Monday, April 13, 2020

Living Confidently -Day 5

For the past few days, we have focused on answering the question, “How can we live confidently in a chaotic world?” The scripture has taught us that we can live confidently if we follow the 5 “C’s”…we must remember that God is in CONTROL and in CHARGE as we surrender to his will….believe that God is COMPASSIONATE and his love sustains us through all of life’s calamities….find solace as we experience that God is CALM and has never been caught unaware….take heart in the knowledge that God is CONSISTENT and is the same for each of us; past, present and future.

But most of all, I believe we can, as the children of God, live confidently because of our Savior’s COMMITMENT…His unfailing promise to love us unconditionally and eternally. As always, Jesus’ own words say it best; “Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, you may be also.” John 14:1-3 ESV

Jesus could not bear the thought of living without you and me…so even though He would have to return to Heaven after his glorious resurrection, He shared with his disciples (and us) on that fateful night that HE WAS COMING BACK!!!!!

Yes, Jesus committed his life to the Father’s will and to his own personal destruction….and in his last act of commitment found in Acts 1:9-11, we read…

And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold two men stood by them in white robes and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”

Jesus has promised …has made the commitment …to come back and get those of us who are called by his name…and Jesus never lies!!!

There is, however, even more proof that Jesus is coming back …just as He promised …in the story that follows…the story of THE FOLDED NAPKIN….

At the tomb of Jesus, we see John out race Peter and arrive at the grave site first. He peers in, but does not enter. Then, Simon Peter arrives, enters and sees the grave clothes lying there; but the napkin that covered our Savior’s face was not with the grave clothes; rather, it was neatly folded and resting in a place by itself. The natural question was,

Why did Jesus fold the napkin?

The Gospel of John (20:7) tells us that the napkin, which was placed over the face of Jesus, was not just thrown aside like the grave clothes. The Bible takes an entire verse to tell us that the napkin was neatly folded, and was placed at the head of that stony coffin.

Is that important? Absolutely! Is it really significant? Yes! In order to understand the significance of the folded napkin, you have to understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition of that day. The folded napkin had to-do with the Master and Servant…and every Jewish boy knew this tradition.

When the servant set the dinner table for the master, he made sure that it was exactly the way the master wanted it. The table was furnished perfectly with everything in exactly the right place so the Master would be pleased; then the servant would wait, just out of sight, until the master had finished eating. The servant would dare not touch the table until he was sure that the master was finished. Then, if the master was done eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, clean his beard and then, he would wad up the napkin and toss it onto the table. The servant would then know to clear the table. For in those days, the wadded-up or unfolded napkin meant, “I’M DONE!”

But, if the master got up from the table, folded his napkin and laid it beside his plate, the servant would not dare touch the table, because..........

The folded napkin meant....I’M COMING BACK!!!!!

Praise God in Heaven…..He’s Coming Back to Redeem His Own.

I trust that today this little story holds great significance for you because you know Jesus as your personal Savior. He promised ….he has made a holy commitment to come back and take us to be with him.

Even in His resurrection moment, He confirmed by the folded napkin His promise that HE IS COMING BACK...and I, for one, can’t wait!

Clinging to the Hope …Living Confidently in a Chaotic World,


Poem for the day...

Jesus left this earthly orb
Into the skies He did rise;
Right before the ones He loved
Into the morning skies.

And as they stood there looking
Unsure of what to do?
Two men in white said to them,
"One day He's coming back for you!"

So if you call on Jesus’ name
Then believe this simple fact.
He has gone to prepare a place for us;

WPQ © MAY 2018

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter to All!

This year, in the midst of the world crisis of the corona virus, we will be forced to observe our Easter celebration in a different manner. We will not be able to gather with family and friends at our church to worship and sing those glorious Easter hymnns; we will not gather later for an Easter dinner with those we love and hold dear to our hearts. Most of us will spend this Easter in some manner of let us reflect on how that must feel. 

Christ endured such isolation as all of those He so dearly loved abandoned Him and hid...but as we hide from this pandemic, sheletered in our homes, let us remember that  HE IS RISEN and may we be joyful, knowing that today, 

He is Risen.....
On that last evening,
Before sharing their last meal;
The Son of God girded his waist
And at their feet, He would kneel.

