This is a reprint of a former post...
The Christmas season brings for many, the joy and celebration of spending time with those you love and adore, reveling in the traditions of Christmas past. Unfortunately, looking back to those past Christmases can also bring heartache, pain and the pangs wrought by unforgiveness. Who of us hasn't had a Christmas spat with a family member that leaves us feeling wounded and bruised; however, for most of us, we check our egos and extend the hand of love and forgiveness to each injured party and move on with our celebration of this holy season.
Maybe, you find yourself this Christmas season getting ready to avoid someone with whom you have been wronged. The pain and hurt are still fresh on your mind and embedded in your have not been able to forgive, much less forget.
The apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:32 that we cannot afford to live this way and be in right communion with our Heavenly Father...Paul says, "And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ."
After all, the true meaning of Christmas is the starting point of God's plan of salvation by providing Heaven's perfect lamb in the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ...the once and for all sacrifice that would show mankind the Father's immense love and make a way for us to be FORGIVEN and reborn as new creatures in Christ.
So if our great and holy God the Father can forgive us for our sins, shortcomings and mess ups that wound and destroy our relationship with Him; how much more can He expect us to forgive those we encounter that do likewise to us? If we were perfect, then we might expect to sit on our throne and demand better from those that we love...but let's face it...
NO ONE IS PERFECT EXCEPT THE RIGHTEOUS SON OF GOD...BORN IN A MANGER SO THAT HE MIGHT BECOME AS US, ONLY PERFECT! It is that perfection that allows him to wear the mantle of Savior, die for OUR SINS, be raised from the dead, and assume His rightful position, seated FOREVER AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER.
Now, I don't know about you, but as a guy, I HATE rattles, creaks and noisy squeaks. In fact, on more than one occasion, I have pulled my car over and got out or under the car to find out where a rattle or squeak might be originating...and when found, I grab my little squirt can of WD 40 and apply liberally to the squeak...for me, it is the oil of liberation.
The same should be true for our injured relationships with our loved ones and the "squeak" of unforgiveness that keeps us uncomfortable and sometimes down-right mean and vindictive...that's when it is time to pull out the oil can of forgiveness and let it have its way in salving and solving the problem that keeps us at odds with a loved one. Use the oil generously as you ask for forgiveness or offer forgiveness to someone who may have wronged you. The one that apologizes first is saying "I love you and being with you" more than I love being right or pompous in my attitude. The one who forgives first says "I find my strength in holding tightly to the ones I love" more than I want to punish those who have hurt me. The one who forgets first says "My joy is complete when our relationship is as it should be....WHOLE AND WITHOUT BLAME AND OUR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER IS MY GREATEST TREASURE."
Maybe this Christmas season there is someone you need to forgive so you can begin to forget and move past the hurt...maybe, you're the one that needs to be forgiven...but in any case, someone has to squeeze the oil of forgiveness on the situation. If not, then another Christmas will come and go and loving one another as Paul commanded will be lost; yet another Christmas memory will be made...
So make memories that count and show the Father's love this Christmas...that will honor the Babe in the straw and give those you love a very Merry Christmas.
Loving the Babe...Making Memories with those I Love,
Poem for the day:
Christmas is a wondrous time
Filled with unending joy...
As we each celebrate
Heaven's baby boy.
But our joy can go amiss
When others cause us pain
As we forget what God has done
With eternity our gain
So share His love and tenderness
Forgiving those you love
And in so doing you will share
The Father's boundless love....
Merry Christmas!
WPQ©Dec 2017
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