Friday, March 3, 2017

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms....

One of my favorite people that I got to hang out with as a young teenager was my Minister of Education at my church. His name was Jack Robinson and he made a "forever" impression on my young soul that shaped me as a man that would pursue God and hear the call to become a preacher. In fact, when I was ordained to preach at the tender age of 16, Jack gave me a Bible with a note that said, "If you want to live and work for God, always follow the teaching and admonishment found in Proverbs 3: 5-7...make this your lifeline and God will never let you down." That verse reads as follows: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight."

This verse has been an anchor for me throughout my life. Whenever I have faced a problem that seemed insurmountable; struggled with a decision that had life changing implications or been tossed back and forth between doing "my" thing over "God's" thing, I have called to mind this verse and been reminded that I am not in this life alone. I have a Heavenly Father that loves me, redeemed me and is acutely aware of all that may be coming against me...and if I will but acknowledge His Lordship over me, I will not have to face life and its many and various challenges alone.

But the first step on that road to letting God have His way with me is to TRUST IN HIM WITH ALL MY HEART. I fear that for too many of us, we have forgotten, or perhaps have never truly learned to trust in God...and that is often fueled because we have lost the ability to trust those around us.
Our politicians tell us one thing, then do another; a husband cheats on his wife with another woman; a employee embezzles from their employer and hides this grievous wrong for years...and the list goes on and on. It is often no wonder we find ourselves reluctant to trust others around us and we transfer those feelings of mistrust to our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

But here's the good, no make that GREAT NEWS... GOD is TOTALLY much so that you can trust Him with your most precious possession...YOUR HEART.

Here's what I have learned over my years as a follower of Jesus Christ....The life I want for me falls infinitely short of the wonderfully abundant life that God wants me to have. The problem arises when I believe that I know better than my Heavenly Father. The great evangelist and orator, Dwight L. Moody said it best; "Let God have your life; He can do more with it than you ever can."

So how do we surrender to our Heavenly Father so that He can use us as He sees fit and provide us with the abundant life that we all want to live? Well, come back tomorrow and lets discover the "secret" for trusting in God so that His will may be done in our lives and we can be joyful in all things.

Trusting in the One who is FOREVER TRUSTWORTHY...Leaning on the Everlasting Arms,


Poem for the day:

Don’t spend your life in grumbling
Seeing everything as grim…
Just place your trust in Jesus
Spend your life in praise to Him.

For when you trust in Jesus
Every day right from the start.
He will direct your every step
And will always guard your heart!

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