To demonstrate His unending love
So all the world could see;
How we can serve each other
When we love unselfishly.

So to the garden, they did go;
Met with torches and betrayal kiss...
The Son of Man was lead away;
Surely things had gone amiss.

Standing in the courtyard,
Could this truly be God's plan;
That Pilate would give in to them
And crucify this guiltless man?

They led Him down Golgotha's Road;
His blood stained that Roman Cross.
Crucified between two thieves...
There could be no greater loss.

The day dragged on, the sky grew dark;
The sun no longer shone.
The Son of God had come to die,
For this, He left His throne!

He whispered, "It is finished"
Rumblings shook the earth;
For this had been the Father's plan
Since that lowly, virgin birth.

To lead His Son down this wretched road
What heart can take this in...
That Christ must be the sacrifice
To pay the debt for all our sin.

Taken down from that deadly tree,
Then  placed in a borrowed grave;
Jesus had borne our every sin,
For the world of sinners, His life He gave.

But God would not leave Him there
There so much more to this story.
For three days later He would arise,
So the Father would receive the glory.

For on that bright and fateful morn
The stone was rolled away;
The Son of God came triumphantly
Into the light of a brand new day.

For death could not seal Him in;
Death's sting had lost its power.
For Jesus arose to live again 
At the Resurrection hour....

And so we serve a LIVING king
The grave could not contain;
And one day we shall rise like Him...

WPQ © Easter April 2020

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Living Confidently – Day 4

This is an UPDATED reprint of a former series....

If you have been watching much TV in the last few weeks (before the onset of the corona pandemic), your optical and sensory receptors have been constantly bombarded with political ads …ads from would-be, wannabe politicians that will and have promised anything in hopes of securing your vote.

Many have promised lower taxes, reduced spending, end of “pork” projects, etc., etc, and etc. They have collectively promised anything and everything that they believed the majority wanted to hear …but now it is the time where “the rubber meets the road’. How many of our newly elected officials will actually carry out and consistently vote the voice of their constituents … a strong voice so loudly heard in the upcoming 2020 term elections?

I dare say there will only be a handful that will be consistent in following the will of the people…for unfortunately; men and women alike fail miserably when it comes to being consistent in our words and deeds.

But, praise be to God that He is CONSISTENT…and because He is, we can live with great confidence in these chaotic times….FOR OUR GOD KEEPS HIS WORD IN ALL THINGS.

In Hebrews, the 13th chapter, we read: “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me!” For Jesus is the same YESTERDAY and TODAY and FOREVER.”  (Verses 5-6, 8)

Our Savior is faithful and he is consistently all that we need to endure the slings and arrows of our adversaries. In fact, in the entire ministry of Jesus, he preached but one thing and one thing only …”I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. No man comes to the Father except through me.” John 14: 6

You can’t be much more consistent than that!!!!!!!! One message, one cross, one sinless man’s blood shed for the sins of all mankind….and one and only one way to the Father.

Yes, in all of the days that Jesus walked upon and among His creations, He was the perfect model of consistency. In miracle after miracle, we see that Jesus always arrived seldom early …never late …but always RIGHT ON TIME… so that God would receive the glory and the son of Man would be lifted up and held in high esteem.

Our God is CONSISTENT….the same for you and me and all those that call upon his name…and He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever. You can ALWAYS count on God to be there for you, even if all others have deserted you and have run for the hills. God will be at your side to lean upon …in front of you as your guide…and behind you as your rear guard…and if the journey is too great, then He will carry you to a place of rest and completion greater than you can think or imagine.

I could recount story upon story upon story of how God has worked consistently in my life and the life of my family for these many years…and I’m sure, if you took just a moment, many examples of his faithfulness and consistent love would flood your memory too….so why not do that today? Take that moment and think on those times that your Lord and Savior has been consistent in your life.

Then, you will be able to faithfully answer the question that seems to plague us all….

Why should I fear what can man do to me?

Living confidently in my Consistent Savior,

Poem for the day:
The Father seeks to give to us
The strength to face each day;
And we can live in confidence
As we seek to walk His way.

For when we surrender to His will
His Spirit will fill our life;
Helping us on every side
To defeat our times of strife.

