Thursday, August 9, 2018


When  I was growing up, one of my favorite TV shows centered around a family of five plus their dog...A father, mother, eldest teenage daughter, middle child son and the baby of the family who was loving called "Kitten" by her father. Do you know the name of this show?

You're was Father Knows Best! Each week the family via the children, the mother or the dog would come home with a problem that seemed to confound everyone, except dear ole Dad. Yes, in fact, they even called him Father; a deep and sincere way to show their love and appreciation for the man that would make all things better.

And for a lot of us that call on God as our Heavenly Father, we see Him in much the same light. He is there to make all things right in our life so we can move on without being hindered by our problems or setbacks. But what if we took God at His word in Jeremiah 29: 11-13 which reads,

 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

You see God had a plan for your life...for my life...for the life of your spouse, your children, your neighbor, the guys at the parts store or at the supermarket.  Yes, for everyone God has a plan; however, the first step in that plan is to surrender to call on Him, pray to Him for our salvation and to know that He is listening for that prayer. That prayer is the connection that brings us into a "right" relationship with a righteous and holy God. Without that prayer, there is no connection!!!!

It is only when we seek out the Lord and find Him waiting with open arms that we can begin to experience the plans of good and for prosperity  that He has in store for us. The one simple plan that God has for each of us is this.....

BE LIKE HIS FIRST BORN SON....JESUS! When we strive to live like Jesus, we will begin to experience the plans that God has for our lives...and as we seek His face and surrender our will to His, we will know what God knows....for GOD KNOWS BEST!!!

Yes, God knows what is BEST for us and we too can come to know that when we seek Him with all our heart. So, don't let your problems confound and frustrate you; if God truly knows best, these problems are not meant to have you turn from Him...rather they come to have you TURN TOWARD HIM so that you might come to trust Him more as He molds you into the YOU that He wants you to be.

Do you truly believe that God Knows Best...or do you see yourself as an adviser who is chirping in God's ear telling Him what you think would be BEST in this situation? I'm sure of this....if God needs your advice, He is more than capable to ask you...but since He is the one that TRULY knows best, I can't see that happening. Rather than asking God to fix what's wrong, why not say,

Heavenly Father, my life seems to be topsy-turvy and in a real mess, but I know you love me and have plans for my life to prosper and for me to be more like Jesus every day. So, I trust you to do what only you can do to make my life turn out for my good and your glory...because

Living for the best....Prospering for Jesus,


Poem for the day.....

When your life is rough and rocky
And you don't seem to understand...
Remember to put you trust in Him
For the Father has a plan.

He plans to see you prosper;
For all things to turn out good...
If you will only seek Him
And live life the way you should.

When you pray to the Father
Your heart broken and contrite...
And you seek to know Him better
Morning, noon and night.

The Father has planned good for you
Each day you will be blest....
And forever you will reign with Him
For He truly know what's best!!!!!

WPQ © August 2018

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