Saturday, April 11, 2020

Living Confidently – Day 4

This is an UPDATED reprint of a former series....

If you have been watching much TV in the last few weeks (before the onset of the corona pandemic), your optical and sensory receptors have been constantly bombarded with political ads …ads from would-be, wannabe politicians that will and have promised anything in hopes of securing your vote.

Many have promised lower taxes, reduced spending, end of “pork” projects, etc., etc, and etc. They have collectively promised anything and everything that they believed the majority wanted to hear …but now it is the time where “the rubber meets the road’. How many of our newly elected officials will actually carry out and consistently vote the voice of their constituents … a strong voice so loudly heard in the upcoming 2020 term elections?

I dare say there will only be a handful that will be consistent in following the will of the people…for unfortunately; men and women alike fail miserably when it comes to being consistent in our words and deeds.

But, praise be to God that He is CONSISTENT…and because He is, we can live with great confidence in these chaotic times….FOR OUR GOD KEEPS HIS WORD IN ALL THINGS.

In Hebrews, the 13th chapter, we read: “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me!” For Jesus is the same YESTERDAY and TODAY and FOREVER.”  (Verses 5-6, 8)

Our Savior is faithful and he is consistently all that we need to endure the slings and arrows of our adversaries. In fact, in the entire ministry of Jesus, he preached but one thing and one thing only …”I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. No man comes to the Father except through me.” John 14: 6

You can’t be much more consistent than that!!!!!!!! One message, one cross, one sinless man’s blood shed for the sins of all mankind….and one and only one way to the Father.

Yes, in all of the days that Jesus walked upon and among His creations, He was the perfect model of consistency. In miracle after miracle, we see that Jesus always arrived seldom early …never late …but always RIGHT ON TIME… so that God would receive the glory and the son of Man would be lifted up and held in high esteem.

Our God is CONSISTENT….the same for you and me and all those that call upon his name…and He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever. You can ALWAYS count on God to be there for you, even if all others have deserted you and have run for the hills. God will be at your side to lean upon …in front of you as your guide…and behind you as your rear guard…and if the journey is too great, then He will carry you to a place of rest and completion greater than you can think or imagine.

I could recount story upon story upon story of how God has worked consistently in my life and the life of my family for these many years…and I’m sure, if you took just a moment, many examples of his faithfulness and consistent love would flood your memory too….so why not do that today? Take that moment and think on those times that your Lord and Savior has been consistent in your life.

Then, you will be able to faithfully answer the question that seems to plague us all….

Why should I fear what can man do to me?

Living confidently in my Consistent Savior,

Poem for the day:
The Father seeks to give to us
The strength to face each day;
And we can live in confidence
As we seek to walk His way.

For when we surrender to His will
His Spirit will fill our life;
Helping us on every side
To defeat our times of strife.

Yes, to live our lives consistently
That should be our prayer;
For Jesus’ love will never change
As with others we seek to share.

WPQ© Oct 2016

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