In our quest to live and survive in this often cold
and cruel world, many of us turn to all sorts of things to find a time of
happiness and satisfaction; and some things in this world do give us those temporary
feelings ...but that's where the problem lies; THEY ARE ONLY TEMPORARY!
When Jesus returned from his confrontation with
Satan, he began his ministry by calling out that first inner circle of
disciples. It was Simon Peter and brother Andrew, who first threw down their
nets and left the shore to follow Jesus. Likewise, when Jesus encountered the
Sons of Zebedee, James and John, he beckoned them to follow and they, too, left
behind their father and their livelihood to follow this man from Galilee.
Shortly after this calling, Jesus and his new band of
friends were traveling about the countryside of Galilee. Matthew 4:23- 5:2
says, "Jesus went throughout
Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good
news of the kingdom; all the while, healing every disease and sickness
among the people. News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought
to him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the
demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed; and
he healed them. Large crowds from Galilee, the Decapolis, Jerusalem,
Judea and the region across the Jordan followed him. Chapter 5 continues, "Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he
went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he
began to teach them."
And what was the first sermon that Jesus preached to
the multitudes and to this band of men who had become his disciples? I like to
call it, "Happiness for a lifetime and beyond...Living to be Blessed!"
Others and theologians of great renown refer to the
next 8 verses as The Beatitudes, which means a "condition or
statement of blessedness;" however, the concept of blessedness is not
easily translated into English. "Happy, " "fortunate, " and
"favored" have all been offered as less than completely satisfactory translations.
"Happy" focuses narrowly on emotional well-being, not
taking into account that within our relationship to God, sin must be confessed.
"Fortunate" is derived from the Latin word for chance or luck and was
used also for the Roman goddess who determined arbitrarily and capriciously
each person's destiny. It still means a haphazard random selection for success,
collective possessions and wealth; however, who would consider the poor to be
fortunate? And Favor? Favor is the Latin word for grace: but to avoid
confusion, "favored" should not be used.
So why all this gestation over the word,
"Blessed"? Because for the next week or so, I want to take a closer
look at these special words, uttered by our Savior to the crowds that had
gathered on that Galilean hill and see what they might say to us as we seek to
be blessed by the Father.
Know this...being blessed is not about our working to
receive, but about God's bestowing His favor on those who seek to be blessed,
happy and favored by a gracious and loving God. Come back tomorrow and start this journey to
happiness according to Jesus.
Poem for the day....
If you want a
life of happiness;
One that's worry
Then you'll have
to wait for Heaven
Before that can
come to be!
For in this life
upon this orb,
Troubles will
But the saving
grace for all mankind?
Jesus has come
He faced the
same temptations
That still
plague our daily walk;
He did not give
in to the call of sin;
His life was
more than talk.
He taught by His
To lean upon the
To trust Him for
His blessings
And find our
courage in His word.
So heed the
message that He taught
And your life
will not be stressed;
For in His Sermon
upon the Mount
He taught us to
WPQ © July 2019
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