Yes, to live our lives consistently
That should be our prayer;
For Jesus’ love will never change
As with others we seek to share.

WPQ© Oct 2016

Friday, April 10, 2020



As we pick up on our theme of our 5-part narrative of “HOW TO LIVE CONFIDENTLY IN A CHAOTIC WORLD,” I am reminded of the story of the disciples and their trip across the lake.

It seems that Jesus and his disciples had been very busy in the performance of traveling throughout the countryside teaching, preaching and conducting healing in the towns and synagogues of the region. One calm day, Jesus approached his disciples and said, “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake.” Now, this seemed to be a reasonable request, well within the expertise of this band of former fisherman…so they all hopped in the boat and set sail for the far side of the lake. Jesus, who was certainly tired and needed some rest, found a comfortable spot in the boat and went to sleep.

Well, as is the custom of the lake, the winds began to blow and in no short time, these rugged, experienced fishermen found themselves in the midst of a terrific storm; so fierce that they feared for their lives, yet all the while, Jesus continued to sleep. As the danger seemed to mount and the disciples feared that the boat would be swamped and capsize, they hurried to the Master... Luke 8:24-25 continues the story; “The disciples went and woke him saying, “Master, Master, we are going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided and ALL WAS CALM.”

In today’s world, if we are to live confidently in these chaotic times, we must learn the lesson that Jesus taught his disciples on the tempest tossed waters; in the midst of the raging wind and storm….we can be calm for HE IS CALM.

Yes, the third “C” in our list of the five “C’s” of confident living is we can live confidently for GOD IS CALM!!!!!

In the book of Psalms 107:28-30, we find confidence when we read, “Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm and he guided them to their desired haven.” Yes, our God is never anxious or unsettled; in fact, there are five words that do not exist in God’s vocabulary ….

“I DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING!!!!”  Our Heavenly Father has never been surprised or caught “off guard”. He has never been mystified or uttered the words “oops” or “uh-oohhh”…He has seldom been early and he has never been late…but he has ALWAYS been right on time to provide us with our every need and to surround us with his unfailing love in times of distress and discomfort.

Yes, if you want to live confidently in this day and age, you need to do one thing and do it well....MIMIC GOD AND REMAIN CALM. He alone is ALL we need to make it through every situation that the devil and his minions’ may put in our path. If we will only take our eyes off of our circumstances and re-focus them on Jesus and his calming nature, then we will bring comfort and a blessed assurance to all those that we encounter in the midst of these turbulent times.

As a disciple of Christ, we can watch as he rebukes the circumstances that bring about fear and trepidation in our lives ….or if we should succumb to that fear, we will be faced with the same question that Jesus posed to his disciples that night, on that stormy lake, when he asked, “WHERE IS YOUR FAITH?’

If you, as a child of the King, can remain calm when all others about you are in panic mode, then that speaks volumes about you; but more importantly, it speaks volumes about you and your relationship with Jesus.

So start living today as though nothing in this world matters…  except your relationship with Jesus and you will be surprised by the calmness that will envelope your life.

Riding out Life’s storms….Confidently Calm in His Presence,

Poem for the day...

When life’s storm clouds may gather
And you see the threat of coming rain;
Just place you faith in Jesus
And He’ll take away your pain.

He will guide you on the stormy sea
Tho' your ship be tossed and blown;
And you can know that all is well
For His mercy will be shown.

As He steps up and takes the helm
Rest assured that He knows best.
And the storm will cease its bellowing
For you have passed another test....

For when you put your trust in Jesus
Then He will hold you in His palms.
For your heart will be at peace
And your life will know His calm.


Check out today's blog@


Thursday, April 9, 2020

Living Confidently in a Chaotic World - Day 2

Updated repost of Living Confidently in a Chaotic World 

To live confidently in a chaotic world would be impossible if not for the gracious nature of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It would prove too great a task for each of us to endure the slings and arrows of our adversary, the Devil, if not for the compassion of God. Yes, we can live confidently in this chaotic world because our GOD is a GOD OF COMPASSION!

