Monday, May 20, 2024


When we left off last week, I said we would come back and take a look at the most important one of the "R's"....THE REDEMPTION POWER OF GOD....WHO CHOOSES TO REDEEM AND SATISFY HIS HOLY NATURE. So, what do I mean by that last statement? Allow me to share a little story of mine that I have used several times over the years in some of my sermons.

It seems there was a young man, probably around seven or eight years old that was given a wooden sailboat kit for his birthday. He tore into the package and was eager to get started on building his sailboat. For days, he diligently worked on his model boat and before long, it was time to take his new, prized possession to the nearby park and its large, circular lake.

He very gingerly tied a string to the mast and slipped his new sailboat into the calm lake. For what seemed like hours, he walked along the edge of the lake, pulling his boat behind him. Suddenly, the winds picked up and a strong gust caught the sail, pulled the string from his hand, sending  the boat into the deeper waters of the lake. The little boy watched as his precious possession went farther and farther away from him. Tears welled up into his eyes, for he knew his sailboat was gone forever...and with a broken heart, he made his way home. For days, he sat sullen and joyless as he thought of his lost sailboat. His mother suggested he go into the little village where they lived and get some fresh air. So, as he walked the streets of his small village, he stopped in front of the toy store; and there to his surprise was his boat, sitting in the window. He rushed in and told the owner that it was his boat that was sitting in the window. To which the owner replied, "I am very sorry young man, but there is no name on the boat, In fact, a young man brought the boat into me the other day and I bought it for $5. I can't just give it to you even though you say it is yous. But, here's what I will do....I WILL SELL IT TO YOU FOR FIVE DOLLARS."

FIVE DOLLARS...what was the little boy to do? He did not have any money; but maybe, his parents would give him the money he needed. When he asked them, they replied, "We gave you the boat kit; but we do not have the money to give to you. Perhaps, you can earn it by helping your mom with some of the chores or you can help some of our neighbors and earn the money you need that way."  So, he began to help his mom with the trash; raking the leaves for his dad; and doing other odd jobs for his neighbors. It took some time and great effort on his part; but, it wasn't too long before he took the $5 he had earned and rushed to the toy store. He ran all the way and bounding into the store, he handed the money to the owner and was given his sailboat. As he stepped outside into the bright sunlight, clutching his sailboat to his tiny chest, he exclaimed, "You're mine, you're mine!!! You are mine TWICE!!! ONCE BECAUSE I MADE YOU; TWICE BECAUSE I BOUGHT YOU BACK!"

 And that, my friend, is the perfect picture of what God has done for His creation...You and Me!

The Hebrew word, ga'al, which means to "buy back" or "redeem" is what God, our Creator, has done for each of us. He paid the ransom for us; bought us back from our sinful nature and we belong to HIM, TWICE....first because he made us and secondly, because He shed His blood through His obedient SON, Jesus Christ. We have NO RIGHT STANDING before a Holy God; but because of His Great Love for us, He sent His Son from Heaven's throne room and REDEEMED US....BOUGHT US BACK AND PAID FOR OUR PARDON WITH HIS PERFECT, HOLY, RIGHTEOUS SON'S BLOOD.... BLOOD SHED ON A CRUEL CROSS SO THAT WE COULD SING THE SONG OF THE REDEEMED.

Yes, when we get to Heaven, as believers in Jesus Christ, we will stand before Him and be ushered into His presence. The angels may very well sing in one great chorus, welcoming us into our eternal dwelling place. But we will burst into a song that the angels will not be able to sing. It is  GOD'S FAVORITE SONG OF ALL...FOR IT IS THE SONG OF THE REDEEMED!

Go to the Internet and check out Philips, Craig and Dean's song, FAVORITE SONG OF ALL! Lean into and repeat the lyrics; then you will truly understand what God's greatest gift to mankind can mean to you in this life...and the eternal life to come as one REDEEMED AND PROUD TO PROCLAIM IT!!!

Redeemed....and His Joy Floods My Soul,


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