Monday, November 11, 2019

Did You Stop to Say....THANKS?

In just a few short weeks, we will be entering into the "holiday season"...that special time each year when we pause to reflect, give thanks and give praise for the greatest gift EVER...the baby Jesus, born to die for the sins of the world. Unfortunately, many people around the globe do NOT celebrate this season. In fact, out of 195 countries in the world, ONLY 9 set aside a day of celebration of thanksgiving. Which leads me to believe that most people are not really into saying...THANKS!

Case in point is easily found in Scripture, in the book of Luke. In fact, the telling of this story only occurs in the Gospel of Luke; but, I think it bears a closer look as we head toward the last Thursday of this month, commonly known as THANKSGIVING DAY!

Let me set the stage. Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem, passing through the middle of Samaria and Galilee. As He nears a certain village, standing on the outskirts of this small town, He is greeted with shouts from a leper colony of 10 men, each one shouting for Jesus to have mercy on them. It is very likely that the healing reputation of Jesus had reached them, even though, due to their leprosy, they had NEVER seen such a miracle...but they would not be dissuaded! Jesus, in an act of mercy and grace called back to them with one simple command...he said,

"Go show yourselves to the priest."

I'm quite confident that they looked at each other in bewilderment; however, they knew that if they were to be allowed back into Jewish society, they would need a certificate of release from the priest, declaring that they were free of the off they went!

And that's when it happened; Luke 17:14b reads, "And so it was that as they went, THEY WERE CLEANSED!" (my emphasis) Scripture continues, "And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice, glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, GIVING HIM THANKS! And he was a Samaritan." Luke 17:15-16

So what is the real lesson to be learned from this one-of-a-kind story and why was it so important for Dr. Luke to share in his Gospel? Let's examine in the following list:

1) It took an action of obedience in this man of God to start the healing process...had these men just stood around, they would have stayed lepers. It is when we step out in faith that God can and does change us from what we are to what He wants us to be.

2) The power of God moves when we move and follow His instructions...nothing changes without action and faith.

3) It is not enough to follow God's instructions, wait for our miracle and then just return to life as normal. Only ONE MAN returned to acknowledge what Christ had done for Him when he sought to be obedient....and he was not even a Jew as were the other nine.

4) When we encounter the workings of a holy and righteous God, we should do this....shout with a loud voice in praise and adoration glory to God; then, fall on our face in worship as we  GIVE HIM THANKS!!!!

This Samaritan man received more than his healing from leprosy when he encountered Christ from afar...he received salvation. The last verse of this story says; "And he said to him, Get up and go your own way. Your faith has saved you." (Luke 17:19 Christian Standard Bible)

So where does that leave you and me as we approach this upcoming season of Thanksgiving? Are we ready to acknowledge all that Christ has done for us? Have we been obedient and stepped out in faith to accomplish the will of the Father or are we still mulling around, waiting to be pushed into service? And if we are doing for the Father, have we thanked Him, praised Him and giving Him the glory and not lapped it up for ourselves?

Let's make it a point to vow a simple promise for this coming Thanksgiving Day....let's truly be thankful for our God of provision, promise and punctuality. Yes, our God provides all we ever need to do His will and to walk in His way. He ALWAYS keeps His promises for He is the same yesterday, today and forever. And, He is always ON TIME...never late; seldom early; but always there when we need Him most...and all it takes on our part is to follow the actions of this thankful Samaritan brother (who I look forward to meeting someday in our Heavenly home).

So I promise to anyone who reads this story that God is just waiting for you to show your thankfulness....and when you do, He's ready, willing and able to bless you in ways you cannot begin to's to a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Blessed Beyond Measure...Thankful in Him,


Poem for the day...

God wants you to know how much He cares
For you to trust in Him; for He's always there.
He's longing to grant your heart's desires;
To fill your heart and life with His Holy fire.

But there's several things that He wants from you
If you want His love to come shining through;
He wants your love and your thankfulness
As you walk with Him in true obedience.

So if you'll commit that you will start each day
By reading His word and taking time to pray;
Then get ready to truly see life through His eyes
As you seek to serve Him and stretch for the prize.

The prize that is yours when your service is done;
For at last, now at home with the Father and Son.
You'll bow at His throne; to all you'll proclaim...
"How precious is Jesus..and the power of His name!"

WPQ © November 2019

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