refused to have a sexual rendezvous with Potiphar’s wife, she told lies to her husband and Joseph was thrown in prison. But at each obstacle, Joseph remained faithful to God and was obedient….and God counted that to the benefit of Joseph….and when all was accomplished; Joseph saved his family and all of Egypt from a terrible famine. His obedience in the face of obstacles and his faith to trust in God placed him in a position of leadership and opportunity.

The same can be true for each of us today. For everything that we see as a problem in our lives, God has placed that obstacle there as His opportunity. We may not see the reason why or understand His methods ….but when we cannot see the hand of God; we can always trust His heart. He has promised us in His word that all will turn out for our good if we seek His face and live according to His purpose for our lives.

So, today no matter what obstacles God has placed in your path…REJOICE…and know that He is already at work to accomplish His will in your life…to make you more like His Son so that you may bring Him glory in all things.

Jesus left his disciples and us with these words from John 16:33, “I have told you these things so that you might have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart!

Are you an over comer today in Jesus Christ? It’s all in your viewpoint of your Heavenly Father’s plan…..OBSTACLE or OPPORTUNITY….The choice is yours!

Thought for the Day:

Begin each day with this thought,
Jesus cares for you;
So when upon life’s seas you’re tossed,
His love will see you through.

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