Monday, January 20, 2025

Hands On The Helm...Setting a New Course!

For many of us, this is a very special day as we see the helm of our Republic once again being held firmly in the hands of a man who believes in the greatness of this country and is willing to help us move forward to regain our dignity and respect on the world's stage. Can he fix all that ails us...NO; in fact, only God can make us into the nation that was founded on the higher principles, given to us by our founding, liberty and our equal rights, under the law, to pursue our own happiness.

So today, for those of you that went to the poles and voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, I SALUTE YOU AND ENCOURAGE YOU TO STAND FIRM IN YOUR CHOICE! Our 47th President has his hands full to regain control of a "ship that has been steered severely off course" and was in mortal danger of "being run aground". As a former Navy sailor that has stood behind the wheel as the helmsman of a WWII destroyer, it takes a lot of "spinning the wheel" to correct course and get back on the designated course set by the Commander. Our commander is the Lord God Almighty and He alone knows where we need to steer....and it is by Him and through Him that our course will be corrected!
So, take heart. Our seas may be choppy and fraught with unseen mountains of despair before we reach the open waters and can move forward, FULL STEAM AHEAD! BUT TODAY, WE ARE ONE STEP CLOSER TO SETTING A NEW COURSE, RAISING THE ANCHOR AND MOVING OUT INTO THE OPEN SEAS. Do your part and pray for God's direction, safety and a steady hand and a willing heart to go where He leads as we ordain a new President to lead us forward over the next 4 years....and if you are not one who feels led to do so...OUR LOVE AND OUR PRAYERS ARE CAST UPON THE WATERS FOR YOU...MAY THEY NOT RETURN VOID, BUT DRAW US TOGETHER AS...ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!!!!


I am proud to be an American 
In this land of sweet Liberty;
For those who have gone before 
And died to keep us free.

I am one with those whose blood cries out
From lands across the sea...
Who gave their all in sacrifice 
To protect our sweet liberties.

I stand with those whose struggles 
Keep them downtrodden and forlorn;
And I mourn with every mother 
For the child that was never born.

I lift up the broken-hearted 
With their Spirit, I too weep;
And lament with those who have no place 
To lay their head in peaceful sleep.

I champion those, our desperate ones
And pray for them sweet rest;
For the sure and ever present beat 
Of freedom in each breast.

I unite with those whom I oppose
So together strong we stand...
In defense of this great nation 
And the God who rules this land.

Oh, I am PROUD to be an American
So on this bright and glorious day;
May my actions and deeds speak louder 
Than the words you hear me say.

Thus my prayer will always be;
That God will shower His blessings upon 
This land of the BRAVE and the Home of the FREE!!!!


W. Patrick Queen© January 20, 2017

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