In Psalms 116:5 we read, “The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.” Or we would find the following in Romans 5:8 that reads, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Even in the book of Lamentations (which signifies “to cry out with a loud voice”) in the 3rd chapter we read these words: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fails. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

But what does all that really mean and how does that help us live confidently in this day and age? Simply put, we can find great comfort and courage for whatever lies ahead of us because of God’s promises to us….

He has promised that he will not allow us to be burdened with more than we can bear as long as we look to Him as our source of strength. Paul said it best, " For when I am weak, then I am made strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10

He has promised that he is with us and that NOTHING can EVER separated us from him and the power of his everlasting love. We find that promise in Romans 8:35-39

He has promised that nothing can ever come against us that we cannot cast off through his power and his love. Not sure that is true...just read Romans 8:31

He has promised that he has gone to prepare a place for us and that one day soon he is coming back for us. You will find that assurance in John 14:3

He has promised that he that is in us is FAR GREATER than he that is in the world. Yes, you never stand alone because of the compassion of our God...He confirms that in His Word in 1 John 4:4

He has promised that he is a compassionate heavenly Father who will never leave us nor forsake us….Jesus' parting words to his disciples (and us who love and follow Him)...

"And remember, I am with you each and every day until the end of the age." International Standard Version

But most of all, He has promised us Himself….through His Son, Jesus Christ. His Holy Word tells us of His great love and the sacrifice He made so that we might truly become sons and daughters of the Living God.

Yes, our God is a God of Compassion and he will never let the things of this chaotic world overwhelm us if we only TRUST and OBEY. But, in order for us to live confidently, we must learn to see the tapestry of our lives as a completed and magnificent picture and not as a mere collection of random brushstrokes. God is the master artist and He alone sees the mural of your life…complete and resplendent with both the good and happy times as well as those times of turmoil and tribulation. Trust the God of compassion to complete the good and perfect work that He has begun in you, just one day at a time and this world will seem to be a lot less chaotic.

Don't believe me, then put God to the test and see Him prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is A GOD OF COMPASSION and His love is never ending...And that's a promise I cling to every day!!!

Trusting the Artist of Eternity…….I'm a Masterpiece in the Making,


Poem for the Day:

When life’s storm clouds gather
And you see the threat of coming rain;
Just place you hope in Jesus
And He’ll take away your pain.

He's there to guard your heart
If you will but trust and obey;
Just know He walks beside you
As  you let Him have His way...

 For He never will forsake you;
Yes,  His promises are true…
His love is never ending and
His compassions forever new !!!!

WPQ © MAY 2018

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

How to Live Confidently in a Chaotic World- Day 1

The  following is an UPDATED reprint of this series....

As we revisit this series published a few years ago, let me once again ask this question….

Can this really be done or is this an impossible task that is a foolhardy misadventure at best?  Let's examine....

As I mentioned in yesterday's opening salvo, we are in a battle where FEAR is our enemy...and due to the circumstances that surrounds us during our global fight with this corona pandemic, it is easy, perhaps as some may feel, even  mandatory to be fearful and afraid that it will win. Many so-called "experts" and news journalist are sensationalizing their reports so that people stay glued to their TV and computer screens for the next round of "catastrophic" reports. My answer to this type of reporting is to try and balance bad news with some good news; therefore, I would like to embark on a 5-part series that I hope will help us answer the questions I posed above.

If you are like so many of the people in the world these days, it is hard to put your feet on the floor and get out of bed…I mean, why bother with the state of world during this global pandemic. And unfortunately, this same attitude seems to be held by many of us who call ourselves Christians. For the next few days, I want us to search the Scriptures and hear from our Heavenly Father as to how we can live confidently in these chaotic days.

First and foremost, we can live confidently for GOD IS IN CONTROL!!!!

In Genesis 1:1-3a, 4a, 6a, we read, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and darkness was over the surface of the deep and Spirit of God was hovering above the waters. AND GOD SAID, Let there be light……AND GOD SAID, let there be an expanse….AND GOD SAID, Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky….”

Scripture makes no bones about it...GOD WAS (and still is) IN CONTROL!!!! He spoke EVERYTHING into existence….GOD SAID IT …and IT WAS SO!!!!!!!!

