Tuesday, February 21, 2017


In many areas across our country, there are lots of folks engaged, even obsessed, with creating a newer, leaner, younger looking "self." They have gone to great lengths to change their outward appearance, opting for plastic surgery to pull back the ravages of time; Lasik surgery to restore their vision to its childhood acuity; tummy tucks and fat removal...and the list goes on and on!

The sad part of this story as it plays out across the landscape of America is that there are not enough of us concerned about the "inner man"...we are still the callous, corrupt, self-centered sinners we have always been. Paul told the Corinthians that by coming to Christ we became new creatures; "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away (died), behold, new things have come." 2 Corinthians 5:17

What he might have said to this generation would probably go something like this...When you let Christ come into your life, all of your old cells that lead you to sin, DIE! Behold, you are born anew and have a new DNA that makes you like Christ!

Think on that for just a moment...you are no longer who you used to be. In fact, all that you were is no more because now Jesus, and the Indwelling Holy Spirit, lives and breathes within you...YOU ARE TRULY A NEW CREATURE IN CHRIST JESUS!

So what does that really mean to us as a new creature in Christ? Our desire to live as we have lived in the past is dead or surely dying. We replace our wants for this world with our desires for  the world of Jesus (Heaven) where the Father's will is ALWAYS done. Romans 6:11 says, "So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to Christ Jesus."  With our new DNA, our desire is to be more like Christ in our speech, our deeds and in our worship and communion with our Heavenly Father.

Now, I am a realist and I know that such a transformation from who we were to who God wants us to be does not magically occur; however, the desire to be like Jesus does...the nuts and bolts of how to accomplish that may take a little longer. If truth be told, it is a lifelong process that occurs as we yield to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. The first thing we must do is to commit to ask the simple question regarding our new live in Christ....in each and every situation just ask, WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?

The answers may not always be clear and concise, but God is at work to do His will and accomplish His purpose in your new life and He will get you the right answer at just the right time so that you can know and experience what it means to have the mind of Christ.

So don't fret if this "new" you hits a speed bump or two in becoming the "new creation in Christ" that God is calling you to be. Just remember, God as NEVER MADE A MISTAKE and He won't start now with you. He is calling you to be like Jesus, but He has never and will never ask you to do this on your own. Trust in the Father for He cares for you and for the new creation that He has created with Jesus as your Savior....

Walking the Road to Heaven...One step at a time,


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