Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Life of the Rich Young Ruler...Mid Life Crisis!

A few days ago, we meet the rich young ruler as he encountered the Lord Jesus and ask him what he could do to inherit eternal life. If we had been standing along the side of the dusty road that had led him to Jesus, we would have seen him leave the same way he came...but not in the same state of mind.

When our young man approached Jesus that day, he was expecting to get a pat on the back for his well chosen lifestyle and the many good things he had done by keeping the commandments. In fact, he had bragged to Christ that he had kept all those commandments that Jesus mentioned from the days of his early youth. However, Christ told him what he lacked and what was now required for him to do if he was sincere in his search for eternal life....and as we see from our nearby proximity, he turns and walks away; head hung low, drooped shoulders, furrowed brow, a scowl on his face and no swagger to his step. Why? Because he could not do what Christ commanded him to do.

So what happens to this young man as the years roll by? Does he change his mind set sometime later and make the necessary change that Jesus required him to make? I think not since we all know the old saying, "A leopard can't change its spots." So what happens to the young man as the years stack up...I think Jesus may have given us a hint of what became of our rich young ruler in Luke 12:16-21.

In the verses that precede our focal passage, Jesus is dealing with a family dispute over an inheritance and tells the petitioner who has asked him to arbitrate this matter, “Watch out! Be on your guard against wanting to have more and more things. Life is not made up of how much a person has.” It is at this point that he turns to his disciples, the crowd and us if we are listening;

Then Jesus told them a story. He said, “A certain rich man’s land produced a very large crop. He thought to himself, ‘What should I do? I don’t have any place to store my crops." “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones. I will store my extra grain in them.  I’ll say to myself, You have plenty of grain stored away for many years. Take life easy. Eat, drink and have a good time.” But God said to him, ‘You foolish man! Tonight I will take your life away from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ And then Jesus brought this wonderful teaching lesson to a poignant conclusion as only He can when He said;  “That is how it will be for whoever stores things away for themselves but is not rich in the sight of God.”

I can't help but see the face of that rich young ruler in this story. Lines have begun to etch his once young, handsome face; his physique is battled and bruised from years of self-indulgence; aches and pains now greet him at the start of each new day and remind him that there are less days before him than there are days behind him. But that has not kept him from pursing his one true love...wealth and the many things that such wealth can afford him.

I can see the dilemma that his land manager has presented him as he shares the news that there are more crops lying in the fields than his barns can currently hold. What does the master of the estate want him to do? Should he burn the fields and prepare for next season? Or harvest the crop and give the yield away to the poor and needy? I can just see the rich man pacing to and fro across his Persian rugs as he wrings his hands and wipes his brow.


There is only one problem with that thought...thoughts like that which throughout his many years of building his wealth have come with ease, just as natural as taking a breath. His thought....


We can see from this story that the thought of sharing his great abundance with others in need NEVER enters his mind...he is still that same rich young man, now just trapped in an older man's body. His mind set has never been altered or swayed from seeking money, things, power or fame. He may still see himself as "good" but his heart and soul worship his GOD of wealth.

The saddest part of this story is the reflection of so many of us as we peer into the mirror. We see closets filled overflowing with clothes we never wear; boxes and boxes of "things" collected over the years; not priceless family heirlooms, but STUFF....that unless we have marked the outside of the box, we have no earthly idea what it is or why we are keeping it.

In the neighborhood in which I live, almost everyone has a two-car garage; however, I would guesstimate that less than half of my fellow neighbors can park one, let alone, two cars in their garage. Why? TOO MUCH STUFF THAT THEY ARE STORING IN THE PLACE MEANT TO PARK THEIR CAR...and yet, we are each more like the rich man in this story that we would willingly admit.

I wish I could offer a happy ending for our rich man in the middle of his midlife crisis; but the story ends as it will for all of some point in your life, God will say, "IT IS OVER!"  And since none of us have ever seen a U-HAUL being towed behind a hearse, we can be assured that you cannot take your STUFF (wealth) with you to the next life. So, as God asked the rich man as he told him of his final fate...

WHO GETS WHAT YOU ARE LEAVING BEHIND (my paraphrase)...and my question;

WAS IT WORTH IT ALL TO GATHER GREAT WEALTH (stuff/things) AND NEGLECT THE THINGS OF GOD...To be rich toward God and to know His blessings in this life prepares us for our life of service to come. So, don't get caught up in gaining and holding on to things...

RATHER... Keep your hands and fingers flexible so that you do not hold too tightly to the things of this world, but rather be a conduit of God's grace and abundance in your life, so that you can serve God anonymously in whatever situation God lays before you.

If you do this, then Christ will never have to tell the story of you... as the rich man who lived a foolish life. Yes, I believe there is a good possibility that in the continuing saga in the life of the rich young ruler, he became a very rich man by holding tightly to all he could possess...and then, dying and leaving it all behind to someone who did not share his same affinity for things...thus, it counted  for naught on the scales of life.

So how do you measure up today? Are you ready to tear down barns to make room for more stuff? Or are you living life, day to day, with an open hand, open heart and open checkbook?
I truly believe that if you want to see where your heart truly lies as you live out your life, waiting and working in service for God, just look at the entries in your check book or check the charges on your credit card will tell you if you are living to share in your abundance or building bigger barns!

Living as a Rich man...Wealthy in the Ways of Christ,


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