Patience…The Lost Virtue of Our Time!
It wasn't that long ago that patience was on everyone's
"to do" list; however, in our fast-paced world of instant mashed
potatoes, microwave popcorn and self-help psychology to assert ourselves if we
really want to succeed; patience has been tossed on the trash pile of
obsolescence….in other words, patience is not all that desirable anymore.
But God's Word still has a lot to say about patience… and
Jesus was the best model of patience that the world has ever seen.
Proverbs 19:11 says, "A
man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an
offense." In our world today,
we see so many people so inflated by their own ego that they believe that what
they want and when they want it is simply the most important thing in the world
to them and therefore, it should be the same for everyone else.
The patient man or woman, however, knows that by their
patience that all good things come to those that wait… and wait PATIENTLY! They
know that to build a quality, long-lasting reputation takes time and therefore,
they are slow to anger, reluctant to speak harshly or with a divisive tongue
and most importantly, they do not assert their reputation…they simply earn it!
The same can be said about our Savior…He could have won all
the kingdoms of the world at the Temptation; but He waited! He could have set
up an earthly kingdom when He rode into Jerusalem
on Palm Sunday; but He waited! He could have called the heavenly host to His
rescue as He hung upon the cross; but He waited…and most all, He could have
returned yesterday for you and me, but He waited!
Why is Jesus so eternally patient? Because the greater His
patience, the greater our opportunities to be more like Him in our service and
our character…and the greater our portion will be in His eternal scheme.
Yes, Jesus is our example of patience, love and so much
more…but do not be deceived! He will not always wait for us to "come around"
to Him and to His eternal plan for our lives …or for us to make that simple decision
to trust Him with our salvation through His sacrifice on the cross.
His love may know no bounds…but I'm not sure the same thing can
be said about His patience…don't test the Father another day…make today the day
you come to Jesus!
Living patiently…awaiting His glorious return,
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