Monday, August 4, 2008

Greater Than

Today's devotional thought was written last Friday afternoon. Yesterday, when we got home from Sunday morning worship, we were heartbroken to learn that one of our friends from our former church in Clayton, Georgia had just lost her 23 year old daughter in a tragic car accident. This thought for today is dedicated to Miley Duvall and to her family; mom and dad, Connie and Jeff and to younger brother, Louie.

May the grace and love of our Savior surround you and give you peace. May His loving arms shelter you from pain and grief and may you find His joy for a life well lived by your daughter. She was a blessing to all and God has called her home to His sweet rest. May we celebrate her life as we remember her bright smile, her cheery ways and her sweet spirit....Miley, you will be forever missed...but, we will see you again in your mansion on high.


I just finished reading one of the poems from our little book, BENT…but not BROKEN! and I can hardly believe that it has been eleven years since that horrendous childhood cancer wrecked our daughter Alyson’s life. We are so blessed to have a beautiful, healthy and happy teenager (I know that seems like an oxymoron). I also read another article today about a family that had lost their son in a horrible accident and I found in that headline the same question that I remembering asking when cancer threatened to take the life of our little 5-year old….WHY HER …..WHY US?

It seems that whenever life’s trials and tribulations confront us, whether we are faithful Christians or not, the first question we ask is “Why me, Lord, why me?” It’s almost like we are expecting that all the bad, terrible, horrendous outcomes in the world should somehow happen to someone else…particularly those “sinners” that are lost and without hope. I know when the cancer hit, I felt that way. But then, I remember a scripture that God lead me to in the first days of our year long ordeal; one that deals with our suffering in Philippians 1:29 that read, “For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for His sake.”

I must admit, I reeaaallly struggled with this; the thought that it had been granted to me and my family that we should suffer. But, the Lord taught me daily the lesson that to believe in Him made it necessary that I be prepared to suffer for His sake….and suffer we did; but God was ever at our side. His daily provision and care kept us focused on getting beyond the pain and the suffering that we were enduring. As we watched our brave little girl battle an enemy that was determined to win, we held tightly to this one thought…. OUR GOD WAS GREATER THAN WHAT LAY BEFORE US….

And our God always is……

Greater than the disease you have; greater than the bills you owe; greater than the loss of a precious loved one; greater than ANYTHING that Satan may bring against you ….for you have been granted to suffer for Christ …FOR HE SUFFERED FOR YOU!!!!! Don’t try to run and hide or dodge this time of suffering. God is at work and although the outlook may not be good…..the UPLOOK is always perfect!

So, believe in Christ today and let His love be sufficient for all the pains and suffering that you are enduring. I know that you will still ask WHY, I did; but that’s okay…..GOD KNOWS WHY….and He’s only got your VERY BEST at the heart of His heart.

I trust that you will be blessed by the poem that follows this devotion entitled …THE THORN.

Suffering together,

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