Sunday, December 20, 2020


For probably the last 20 years or so, I have tried to take time in the Christmas season to write a Christmas poem that I pray will touch the hearts of those who read it. Some come easily as my fingers seem to glide effortlessly across the keyboard; while others are truly a "labor" of love. On the most part, I have received many "thank you's" and "atta-boys'" for many of my Christmas poems...and they are ALL WRITTEN so that the Good News is prolcaimed and that God gets the glory for what He did for us all as He sent His Son to be born of a virgin and to die that we might once again be reborn into the Kingdom of God because of the sacrifice of Jesus...that Babe in the Manger!!! The poem that follows is written to remind us all that God wants to use each of us as instruments in telling His Story about the Birth of His Son, Jesus Christ...who truly is THE REASON FOR THIS SEASON. 

My prayer, as always, is that you will be blessed and God will receive the GLORY...and to that end, I wish all who read this,





I was kneeling at my bedside, like so many times before;

And while praying to my Father, behind a locked and closed door.

The room began to fill with light; it drove darkness from the room

And my heart began to feel alive as I let go of my gloom.


For standing right before me, surrounded in an aura of great light

Was the holy messenger of God, so I shrank from him in fright.

But then in his sweet angelic voice, he spoke to allay my fears...

And though I wanted to run and hide, something drew me near.


The words he spoke, each calmed me, as he told me to rejoice;

It was as if my Heavenly Father was speaking with His voice...

He told I was highly favored and would be blessed as no other;

For the Holy Spirit would overshadow me and make me a mother.


Not just any mother of a child born through my seed,

But one who would fulfill a promise that God Himself decreed...

For God alone had chosen me to bring forth His only Son,

So all mankind could find peace with God,

when His life on earth was done!


He told me I was favored, for God had chosen me

To bear the Holy One who would die on Calvary.

For He would be a Great and Mighty King... His Kingdom would never waver

And God would accomplish all of this... His Son would be our Savior!


It all sounded too great to me, how could this be done?

Why had I been chosen to bear God's Holy One?

So in my child-like faith, I asked with humble heart;

How can this come to be...where do I start?


The angel gave a simple reply, to ease my wondering heart

"Nothing is impossible for God....this is where you start!"

Just place you faith and hope in Him, and if you need a sign;

Just go and see Elizabeth and this is what you'll find....


The Lord has blessed His servant, in her old age to conceive;

A son to turn the hearts of men to a new life they could receive;

So I turned to God's messenger, in a voice I hardly heard....

"I am the Lord's maidservant...May it be according to His Word."


WPQ © DEC 2020


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