Blessed are the
Poor in Spirit
All of
us know someone who is "so full of themselves", so prideful that we
do anything within our power to avoid having to spend much time in their
presence. We know that we will be subjected to a litany of all their past conquests
and their recent triumphs and of course, we will be expected to stand and
applaud. In fact, for some of us, all we need do to be in the presence of
someone like this is to stand in front of the mirror and look deeply into our
own reflection.
began his Sermon on the Mount by calling out such people and telling all those
within the sound of his voice that God seeks to bless those who are poor in
spirit...not the kind of person I just mentioned. But what does it mean to be
"poor in spirit"? Is Jesus telling his disciples to be humble and
therefore, BE HAPPY!
Throughout all of the Scriptures, we see that
God honors, even exalts those who come to Him with a humble spirit. Psalm 51:17
says, "The sacrifices of God are a
broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." It also revels to us in Psalm 149:4, "He crowns the humble with
salvation." The Bible
consistently tells us that the pride of self-sufficiency will only lead to
ruin...that Pride comes before a Fall!
and Eve started the ball rolling when they sought to see themselves as
the serpent pricked their heart with pride, The Fall of Mankind began and sin
entered the world. It is from that place of self, selfishness and our desire for
independence from our Maker that has led us to the depraved society in which we
now find ourselves. WE
within the heart, soul and spirit of man a God-shaped hole that ONLY He can
fill...and no amount of ANYTHING ELSE will ever be sufficient to make us
complete. Our drive to be self-sufficient is a futile effort and only leads to our
destruction, despair and desperation.
that desperation just may be our way out of this prideful trap of the Deceiver.
It's in that type of desperation that we may begin to search for God...we may
move from a frantic self-effort to be happy to an utter dependence on God for
all of His blessing. If we truly embrace the first Beatitude and are "poor
in spirit", we can leave behind that haughty, prideful attitude and see
our need for a Savior and for a relationship with our Father through His Son,
Jesus Christ.
And God tells us in no uncertain terms that He
honors those who diligently seek Him. In Jeremiah 29:13 we read, "And you will seek me and find me, when
you search for me with all your heart!" It is that heart, one poor in spirit, that God
will honor and will bless!
you waiting on God for a blessing? Are you longing to be happy and to know His
joy everlasting? Then seek Him and Him
only and you will be....Happy in the Joy of the Lord and fully...
Beyond Measure,
Poem for the Day:
The eyes of the Lord travel to and
Seeking to find someone;
Upon whom he might bestow
Blessings for a life well done.
So give Him your love and obedience,
And each morning when you arise...
Plan to live this day for Him
To find favor in His eyes.
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