Tuesday, June 19, 2018

R U a Fair Weather Follower ???

We have all heard the term regarding a "fair-weather friend" and if I dare say so, many of us have, at one time or another in our lives, been just that ...A FAIR WEATHER FRIEND!

Which got me to thinking that all too often we treat Jesus in much the same way when it comes to our faith. Consider the many times He turned to His disciples and ask of them, "O ye of little faith?"  How many times could He have asked the same question of you and me as we falter in our daily walk with Him?

From the onset of His earthly ministry, Jesus was always questioning His followers regarding their faith. In Matthew 6 during His Sermon on the Mount, He tells his disciples not to worry regarding their daily needs since their Heavenly Father takes care of even the smallest sparrow and not one of the smallest of His creation can fall from the sky without His knowledge; however, we fret and worry about our next meal and wonder if God really cares and will feed and clothe us...so Christ asks, "Will He not much more clothe you, o you of little faith?"

And let us not forget that evening in the boat as the disciples began to make their way across the Sea of Galilee and the storm blew up, and the waves rocked and tossed the boat and all seemed lost...but at just the right moment, Christ arose from a peaceful slumber, rebuked the winds and the sea and all was calm...then He said to his followers, "Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no FAITH?" (my emphasis) Mark 4:40 NKJV

Unfortunately, many of us are just like those first disciples who had left their families, their homes, their livelihood to follow this miracle worker named Jesus.. all was well for a season!  But as opposition to the teachings of this man from Galilee arose and the hardships and threats against their lives increased, the disciples began to pull back into the shadows of their society so as not to upset the ruling sects of the Pharisees and Sadducees...they fell into the trap of being FAIR WEATHER FOLLOWERS!!!!

The same mentality can invade our thinking in our society today. We might hear that some folks don't like to spend time with those "religious nuts" and so we distance ourselves from our church friends or any reference to how we spend our Sundays in worship. We have a bad argument with our spouse and think that maybe this thing called marriage is just a farce and we would be better off on our own...or a job that we expected to retire from has been pulled out from under us and we are too old to learn anything new...so our faith falters and we begin to look for someone or something to blame. Yes, when life is going good and all the pieces seem to fit just right, we can proclaim that we do indeed love Jesus; but when life hands us a big bowl of lemons, we decide that we are no longer thirsty for life or for the work that requires us to make lemonade.

We are perfectly content to be a FAIR WEATHER FOLLOWER ...but a FWF is just a lukewarm follower and Christ said in no uncertain terms in Revelation 3:16, "So then, since you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spit (vomit) you out of my mouth."

THE BAD NEWS...There is a day of reckoning coming for us all...and for those who are just a Fair Weather Follower, it is NOT going to be a good day! 

THE GOOD NEWS...if you are still breathing, there is time to make a change and become a FAITHFUL FOLLOWER as you commit to lean on Jesus in all the challenges and triumphs of  life. 

Don't be apathetic about your relationship with Jesus. After all, He gave His all so that you could be reunited with your Creator and all He ask in return....LIVE FOR HIM LIKE YOU MEAN IT....




Poem for the day...

When troubles in your life
Are knocking you down;
It's then you need a faith
That's built on solid ground.

A faith that will sustain you
Though the stormy winds may blow.
A faith that keeps you in His grasp
And will never let you go!

Your faith must be your anchor
That keeps you tied and tethered.
So you will have a faith that last
Through more than just fair weather...

So no matter what you come against
Whether in calm or stormy seas;
A life that's a life of faithfulness
Is a life that's sure to please!

WPQ © JUNE 2018

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