The entirety of God’s Word tells us in no uncertain terms that God is in control. It speaks with great authority concerning God’s omniscience and his omnipresence and it tells us time and time again that nothing in this world happens without our Heavenly Father’s knowledge….that fact alone should bring us solace in times of distress.

However, though God is in control, He must also be IN CHARGE if He is to produce a calm spirit within us when we stand on the precipice of being swallowed up in the chaos of a sinful world. Since the beginning of time our great, awesome and all-powerful God has never forced His will on us; rather He has waited for us to invite him into our lives and he has patiently courted us to give him our hearts.

Jesus said it best in Luke 9:23, “Then he said to them all, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”  Jesus told us that if we want our lives to have meaning so that we might live in accordance with His will, then we must surrender our will to His, take up HIS cross (do for Him what He has ordained for us to do) and follow Him where HE leads, not necessarily where we would want to go. And more than that .... THIS MUST BE OUR DAILY PRACTICE...For when it comes to surrender, NONE of us do that well nor often!!!

If you want to know that the creator of the universe is in control and that NOTHING that happens in your life is beyond His control…then, YOU MUST SURRENDER YOUR WILL TO HIM….and YOU MUST SEEK TO MAKE HIS WILL, YOURS!!!

It’s really just that simple…Let God be in control because He is in charge in your life. If you will just do that today, your will experience a peace you have never known….


Surrendering to Him…One Moment at a Time,


Poem for the Day:

If the trials of life should weigh you down
And your burdens seem too great to bear.
Just carry them to your Father’s throne
And prayerfully leave them there.

Just seek to follow where He will lead
And be not led astray;
For nothing can defeat you
When you let your Father have His way.

For God is always on your side,
In Him, you will find rest.
When you seek to do the Father’s will…
With His peace, you will be blest!

WPQ © Nov. 2010

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

What Scares You? (II)

The following is an UPDATED reprint of the Series....

Living in the Throes of Fear...
Or Trusting in the God of the Universe!

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see what's on TV, written in the newspapers or posted on the Internet to know that these are VERY TROUBLING days in which we live. The world has become so connected as a global theater of mankind that what effects someone in China on one day can begin to have a major effect in all parts of the world, only a day later. Just hop on a jet as a carrier of a lethal virus and you can begin to infect hundreds of thousands of people just by coughing on a countertop at a coffee shop in an airport...or any of a hundred other ways one might spread a pandemic.

Maybe you are like so many of our fellow countrymen, hunkered down in your homes, afraid to go outside; to stop and chat with a neighbor; or push a grocery cart around the market as you rush to grab a few items and return to the seclusion of your home. Or maybe, you are someone that is essential to the fight of the corona virus that has swept across our world, caused thousands of unforeseen deaths and left most people feeling hopelessly isolated and alone....and yet there you stand, mask and protective clothing in place, trying desperately to stem the tide of this horrible disease that has us all on edge; afraid of what is and what is yet to come? Maybe you are gripped with an overwhelming feeling of FEAR, DREAD or UNCERTAINTY?

Perhaps  you find yourself in some similar mindset and might admit to the same feelings that have been aroused in me. So, in the spirit of honesty, I am drawn to ask this simple question…..WHAT SCARES YOU?

Now, I don’t mean ghosts and goblins and ghouls…rather, with all that is happening in this world, what feelings and uncertainties have gripped you and left you feeling  paralyzed with what lies ahead in the days to come?

Is it unemployment….stock market crash…terrorists….war….famine….nuclear weapons that fall into the hands of Islamic extremists……divorce….broken family ties…..death and the life after…..I could go on and on; but, you get my point.

There is much that can upset us and frighten us …..Much that can make us want to lock ourselves behind strong doors and wait for the Lord’s return; but Scripture tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7:

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

This week, I want to update and republish a series of devotions based on the best-selling book of Dr. David Jeremiah entitled, “How to Live Confidently in a Chaotic World.” In this 5 part series, we will look at the things in life that might cause us consternation and then see what God’s Word has to say regarding our ability to move out and into this world as confident Christians….I hope you will join me as we begin to refute those things that would scare us and replace that fear with power that comes from knowing the God of the Universe….

Looking confidently forward …forgetting the forgiven past,


Poem for the day...

