Friday, July 29, 2022


I have a friend in Jesus;

He's all I'll ever need.

And I began my journey

With the faith of a mustard seed.

 I know that He is with me;

He is with me to the end...

And He will not forsake me; 

He's my closest, dearest friend.


He's always there to pick me up

Should life's trials knock me down.

He's always there to guide me

When my friends cannot be found.

 I gave my life to Jesus

For I know He cares for me....

He proved His Love forever

When He died on Calvary's tree.


So I will not forsake the One

Who loves beyond compare...

Whose always just a prayer away;

I can see Him standing there.

Waiting there with open arms,

He is longing for my embrace...

And I, in turn, am longing

To see my Savior's face.


So I have no fear of what lies ahead;

For Jesus will see me through.

And if you invite Him to become your friend....

He'll do all the same for YOU!!!



WPQ © July 2022

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