Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Shaking Free from the Shackles of FEAR....

Today, March 25, 2020, our nation enters another day dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic that is changing our lives, disrupting our homes, businesses and social interaction with those we know and love. It is creating many problems that may seem insurmountable and leaving so many of our friends, neighbors, and perhaps many of us, bound and shackled with overwhelming fear...  fear of the unknown and fear of what lies ahead....So what can and should we do about dealing with our fears?

I am sure the great apostle Paul was no novice when it came to fear. Just a quick overview of his life and it is easy to see the times, places and circumstances that could have paralyzed Paul with fear; rendering him ill-equipped and useless for service to our Lord. But Paul had learned a simple truth...WHEN GOD IS FOR YOU, WHO CAN STAND AGAINST YOU! It was the same mindset that he sought to pass on his son-in-the-faith, a young pastor named Timothy.

In 2 Timothy 1:3-7, Paul reminds Timothy that even though trials and tribulations will come his way as he continues to follow and to preach Christ, he encourages him with the following....

I thank God, whom I serve with a clear conscience as my ancestors did, when I constantly remember you in my prayers night and day.  Remembering your tears, I long to see you so that I may be filled with joy, clearly recalling your sincere faith that first lived in your grandmother Lois, then in your mother Eunice, and that I am convinced is in you also.

Therefore, I remind you to keep ablaze the gift of God that is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment."(Holman Christian Standard Bible)

Paul is reminding young Timothy not to be shackled with FEAR but rather to fan the flame of God's Holy Spirit that has been placed inside of him. In so doing, he will demonstrate the power of the mighty God he serves; he will be a beacon of love in a dark and desperate world and more than these things, he will be seen by others as one filled with the wisdom, passion and sound judgment that comes from a man filled with faith.  Paul is calling his young protégé  to demonstrate the power of God that is living in him so that he will make calm and rational decisions...let's be clear,  IT IS HARD TO MAKE GOOD DECISIONS WHEN YOUR VISION IS CLOUDED BY FEAR!!!!

And maybe that is where many of us have begun our day...unsettled and fearful of what is going to happen because of this pandemic. We have put on our spectacles of fear and cannot see that in all of the noise and rubble of this world-wide epidemic, GOD HAS NOT LEFT HIS THRONE!!!
He is still the Creator and Ruler of this universe and NOTHING can come against us as believers that has not first passed through His hands....and yet, our human nature tells us to be fearful!

One thing I have learned in the trials that have come my way in years past; that often, when fear gripped my soul and left me motionless, I had to step out in faith, act and obey God in order to move forward ...and then allow my feelings to catch up with this simple truth...


Maybe today, God is waiting on you to shake off the shackles of fear that have bound you to inaction and has you hunkered down waiting for this storm to pass...but don't stay put and inactive because of fear...such action does not come from the spirit that He has placed inside each of us as His followers. Truly, sometimes God calls us to wait on Him before stepping out to meet a need or lend a helping hand; however, often He is waiting on us to make the choice to trust Him and take action and in so doing, see His mighty hand at work.

Could it be that today is such a day? Do you have someone that is so fearful that they will not leave their home and is running out of food or other necessities?  Is there an elderly friend that is alone and feeling hopeless that just needs to hear a kind, soothing voice of comfort and assurance that all will be well? I know we are to shelter in place and that is good advice; but, maybe there is something you can do or someone you can touch from the comforts of your home...maybe you even need to act in faith and step out to make sure the neighbor next door or down the street has all their meds and plenty to eat?

Whatever it is that God may have laid upon your heart to do, follow the advice that Paul gave young Timothy as he encouraged him to shake off the shackles of fear and live in


Living in the Spirit ...Trusting in his POWER,


Poem for the day.....

In these dark and troubled times,
We can often lose our way.
Wondering what our fate may hold
Should we live another day?

Is the world coming to an end:
Is this a time for shedding tears?
How can we move forward
When we are paralyzed by fear?

Can we trust our government
And the leaders that now rule?
Do we follow blindly and
Are left looking like a fool?

But this one thing we are assured....
Our Father is on HIS throne;
And we need not fear the outcomes
For we are NOT alone....

For the Spirit of God is in us
And this truth we can hold dear;
Through His power, love and sound judgment
We shake off the shackles of our FEARS!

WPQ ©March 2020

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