Wednesday, August 4, 2021

I was out early, in the cool of a mountain morning, attempting to blow away the effects of last night's rain storms. One stubborn piece of what looked like tree bark, turned out to be a moth, doing his utmost to stand against the strong wind of my leaf blower. I would blow him a few feet; he would right himself, and then get pummelled again as I continued my onslaught to remove the debris from my driveway.

In watching this small insect fight against this horrific wind, that surely came out of nowhere to him; it got me thinking...aren't we alot like that moth? When the strong winds of life blow up and knock us over, we get up and try to get going again; but before we can get ourselves moving forward, here comes the next big gust and we find ourselves knocked over once more.... And if we are not careful to stay connected to the true source of power, we will eventually think, "why bother to try"and just give the poor moth in my story....he eventually ended up in the tall, wet grass which presented him with another challenge to face.

I hope this little poem that follows helps you connect or stayed connected to our TRUE SOURCE OF POWER...THE ONE WHO STANDS ALONE ON THE SHORE.....

For He Alone Is Waiting.....

When storm clouds begin to gather
And the winds begin to blow;
That's the time that matters
Not what... but who you know.

Is your house built on solid rock
Or on shifting, sandy shore?
Can it stand against the raging winds
And offer refuge as in times before?

For the Master of those stormy skies
Is waiting to hear your pleas;
As you offer up your heart-felt cry
For His rescue from stormy seas.

For He wills no one should perish
As in life's seas you're tempest tossed;
And when you put your faith in Him,
You shall not suffer loss...

For He alone is waiting
On that far and distant shore...
When the storms of life are over
And you're at home with Him once more!!!!

WPQ © August 2021

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