When I began my active duty in the Navy, I reported to my duty station, the USS Strong, without a billet classification; so, I was immediately assigned to the Deck Force. Besides being in charge of the overall upkeep of the ship, it was our job to steer the ship…to man the helm while underway.
I’ll never forget my trepidation when I took hold of the helm for the very first time. I was in the middle of the Atlantic, water surrounding me on all sides, no lines or boundaries or demarcations of any type to give me a point of reference ….to aim the ship and steer toward a destination. I only had the big wheel and a heading marker that gave our course direction in degrees.
I truly wanted to panic…but then the Officer of the Deck, the one who was in charge of directing our course, shouted out a command, “Come to a heading of 175 degrees north, speed 15 knots.” I immediately shouted back his command and began to spin the wheel and watched as the heading began to change…..155 …160….165…170…and then, I reversed the wheel several turns until the heading was exactly 175. We were on course and heading toward the direction that the OOD had called out. Now, I’m not sure how he knew exactly where we were heading, the calculations that were required to make sure that we stayed on course to our final destination….but day or night, whenever I was at the helm, I knew I could trust the Officer of the Deck to give me the exact heading to steer that would take me and my shipmates safely to our final port of call.
The same is true in our Christian experience as we set sail across the stormy waters we know as life. We are at the helm of our ship, seeking to sail safely through to our final port of call….but fear, anxiety confusion and so much more cloud our vision and make the way treacherous….in fact, all too often we fail to even leave the safety of the harbor.
But Jesus said in His word that he would provide us an Officer of the Deck…one whose commands we could follow and obey…one who would be with us and guide our journey.
“Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.” John 16:7
The Holy Spirit is with you today as you take hold of the helm ….He has come to give you guidance and direction and to help you steer through the treacheries of life. The sailing will not always be smooth; your ship may be come battered and torn; you may want to turn around and return to the safety of the harbor….but you can trust the Officer of the Deck....God's Holy Spirit.
He has made all the necessary calculations and he knows the waters, the currents and the ebb and flow of the tides. You can trust him to lead you to the calling that God has placed on your life. You can remain calm when seas toss you about and know that he can overcome any storm and that he will lead you safely through to calm, still waters.
So, today ….get a firm grip on the helm of your life and listen intently for the voice of the Holy Spirit as he calls out the heading for today’s journey. It may be through uncharted waters or simply a shake down cruise that prepares you for a longer, more arduous journey…..but no matter the destination, you will arrive safely home...where you will be greeted by the Father’s loving arms and a whisper of …
“Well Done, my child….WELL DONE!”
Holding on to the Helm...Listening to my OOD,
Monday, February 16, 2009
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