What is it in this life
That makes your stomach queasy;
Leaves you feeling timid and afraid,
Rattled and uneasy?

Maybe it's the sounds of war
And the strife between all men,
That has us all questioning
Is this world coming to an end?

But I am here to tell you
If your faith's on solid ground
And you're holding tight to Jesus...
Then nothing can take you down.

Just keep your focus on our Lord
In these dark and troubling days...
And know that we can confidently live
If we just follow in His Way!!!!

WPQ © May 2018

Sunday, April 5, 2020

God Cares About the Small Stuff...

This morning, my wife and I sat chatting about some things that we did as teenagers, both fun and troublesome. For me that entailed many adventures I had as a 17 year old teenager involved in Youth For Christ. I worked in YFC for three years as a teen in the Insight/Impact YFC club at Garinger High, as well as the two years I spent as an intern/employee after graduating. But then, money got tight at YFC Charlotte and they had to let me go; but not without finding me another job in the Builders Building on West Trade. I went to work for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Film Ministry, better known as WORLD WIDE PICTURES.

One of my first major adventures occurred not long after coming on board. At age 19, I was tasked with flying to Pittsburgh, PA., picking up a rental station wagon and driving to 16 nearby towns.  I was to go to their local theatres, pick up two BIG 35mm film cans of our movie, TWO A PENNY, that had been showing at each theatre for the past two weeks. The catch....I had to pick them all up in a day and a half, be back at the Pittsburgh airport in time to check them in as excess baggage for a flight to Omaha, Nebraska. The film cans HAD to be on a flight leaving Pittsburgh to arrive before Noon so that our reps from BGEF could get them distributed for the first night showings.

All seemed to be going reasonably well. I arrived at the airport with 32 cans of film, safely secured in my station wagon. I had about an hour before the flight was due to leave; so all I needed was a parking place, a sky caddie with a big carry-all to get me to check-in and all would be done...but that was not the way it played out.

The Pittsburgh airport in 1969 was rather small with a circular drive to the front of the terminal....and virtually no parking near the entrance to the airport. In fact, when I arrived with my hour to spare, THERE WAS NOT A SPACE AVAILABLE ANYWHERE! I drove around that circle for at least 20 minutes, desperately seeking to find that elusive parking space. As I nervously looked at my watch, realizing I was about to fail at my first WWP assignment, I did something I had never done before...I PRAYED for a parking place to open up at the front door. Not only had I never prayed for a parking space, but I had never prayed for something so small and insignificant in the greater picture we call, LIFE. I mean, how could a great and mighty God have any time to answer a desperate teen's prayer for a place to park...even if I was doing His work and trying to get those film cans on that flight to Omaha?

And then (and I must admit) to my surprise, there it was...the open parking place, right in front the door...and coming out that door was a sky caddie with a big trolley! GOD ANSWERED MY PRAYER!

Even though it seemed small and petty on my part, I realized then that God is in the small things in our lives; but only if we invite Him in. I am sure to this day that God wanted to give me that parking place; but He let me stew in my own efforts, frustrated, anxious and almost suicidal that I was about to fail....until I turned it over to HIM. I am sure that God wanted (even more than me) to see those cans of film get to Omaha. The message in that film would draw thousands of young people to the life-saving knowledge of Jesus Christ; however, I needed to get out of His way and let the Holy Spirit do what I could not...OPEN UP A PARKING SPACE, get those cans checked onto the flight to Omaha and let those on the ground at their destination make the deliveries for the opening of the film that night.

Unfortunately, I was not able to accompany the cans of film because I missed the flight. I had to return the rental car and by the time I made it to the terminal, the flight had boarded and was taxiing down the runway. It was no matter because what God had planned, He flawlessly executed! I spent the night at a hotel in Pittsburgh, then caught a flight the next day back to Charlotte.

The moral of this story and a turning point for me as a young teen, striving to live out my life of faith was really quite simple....


So the next time you find yourself sweating the small stuff, don't stew in your own efforts to solve the problem...give it to someone wiser, stronger and ready to meet your need as only He can. Give it to one who knows that it is all small stuff when you are a loving, caring, omnipotent GOD....He loves you and He's got whatever you need at His just need to ask!

