Monday, May 16, 2022

Narrow or Wide...You Must Make a Choice?


Oh, how I long for days gone by when TRUTH was a word that carried true meaning. For many of us, we found truth as we searched God's Holy Word. We could take great pride and comfort in the solace of knowing that Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. The only way to the Father is through me." John14:6 (Easy-to- Read Version)

We took great confidence in God's Word as we held on to; using it build a strong foundation for our faith and as a launching pad to tell others about Jesus. Unfortunately, our society and the times in which we now live have tried (and in many cases succeeded) in telling us there is no such thing as UNIVERSAL TRUTH. TODAY'S WORLDLY MANTRA...TRUTH IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER. It is that mindset and adoption of such thinking that has us in the mess we now find ourselves.

Jesus made it clear, IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS, that we each have a CHOICE TO MAKE about the road in life we want to travel...the one that leads to an everlasting eternity in service to Him...or a much different eternity in a desolation of abomination known as Hell.  Here is what He had to say in His Sermon on the Mount as He spoke to the multitudes gathered on the hillside around him....Matthew 7: 13-14:

 “You can enter true life only through the narrow gate. The gate to hell is very wide, and there is plenty of room on the road that leads there. Many people go that way. But the gate that opens the way to true life is narrow. And the road that leads there is hard to follow. Only a few people find it." (Easy-to- Read Version)

Yes, my friend, you MUST choose a road to travel as you wander through life on this dusty orb...will you seek to spend eternity in Heaven or take your place in the fiery furnace of Hell? That simple decision will, with great probability, determine how you live your life on earth; but more than that... IT WILL DEFINITELY DETERMINE YOUR ETERNAL DESTINATION!!! The choice is really quite simple but the execution of that decision can indeed be quite PERPLEXING...especially if you are of the mindset of so many of those living in this world today...YOU GET TO DETERMINE YOUR OWN TRUTH.

And here's the kicker.....NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!  Truth always lies in the hands of the Creator...and since you and I did not create ourselves, rather we are the creation of God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit...we know nothing about TRUTH until we come to know our CREATOR. So, we must chose a road and a gate through which we will pass from this life into eternity...the wide gate and smooth and well-traveled road that leads to Hell ...or the narrow gate and the hard to follow road of submission, sacrifice and service that leads to the throne room of God. It is a road that few find because they have chosen to follow their OWN truth rather than the truth of God. And to make matters worse, our adversary, the DEVIL, is always trying to move us or detour us from the narrow road back onto the super highway that leads to destruction.

But we can resist his temptations and follow Jesus with a few adjustments to our travel plans...Plan to Go where God Leads; Plan to stay as long as needed to do what the Father wants; and Plan to always give Him the Glory for the things we may accomplish.  If we do these things and stay connected to the TRUTH (JESUS)....THE JOURNEY PROMISES TO BE A GOOD ONE THAT LEADS US HOME TO THE SAVIOR AND TO ALL HE HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE NARROW ROAD HOME !!!!

Traveling the narrow road...trusting in the TRUTH,






We all must make a simple choice

As we travel along life's road.

Do we plan to make it on our own

Or find someone to share life's load?


Do we take the straightest, widest road

And go skipping merrily on our way?

Or do we choose the narrow, bumpy road

That's fraught with peril for us each day?


It really should be an easy choice

One that brings us joy and love;

But when we try to make it on our own

We may lose God's favor from above.


So make the clear and perfect choice

Choose the road less traveled on...

For you final destination lies just ahead

With Heaven as your HOME!!!


 WPQ © May 2022


 Check back soon for the next post in 'THE ROAD SERIES"

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