Rules, guidelines, instruction, even commandments for living the abundant life are found throughout God’s Holy word….here are a few of mine that I have labeled,
Pray often and without ceasing …the repetitious child always has his father’s ear.
Go to bed at a reasonable time…with thanksgiving on your mind and praise on your lips.
Get up on time…ready to spend time with your Father and start your day unrushed.
Do all that you can ….don’t do all that can be done; delegate to others…that’s how they learn.
More is good, but less is better. Simplify and unclutter your life …joy is in the simple things.
Don’t fret the small stuff, it will soon get bigger and then you can worry if you must.
DON’T WORRY, rather trust God in everything…He’s in control. Worry is the Devil’s tool.
Live within your means and always be ready to bless others with your material wealth…God loves a cheerful giver.
If you must criticize or find fault in others, use the K.I. S. S. theory…Keep It Short & SWEET.
Eat what makes you happy …when you look in the mirror, you’ll have no one to blame but YOU.
Every day, take time to be alone with yourself….and with your Heavenly Father.
Make friends… but always seek out those Godly friends that stick closer than a brother.
Laugh and laugh often ….God’s greatest release from the cares of this world is in our ability to laugh in the face of adversity.
Laugh some more…especially at yourself. Take your strengths at face value and your weaknesses will be diminished.
Develop a forgiving spirit ….most people you encounter in life are doing the best they can.
Be kind and loving to unkind people…they’re the ones that need loving the most.
And most of all, remember…..God did not appoint you general manager of the universe….if He needs your help in running the world, HE’LL ASK. (But, I wouldn’t hold my breath!)
Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life and have it more ABUNDANTLY.” John 10:10
Living Abundantly,
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
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