Oh, by the way, 368 young people in those 16 theaters accepted Christ as their personal Savior on that opening night. If fact, the movie ran for 10 days and over 2500 young people and adults made professions of faith during its run...and it almost missed happening except for a prayer for a parking space!

Still Praying for the Little Things...Thankful for A God Who Cares,


Poem for the day...

Are you facing your Goliath
Or a foe that you can't see?
Are you sticking to your battle plan
Or are you about to flee?

Are you confronted by a enemy;
Hemmed in on every side?
Do you wish to stand and fight them
Or  run away and hide?

Do not fear my Christian friend
When at last you've had enough;
Remember it is the Lord you serve
When times get hard and rough...

Just plant your flag of victory
In His solid ground of love;
And even in the smallest things,
He sends answers from above.

For our God is not intimidated
Should things seem big to us;
For He is our MIGHTY KING,
No need to raise a fuss!

Just trust that He is able
To smooth out your broken road;
He's always there to pick you up
To help you bear life's load.

So take heart in the journey
Even when the going gets rough;
For the God we serve stands ready,

WPQ © April 2020

Friday, April 3, 2020


I am well aware by now that every time I turn on my TV set these days, I am going to be inundated with BAD fact, some of it is downright terrifying. The Covid 19 virus is still growing as more and more people are becoming infected and the death toll continues to rise. The economy, or what's left of it is in a crash and burn freefall...and every time I leave my house to run an errand to the grocery store or to the bank, I have this overwhelming feeling that anything I touch might have come in contact with the virus and it is just waiting to infect me and make me a carrier.

BUT THEN I REMEMBER THE WORDS OF JESUS that He spoke to his disciples while they were in the boat, in the midst of a horrendous storm, fearing for their very lives. Matthew 14:27 says,

"Immediately Jesus spoke to them. “Have courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

What made those words so powerful? Well, for one, the disciples thought they had seen a ghost, approaching them on the water and they were terrified for their lives;  however, it was not a ghost...IT WAS JESUS, WALKING ON THE WATER, COMING TO THEIR RESCUE. He did not answer their fear that it was a ghost; rather He simply told them first to make a choice...

Choose COURAGE over FEAR!!!

Then, he told them why they should have courage. He announced, in a simple sentence, that the one coming to their rescue breaks apart every fear, every time...

IT IS I, therefore (my addition), DON'T BE AFRAID!!!!

It is all too easy to choose fear in our society today. Everywhere we turn there is something that is bigger than us; that threatens to harm us or bring destruction down upon us. We often fear what we know and usually, with little exception, we fear what we do not know even more.

But even today, in the midst of this horrible pandemic and economic chaos, we can choose COURAGE OVER FEAR as we hear Jesus say to us as to his earlier disciples....

"HAVE COURAGE; It is I. Don't be afraid." (For the entire story read Matthew 14:22-32)

I think the great evangelist, Dwight L. Moody, may have truly captured the essence of our fear problem when he said, "To FEAR is to have more Faith in your antagonist than in CHRIST!"
In fact, when you get right down to the heart of the matter, fear and the name of Christ should not be found in the same sentence....for where Christ reigns, fear is ALWAYS overthrown!

So who sits on the throne of your heart in these troubling it the fear of the virus, the economy or some other unknown that has you "shaking in your slippers" ...or as a Child of the King have you chosen courage and in so doing, placed the King of Creation in His proper place.

If so, ALL YOU FEAR CAN BE ERASED as you live victoriously in the promise of the one who gave His life for you.

Shaking off all fears....Choosing Courage in Christ,


Poem for the day...

When you turn on the TV these days
Does your heart seem to skip a beat?
As you contemplate the mess we're in
And  prepare to accept our defeat...

Well, don't throw in the towel yet
For our battle  has just begun;
Yes, fear can be a might foe,
But there's victory in the SON!

For when we place our faith in Him
And follow His mighty plan;
We can claim our victory,
When united in Christ we stand.

For there is nothing He can't defeat
No worry... nor foe... nor fear;
And we shall claim our victory
For Jesus is ALWAYS near....

So be strong and courageous, my friend
NEVER doubt His might and power;
With Him we shall overcome our fears....
Every second...every minute...every hour!!!!

WPQ © April 2020